81 research outputs found

    Review of \u3ci\u3eEverything You Know about Indians Is Wrong\u3c/i\u3e by Paul Chaat Smith

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    In his recent collection of essays, associate curator at the National Museum of the American Indian Paul Chaat Smith argues for a reorientation of knowledge about Indian peoples. The essays, all previously published, are sometimes autobiographical, sometimes humorous, and range in topic from Ishi to the Alcatraz occupation. In The Big Movie, for example, Smith takes on films that feature Indians, from the first moving picture made by Thomas Edison in 1894, Sioux Ghost Dance, to The Searchers, Last of the Mohicans, and Dances with Wolves. Indians, Smith writes, have become a kind of national mascot. These films, particularly Westerns, are a part of the American master narrative-and, well, they never tell the real story. Smith often focuses his essays on central questions. In a piece called Luna Remembers, about artist James Luna, for instance, he asks, \u27\u27Are Indian people allowed to change? Are we allowed to invent completely new ways of being Indian that have no connection to previous ways we have lived? Smith writes, In North America the ideological prison that confines Indian agency has unique features. We have never been simply ignored, or simply romanticized, or been merely the targets of assimilation or genocide. It is rather all these things and many more, often at the same time in different places. In this essay and others, Smith questions the static image of Indian peoples and argues not only for the real story but also for a conceptualization of modern Indians that emphasizes agency and adaption-both politically and technologically

    Review of \u3ci\u3eEverything You Know about Indians Is Wrong\u3c/i\u3e by Paul Chaat Smith

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    In his recent collection of essays, associate curator at the National Museum of the American Indian Paul Chaat Smith argues for a reorientation of knowledge about Indian peoples. The essays, all previously published, are sometimes autobiographical, sometimes humorous, and range in topic from Ishi to the Alcatraz occupation. In The Big Movie, for example, Smith takes on films that feature Indians, from the first moving picture made by Thomas Edison in 1894, Sioux Ghost Dance, to The Searchers, Last of the Mohicans, and Dances with Wolves. Indians, Smith writes, have become a kind of national mascot. These films, particularly Westerns, are a part of the American master narrative-and, well, they never tell the real story. Smith often focuses his essays on central questions. In a piece called Luna Remembers, about artist James Luna, for instance, he asks, \u27\u27Are Indian people allowed to change? Are we allowed to invent completely new ways of being Indian that have no connection to previous ways we have lived? Smith writes, In North America the ideological prison that confines Indian agency has unique features. We have never been simply ignored, or simply romanticized, or been merely the targets of assimilation or genocide. It is rather all these things and many more, often at the same time in different places. In this essay and others, Smith questions the static image of Indian peoples and argues not only for the real story but also for a conceptualization of modern Indians that emphasizes agency and adaption-both politically and technologically

    Transitional disks and their origins: an infrared spectroscopic survey of Orion A

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    Transitional disks are protoplanetary disks around young stars, with inner holes or gaps which are surrounded by optically thick outer, and often inner, disks. Here we present observations of 62 new transitional disks in the Orion A star-forming region. These were identified using the \textit{Spitzer Space Telescope}'s Infrared Spectrograph and followed up with determinations of stellar and accretion parameters using the Infrared Telescope Facility's SpeX. We combine these new observations with our previous results on transitional disks in Taurus, Chamaeleon I, Ophiuchus and Perseus, and with archival X-ray observations. This produces a sample of 105 transitional disks of "cluster" age 3 Myr or less, by far the largest hitherto assembled. We use this sample to search for trends between the radial structure in the disks and many other system properties, in order to place constraints on the possible origins of transitional disks. We see a clear progression of host star accretion rate and the different disk morphologies. We confirm that transitional disks with complete central clearings have median accretion rates an order of magnitude smaller than radially continuous disks of the same population. Pre-transitional disks --- those objects with gaps that separate inner and outer disks --- have median accretion rates intermediate between the two. Our results from the search for statistically significant trends, especially related to M˙\dot{M}, strongly support that in both cases the gaps are far more likely to be due to the gravitational influence of Jovian planets or brown dwarfs orbiting within the gaps, than to any of the photoevaporative, turbulent or grain-growth processes that can lead to disk dissipation. We also find that the fraction of Class II YSOs which are transitional disks is large, 0.1-0.2, especially in the youngest associations.Comment: 96 pages, 25 figures, resubmitted to Ap

    Cardiac hypertrophy is inhibited by a local pool of cAMP regulated by phosphodiesterase 2

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    Rationale: Chronic elevation of 3'-5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels has been associated with cardiac remodelling and cardiac hypertrophy. However, enhancement of particular aspects of cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) signalling appears to be beneficial for the failing heart. cAMP is a pleiotropic second messenger with the ability to generate multiple functional outcomes in response to different extracellular stimuli with strict fidelity, a feature that relies on the spatial segregation of the cAMP pathway components in signalling microdomains. Objective: How individual cAMP microdomains impact on cardiac pathophysiology remains largely to be established. The cAMP-degrading enzymes phosphodiesterases (PDEs) play a key role in shaping local changes in cAMP. Here we investigated the effect of specific inhibition of selected PDEs on cardiac myocyte hypertrophic growth. Methods and Results: Using pharmacological and genetic manipulation of PDE activity we found that the rise in cAMP resulting from inhibition of PDE3 and PDE4 induces hypertrophy whereas increasing cAMP levels via PDE2 inhibition is anti-hypertrophic. By real-time imaging of cAMP levels in intact myocytes and selective displacement of PKA isoforms we demonstrate that the anti-hypertrophic effect of PDE2 inhibition involves the generation of a local pool of cAMP and activation of a PKA type II subset leading to phosphorylation of the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT). Conclusions: Different cAMP pools have opposing effects on cardiac myocyte cell size. PDE2 emerges as a novel key regulator of cardiac hypertrophy in vitro and in vivo and its inhibition may have therapeutic applications

    Deciding case by case on family presence in the emergency care service

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    Objective: To understand how physicians and nurses experience and perceive the presence of families in the emergency care service. Methods: This was a qualitative study that used symbolic interactionism as a theoretical reference, and grounded theory as a methodological reference. Twenty professionals participated – equally representing physicians and nurses - working in two emergency rooms located in the south of Brazil. Data were collected between October of 2016 and February of 2017, by means of interviews. Results: The existence of a social culture of family exclusion was identifi ed, widely diffused and practiced by professionals. However, families sometimes remain with their loved ones in the emergency room, since professionals analyze and decide “case by case”, considering different aspects throughout the care process. Conclusion: Multiple aspects are related in determining family presence during emergency care for physicians and nurses. Thus, a single directive on the presence of the family is not prudent. In fact, it is suggested that each health unit develop its protocols, considering local particularities.Objetivo: Compreender como médicos e enfermeiros vivenciam e percebem a presença da família no serviço de atendimento emergencial. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo que utilizou o Interacionismo Simbólico como referencial teórico e a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados como referencial metodológico. Participaram 20 profi ssionais – divididos equitativamente entre médicos e enfermeiros – que atuavam em duas Salas de Emergência localizadas no Sul do Brasil. Os dados foram coletados entre outubro de 2016 e fevereiro de 2017, por meio de entrevistas. Resultados: Identifi cou-se a existência de uma cultura social de exclusão familiar, amplamente difundida e praticada pelos profi ssionais. Contudo, às vezes, as famílias permanecem com seus entes queridos na Sala de Emergência, visto que os profi ssionais analisam e decidem “caso a caso”, considerando diferentes aspectos ao longo do processo assistencial. Conclusão: Para médicos e enfermeiros múltiplos aspectos estão relacionados na determinação da presença familiar durante o atendimento emergencial. Assim, não é aconselhável uma diretiva única para a presença da família. Em realidade, sugere-se que cada unidade de saúde elabore seus protocolos considerando as particularidades locais.Objetivo: Comprender cómo médicos y enfermeros experimentan y perciben la presencia familiar en el servicio de atención de urgencias. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo, aplicando el Interaccionismo Simbólico como referencial teórico, y la Teoría Fundamentada en los Datos como referencial metodológico. Participaron 20 profesionales –equitativamente divididos entre médicos y enfermeros– actuantes en dos Servicios de Urgencias del Sur de Brasil. Datos recolectados de octubre 2016 a febrero 2017 mediante entrevistas. Resultados: Se identifi có la existencia de una cultura social de exclusión familiar, ampliamente difundida y practicada por los profesionales. Igualmente, a veces, las familias permanecen con sus seres queridos en el Servicio de Urgencias, dado que los profesionales analizan y deciden “caso por caso”, considerando diferentes aspectos a lo largo del proceso de atención. Conclusión: Para médicos y enfermeros, múltiples aspectos se relacionan con la determinación de la presencia familiar durante la atención de urgencia. Por ello, no es aconsejable una directiva única sobre presencia familiar. En realidad, se sugiere que cada unidad de salud elabore sus protocolos considerando sus propias características

    The VLA/ALMA Nascent Disk and Multiplicity (VANDAM) Survey of Orion Protostars. I. Identifying and Characterizing the Protostellar Content of the OMC-2 FIR4 and OMC-2 FIR3 Regions

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    We present ALMA (0.87~mm) and VLA (9~mm) observations toward OMC2-FIR4 and OMC2-FIR3 within the Orion integral-shaped filament that are thought to be the nearest regions of intermediate mass star formation. We characterize the continuum sources within these regions on \sim40~AU (0\farcs1) scales and associated molecular line emission at a factor of \sim30 better resolution than previous observations at similar wavelengths. We identify six compact continuum sources within OMC2-FIR4, four in OMC2-FIR3, and one additional source just outside OMC2-FIR4. This continuum emission is tracing the inner envelope and/or disk emission on less than 100~AU scales. HOPS-108 is the only protostar in OMC2-FIR4 that exhibits emission from high-excitation transitions of complex organic molecules (e.g., methanol and other lines) coincident with the continuum emission. HOPS-370 in OMC2-FIR3 with L~\sim~360~\lsun, also exhibits emission from high-excitation methanol and other lines. The methanol emission toward these two protostars is indicative of temperatures high enough to thermally evaporate methanol from icy dust grains; overall these protostars have characteristics similar to hot corinos. We do not identify a clear outflow from HOPS-108 in \twco, but find evidence of interaction between the outflow/jet from HOPS-370 and the OMC2-FIR4 region. The multitude of observational constraints indicate that HOPS-108 is likely a low to intermediate-mass protostar in its main mass accretion phase and it is the most luminous protostar in OMC2-FIR4. The high resolution data presented here are essential for disentangling the embedded protostars from their surrounding dusty environments and characterizing them

    Comprehensive molecular and clinical characterization of NUP98 fusions in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia

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    NUP98 fusions comprise a family of rare recurrent alterations in AML, associated with adverse outcomes. In order to define the underlying biology and clinical implications of this family of fusions, we performed comprehensive transcriptome, epigenome, and immunophenotypic profiling of 2,235 children and young adults with AML and identified 160 NUP98 rearrangements (7.2%), including 108 NUP98-NSD1 (4.8%), 32 NUP98-KDM5A (1.4%) and 20 NUP98-X cases (0.9%) with 13 different fusion partners. Fusion partners defined disease characteristics and biology; patients with NUP98-NSD1 or NUP98-KDM5A had distinct immunophenotypic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic profiles. Unlike the two most prevalent NUP98 fusions, NUP98-X variants are typically not cryptic. Furthermore, NUP98-X cases are associated with WT1 mutations, and have epigenomic profiles that resemble either NUP98-NSD1 or NUP98-KDM5A. Cooperating FLT3-ITD and WT1 mutations define NUP98-NSD1, and chromosome 13 aberrations are highly enriched in NUP98-KDM5A. Importantly, we demonstrate that NUP98 fusions portend dismal overall survival, with the noteworthy exception of patients bearing abnormal chromosome 13 (clinicaltrials gov. Identifiers: NCT00002798, NCT00070174, NCT00372593, NCT01371981).</p

    A first-in-class Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein activator with anti-tumor activity in hematologic cancers

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    Hematological cancers are among the most common cancers in adults and children. Despite significant improvements in therapies, many patients still succumb to the disease. Therefore, novel therapies are needed. The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp) family regulates actin assembly in conjunction with the Arp2/3 complex, a ubiquitous nucleation factor. WASp is expressed exclusively in hematopoietic cells and exists in two allosteric conformations: autoinhibited or activated. Here, we describe the development of EG-011, a first-in-class small molecule activator of the WASp auto-inhibited form. EG-011 possesses in vitro and in vivo anti-tumor activity as a single agent in lymphoma, leukemia, and multiple myeloma, including models of secondary resistance to PI3K, BTK, and proteasome inhibitors. The in vitro activity was confirmed in a lymphoma xenograft. Actin polymerization and WASp binding was demonstrated using multiple techniques. Transcriptome analysis highlighted homology with drugs-inducing actin polymerization