121 research outputs found

    A Novel Ground Based Mass-Balance Method for Methane Emission Quantification

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    Emission of CH4 from landfills in Canada are not well constrained and in Ontario constitute the largest point source emitters. The purpose of this study was to develop and test a ground based method for quantifying CH4 emissions from large sources. Emissions of CH4 were quantified from the Keele Valley Landfill (KVL) using ground based mobile mass balance approach where a mobile cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS) instrument captured the downwind field of CH4 mixing ratio enhancements relative to the background. The approach involves measuring the downwind field of enhancements at successively further distances from the source until the integrated CH4 enhancements converge. On multiple days in April and May 2016 multiple transects were driven upwind and at increasing distances downwind from the KVL with the CRDS in a vehicle in order to determine integral flux emission estimates. The KVL was found to be a major local source of CH4 even though CH4 collection used for electricity generation is now terminated. An average emission rate of 429 199 kg/hr of CH4 was measured in 2017 on several days, which is less than the ECCC emission inventory value of 2149 kg/hr [2015]. The source of the discrepancy is not fully understood, but may be related to the shutdown of the KVL facility. The largest source of uncertainty in our emission estimate calculation was the height of the PBL, whic

    Uporaba storitev socialnih omrežij med Slovenci po svetu

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    The authors conducted a survey of online groups on Facebook (N = 270) and a survey of Slovenian migrants (N = 629) to gain insight into the use of social networking services (SNSs) during different phases of the migration process. SNSs can help migrants establish new relationships with migrants in the destination country, which may help them to cope with periods of loneliness in the post-migrant phase. Online groups are an important source of information on the destination, aiding informed decision-making in the pre-migrant phase. Migrants in the post-migrant phase may have lower privacy concerns and perceive higher regulatory protection of their privacy than in the settled phase.Da bi dobila vpogled v uporabo storitev socialnih omrežij (SSO) med različnimi fazami migracijskega procesa, sta avtorja pregledala spletne skupine na Facebooku (N = 270) in izvedla anketo med slovenskimi migranti (N = 629). SSO pomagajo migrantom vzpostaviti nova razmerja z migranti v namembni državi, kar jim lahko pomaga med spoprijemanjem z obdobji osamljenosti v postmigrantski fazi. Spletne skupine so pomemben vir informacij o destinaciji in pomagajo pri informiranemu odločanju v predmigrantski fazi. Migranti imajo v postmigrantski fazi manjše skrbi glede zasebnosti in zaznavajo višjo regulativno zaščito svoje zasebnosti kot v ustaljeni fazi

    Estimating the favorite's win probability in different competition formats

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    The goal of this thesis was to evaluate the probability of the favourite winning in different competitions and answer the question which competition is the best. The best in this case meaning the competition that gives the best team the highest chance of winning. Tournament systems that were realized are league, elimination tournament, and combined tournaments. Also implemented are different ways of determining opponents. These are draw, seeding, and re-seeding. Java was used as the programming language. On the basis of sufficient number of simulations run, we acquired estimations that are good enough to get a good idea of the probabilities of the favourite winning in various tournament systems. In the end, we conclude that the best competition is the league

    Experimental Assessment of Aerodynamic Noise Characteristics on an Airfoil Model

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    Mjerenja zrakoplovne buke imaju sve značajniju ulogu u zrakoplovnoj industriji. Postoji više metoda mjerenja i analize za različite potrebe i vrste zrakoplovne buke. Najjednostavniji mjerni senzor je piezoelektrični pretvarač koji radi svojih reverzibilnih svojstava može imati ulogu mikrofona. Pri mjerenju aerodinamičke buke na aeroprofilu on je odličan izbor radi svojih malih dimenzija. Za određivanje karakteristika aerodinamičke buke potrebno je kondicijsko pojačalo za pojačanje izmjerenog signala na senzoru, stoga se ono izrađuje. Za potrebe mjerenja također se dizajnira i izrađuje model aeroprofila NACA 2421 s ugrađenim mjernim senzorima. Ugradnjom aeroprofila u aerotunel i spajanjem senzora na računalo preko pojačala, moguće je izmjeriti buku, obraditi podatke i analizirati dobivene rezultate. Korištenjem određenih korekcija moguće je poboljšanje u prikazu rezultata i ispravljanje za neke greške u mjerenjima. U diskusiji su doneseni zaključci o mjerenjima i uočene neke korelacije. Primijenjena metoda se pokazuje vrlo uspješnom i prigodnom za ovakav eksperiment. Također, mogućnosti daljnjeg razvoja i unaprjeđenja metode su mnogobrojne.The role of aircraft noise measurements is becoming more significant for aircraft industry. Various methods of measurement and analysis exist for different uses and types of aircraft noise. The simplest measuring sensor is piezoelectric transducer which can be used as a microphone due to its reversal characteristics. Small dimensions make it a good choice for measurements of aerodynamic noise on an airfoil. Condition amplifier is needed for amplification of signals detected by sensors and for assessment of aerodynamic noise, therefore it is being constructed as well. An airfoil model NACA 2421 with piezoelectric sensors is being designed for the experiment. The airfoil is assembled in wind tunnel which allows noise measurement, data processing and result analysis to be made. By using some measurement correction methods it is possible to improve data representation. Conclusions about measurements and observed correlations are discussed and reviewed. This particular applied method is shown to be very efficient and practical for this kind of experiment. Moreover, there is a lot of potential for improving the method and further development

    Analysis of Equation of Motion for Various Flight Regimes

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    Gibanje zrakoplova može se promatrati u više koordinatnih sustava. Iz lokalnog koordinatnog sustava, koji je vezan za Zemlju, pomoću matričnih transformacija prelazi se u ostale koordinatne sustave. Primjenom drugog Newtonovog zakona na gibanje zrakoplova, izvode se jednadžbe gibanja zrakoplova za šest stupnjeva slobode gibanja, koje se dijele na jednadžbe translacijskog i rotacijskog gibanja. Iako zrakoplov nastoji ostati u ravnotežnom položaju, na njega utječu male sile poremećaja, koje dodatno otežavaju izračun. Komponente gibanja, s obzirom na ravninu u kojoj djeluju, opisuju longitudinalno i laterelno gibanje. Također, nakon zapisivanja jednadžbi u linearnom obliku i proširivanjem pomoću Taylorovih redova, moguće je promatrati gibanje za specifične slučajeve. U jednolikim režimima leta, gibanje zrakoplova je idealizirano, a jednadžbe koje opisuju takve režime, iako pojednostavljene, imaju bolju primjenu od općenitih izraza. Alternativni zapisi jednadžbi gibanja su jednadžbe stanja i izlaza. Izražavanjem linearnih sustava u frekvencijskoj domeni, moguće je dobiti funkciju prijenosa.Motion of an aircraft can be examined in several coordinate systems. Using transformation matrices, it is possible to transfer from Earth-fixed coordinate system into other ones. By application of Newton's second law, equations of motion of an aircraft for its six degrees of freedom, which are divided into the equations of translational and rotational motion, are derived. An aircraft strives to remain in equilibrium, although small perturbation forces act on it, which additionally complicate the calculation. Components of motion, considering the plane in which they act, describe longitudinal and lateral motion. Also, after linearization of equations and expansion of terms using Taylor series, it is possible to examine motion for specific cases. Motion of an aircraft is idealized in steady maneuvering flight conditions and equations which describe those conditions, although simplified, are of greater practical use than general expressions. Alternative forms of equations of motions are state and output equation. By expressing linear systems in the frequency domain, it is possible to obtain transfer function

    Analysis of Equation of Motion for Various Flight Regimes

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    Gibanje zrakoplova može se promatrati u više koordinatnih sustava. Iz lokalnog koordinatnog sustava, koji je vezan za Zemlju, pomoću matričnih transformacija prelazi se u ostale koordinatne sustave. Primjenom drugog Newtonovog zakona na gibanje zrakoplova, izvode se jednadžbe gibanja zrakoplova za šest stupnjeva slobode gibanja, koje se dijele na jednadžbe translacijskog i rotacijskog gibanja. Iako zrakoplov nastoji ostati u ravnotežnom položaju, na njega utječu male sile poremećaja, koje dodatno otežavaju izračun. Komponente gibanja, s obzirom na ravninu u kojoj djeluju, opisuju longitudinalno i laterelno gibanje. Također, nakon zapisivanja jednadžbi u linearnom obliku i proširivanjem pomoću Taylorovih redova, moguće je promatrati gibanje za specifične slučajeve. U jednolikim režimima leta, gibanje zrakoplova je idealizirano, a jednadžbe koje opisuju takve režime, iako pojednostavljene, imaju bolju primjenu od općenitih izraza. Alternativni zapisi jednadžbi gibanja su jednadžbe stanja i izlaza. Izražavanjem linearnih sustava u frekvencijskoj domeni, moguće je dobiti funkciju prijenosa.Motion of an aircraft can be examined in several coordinate systems. Using transformation matrices, it is possible to transfer from Earth-fixed coordinate system into other ones. By application of Newton's second law, equations of motion of an aircraft for its six degrees of freedom, which are divided into the equations of translational and rotational motion, are derived. An aircraft strives to remain in equilibrium, although small perturbation forces act on it, which additionally complicate the calculation. Components of motion, considering the plane in which they act, describe longitudinal and lateral motion. Also, after linearization of equations and expansion of terms using Taylor series, it is possible to examine motion for specific cases. Motion of an aircraft is idealized in steady maneuvering flight conditions and equations which describe those conditions, although simplified, are of greater practical use than general expressions. Alternative forms of equations of motions are state and output equation. By expressing linear systems in the frequency domain, it is possible to obtain transfer function

    Analysis of Equation of Motion for Various Flight Regimes

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    Gibanje zrakoplova može se promatrati u više koordinatnih sustava. Iz lokalnog koordinatnog sustava, koji je vezan za Zemlju, pomoću matričnih transformacija prelazi se u ostale koordinatne sustave. Primjenom drugog Newtonovog zakona na gibanje zrakoplova, izvode se jednadžbe gibanja zrakoplova za šest stupnjeva slobode gibanja, koje se dijele na jednadžbe translacijskog i rotacijskog gibanja. Iako zrakoplov nastoji ostati u ravnotežnom položaju, na njega utječu male sile poremećaja, koje dodatno otežavaju izračun. Komponente gibanja, s obzirom na ravninu u kojoj djeluju, opisuju longitudinalno i laterelno gibanje. Također, nakon zapisivanja jednadžbi u linearnom obliku i proširivanjem pomoću Taylorovih redova, moguće je promatrati gibanje za specifične slučajeve. U jednolikim režimima leta, gibanje zrakoplova je idealizirano, a jednadžbe koje opisuju takve režime, iako pojednostavljene, imaju bolju primjenu od općenitih izraza. Alternativni zapisi jednadžbi gibanja su jednadžbe stanja i izlaza. Izražavanjem linearnih sustava u frekvencijskoj domeni, moguće je dobiti funkciju prijenosa.Motion of an aircraft can be examined in several coordinate systems. Using transformation matrices, it is possible to transfer from Earth-fixed coordinate system into other ones. By application of Newton's second law, equations of motion of an aircraft for its six degrees of freedom, which are divided into the equations of translational and rotational motion, are derived. An aircraft strives to remain in equilibrium, although small perturbation forces act on it, which additionally complicate the calculation. Components of motion, considering the plane in which they act, describe longitudinal and lateral motion. Also, after linearization of equations and expansion of terms using Taylor series, it is possible to examine motion for specific cases. Motion of an aircraft is idealized in steady maneuvering flight conditions and equations which describe those conditions, although simplified, are of greater practical use than general expressions. Alternative forms of equations of motions are state and output equation. By expressing linear systems in the frequency domain, it is possible to obtain transfer function

    Prema stvaranju popisa vaskularne flore ušća rijeke Neretve (Hrvatska)

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    The Neretva River Delta is considered one of the 96 important plant areas of Croatia and as an important wetland is listed as a Ramsar site. In this paper we provide data on habitat and floristic diversity recorded during a field study carried out in April 2011. We surveyed 10 localities and identified 18 habitat types, 12 of which are included in Annex I of the EU Habitat Directive. Out of 458 identified vascular plant taxa, 32 are included in the Red Book of Vascular Flora of Croatia as Endangered (5 taxa), Vulnerable (10 taxa), and Near threatened (11), while 6 taxa are regarded as Data Deficient. In addition, we recorded two invasive alien species and 12 endemic species for the Dinaric area, and discuss their conservation and biogeographycal importance. We added 160 records from literature sources to our data, which resulted in 618 identified (recorded) taxa for the study region.Delta rijeke Neretve jednn je od 96 botanički važnih područja u Hrvatskoj i nalazi se na popisu lokaliteta Ramsarske konvencije. U radu prikazujemo podatke o staništima i florističkoj raznolikosti prikupljenima tijekom terenskih istraživanja u travnju 2011. Na 10 istraživanih lokaliteta utvrdili smo 18 tipova staništa od kojih se 12 nalazi u Dodatku I Direktive o staništima EU. Među 458 svojti vaskularne flore, 32 vrste su uključene u Crvenu knjigu vaskularne flore Hrvatske kao ugrožene svojte (pet vrsta), osjetljive (10) ili gotovo ugrožene (11), dok je status šest svojti nedovoljno poznat (DD). Uz to, zabilježili smo dvije invazivne i 12 endemičnih svojta te dali osvrt na njihov konzervacijski i biogeografski značaj. Prikupljenim podacima dodali smo 160 literaturnih nalaza, pa je ukupna raznolikost flore u istraživanom području 618 svojta

    Experimental Assessment of Aerodynamic Noise Characteristics on an Airfoil Model

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    Mjerenja zrakoplovne buke imaju sve značajniju ulogu u zrakoplovnoj industriji. Postoji više metoda mjerenja i analize za različite potrebe i vrste zrakoplovne buke. Najjednostavniji mjerni senzor je piezoelektrični pretvarač koji radi svojih reverzibilnih svojstava može imati ulogu mikrofona. Pri mjerenju aerodinamičke buke na aeroprofilu on je odličan izbor radi svojih malih dimenzija. Za određivanje karakteristika aerodinamičke buke potrebno je kondicijsko pojačalo za pojačanje izmjerenog signala na senzoru, stoga se ono izrađuje. Za potrebe mjerenja također se dizajnira i izrađuje model aeroprofila NACA 2421 s ugrađenim mjernim senzorima. Ugradnjom aeroprofila u aerotunel i spajanjem senzora na računalo preko pojačala, moguće je izmjeriti buku, obraditi podatke i analizirati dobivene rezultate. Korištenjem određenih korekcija moguće je poboljšanje u prikazu rezultata i ispravljanje za neke greške u mjerenjima. U diskusiji su doneseni zaključci o mjerenjima i uočene neke korelacije. Primijenjena metoda se pokazuje vrlo uspješnom i prigodnom za ovakav eksperiment. Također, mogućnosti daljnjeg razvoja i unaprjeđenja metode su mnogobrojne.The role of aircraft noise measurements is becoming more significant for aircraft industry. Various methods of measurement and analysis exist for different uses and types of aircraft noise. The simplest measuring sensor is piezoelectric transducer which can be used as a microphone due to its reversal characteristics. Small dimensions make it a good choice for measurements of aerodynamic noise on an airfoil. Condition amplifier is needed for amplification of signals detected by sensors and for assessment of aerodynamic noise, therefore it is being constructed as well. An airfoil model NACA 2421 with piezoelectric sensors is being designed for the experiment. The airfoil is assembled in wind tunnel which allows noise measurement, data processing and result analysis to be made. By using some measurement correction methods it is possible to improve data representation. Conclusions about measurements and observed correlations are discussed and reviewed. This particular applied method is shown to be very efficient and practical for this kind of experiment. Moreover, there is a lot of potential for improving the method and further development