845 research outputs found

    SUBARU Near-Infrared Multi-Color Images of Class II Young Stellar Object, RNO91

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    We conducted sub-arcsecond near-infrared imaging observations of RNO91 with CIAO mounted on the SUBARU 8.2 m telescope. We present our JHK band data along with optical images, which when considered together reveal a complex circumstellar structure. We examined the colors of associated nebula and compared the geometry of the outflow/disk system suggested by our data with that already proposed on the basis of previous studies. Our K-band image shows bright circumstellar nebulosity detected within 2"(300AU) around the central source while it is less conspicuous at shorter wavelengths such as J and optical. P.A. and size of this red color nebulosity in our H-K color image agree with those of the previously detected polarization disk. These data agreement indicate that this bright circumstellar nebulosity region which follows the reddening law might be attributed to a disk-like structure. At J and optical wavelengths, several blue knot-like structures are detected around and beyond the bright circumstellar nebulosity. We suggest that these knotty reflection nebulae may represent disintegrating fragments of an infalling envelope. The three-color composite image has an appearance of arc-shaped nebulosity extending to the north and to the east through the central source. On the other end of this arc-shaped structure, the nebula appears to become more extended (2."3 long) to the southwest. We interpret these structures as roots of bipolar cavities opening to the northeast and southwest. The complex distribution of reflection nebulosity seen around RNO91 appears to confirm the interpretation of this source as an object dispersing its molecular envelope while transitioning from protostar to T Tauri star.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japa

    Mevastatin reduces cartilage degradation in rabbit experimental osteoarthritis through inhibition of synovial inflammation

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    SummaryObjectiveTo examine the therapeutic efficacy of an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (statin) in rabbit osteoarthritis (OA) in vitro and in vivo.MethodsIn the presence or absence of mevastatin, rabbit chondrocytes and synoviocytes were incubated with Interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and analyzed by biochemical methods. Thirty-two mature rabbits that underwent bilateral anterior cruciate ligament transaction (ACLT) received six consecutive weekly intra-articular injections of mevastatin at three different concentrations or a control solution. All animals were sacrificed 6 weeks after ACLT, and the knee joints were assessed by morphological, histological, immunohistochemical, and biochemical methods.ResultsMevastatin inhibited IL-1β stimulation of gene expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and matrix-metalloproteinases 3 (MMP-3), in synoviocytes but not chondrocytes. The levels of MCP-1 and MMP-3 productions in synoviocytes were significantly reduced by statin-treatment. In rabbit with OA, intra-articular injection of mevastatin significantly reduced cartilage degradation, as assessed by morphological and histological examinations. Synovial tissues of knees treated with mevastatin showed less severe inflammatory responses with reduced thickness of synovial cell lining and less infiltration of subsynovial CD68+monocyte lineage cells compared to untreated control knees. Relative mRNA expressions of MCP-1, IL-1β, MMP-3, and MMP-13 were reduced in synovial tissues, but not articular cartilage, of knees treated with mevastatin compared with untreated control knees.ConclusionDuring the development of experimental OA, intra-articular administration of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (statin) reduces inflammatory cell infiltration and matrix-degrading enzyme expression, thus limiting cartilage degradation

    Temperature Response Comparison of Controlled and Field Environments for Four Tropical Grasses

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    Tropical grasses are cultivated mostly as annuals in the warm region of SW Japan. They have a long-term sowing time after harvesting temperate Italian ryegrass. We compared the early growth of tropical grasses in a controlled environment vs. field data at 2 sowing times to determine their temperate response

    V1647 Orionis (IRAS 05436-0007) : A New Look at McNeil's Nebula

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    We present a study of the newly discovered McNeil's nebula in Orion using the JHKs-band simultaneous observations with the near-infrared (NIR) camera SIRIUS on the IRSF 1.4m telescope. The cometary infrared nebula is clearly seen extending toward north and south from the NIR source (V1647 Orionis) that illuminates McNeil's nebula. The compact nebula has an apparent diameter of about 70 arcsec. The nebula is blue (bright in J) and has a cavity structure with two rims extending toward north-east and north-west. The north-east rim is brighter and sharp, while the north-west rim is diffuse. The north-east rim can be traced out to ~ 40 arcsec from the location of the NIR source. In contrast, no cavity structure is seen toward the south, although diffuse nebula is extended out to ~ 20 arcsec. New NIR photometric data show a significant variation in the magnitudes (> 0.15 mag) of the source of McNeil's nebula within a period of one week, that is possibly under the phase of eruptive variables like FUors or EXors.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures in JPEG format. Accepted for the publication in PASJ Letter

    Near-Infrared Coronagraphic Observations of the T Tauri Binary System UY Aur

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    We present a near-infrared image of UY Aur, a 0.9" separated binary system, using the Coronagraphic Imager with Adaptive Optics on the Subaru Telescope. Thanks to adaptive optics, the spatial resolution of our image was ~0.1" in the full width at half maximum of the point spread function, the highest achieved. By comparison with previous measurements, we estimated that the orbital period is ~1640 yrs and the total mass of the binary is ~1.73 solar mass. The observed H-band magnitude of the secondary varies by as much as 1.3 mag within a decade, while that of the primary is rather stable. This inconstancy may arise from photospheric variability caused by an uneven accretion rate or from the rotation of the secondary. We detected a half-ring shaped circumbinary disk around the binary with a bright southwest part but a barely detectable northeast portion. The brightness ratio is ~57. Its inner radius and inclination are about 520 AU and 42, respectively. The disk is not uniform but has remarkable features, including a clumpy structure along the disk, circumstellar material inside the inner cavity, and an extended armlike structure. The circumstellar material inside the cavity probably corresponds to a clump or material accreting from the disk onto the binary. The armlike structure is a part of the disk, created by the accretion from the outer region of the disk or encounters with other stellar systems.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in A

    Interferometric Observations of the T Tauri Stars in the MBM 12 Cloud

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    We have carried out a millimeter interferometric continuum survey toward 7 YSOs in the MBM 12 cloud. Thermal emissions associated with 2 YSOs were detected above the 3-σ\sigma level at 2.1 mm, and one also showed a 1.3 mm thermal emission. Another object was marginally detected at 2.1 mm. Spectral energy distributions of the YSOs are well fitted by a simple power-law disk model. Masses of the circumstellar disks are estimated to be an order of 0.05 M_{\sun}. The circumstellar disks in the MBM 12 cloud have properties in common with the disks in nearby star-forming regions, in terms of disk parameters such as a disk mass, as well as an infrared excess.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted by ApJ Letter

    Sub-arcsec imaging of the AB Aur molecular disk and envelope at millimeter wavelengths: a non Keplerian disk

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    We present sub-arcsecond images of AB Auriga obtained with the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer in the isotopologues of CO, and in continuum at 3 and 1.3 mm. Instead of being centrally peaked, the continuum emission is dominated by a bright, asymmetric (spiral-like) feature at about 140 AU from the central star. The large scale molecular structure suggests the AB Aur disk is inclined between 23 and 43 degrees, but the strong asymmetry of the continuum and molecular emission prevents an accurate determination of the inclination of the inner parts. We find significant non-Keplerian motion, with a best fit exponent for the rotation velocity law of 0.41 +/- 0.01, but no evidence for radial motions. The disk has an inner hole about 70 AU in radius. The disk is warm and shows no evidence of depletion of CO. The dust properties suggest the dust is less evolved than in typical T Tauri disks. Both the spiral-like feature and the departure from purely Keplerian motions indicates the AB Aur disk is not in quasi-equilibrium. Disk self-gravity is insufficient to create the perturbation. This behavior may be related either to an early phase of star formation in which the Keplerian regime is not yet fully established and/or to a disturbance of yet unknown origin. An alternate, but unproven, possibility is that of a low mass companion located about 40 AU from AB Aur.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic