262 research outputs found

    Etude pluridisciplinaire d’une perturbation industrielle dans l’estuaire de la Gironde : implications du transport et de la dynamique de dégradation des débris végétaux sur le fonctionnement de la source froide du CNPE du Blayais

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    Up to now, vegetal fraction dynamics has not been studied in macrotidal estuaries, due to its low quantity in comparison to the strong charge of suspended particulate matter, and due to the lack of appropriate protocols to sample and examine it. Nevertheless, vegetal debris have been identified as a factor able to disrupt a wide range of stakeholder activities that require huge volumes of water to filter. The objective of this PhD was to understand the input and transfer dynamics of vegetal debris in the Gironde Estuary by the implementation of a spatiotemporal btrack of their distribution and by the development of new techniques for this hyper-turbide estuary (in situ litter-bag incubations, biogeochemical characterization, and identification of the sources). Mean results highlight the influence of the hydrological regime in their distribution and reveal time scales of their persistence in the Gironde Estuary.Jusqu’à présent, la dynamique des fractions végétales n’avait jamais été étudiée dans les estuaires macrotidaux en raison de leur faible quantité, par rapports aux fortes charges en matières en suspension fines, et du manque de protocoles d’étude et d’échantillonnage adéquats. Les débris végétaux sont toutefois à l’origine de perturbations d’activités économiques qui impliquent la filtration de larges volumes d’eau. L’objectif de cette thèse était ainsi de comprendre la dynamique d’apport et de transit de ces débris végétaux dans l’estuaire de la Gironde par la mise en oeuvre d’un suivi spatio-temporel de leur distribution et de techniques nouvelles pour un tel estuaire hyper-turbide (incubations in-situ litter-bag, caractérisation biogéochimique, identification des sources). Les résultats principaux sont la mise en évidence du contrôle du régime hydrologique sur leur distribution et la détermination des échelles de temps de leur persistance dans l’estuaire de la Gironde

    Recursivity, models and systems in the work of Samuel Castro

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    This article analyses Samuel Castro´s sculptural work under the perspective of three concepts: recursivity, model, and system, whose definition, transversal to other fields of knowledge, is affected at the same time if we revise it in the light of this artistic work. The works to which we refer respond to the attempt to integrate into our own world the representations of it built on a smaller scale. The installations and dioramas of Samuel Castro show how we can figure out new complexities through representation and how new worlds are created using basic strategies of miniaturizationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Image archives as method for interdisciplinary research

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    [ES] Las últimas décadas del siglo XX fueron escenario de innúmeras transformaciones a nivel epistémico (Khun, Feyerabend, Latour). En este contexto surgen un conjunto de investigaciones que cuestionan la posibilidad y naturaleza de la relación entre Arte y Ciencia. Desde aquellos que las colocan en oposición, como aquellos que defienden el desarrollo de una "tercera cultura" (Brockman) capaz de integrar el campo tecno-científico con el campo de las Humanidades y las Artes. Esto ha generado una serie de espacios interdisciplinares donde investigadores de diferentes procedencias colaboran entre sí, como el Science-Art-Philosophy Lab del CFCUL, donde se enmarca esta investigación. Con el objetivo de identificar y cuestionar tanto las articulaciones y complementariedades como los distanciamientos entre Arte y Ciencia, nos centraremos en una de las zonas fundamentales de intersección entre ambas, cuyo estudio ha captado gran atención en los años recientes: se trata del estudio de la imagen como dispositivo de producción de conocimiento en las distintas áreas disciplinares. La presente propuesta pretende proporcionar una clave metodológica para la investigación de esta relación entre campos de saber en la actualidad, centrándonos en el estudio de las posibilidades cognitivas de la imagen y en su papel en la construcción del pensamiento. Entraremos en el tema a través de un proyecto en curso en la Universidad de Lisboa, el Center for Image in Science and Art. CISA_UL es un archivo abierto que cuenta con cientos de imágenes de artistas y científicos internacionales, constituido con el propósito de tornar posible la producción de taxonomías que ayuden a comparar imágenes científicas y artísticas, exponiendo sus afinidades y diferencias. Pero su objetivo principal, es testar una metodología artística de investigación (como es la confección de archivos de imágenes con fines alternativos al meramente documental) para profundizar en las relaciones complejas que pueden darse entre Arte y Ciencia.[EN] The last decades of the 20th century were the scenario of numerous epistemic transformations (Khun, Feyerabend, Latour). In this context emerged a set of investigations that question the possibility and nature of the relationship between Art and Science. From those who place them in opposition to those who defend the development of a "third culture" (Brockman) able to integrate the techno-scientific field with the field of Humanities and Arts. This has generated a series of interdisciplinary spaces where researchers from different backgrounds collaborate with each other, such as the Science-Art-Philosophy Lab of the CFCUL, where this research is framed. With the aim of identifying and questioning both the articulations and complementarities and the distances between Art and Science, we will focus on one of the fundamental areas of intersection between the two, whose study has received great attention in recent years: the study of the image as a device to produce knowledge in the different disciplinary areas. The present proposal intends to provide a methodological key for research about this relationship between fields of knowledge at present, focusing on the study of the cognitive possibilities of the image and its role in the construction of thought. We will enter the theme through an ongoing project at the University of Lisbon, the Center for Image in Science and Art. CISA_UL is an open archive that holds hundreds of images of international artists and scientists, set up with the purpose of making possible the production of taxonomies that help compare scientific and artistic images, exposing their affinities and differences. But its main objective is to test an artistic research methodology (as is the elaboration of image archives with alternative purposes to the merely documental) to delve into the complex relationships that can occur between Art and Science.Fuentes Cid, S. (2019). El archivo de imágenes como metodología de investigación interdisciplinar. En IV Congreso Internacional de investigación en artes visuales: ANIAV 2019 Imagen [N] visible. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 269-277. https://doi.org/10.4995/ANIAV.2019.2019.9571OCS26927

    The metaphor in the work of Jorge Perianes : a research on transversal concepts to art, science and philosophy

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    The metaphor as a way of knowledge crosses all areas of intellectual and cultural production, manifesting different ways of being in Art, in Science and in Philosophy. In all these areas the metaphor emerges with all its brilliance as a device that transports us between planes of representation. Through the analysis of the work of the Galician artist Jorge Perianes, we will try to demonstrate how the capacity for metaphorization is at the very core of artistic creation and also of the epistemic value of Artinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    dislib: large scale high performance machine learning in Python

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    In recent years, machine learning has proven to be an extremely useful tool for extracting knowledge from data. This can be leveraged in numerous research areas, such as genomics, earth sciences, and astrophysics, to gain valuable insight. At the same time, Python has become one of the most popular programming languages among researchers due to its high productivity and rich ecosystem. Unfortunately, existing machine learning libraries for Python do not scale to large data sets, are hard to use by non-experts, and are difficult to set up in high performance computing clusters. These limitations have prevented scientists from exploiting the full potential of machine learning in their research. In this work, we present dislib [1], a distributed machine learning library on top of PyCOMPSs programming model [2] that addresses the issues of other similar existing libraries

    Wake-Up Transceiver Architectures with Novel Symbol Time Synchronization Schemes for ElectroMagnetic NanoNetworks

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboració amb Georgia Institute of TechnologyEnglish: The work we present on this thesis covers unresolved PHY-Layer topics for Electromagnetic Nanonetworks that covers the transceiver architecture, frequency estimation for symbol synchronization and a wake-up receiver module for node synchronziation. Solving these PHY-Layer topics leads to stablish a base to propose and design network protocols on top of a well-defined architecture.Castellano: El trabajo que se presenta en este proyecto cubre temas de capa física no resueltos para Electromagnetic Nanonetworks. Se propone una arquitectura de transceiver, la estimación de frecuencia para la sincronización del tiempo de símbolo y además se propone un modulo wake-up para sincronización entre nodos. Solucionar estos temas de capa física propone establecer una base para el diseño de futuros protocols de redes diseñados sobre bajo dichas consideracionesCatalà: El traball presentat cobreix temes de capa física no resolts per a Electromagnetic Nanonetworks. Es proposa una arquitectura de transceiver, una estimació de freqüència per a la sincronització del temps de símbol i un mòdul wake-up per a sincronització entre nodes. Donant solució a aquests temes de capa física permet establir una base per al diseny de futurs protocols de xarxes dissenyats sota aquestes consideracions

    Network Coding-Based Next-Generation IoT for Industry 4.0

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    Industry 4.0 has become the main source of applications of the Internet of Things (IoT), which is generating new business opportunities. The use of cloud computing and artificial intelligence is also showing remarkable improvements in industrial operation, saving millions of dollars to manufacturers. The need for time-critical decision-making is evidencing a trade-off between latency and computation, urging Industrial IoT (IIoT) deployments to integrate fog nodes to perform early analytics. In this chapter, we review next-generation IIoT architectures, which aim to meet the requirements of industrial applications, such as low-latency and highly reliable communications. These architectures can be divided into IoT node, fog, and multicloud layers. We describe these three layers and compare their characteristics, providing also different use-cases of IIoT architectures. We introduce network coding (NC) as a solution to meet some of the requirements of next-generation communications. We review a variety of its approaches as well as different scenarios that improve their performance and reliability thanks to this technique. Then, we describe the communication process across the different levels of the architecture based on NC-based state-of-the-art works. Finally, we summarize the benefits and open challenges of combining IIoT architectures together with NC techniques

    Enfoques de investigación interdisciplinar: entre el Arte y la Filosofía de la Ciencia

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    Las últimas décadas del siglo XX fueron escenario de innumerables transformaciones a nivel epistémico (Khun, 1962; Feyerabend 1975). Lejos de la matriz axiomática reduccionista y logicista, los epistemólogos analizaron: 1) la diversidad de los modos de producción del conocimiento científico, 2) ampliaron la comprensión de lo que es el conocimiento y 3) teorizaron sobre las complejidades e interrelaciones, tanto en el interior de dominios específicos, como entre diferentes dominios. Surgieron naturalmente Filosofías de la Ciencia externalistas, interdisciplinarias y abiertas. Es en este contexto donde surgen un conjunto de investigaciones que cuestionan la posibilidad y naturaleza de la relación entre Arte y Ciencia. Desde aquellos las colocan en oposición, hasta aquellos que defienden la integración del campo tecnocientífico con el campo de las Humanidades y las Artes. En concreto, esta propuesta es una apuesta por el triángulo formado por el Arte Contemporáneo, la Física Contemporánea y la Filosofía. Esta investigación, desarrollada en el seno de un equipo interdisciplinar con sede en la Universidade de Lisboa, versa sobre el análisis del concepto de “relación” como vínculo entre la Filosofía de la Ciencia (Realismo Estructural Ontológico) y el Arte Contemporáneo. Es, igualmente, una tentativa de explorar cómo el Arte puede contribuir para la comprensión de las preocupaciones y desafíos de la Ciencia Contemporánea, próximos de la hipótesis de la obra de arte como metáfora epistemológica enunciada por U. Eco (1962). Este proyecto pretende complementar un programa de investigación que ha sido muy prolífico en los últimos años (el estudio de las relaciones entre Arte y Ciencia), contribuyendo para una mejor comprensión de este fenómeno, clarificando ambigüedades e imprecisiones. También es expectable que tanto el material publicado como el análisis crítico de la literatura contribuyan para el enriquecimiento de los programas de las disciplinas universitarias en “Ciencia y Arte” en el panorama internacional.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    DDS: integrating data analytics transformations in task-based workflows [version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]

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    High-performance data analytics (HPDA) is a current trend in e-science research that aims to integrate traditional HPC with recent data analytic frameworks. Most of the work done in this field has focused on improving data analytic frameworks by implementing their engines on top of HPC technologies such as Message Passing Interface. However, there is a lack of integration from an application development perspective. HPC workflows have their own parallel programming models, while data analytic (DA) algorithms are mainly implemented using data transformations and executed with frameworks like Spark. Task-based programming models (TBPMs) are a very efficient approach for implementing HPC workflows. Data analytic transformations can also be decomposed as a set of tasks and implemented with a task-based programming model. In this paper, we present a methodology to develop HPDA applications on top of TBPMs that allow developers to combine HPC workflows and data analytic transformations seamlessly. A prototype of this approach has been implemented on top of the PyCOMPSs task- based programming model to validate two aspects: HPDA applications can be seamlessly developed and have better performance than Spark. We compare our results using different programs. Finally, we conclude with the idea of integrating DA into HPC applications and evaluation of our method against Spark.This research was financially supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 780622; and the Spanish Government (PID2019-107255GB), Generalitat de Catalunya (2014-SGR-1051).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version