143 research outputs found


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    Green tourism is defined as environmentally friendly tourism activities with various focuses and meanings. In a broad term, green tourism is about being an environmentally friendly tourist or providing environmentally friendly tourist services. The green tourism concept would be highly appealing to tourism enterprises and operators owing to increasing governmental pressure to improve environmental performance by adopting effective and tangible environmental management techniques. Furthermore, achievement and promotion of internationally recognized environmental awards would be instrumental to the tourism enterprises in marketing their services. As a result, many concerned and responsible parties put forward recommendations for green tourism products to regulate tourism’s negative impacts. This conceptual paper attempts to discuss green tourism concept, green tourism certification and its processes as well explain the comparative approaches of green tourism in a few countries. Towards the end, by this green labeling, the industry can legitimately open up new areas for the more discriminating and wider range of the market, and tourists or visitors can enjoy the holiday they want with a clear conscience.green, tourism, certification, sustainability.

    Enhancing Physical Layer Security in AF Relay Assisted Multi-Carrier Wireless Transmission

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    In this paper, we study the physical layer security (PLS) problem in the dual hop orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based wireless communication system. First, we consider a single user single relay system and study a joint power optimization problem at the source and relay subject to individual power constraint at the two nodes. The aim is to maximize the end to end secrecy rate with optimal power allocation over different sub-carriers. Later, we consider a more general multi-user multi-relay scenario. Under high SNR approximation for end to end secrecy rate, an optimization problem is formulated to jointly optimize power allocation at the BS, the relay selection, sub-carrier assignment to users and the power loading at each of the relaying node. The target is to maximize the overall security of the system subject to independent power budget limits at each transmitting node and the OFDMA based exclusive sub-carrier allocation constraints. A joint optimization solution is obtained through duality theory. Dual decomposition allows to exploit convex optimization techniques to find the power loading at the source and relay nodes. Further, an optimization for power loading at relaying nodes along with relay selection and sub carrier assignment for the fixed power allocation at the BS is also studied. Lastly, a sub-optimal scheme that explores joint power allocation at all transmitting nodes for the fixed subcarrier allocation and relay assignment is investigated. Finally, simulation results are presented to validate the performance of the proposed schemes.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT), formerly known as European Transactions on Telecommunications (ETT

    Makna al-Dhalalah dalam Al-Qur`an

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    There are two groups of verses in the Qur'an that have gaps in attributing al-dhalalah to Allah. The first group of verses attributes al-dhalalah to come from Allah, not a direct result of the servant's actions. Another group of verses attributes al-dhalalah to come from the servant, not from Allah. In this paper, the author examines the meaning of al-dhalalah expressed in the Qur'an with the aim of explaining the meaning of al-dhalalah contained in the verses of the Qur'an. This study is a literature study with descriptive analysis through the maudhū'i interpretation method. The word dhalla in its various forms is not less than 190 times repeated in the Qur'an. In order to eliminate the contradictory meanings of the two groups of contradicting verses, it must be understood in a syar'i way, not only understood textually (mantuq). The existence of this contradiction indicates that the meaning to be shown by the two groups of verses is the syar'i meaning, not the textual meaning (mantūq). So it can be concluded that understanding the two groups of verses of al-dhalalah it cannot only be understood textually but must be understood with a syar'i approach, by looking at the qarīnah point of view contained in each verse. The ratio of al-dhalalah to Allah SWT is only a ratio of creation, not a direct ratio, while the direct subject of al-dhalalah is humans. Ada dua kelompok ayat dalam al-Qur’an yang memiliki kesenjangan dalam menisbahkan al-dhalalah kepada Allah Swt. Kelompok ayat pertama menisbahkan al-dhalalah datang dari Allah, bukan akibat langsung dari perbuatan hamba. Kelompok ayat lain menisbahkan al-dhalalah datang dari hamba bukan dari Allah Swt. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis mengkaji makna al-dhalalah yang diungkapkan dalam al-Qur’an dengan tujuan untuk menjelaskan makna al-dhalalah yang terkandung dalam ayat-ayat al-Qur’an. Kajian ini merupakan studi kepustakaan dengan analisis deskriptif melalui metode tafsir maudhū’i. Kata dhalla dalam berbagai bentuknya tidak kurang dari 190 kali terulang dalam al-Qur’an. Untuk meniadakan kontradiksi makna dari dua kelompok ayat yang bertentangan, harus dipahami secara syar’i tidak hanya dipahami secara tekstual (mantuq). Adanya kontradiksi ini menunjukkan bahwa makna yang hendak diperlihatkan oleh kedua kelompok ayat adalah makna syar’i bukan makna tekstual (mantūq). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan, bahwa dalam memahami dua kelompok ayat al-dhalalah tidak bisa hanya dipahami secara tekstual, akan tetapi harus dipahami dengan pendekatan syar’i, dengan melihat dari sudut pandang qarīnah yang terkandung dalam setiap ayat. Nisbah al-dhalalah kepada Allah Swt hanya sekedar nisbah penciptaan bukan nisbah secara langsung, sedangkan subyek langsung dari al-dhalalah adalah manusia


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sebaran anomali magnetik di daerah panas bumi Nagari Cupak Kabupaten Solok dengan menggunakan metode geomagnet. Pengambilan data dilakukan menggunakan magnetometer pada 144 titik pengamatan. Jarak antar titik pengamatan adalah 300 m. Nilai anomali magnetik diperoleh dari data medan magnet total yang dikoreksi dengan variasi harian dan IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field). Selanjutnya dilakukan reduksi ke kutub dan kontinuasi ke atas untuk menghilangkan noise dan memisahkan anomali lokal dan regional. Setelah dilakukan proses pengolahan data, didapatkan nilai anomali total di daerah penelitian antara -1252,8 nT hingga 2969,4 nT yang dikategorikan rendah. Rendahnya nilai anomali disebabkan karena terjadinya demagnetisasi batuan akibat pengaruh sumber panas bumi di bawah permukaan. Pemodelan 2D dilakukan dengan menganalisis data anomali dan membuat sayatan penampang model pada kontur anomali medan magnet yang telah direduksi ke kutub dan kontinuasi ke atas dengan ketinggian 200 m. Berdasarkan interpretasi anomali magnetik, peta geologi, dan data suseptibilitas batuan teridentifikasi empat lapisan batuan pada daerah penelitian. Lapisan pertama terindikasi sebagai alluvium (caprock). Lapisan kedua dan ketiga yang diduga sebagai reservoar adalah breksi vulkanik/piroklastik dan batuan metamorf. Lapisan keempat yang merupakan batuan beku basalt andesit diasumsikan sebagai batuan sumber panas bumi (hotrock) pada sistem panas bumi daerah penelitian

    Pengaruh Terapi Relaksasi Progresif Terhadap Stres Pada Remaja Penghuni Lembaga Pemasyarakatan

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    Fenomena keterlibatan remaja dalam kasus hukum banyak dijumpai, bahkan mengakibatkan mereka dijebloskan dalam lembaga pemasyarakatan. Hidup dan tinggal di lembaga pemasyarakatan dapat menyebabkan kondisi tertekan secara fisiologis, psikologis, maupun perilaku, atau sering disebut stres. Penelitian eksperimen ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pengaruh teknik relaksasi progresif untuk mengatasi stres pada remaja penghuni lembaga pemasyarakatan, dengan subjek berjumlah 20 orang remaja. Pengukuran stres menggunakan skala DASS dengan mengambil sub-skala ketiga saja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan stres kelompok eksperimen sebelum dan setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan nilai P = 0,003. Perbandingan post-test kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol dengan menggunakan gain score menunjukkan nilai P = 0,009, yang menandakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan nilai stres antara kelompok eksperimen yang diberikan teknik relaksasi progresif dibanding kelompok kontrol yang diberikan teknik placebo

    Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Melalui Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw dengan Strategy Genius Learning

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    This study aims to determine whether there is a significant difference in the application of jigsaw type cooperative learning method with genius learning strategy on mathematics learning outcomes of fifth grade students of SD Negeri Biringkaloro Pallangga. Pseudo-experimental research method. Research design pretest-posttest comparison group design. The study population was all fifth grade students of SD Negeri Biringkaloro Pallangga totaling 160 students. The research sample amounted to 80 students obtained using simple random sampling. Data collection techniques using learning outcomes test instruments and observation sheets. Data analysis techniques using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics. The results of descriptive statistical analysis obtained the average mathematics learning outcomes of students with jigsaw type cooperative method 74.00 and genius learning strategy 76.88. The results of inferential statistical analysis showed that the sign value obtained was 0.000 in the sense that (0.000 <0.05) so that it was concluded that there was a significant difference in mathematics learning outcomes by applying the jigsaw type cooperative method and the genius learning strategy in fifth grade students of Biringkaloro Pallangga State Elementary School. The conclusion of the study shows that the application of the jigsaw type cooperative learning method with the genius learning strategy is very influential on students' mathematics learning outcomes, especially students' ability to solve math problems easily and quickly


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    In Indonesia, air pollution is a very concern, many risks are resulting from air pollution, including the risk of blood cancer. But many people are not aware of this as a result, many are affected by respiratory infections, asthma, and lung cancer due to air pollution. Along with technological developments, a new concept emerged, namely the Internet of things, from the development of the Internet of Things, which resulted in many discoveries, one of which was the Smart Environment. With Smart Environment we can monitor the quality level of an environment, one of which is air quality. The amount of information related to air pollution is the reason for the author to make a tool that uses the Nodemcu microcontroller-based MQ7 sensor which is expected to help reduce the risk generated from air pollution, especially carbon monoxide (CO). This tool also applies the concept of the internet of things so that the results of sensor readings can be monitored online from anywhere and anytime in realtime. There is a classification of air pollution levels in this tool including healthy air, unhealthy air, and dangerous air, healthy air is in the value range 0-100 PPM, unhealthy air is in the value range of 100-200 PPM, and dangerous air is in the value range> 200 PPM. Fuzzy logic was chosen as the method in this research because this method is suitable for most real-time problems such as making decisions to determine the level of air pollution that is uncertain and changing. The results of the MQ7 sensor detection of carbon monoxide are monitored through the Indonesian-made Internet of Things platform, Antares.id

    The Development of Settlement in the Tsunami Red Zone Area of Banda Aceh City

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    This study aims to describe the rapid growth of settlement development in the red zone, Banda Aceh City. The qualitative descriptive of the method used in this study, and data collection through literature study for secondary data. Primary data gathered from observation and interview toward some developers of housing located in the red zone of tsunami’s impact, Banda Aceh City. Finally, data analysis using the Delphi method. The study result showed various main reasons for the rapid growth in the development of settlement in that area. The Banda Aceh city government needs to have strict standards in building permits for red-zone tsunami area. The red-zone area has stated in ”Qanun Kota Banda Aceh No. 2 Tahun 2018” including nine districts. This rule has not been adequately enforced. This can be seen from the growth of residential housing in the tsunami red-zone area that grew rapidly after 13 years of tsunami occurred.     Keywords: Development of Settlement, Tsunami Red Zon


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Pelaksanaan Jual Beli Pupuk Bersubsidi Menurut Tinjauan Ekonomi Islam Di Nagari Kototinggi Kecamatan Gunuang Omeh Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat.” Latar belakang penulisan skripsi ini adalah dalam pelaksanaan jual beli pupuk bersubsidi yang ada di Nagari Kototinggi Kecamatan Gunuang Omeh Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat, terdapat hal yang dapat merugikan salah satu pihak, jual beli pupuk bersubsidi ini menyebabkan petani berpeluang besar tidak mendapatkan jumlah pupuk bersubsidi sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan, dengan perkataan lain system tersebut sering kali menyebabkan teradinya langka pasok yang di sebabkan oleh keterlambatan datangnya pupuk bersubsidi kepada pengecer. Rumusan masalah penelitian ialah bagaimana pelaksanaan jual beli pupuk bersubsidi dan bagaimana tinjauan ekonomi islam terhadap jual beli pupuk bersubsidi di Nagari Kototinggi Kecamatan Gunuang Omeh Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat”. Adapun tujuannya ialah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan jual beli pupuk bersubsidi dan bagaimana tinjauan ekonomi islam terhadap jual beli pupuk bersubsidi tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research) yang dilakasanakan di Nagari Kototinggi Kecamatan Gunuang Omeh Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah para disrtributor, pengecer dan petani yang ada di Nagari Kototinggi Kecamatan Gunuang Omeh Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat.Adapun teknik yang dipakai pada pengambilan sampel adalah Purposive Sampling. Adalah pengambilan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu yakni dengan seleksik khusus. Metode dalam pengumpulkan data observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi serta penggalian data dari sumber data primer dan sekunder. Setelah data terkumpul, data tersebut diolah dan dianalisis dengan teknik analisa deskriptif kualitatif dan dijabarkan dalam teknik penulisan deskriptif untuk memperoleh kesimpulan yang khusus dan dianalisis menurut ekonomi Islam. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan jual beli Pupuk bersubsidi di Nagari Kototingggi Kecamatan Gunuang Omeh Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat yang pertama petani membeli pupuk kepada pengecer melalui ketua Gapoktan dengan menyusun RDKK (Rancangan Definiti

    Correlation of Atrial Fibrillation with Left Atrial Volume in Patients with Mitral Stenosis. a Single Centre Study From Pakistan

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    Background: Rheumatic heart disease has a strong association with mitral valve stenosis. Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common complications of this condition and is a poor prognostic factor. Early detection and prompt management of atrial fibrillation can help to improve the quality of life and increase the life expectancy of the patients. We carried out this study to investigate the significance of left atrial volumetric changes in mitral stenosis and its correlation with atrial fibrillation. Methodology: We audited the data of 60 patients of rheumatic heart disease who had mitral valve stenosis. The patients were randomized into atrial fibrillation (Group A) and normal sinus rhythm (Group B). We conducted this cross-sectional analytical study at Cardiology Department, Mayo Hospital, Lahore, from 1st February 2017 to 31st January 2018. We only included those patients who consented to be a part of this study and fulfilled our predefined inclusion criteria. Left atrial volume was measured by prolate ellipse method and biplane methods on echocardiography. The Data was analyzed on SPSS v20. Results: Sixty patients were included in the study. Among the subjects, thirty-six (60%) were males, and twenty-four (40%) were females. Atrial fibrillation was noted in 43.33% of the patients of mitral valve stenosis. There was a marked difference in the mean volume of the left atrium among the two groups. We observed that the mean area of the mitral valve for Group A patients was larger than that of patients in Group B. Our study showed an inverse correlation between left atrial volume and mitral valve area among Group A patients. Conclusion: Patients of mitral stenosis are at an increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation if the left atrial volume is increasing. All patients with mitral stenosis should have routine echocardiography & measurement of left atrial volumes, so that proper treatment can be started if the left atrial volume is increasing, to prevent atrial fibrillation
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