74 research outputs found

    Analysis of the economic efficiency of the research activity of public universities: proposal of a model for the evaluation of performance

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    The 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, STI 2022, will be held September 7-9 2022. The conference is held in Granada (Spain) The search for methods that allow an optimal result and that is somehow measurable. Taking advantage of the huge amount of information that is produced every day from university institutions, which cannot be accepted initially, but needs to be processed. Observe how Critical Thinking and Research works, as an element for direct and indirect reflection

    La investigación científica en función de los costes de personal de los investigadores

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    Este estudio tienen como objetivo primario identificar los costes de personal del personal docente de la Universidad de Granada, establecer un coste total para cada profesor y unirlo a las publicaciones con Impacto y desde ahí llegar a identificar el precio de la unidad de publicación. En orden a su planificación, se desarrolla en dos etapas distintas y complementarias. En primer lugar, se ha utilizado como instrumento de apoyo la base de datos CIENTIFICA, del Vicerrectorado de Investigación desde donde se han extraído los datos relativos a las condiciones administrativas de cada profesor, unido a su producción científica. En un segundo lugar hemos introducido los costes añadidos de retribuciones de personal, las retribuciones por tramos de investigación, los costes añadidos de los contratos y proyectos de investigación, y los becarios atribuidos a los investigadores principales, para llegar a obtener una cantidad total de retribuciones en los cinco años del estudio 2005-2009. En conformidad con el análisis, se han puesto de manifiesto tres escenarios de dedicación temporal a la investigación, en un ámbito donde los limites y contenidos entre el docente y el investigador están poco definidos y reglados. A la producción científica de cada profesor se le atribuirán unos costes y podremos llegar a un promedio de coste por artículo científico. En nuestras recomendaciones principales subrayamos, la importancia de la continuidad de nuestros análisis, extendiéndolo al plano individual. Y poder plantear una definición sobre los tiempos dedicados a la docencia e investigación articulados desde los planes docentes de cada departamento

    El ranking BiPublishers: Principales resultados y problemas metodológicos en la construcción de rankings de editoriales académicas

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    We present the results of the Bibliometric Indicators for Publishers project (also known as BiPublishers). This project represents the first attempt to systematically develop bibliometric publisher rankings. The data for this project was derived from the Book Citation Index and the study time period was 2009-2013. We have developed 42 rankings: 4 by fields and 38 by disciplines. We display six indicators for publishers divided into three types: output, impact and publisher’s profile. The aim is to capture different characteristics of the research performance of publishers. 254 publishers were processed and classified according to publisher type: commercial publishers and university presses. We present the main publishers by field and then discuss the principal challenges presented when developing this type of tool. The BiPublishers ranking is an on-going project which aims to develop and explore new data sources and indicators to better capture and define the research impact of publishers.Presentamos los resultados del proyecto Bibliometric Indicators for Publishers (BiPublishers). Es el primer proyecto que desarrolla de manera sistemática rankings bibliométricos de editoriales. La fuente de datos empleada es el Book Citation Index y el periodo de análisis 2009-2013. Se presentan 42 rankings: 4 por áreas y 38 por disciplinas. Mostramos seis indicadores por editorial divididos según su tipología: producción, impacto y características editoriales. Se procesaron 254 editoriales y se clasificaron según el tipo: comerciales y universitarias. Se presentan las principales editoriales por áreas. Después, se discuten los principales retos a superar en el desarrollo de este tipo de herramientas. El ranking Bipublishers es un proyecto en desarrollo que persigue analizar y explorar nuevas fuentes de datos e indicadores para captar y definir el impacto de las editoriales académicas

    An introduction to the coverage of the Data Citation Index (Thomson-Reuters): disciplines, document types and repositories

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    In the past years, the movement of data sharing has been enjoying great popularity. Within this context, Thomson Reuters launched at the end of 2012 a new product inside the Web of Knowledge family: the Data Citation Index. The aim of this tool is to enable discovery and access, from a single place, to data from a variety of data repositories from different subject areas and from around the world. In this working paper we present some preliminary results from the analysis of the Data Citation Index. Specifically, we address the following issues: discipline coverage, data types present in the database, and repositories that were included at the time of the study

    Microstrip broadband thin-film attenuators without via-hole-ground at millimeter wave frequencies

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    A comprehensive design methodology for microstrip broadband attenuators is presented. Closed-form design equations are given for two types of distributed attenuators. The attenuators are based on a cascade connection of thin-film resistors and microstrip line sections. The structure provides maximally flat attenuation and wideband performance without the need of plated via holes to ground, facilitating manufacture as well as achieving proper performance at millimeter wave frequencies. Experimental results demonstrate the validity of the technique applied to 3 dB and 13 dB broadband attenuators on aluminasubstrate up to 67 GHz. The proposed topology can be applied not only to MIC, but also to MMIC designs at the highest frequencies.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness mainly under Grant ESP2015-70646-C2-2-R and additionally under Grant TEC2017-83343-C4-1-R, and Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under Grant AYA2017-92153-EXP. The authors thank Eva Cuerno for her assistance during the attenuators assembly

    Noise conversion of Schottky diodes in mm-wave detectors under different nonlinear regimes: modeling and simulation versus measurement

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    This paper presents and discusses several methods for predicting the low-frequency (LF) noise at the output of a mm-wave detector. These methods are based on the extraction of LF noise source parameters from the single diode under a specific set of bias conditions and the transfer or conversion of these noise sources, under different operating conditions including cyclostationary regime, to the quasi-dc output of a mm-wave detector constructed with the same model of diode. The noise analysis is based on a conversion-matrix type formulation, which relates the carrier noisy sidebands of the input signal with the detector output spectrum through a pair of transfer functions obtained in commercial software. Measurements of detectors in individual and differential setups will be presented and compared with predictions.The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) for the financial support provided through projects TEC2011-29264-C03-01, CONSOLIDER-INGENIO CSD2008-00068 (TERASENSE), TEC2014-58341-C4-1-R, FEDER co-funding, CONSOLIDER-INGENIO CSD2010-00064 and the University of Cantabria Industrial Doctorate programme 2014, project: “Estudio y Desarrollo de Tecnologías para Sistemas de Telecomunicación a Frecuencias Milimétricas y de Terahercios con Aplicación a Sistemas de Imaging en la Banda 90–100 GHz”

    Integrating curriculum-based dynamic assessment in computerized adaptive testing: Development and predictive validity of the EDPL-BAI battery on reading competence

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    In recent decades, there have been significant changes in the conceptualization of reading as well as in the perception of how this activity should be assessed. Interest in the analysis of reading processes has led to the emergence of new explanatory models based primarily on the contributions of cognitive psychology. In parallel, there have been notable advances in measurement procedures, especially in models based on Item Response Theory (IRT), as well as in the capacity and performance of specific software programs that allow data to be managed and analyzed. These changes have contributed significantly to the rise of testing procedures such as computerized adaptive tests (CATs), whose fundamental characteristic is that the sequence of items presented in the tests is adapted to the level of competence that the subject manifests. Likewise, the incorporation of elements of dynamic assessment (DA) as the prompts are gradually offered allows for obtaining information about the type and degree of support required to optimize the subject’s performance. In this sense, the confluence of contributions from DA and CATs offers a new possibility for approaching the assessment of learning processes. In this article, we present a longitudinal research developed in two phases, through which a computerized dynamic adaptive assessment battery of reading processes (EDPL-BAI) was configured. The research frame involved 1,831 students (46% girls) from 13 public schools in three regions of Chile. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differential contribution on reading competence of dynamic scores obtained in a subsample composed of 324 (47% girls) students from third to sixth grade after the implementation of a set of adaptive dynamic tests of morpho-syntactic processes. The results achieved in the structural equation modeling indicate a good global fit. Individual relationships show a significant contribution of calibrated score that reflects estimated knowledge level on reading competence, as well as dynamic scores based on the assigned value of graduated prompts required by the students. These results showed significant predictive values on reading competence and incremental validity in relation to predictions made by static criterion tests

    A novel method for the determination of total 1,3-octanediols in apple juice via 1,3-dioxanes by solid-phase microextraction and high-speed gas chromatography

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    In this work, a novel, simple and fast method based on solid-phase microextraction (SPME) followed by high-speed gas chromatography (HSGC) was developed for the analysis of total 1,3-octanediols in apple juices by means of derivatization reaction to volatile 1,3-dioxanes. The derivatization reaction, SPME conditions, glycosidically bound fraction and 1,3-nonanediol as a surrogate standard were studied. The formation of 1,3-dioxanes from 1,3-diols was confirmed by GC–MS. The method was validated obtaining a regression coefficient (r2) of 0.9996, precisions between 0.3 and 9.8%, extraction recoveries in the range 94.7–112.2% and LOD of 2.9 g l−1. Experimental design has been employed in the optimization of extraction factors and robustness assessment. The method was applied to the analysis of 21 Asturian apple varieties finding a double reciprocal relationship between the concentrations of saturated and unsaturated 1,3-octanediol

    Performance assessment of W-Band radiometers: direct versus heterodyne detections

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    W-Band radiometers using intermediate frequency down-conversion (super-heterodyne) and direct detection are compared. Both receivers consist of two W-band low noise amplifiers and an 80-to-101 GHz filter, which conforms to the reception frequency band, in the front-end module. The back-end module of the first receiver comprises a subharmonic mixer, intermediate frequency (IF) amplification and a square-law detector. For direct detection, a W-Band detector replaces the mixer and the intermediate frequency detection stages. The performance of the whole receivers has been simulated requiring special techniques, based on data from the experimental characterization of each subsystem. In the super-heterodyne implementation a local oscillator at 27.1 GHz (with 8 dBm) with a x3 frequency multiplier is used, exhibiting an overall conversion gain around 48 dB, a noise figure around 4 dB, and an effective bandwidth over 10 GHz. In the direct detection scheme, slightly better noise performance is obtained, with a wider bandwidth, around 20 GHz, since there is no IF bandwidth limitation (~15 GHz), and even using the same 80-to-101 GHz filter, the detector can operate through the whole W-band. Moreover, W-band detector has higher sensitivity than the IF detector, increasing slightly the gain. In both cases, the receiver performance is characterized when a broadband noise input signal is applied. The radiometer characteristics have been obtained working as a total power radiometer and as a Dicke radiometer when an optical chopper is used to modulate the incoming signal. Combining this particular super-heterodyne or direct detection topologies and total power or Dicke modes of operation, four different cases are compared and discussed, achieving similar sensitivities, but better performances in terms of equivalent bandwidth and noise for the direct detection radiometer. It should be noted that this conclusion comes from a particular set of components, which we could consider as typical, but we cannot exclude other conclusions for different components, particularly for different mixers and detectors.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the grant: PID2019-110610RB-C22 and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Program CONSOLIDER-INGENIO reference CSD2010-00064, CONSOLIDER-SPATEK Network of Excellence and University of Cantabria, Industrial Doctorate reference 12.DI05.648