6 research outputs found

    Traffic symbol recognition modulates bodily actions

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    Traffic signals, i.e., iconic symbols conveying traffic rules, generally represent spatial or movement meanings, e.g., “Stop”, “Go”, “Bend warning”, or “No entry”, and we visually perceive these symbols and produce appropriate bodily actions. The traffic signals are clearly thought to assist in producing bodily actions such as going forward or stopping, and the combination of symbolic recognition through visual perception and production of bodily actions could be one example of embodied cognition. However, to what extent our bodily actions are associated with the symbolic representations of commonly used traffic signals remains unknown. Here we experimentally investigated how traffic symbol recognition cognitively affects bodily action patterns, by employing a simple stimulus-response task for traffic sign recognition with a response of either sliding or pushing down on a joystick in a gamepad. We found that when operating the joystick, participants’ slide reaction in response to the “Go” traffic symbol was significantly faster than their push reaction, while their response time to the “Stop” signal showed no differences between sliding and pushing actions. These results suggested that there was a possible association between certain action patterns and traffic symbol recognition, and in particular the “Go” symbol was congruent with a sliding action as a bodily response. Our findings may thus reveal an example of embodied cognition in visual perception of traffic signals

    Response of subtropical coastal sediment systems of Okinawa, Japan, to experimental warming and high pCO2

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    Increasing seawater temperatures and CO2 levels associated with climate change affect the shallow marine ecosystem function. In this study, the effects of elevated seawater temperature and partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) on subtropical sediment systems of mangrove, seagrass, and coral reef lagoon habitats of Okinawa, Japan, were examined. Sediment and seawater from each habitat were exposed to four pCO2-temperature treatments, including ambient pCO2- ambient temperature, ambient pCO2-high temperature (ambient temperature + 4°C), high pCO2 (936 ppm)-ambient temperature, and high pCO2-high temperature. Parameters including primary production, nutrient flux, pigment content, photosynthetic community composition, and bacterial abundance were examined. Neither high temperature nor high pCO2 alone impacted mangrove and seagrass sediment primary production significantly (Tukey's test, P > 0.05). However, the combined stress significantly (Tukey's test, P 0.05) under the combined stress, suggesting that heterotrophic processes were less affected by the combined stress than autotrophic processes. In summary, mangrove and seagrass sediments minimize the negative impacts of elevated temperature and pCO2 via increased primary production and carbon storage. Lagoonal sediments also act as a carbon sink under temperature and ocean acidification stress