383 research outputs found

    Curricular strategies of public universities that focus on teaching English in early childhood education

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    This article discusses English teacher education to work in early childhood education. The offer of English for this age group is an increasing reality in Brazilian contexts and, therefore, the demand for specific teacher education for this field is also expanding. Considering this scenario, the research conducted had the aim of analyzing curricular proposals of majors in English and Literature in Brazilian Federal and State Universities, focused on initial education of teachers to work with children. After searching on the E-MEC website, 108 institutions were listed as part of the research. The documentary survey resulted in 15 universities with approaches that met the criteria established by the researchers, which also had significant contributions regarding the initiatives implemented in those universities. Moreover, with the goal of also investigating local realities, five institutions were invited to participate in an interview. Through reflections based on curricular theories, transdisciplinarity, teacher education and teaching English to young learners, the research offered a national overview and local aspects around the topic. Furthermore, the results presented in this article point out to the possibilities of understanding English teacher education to work with children as a new space, closely related to the local context and marked by particularities.This article discusses English teacher education to work in early childhood education. The offer of English for this age group is an increasing reality in Brazilian contexts and, therefore, the demand for specific teacher education for this field is also expanding. Considering this scenario, the research conducted had the aim of analyzing curricular proposals of majors in English and Literature in Brazilian Federal and State Universities, focused on initial education of teachers to work with children. After searching on the E-MEC website, 108 institutions were listed as part of the research. The documentary survey resulted in 15 universities with approaches that met the criteria established by the researchers, which also had significant contributions regarding the initiatives implemented in those universities. Moreover, with the goal of also investigating local realities, five institutions were invited to participate in an interview. Through reflections based on curricular theories, transdisciplinarity, teacher education and teaching English to young learners, the research offered a national overview and local aspects around the topic. Furthermore, the results presented in this article point out to the possibilities of understanding English teacher education to work with children as a new space, closely related to the local context and marked by particularities. Keywords: Teacher education; curriculum; Teaching English to young learners.

    Formação de professores de inglês para a Educação Infantil: Estratégias curriculares em universidades federais do Brasil

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    Teaching English in Early Childhood Education is a reality in Brazil, despite its lack of requirement according to current legislations. There is a demand for professionals to teach, but English majors usually do not embrace this age group which would be the focus of Pedagogy. Therefore, a study was developed to comprehend how universities are preparing teachers for this scenario, considering there is no official requirement for curriculum organization. The aim of this paper is to reflect on teacher education and curriculum theories, focusing on how universities have changed their curriculums to deal with the “gap” found in teacher education for this context. The data collected included documents of all Federal Universities in Brazil, based on the Course Pedagogical Project (PPC) available on the website of each university. The results indicate that several Brazilian universities are developing strategies to deal with this scenario in their curriculums, using different approaches. Thus, this paper discusses the results found, specially focused on the curricular strategies adopted by some universities, and their benefits to student-teachers.O ensino de língua inglesa na Educação Infantil é uma realidade no Brasil, apesar da não obrigatoriedade de acordo com diretrizes educacionais vigentes. Há demanda por profissionais, mas os cursos de Licenciatura em Letras-Inglês geralmente não contemplam essa faixa etária, que seria foco da Pedagogia. Diante deste contexto, um estudo foi desenvolvido para compreender como universidades estão preparando professores para este cenário, considerando que não há exigências formais acerca da organização curricular. O objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre formação de professores e teorias de currículo, com foco nas mudanças curriculares realizadas pelas universidades para lidar com a “lacuna” encontrada na formação de professores para este contexto. Os dados coletados incluíram todas as Universidades Federais do Brasil, com base no Projeto Pedagógico de Curso (PPC) disponível no website da universidade. Os resultados indicam que diversas universidades brasileiras estão desenvolvendo estratégias para lidar com esse cenário em seus currículos, utilizando diferentes abordagens. Portanto, este artigo traz os resultados encontrados com foco nas estratégias curriculares adotadas por algumas universidades, e seus benefícios para  alunos-professores

    Nutritional habits of elderly people in Kras

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    Physiological responses of a halophytic shrub to salt stress by Na2SO4 and NaCl: oxidative damage and the role of polyphenols in antioxidant protection

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    Salt stress conditions lead to increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plant cells. Halophytes have the ability to reduce these toxic ROS by means of a powerful antioxidant system that includes enzymatic and non-enzymatic components. In this research, we used the halophytic shrub Prosopis strombulifera to investigate whether the ability of this species to grow under increasing salt concentrations and mixtures was related to the synthesis of polyphenolic compounds and to the maintenance of leaf pigment contents for an adequate photosynthetic activity. Seedlings of P. strombulifera were grown hydroponically in Hoagland's solution, gradually adding Na2SO4 and NaCl separately or in mixtures until reaching final osmotic potentials of −1, −1.9 and −2.6 MPa. Control plants were allowed to develop in Hoagland's solution without salt. Oxidative damage in tissues was determined by H2O2 and malondialdehyde content. Leaf pigment analysis was performed by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet, and total phenols, total flavonoids, total flavan-3-ols, condensed tannins, tartaric acid esters and flavonols were spectrophotometrically assayed. Treatment with Na2SO4 increased H2O2 production and lipid peroxidation in tissues and induced a sharp increase in flavonoid compounds (mainly flavan-3-ols) and consequently in the antioxidant activity. Also, Na2SO4 treatment induced an increased carotenoid/chlorophyll ratio, which may represent a strategy to protect photosystems against photooxidation. NaCl treatment, however, did not affect H2O2 content, lipid peroxidation, pigments or polyphenols synthesis. The significant accumulation of flavonoids in tissues under Na2SO4 treatment and their powerful antioxidant activity indicates a role for these compounds in counteracting the oxidative damage induced by severe salt stress, particularly, ionic stress. We demonstrate that ionic interactions between different salts in salinized soils modify the biochemical and morpho-physiological responses of P. strombulifera plants to salinity.Fil: Reginato, Mariana Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Cs.exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Cátedra de Fisiología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Castagna, Antonella. Università degli Studi di Pisa; ItaliaFil: Furlan, Ana Laura. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Castro, Stella Maris. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Ranieri, Annamaria. Università degli Studi di Pisa; ItaliaFil: Luna, Maria Virginia. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Cs.exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Cátedra de Fisiología Vegetal; Argentin

    Estimativa da tensão de pre-adensamento de argilas saturadas atraves do ensaio de palheta : extensão para limites de liquidez superiores a 70%

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    Orientador: Luiz Roberto CavicchiaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Engenharia CivilResumo: Esta pesquisa é uma extensão do método indireto para a estimativa da tensão de préadensamento através do ensaio de palheta, proposto por CA VICCHIA(1990). Para tanto, foram ensaiados 62 corpos de prova, que foram inicialmente adensados com tensões de préadensamento bem determinadas, e em seguida levados à ruptura através do ensaio de palheta. A seguir, os valores de tensão de pré-adensamento, resistência ao cisalhamento não drenada e parâmetros de caracterização dos solos (LL, IP, atividade etc.) foram submetidos a tratamentos estatísticos. Uma vez mais, a experimentação evidenciou a conformação linear da relação entre a resistência não drenada e a tensão de pré-adensamento, configurando uma tendência comportamental dos solos. As regressões ajustadas com alguns parâmetros, levaram a valores estimados com confiabilidade superior à 85%. Além disso, a pesquisa inclui uma forma conveniente de representar as expressões graficamente, baseada em ábacos, e estes permitiram algumas conclusões sobre fatores influentes na resistência dos solos argilososAbstract: This work was based on the "Indirect Method to Pre-consolidation Pressure Estimation Through Vane Tests", proposed by CA VICCHIA (1990). The referred method was reviewed and improved. Therefore, sixty-two samples, previously consolidated with an well defined preconsolidation pressure range, were taken to rupture through a vane test. The values of preconsolidation pressure, undrained shear strength and parameters of characterization (LL, IP, activity etc.) were submitted to statistical treatments. Once more, the experimentation has proved the linear approach to the relationship between the undrained shear strength and preconsolidation pressure, showing this behavioural trend of the soils. The fitted curves present some estimated parameter values with confidence range higher than 85%. Moreover, this research includes a convenient graphical representation of the expressions, based on abacuses, that allowed some conclusions about influential factors in strength of c1ayey soilsMestradoTransportesMestre em Engenharia Civi

    Editorial: Drought stress in legumes

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    Plants are challenged by diverse environmental constraints, among which drought stress is increasingly important. Meteorological models predict an increase in the areas prone to drought in the future. Legumes are important sources of fiber, oils, and protein, constituting an essential amenity in the global economy. Additionally, legumes contribute to nitrogen input in the biosphere due to their ability to establish symbiotic interactions with diazotrophs, collectively named rhizobia. Therefore, efforts to decipher the molecular, metabolic, physiological, and agronomic responses are crucial contributing novel strategies to aid drought tolerance in legumes. This Research Topic contains articles either providing new findings or discussing the latest research concerning drought research in legumes, including one mini-review on soybean tolerance to drought (Arya et al.) and seven original research papers dealing with strategies to confer drought tolerance such as priming (Zhou et al.); studies on intraspecific variation in traits associated with drought tolerance (Prince et al.); the analysis of water use efficiency under terminal drought (Polania et al.); and the contribution of a legume dehydrin to drought tolerance (Sun et al.); the functional characterization of a LOX gene family (Mou et al.); the functional analysis of a soybean APETALA2/ETHYLENE RESPONSIVE FACTOR (AP2/ERF) (Wang et al.); and a study on AP2/ERF gene family in a tolerant desert legume (Zhao et al.).AF work was financed by PICT-2020-02926 from FONCYT. Research in SRC lab is supported by DBT-Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship (BT/RLF/Re-entry/01/2018) and STARS Research Grant (MoE/STARS-1/508). SS work is supported by the CPR scheme of the International Centre of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) ICGEB_URY21_04_EC_2021 and the CSIC I+D program of CSIC (Uruguay) CSIC_I+D_2020_21. AF is thankful to National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET, Argentina), SS is thankful to the Uruguayan National System of Researchers (SNI, Uruguay) and the Basic Research Development Program (PEDECIBA, Uruguay). EG is thankful to the Navarra Government and the Public University of Navarra for research Furlan et al. 10.3389/fpls.2022.1026157 Frontiers in Plant Science 02 frontiersin.org funding (Spain). SC is thankful to the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Tirupati

    A tribo Pisonieae Meisner (Nyctaginaceae) no Brasil

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    Nesta revisão taxonômica da tribo Pisonieae (Nyctaginaceae) no Brasil foram utilizadas as técnicas tradicionais em trabalhos taxonômicos, envolvendo a análise de cerca de 3000 espécimes depositados em herbários nacionais e estrangeiros, aliada a coletas e observações de campo. A maioria das espécies da tribo Pisonieae é neotropical, exceto o gênero Pisonia que apresenta distribuição pantropical. Todas as espécies brasileiras são dióicas. Um estudo de morfologia floral comparada mostra as diferenças genéricas em plantas estaminadas, pistiladas e com frutos. Pelas descontinuidades florais apresentadas, considerou-se os gêneros Guapira e Neea como distintos, em oposição ao tratamento sistemático de Heimerl publicado em 1934. São reconhecidas no país 30 espécies incluídas  nos gêneros Guapira, Neea e Pisonia: Guapira areolata (Heimerl) Lundell, G. campestris (Netto) Lundell, G. graciliflora (Mart. ex J.A.Schmidt) Lundell, G. hirsuta (Choisy) Lundell, G. laxa (Netto) Furlan, G. nitida (Mart. ex J.A.Schmidt) Lundell, G. noxia (Netto) Lundell, G. obtusata (Jacq.) Little, G. opposita (Vell.) Reitz, G. pernambucensis (Casar.) Lundell, G. venosa (Choisy) Lundell, Neea duckei (Huber) Furlan, N. floribunda Poepp. & Endl., N. hermaphrodita S.Moore, N. hirsuta Poepp. & Endl., N. laxa Poepp. & Endl., N. macrophylla Poepp. & Endl., N. madeirana Standl., N. obovata Spruce ex Heimerl, N. oppositifolia Ruiz & Pav., N. ovalifolia Spruce ex J.A.Schmidt, N.parviflora Poepp. & Endl., N. pendulina Heimerl, N. theifera Oerst., N. uleana (Heimerl) Furlan, N. verticillata Ruiz & Pav., Pisonia aculeata L., P. ambigua Heimerl e P. zapallo Griseb. São apresentadas chaves de identificação para os gêneros e espécies, bem como descrições, ilustrações, mapas de distribuição e comentários taxonômicos para os táxons estudados. Guapira foi delimitado com 12 espécies distribuídas principalmente na região Sudeste do Brasil, enquanto Neea inclui 15 espécies com ocorrência predominante na região Norte do Brasil e em Pisonia foram definidas três espécies concentradas na região Sul do pais. Neste trabalho foram propostas  três combinações novas e 56 nomes foram reduzidos a sinonímia, permanecendo 15 nomes como duvidosos e 42 lectótipos são propostos

    Physiological and biochemical responses to drought stress and subsequent rehydration in the symbiotic association peanut-Bradyrhizobium sp

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    Drought stress is one of the most important environmental factors that regulate plant growth and development and limit its production. Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an agriculturally valuable plant with widespread distribution in the world serving as a subsistence food crop as well as a source of various food products. The aims of this work were to evaluate growth and nodulation as well as some physiological and biochemical stress indicators in response to drought stress and subsequent rehydration in the symbiotic association peanut-Bradyrhizobium sp. SEMIA6144. Drought stress affected peanut growth reducing shoot dry weight, nodule number, and dry weight as well as nitrogen content, but root dry weight increased reaching major exploratory surface. Besides, this severe water stress induced hydrogen peroxide production associated with lipid and protein damage; however, the plant was able to increase soluble sugar and abscisic acid contents as avoidance strategies to cope with drought stress. These physiological and biochemical parameters were completely reversed upon rehydration, in a short period of time, in the symbiotic association peanut-Bradyrhizobium sp. Thus, the results provided in this work constitute the initial steps of physiological and biochemical responses to drought stress and rehydration in this nodulated legume.Fil: Furlan, Ana Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Llanes, Analia Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Luna, Maria Virginia. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Castro, Stella Maris. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales; Argentin