10 research outputs found

    Variabilidad morfométrica en crustáceos de playas arenosas de la Isla Grande de Chiloé, sur de Chile

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.The macroinfauna of exposed sandy beaches along the Chilean coast is dominated by crustaceans, which show an across-shore zonation; the talitrid amphipod Orchestoidea tuberculata as the dominant taxon in the upper levels, the cirolanid isopod Excirolana hirsuticauda is dominant in the mid-intertidal, and the anomuran crab Emerita analoga is common in the low levels. This study analyses samples collected during the spring of 2001 and 7 morphological characters were measured on 30 adults of each species: body length, body height, body width, antennae and uropodal exopod lengths. The study sites were located near 42°S, an area where various beach types (i.e., reflective, intermediate and dissipative) occur along the northern coasts of the Chilean archipelagos. The morphometric variability of O. tuberculata, E. hirsuticauda and E. analoga was analyzed using cluster and principal component analysis. The results of this study showed that independently of beach type, individuals of O. tuberculata inhabiting proximal beaches showed greater similarity than individuals inhabiting beaches located distant from each other. Individuals of E. analoga inhabiting similar beach types showed greater similarity than individuals living in different beach types. These results are discussed in relation to across-shore zonation and the natural history of these species.La macroinfauna de playas arenosas expuestas en la costa chilena está dominada por crustáceos, los cuales muestran una zonación transversal; el anfípodo talítrido Orchestoidea tuberculata es el taxón dominante en los niveles superiores, el isópodo cirolánido Excirolana hirsuticauda lo es en la parte media del intermareal y el anomuro Emerita analoga es dominante en los niveles bajos. Este estudio examinó la variabilidad morfométrica de estas 3 especies de crustáceos en relación a los tipos morfodinámicos de playas. Las muestras fueron recolectadas durante la primavera de 2001 y se examinaron 7 caracteres morfológicos medidos en 30 adultos de cada especie: longitud del cuerpo, alto del cuerpo, ancho de cuerpo, longitud de las antenas y longitud de los urópodos. Los sitios de estudio se localizaron cerca de los 42°S, un área donde los diferentes tipos de playa (i.e., reflectivo, intermedio y disipativo) se producen a lo largo de las costas septentrionales de los archipiélagos chilenos. La variabilidad morfométrica de O. tuberculata, E. hirsuticauda y E. analoga se analizó mediante análisis de cluster y de componentes principales. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron que, independientemente del tipo de playa, los individuos de O. tuberculata que habitan playas próximas presentan una mayor similitud que con aquellas que habitan playas lejanas. Los individuos de E. analoga que habitan en el mismo tipo de playa mostraron una mayor similitud que con aquellas que habitan en diferentes tipos de playas. Estos resultados se discuten en relación con la zonificación a través del intermareal y la historia natural de estas especies.http://ref.scielo.org/rcysp

    Intención emprendedora de los estudiantes de instrumentación quirúrgica en la ciudad de Barranquilla

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    Entrepreneurship has been established as a strategic element in the continuous improvement of each country. Particularly in higher education institutions, entrepreneurship plays a very important role, allowing its students a comprehensive and suitable training that encourages them to achieve their goals. Entrepreneurship is closely linked to education, specifically building skills both professionally and personally. For this reason, it is necessary for the student to expand their work activities and identify opportunities in new sectors through entrepreneurship, in which they develop a distinctive capacity for the future professional and help them to enter the labor market; hence the need to analyze your entrepreneurial intention. The present study is framed in a quantitative approach, with a descriptive and cross-sectional non-experimental design. For the collection of the information, the documentary analysis was used and a questionnaire was applied via the web, developed under the guidelines of the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students´ Survey (GUESSS). The sample consisted of 224 students belonging to the surgical instrumentation programs of three universities in the city of Barranquilla. The results of the research showed that the entrepreneurial intention increases in students to the extent that they have an adequate perception of what entrepreneurship entails, and the confidence with which they manage and exploit their own capacities upon graduating from the academic program. It has been shown that if students are frequently in the realization of projects and activities related to business creation, this will positively impact their entrepreneurial minds, towards the search for new opportunities. In addition, the design and implementation of strategies related to education for entrepreneurship and the articulation of these with the substantive functions of universities, would strengthen the culture of entrepreneurship in students, specifically in those of the surgical instrumentation program, promoting in them different capacities to face occupational contexts.A través del tiempo se ha constituido el emprendimiento como un elemento estratégico en el mejoramiento continuo de cada país. Particularmente en las instituciones de educación superior el emprendimiento juega un papel muy importante, permitiendo a sus estudiantes una formación integral e idónea que les impulsa a alcanzar sus objetivos. El emprendimiento está estrechamente ligado a la educación, específicamente forjando competencias tanto a nivel profesional como personal. Por tal motivo se hace necesario que el estudiante amplíe su accionar laboral e identifique oportunidades en nuevos sectores a través del emprendimiento, en el cual este desarrolle una capacidad distintiva del futuro profesional y le ayude a insertarse al mercado laboral; de allí la necesidad de analizar su intención emprendedora. El presente estudio se enmarca en un enfoque cuantitativo, con un diseño no experimental de tipo descriptivo y corte transversal. Para la recolección de la información se utilizó el análisis documental y se aplicó un cuestionario vía web, desarrollado bajo los lineamientos del Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students´ Survey (GUESSS). La muestra estuvo constituida por 224 estudiantes pertenecientes a los programas de instrumentación quirúrgica de las tres universidades de la ciudad de Barranquilla objeto de estudio. Los resultados de la investigación evidenciaron que la intención emprendedora aumenta en los estudiantes en la medida en que ellos tengan una adecuada percepción de lo que conlleva el emprendimiento empresarial, y la confianza con que manejen y exploten sus propias capacidades al egresar del programa académico. Se ha demostrado que si los estudiantes incursionan frecuentemente en la realización de proyectos y actividades relacionadas con la creación de empresas, esto impactará de manera positiva en sus mentes emprendedoras, hacia la búsqueda de nuevas oportunidades. Además, el diseño e implementación de estrategias relacionadas con la educación para el emprendimiento y la articulación de estas con las funciones sustantivas de las universidades, fortalecerían la cultura del emprendimiento en los estudiantes, específicamente en los del programa de instrumentación quirúrgica, promoviendo en ellos diferentes capacidades para afrontar los contextos ocupacionales

    Analysis of allochthonous river seston and autochthonous primary producers in the food webs of Lake Constance, with stable (15N, 13C) isotopes

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    The aim of this study was to obtain information on the importance of allochthonous versus autochtonous sources of nutrition for benthic communities of littoral and profundal sites of Lake Constance (Upper lake) on the basis of the content of stable isotopes (13C, 15N). For this purpose, isotope signatures of different potential sources and of consuments were analyzed during one vegetation period at two profundal and two littoral stations. These stations differed strongly in the respective impact of allochthous supply (close and remote to river inflows).The obtained 13C-values (average -28 ) suggested a dominance of algal epiphytes and/or terrestrial plant detritus as main sources of nutrition at both sampling sites (close and remote to river inflows). The isotope data gave also little evidence for a high importance of macrophytes as source of nutrition. The 15N values of the consuments were mostly 3 - 4 heavier than the sources. This hints to a dominantly direct utilization of the sources in one trophic level. For littoral filtering invertebrates (Cladocerans und Dreissena polymorpha) the isotope signatures showed a preferential utilization of lake seston with an increased percentage of allochthonous material at the station close to a river inflow. In contrast, nutrition of littoral copepods was much more based on sources of phytoplankton origin with a dominant utilization in two trophic levels.At the profundal stations a significantly higher percentage of allochthonous organic sedimentation was observed for the station close to river inflow, while the amount of sedimentation of autochthonous organic matter was of similar magnitude at both stations. The 13C-values were significantly heavier at the station close to river inflow (average -29 ) compared to the station remote to inflow (average -32 ) which also suggests an increased contribution of terrestrial organic matter at the station close to inflow. Additionally, the 15N signatures showed a trend to lighter values at the station remote to inflow. This also mirrors an increased percentage of young organic material originating from actual phytoplankton sedimentation. An increased contribution of allochthonous organic sedimentation resulted in a significant stimulation of microbial activities (respiration, growth rates, methane production). This means, that the sedimenting allochtonous POC is by no means completely refractory and thus allows a significant additional microbial secondary production which becomes available for benthic consuments.The 13C-values obtained for the dominant groups of profundal benthic invertebrates were similar to those of the sedimenting material at the station remote to inflow, while they were significantly lighter at the station close to inflow. Remarkably, the difference to sedimenting POC was much more pronounced for chironomids (average 11 ) than for tubificids (5 ). These results suggest that a significant part of allochthonous organic sedimentation is converted to methane wich subsequently is utilized as carbon source for methane oxidizing bacteria (MOB). The very light 13C-values biogenic methane (In summary, the results of this study suggest that more than a negligible part of the allochthonous inflow of organic matter is available for microbial utilization, resulting thus in an additional microbial production. Via this conversion into microbial biomass, allochthonous POC can represent a significant food source for littoral and profundal heterotrophic communities. As is suggested by existing patterns of horizontal distribution of benthic invertebrates, this pathway appears to be even dominant for the profundal communities of Lake Constance

    Relationships as a Basis for Safe Drinking Water Provision by Cooperatives in Rural Chile

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    While access to drinking water has expanded worldwide, safely managed provision is still a challenge, and rural areas are specially underserved. To provide safe drinking water for these areas, water scholars and international organizations have advocated for community-based organizations or coproduction schemes. The literature often mentions that institutions and people play a key role in the provision of drinking water although the specific mechanisms through which they may affect the process of maintaining good quality water have not been reported yet. The article aims to fill this gap by providing a complex, local view on this process. In Chile, from 1960 onwards, the State has implemented cooperatives to provide for drinking water in rural and small-town areas under a coproduction scheme. In this scheme, the State provides the infrastructure, and the community is responsible for service provision. We analysed the water quality of six of these cooperatives and conducted interviews with water managers and leaders. Our research suggests that formal and informal relationships provide the links and motivation needed for the organizations continuous work. These results highlight how relevant it is to keep in mind the context and the public role of delivering safe drinking water

    Morphometric variability in sandy beach crustaceans of Isla Grande de Chiloé, Southern Chile

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    The macroinfauna of exposed sandy beaches along the Chilean coast is dominated by crustaceans, which show an across-shore zonation; the talitrid amphipod Orchestoidea tuberculata as the dominant taxon in the upper levels, the cirolanid isopod Excirolana hirsuticauda is dominant in the mid-intertidal, and the anomuran crab Emerita analoga is common in the low levels. This study analyses samples collected during the spring of 2001 and 7 morphological characters were measured on 30 adults of each species: body length, body height, body width, antennae and uropodal exopod lengths. The study sites were located near 42°S, an area where various beach types (i.e., reflective, intermediate and dissipative) occur along the northern coasts of the Chilean archipelagos. The morphometric variability of O. tuberculata, E. hirsuticauda and E. analoga was analyzed using cluster and principal component analysis. The results of this study showed that independently of beach type, individuals of O. tuberculata inhabiting proximal beaches showed greater similarity than individuals inhabiting beaches located distant from each other. Individuals of E. analoga inhabiting similar beach types showed greater similarity than individuals living in different beach types. These results are discussed in relation to across-shore zonation and the natural history of these species.La macroinfauna de playas arenosas expuestas en la costa chilena está dominada por crustáceos, los cuales muestran una zonación transversal; el anfípodo talítrido Orchestoidea tuberculata es el taxón dominante en los niveles superiores, el isópodo cirolánido Excirolana hirsuticauda lo es en la parte media del intermareal y el anomuro Emerita analoga es dominante en los niveles bajos. Este estudio examinó la variabilidad morfométrica de estas 3 especies de crustáceos en relación a los tipos morfodinámicos de playas. Las muestras fueron recolectadas durante la primavera de 2001 y se examinaron 7 caracteres morfológicos medidos en 30 adultos de cada especie: longitud del cuerpo, alto del cuerpo, ancho de cuerpo, longitud de las antenas y longitud de los urópodos. Los sitios de estudio se localizaron cerca de los 42°S, un área donde los diferentes tipos de playa (i.e., reflectivo, intermedio y disipativo) se producen a lo largo de las costas septentrionales de los archipiélagos chilenos. La variabilidad morfométrica de O. tuberculata, E. hirsuticauda y E. analoga se analizó mediante análisis de cluster y de componentes principales. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron que, independientemente del tipo de playa, los individuos de O. tuberculata que habitan playas próximas presentan una mayor similitud que con aquellas que habitan playas lejanas. Los individuos de E. analoga que habitan en el mismo tipo de playa mostraron una mayor similitud que con aquellas que habitan en diferentes tipos de playas. Estos resultados se discuten en relación con la zonificación a través del intermareal y la historia natural de estas especies

    Allochthonous contribution to seasonal and spatial variability of organic matter sedimentation in a deep oligotrophic lake (Lake Constance)

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    Previous studies analysing the chemical composition of profundal sediments of Lake Constance suggest a overall large contribution of allochthonous material to total sedimentation but also a large spatial variability in the relative importance of allochthonous versus autochthonous sedimentation. Here we analyse sedimenting particulate organic matter (POM sed) during an annual cycle at two sites differing in their position relative to the major inflow and thus in their proposed contribution of allochthonous matter to the sedimentary flux, i.e., site [AL] characterised by a more allochthonous contribution und the site [AU] characterised by a more autochthonous contribution

    Composition, diversity and size of diatoms consumed by the Andean Flamingo (Phoenicoparrus andinus) in Salar de Punta Negra, Antofagasta Region, Northern Chile

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    In April 2009, at the Salar de Punta Negra (24°35'S, 68°58'W) in the Antofagasta Region of northern Chile, we quantified the composition, diversity, and size of diatoms, the only consumed prey by both adults and nestlings of Andean Flamingos (Phoenicoparrus andinus). We identified a total of 39 species, 34 in the faeces of nestlings and 25 in adult faeces. The most abundant species in both was Surirella sella and Denticula thermalis. The most frequent diatoms observed in the nestlings' faeces were S. sella, D. thermalis, Pinnularia sp. and Haloroundia speciosa, whereas in the adult faeces they were Denticula thermalis, Surirella sella, Pinnularia sp. and Haloroundia speciosa. There was no statistically significant difference in diatoms consumed by adults and nestlings. The dietary similarity between adults and nestlings was 0.644. The nestlings consumed a greater diversity of diatoms than adults. The most consumed diatom by adults (S. sella) was sized between 58 and 140 urn, with a gr

    Variación interanual en la dieta invernal del flamenco chileno Phoenicopterus chilensis (Aves: Phoenicopteriformes) en el humedal marino de Bahía Caulín, Chiloé, sur de Chile

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    The Chilean flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis) is an endemic aquatic bird of South America. In Chile, it is found in both highland lagoons as well as in marine wetlands. Nevertheless, dietary studies in marine environments are scarce. This work characterized the interannual variation in the winter diet of flamingos found in the marine wetland of Bahía Caulín, southern Chile. To this end, we determined the size of prey items consumed between June and September of the 2011, 2014 and 2015. A total of 157 feces were analyzed (77 feces in 2011 and 80 feces between 2014 and 2015). The diet of Chilean flamingo during 2011 was carnivorous and was formed by only three preys, the foraminifera Ammonia beccarii, the copepod Harpacticus sp. as well as polychaetes. During 2014-2015 its diet was omnivorous, and consisted of 15 categories of prey items, among which the consumption of algae and plant fibers was stressed. Regarding the sizes of prey consumed by flamingo, the diameter of the foraminifera oscillated between 100 and 900 µm with predominance of organisms between 400 and 600 µm. The width of Harpacticus sp. consumed ranged from 160 to 260 µm with a predominance of organisms between 200 and 220 µm. The width of consumed Parawaldeckia kidderi ranged between 140 and 800 µm with predominance for organisms between 140 and 400 µm. The width of Monocorophium insidiosum consumed oscillated between 80 and 500 µm with predominance for organisms between 80 and 400 µm. The Chilean flamingo would be a partially selective predator whose selection of prey would be given by the morphostructural restrictions of the peak of this bird.El flamenco chileno (Phoenicopterus chilensis) es un ave acuática endémica de América del Sur. En Chile habita tanto en lagunas altiplánicas como en humedales marinos. Sin embargo, los estudios dietarios en ambientes marinos son escasos. En este trabajo se caracterizó la variación interanual en la dieta invernal del flamenco en el humedal marino de Bahía Caulín, sur de Chile. Para ello, se determinó el tamaño de las presas entre junio a septiembre del 2011, 2014 y 2015. Se analizó un total de 157 heces (77 heces en 2011 y 80 heces entre 2014 y 2015). La dieta del flamenco chileno durante el 2011 fue carnívora y estuvo conformada sólo por tres presas: el foraminífero Ammonia beccarii, el copépodo Harpacticus sp. y poliquetos. Durante 2014-2015 su dieta fue omnívora, incluyendo la presencia de 15 categorías de presas, entre las que destacó el consumo de algas y fibras vegetales. En lo que respecta a los tamaños de las presas consumidas por el flamenco, el diámetro de los foraminíferos osciló entre los 100 y 900 µm con predominio de organismos entre los 400 y 600 µm. El ancho de Harpacticus sp. consumidos osciló entre los 160 y 260 µm con predominio para los organismos entre los 200 y 220 µm. El ancho de Parawaldeckia kidderi consumidos osciló entre los 140 y 800 µm con predominio para los organismos entre los 140 y 400 µm. El ancho de Monocorophium insidiosum consumidos osciló entre los 80 y 500 µm con predominio para los organismos entre los 80 y 400 µm. El flamenco chileno sería un depredador parcialmente selectivo cuya selección de presas estaría dada por las restricciones morfoestructurales del pico de esta ave