592 research outputs found


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    Flebitis merupakan komplikasi terapi intravena yang disebabkan iritasi kimia, bakterial, dan mekanis. Derajat inflamasi pada penderita flebitis dapat diturunkan dengan terapi kompres hangat. Adapun propolis biasanya hanya digunakan untuk menurunkan derajat inflamasi kulit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompres propolis terhadap penurunan skor flebitis. Penelitian ini menggunakan Quasy-Eksperimental dengan Pretest – Posttest Control Group Design.Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah kompres propolis dan variabel dependennya adalah skor flebitis. Adapun sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu 10 responden dengan komplikasi flebitis yang didapatkan dengan teknik sampling Non Randomized Sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata skor flebitis sebelum perlakuan adalah tanda dini flebitis, stadium dini, dan stadium moderat flebitis dengan presentase masing-masing (30%). Kemudian setelah perlakuan kompres propolis didapatkan presentase 60% dengan skor 0 atau tidak ada flebitis. Berdasarkan uji Paired T-Test terdapat perbedaan skor flebitis sebelum dan sesudah kompres propolis ditandai dengan nilai p-value (0,000) < α = 0,05. Berdasarkan uji Independent T-Test diperoleh nilai p-value (0,000) < α = 0,01 yang berarti terdapat pengaruh kompres propolis terhadap penurunan skor flebitis. Tenaga kesehatan khususnya Perawat diharapkan melakukan langkah-langkah alternatif dalam penanganan masalah infeksi nosokomial seperti penggunaan terapi kompres propolis terhadap flebitis. Dengan demikian akan berdampak pada peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan di rumah-rumah sakit


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    ABSTRACT &nbsp; Computer network is one of the main subjects at computer and network engineering vocational high school level that require practice in the delivery. Utilization of information technology and communication in the learning process at school is done through the delivery of learning methods based on technology through the learning media in the form of interactive animation. In this research, it is done by creating interactive animation learning introduction of computer network. By creating an animation application of computer network learning, it makes easier for students to learn it and improve student's learning achievement. &nbsp; Keyword : animation, learning media,design &nbsp; &nbsp; ABSTRAK &nbsp; Jaringan Komputer merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran utama pada jenjang Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan yang memerlukan praktek di dalam penyampaiannya. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah dilakukan melalui penyampaian metode pembelajaran yang berbasis teknologi yaitu melalui media pembelajaran dalam bentuk animasi interaktif. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan animasi interaktif pembelajaran pengenalan jaringan computer. Dengan dibuatnya aplikasi animasi pembelajaran jaringan komputer &nbsp;&nbsp;maka memudahkan siswa dalam mempelajarinya sehingga dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar para siswa

    Animasi Interaktif Pembelajaran Pengenalan dan Perancangan Jaringan Komputer

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    &nbsp; Computer network is one of the main subjects at computer and network engineering vocational high school level that require practice in the delivery. Utilization of information technology and communication in the learning process at school is done through the delivery of learning methods based on technology through the learning media in the form of interactive animation. In this research, it is done by creating interactive animation learning introduction of computer network. By creating an animation application of computer network learning, it makes easier for students to learn it and improve student's learning achievement. &nbsp; Keyword : animation, learning media,design &nbsp; &nbsp

    Reformulasi Kurikulum Pesantren Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kwalitas Pendidikan Di Pondok Pesantren

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    Islamic boarding school is one of Islamic educational institutes existed during the Dutch colonization era and a place for Muslim cadre’s improvement spread out in the line of society. The existence of Islamic boarding school becomes a fortification of Muslim from any circumstances and condition faced by Indonesian, during the colonization era up to now. The intricacies of struggle done by all of alumnus from struggle of divesting from the hegemony of colonization, establishing revolution, forming a sovereign government carrying infrastructures out till finally participating in conducting a reformation. Now day’s Islamic boarding schools are demanded to revamp. One of things becoming attention is the curriculum used in Islamic boarding school. All this time, curriculum oriented by parts of Islamic boarding school is still about religious knowledge and salaf holly books. Parts of the owners of boarding school are still tendentious in defending or orienting back to the past methods (salaf). They have not felt yet about the needs of Islamic boarding school improvement by putting non-religious materials into the Islamic boarding school curriculum. Based on the explanation above, thus it is formulated how is the formula of Islamic boarding school curriculum improvement as an alternative of educational quality enhancement in Islamic boarding school and how is the system and action of curriculum development of Islamic boarding school in increasing the quality of its education. In general, the factors becoming a background of enhancing curriculum in Islamic boarding school can be grouped into two factors, internal and external factors. Internal factors cover, (a) the initiation of the owners to increase the quality of student’s knowledge. (b) the wish of Islamic boarding school owners to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching in Islamic boarding school (c) the wish for alumnus to be ready of action in society. Meanwhile, the external factors are (a) the development of science and technology. (b). the influence of educational system dynamics (c). the demand of society and alumnus. The development implementation of curriculum of Islamic boarding school covers some principal components; these are component, purpose, material, strategy, and evaluation

    Implementasi FingerPrint dan Short Message Service Gateway pada Sistem Presensi

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    The research aims to apply the fingerprint and Short Message Service technology in the attendance system. Presence or attendance is an important activity in the lecturing process. SMK Global Teknologi has a problem in the student attendance data. The human error factor in captured student attendance is a problem in itself. On the other hand, there are cases of students who went to school but did not arrive at school to become complaints from parents. Fingerprint technology has been proven to be able to validate someone as proof of attendance, while the SMS gateway is proven to be a reliable telecommunications technology for data communication. The research method used was to conduct observations at the SMK Global Technologi. The interview method was carried out with the principal, representatives of parents, teachers, and students. The system development method used is Waterfall which consists of the stages of planning, analysis, design, finally implementation. The testing method used a black-box. The results of the research are the application of student attendance information systems with an attendance system indicator that has been integrated between parents, teachers, homeroom teachers. So that student attendance data can be directly known. Keywords: Attendance System, Fingerprint, SMS Gateway Abstrak&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menerapkan teknologi fingerprint dan Short Message Service (SMS) dalam sistem presensi. Presensi atau kehadiran merupakan kegiatan yang penting dalam proses pembelajaran. SMK Global Teknologi memiliki masalah dalam data presensi siswanya. Faktor kesalahan manusia dalam merekap kehadiran siswa menjadi masalah tersendiri. Disisi lain adanya kasus peserta didik yang berangkat ke sekolah tetapi tidak sampai kesekolah menjadi keluhan orang tua. Teknologi fingerprint telah terbukti dapat memvalidasi seseorang sebagai bukti kehadiran, sedangkan SMS gateway terbukti untuk sebagai teknologi telekomunikasi yang handal untuk komunikasi data. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan melakuan observasi di SMK Global Teknologi. Metode wawancara dilakukan kepada kepala sekolah, perwakilan orang tua, guru, dan siswa. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah Waterfall yang terdiri dari tahapan perencanaan, analisis, perancangan, dan penerapan. Metode pengujian menggunakan black-box. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah diterapkannya sistem informasi&nbsp; kehadiran peserta didik dengan indikator sistem kehadiran sudah terintegrasi antara orang tua, guru, wali kelas. Sehingga data kehadiran siswa dapat secara langsung diketahui. Kata kunci: Sistem Kehadiran, Fingerprint, SMS Gatewa

    Gelatin Properties of Goat Skin Produced by Calcium Hydroxide as Curing Material

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    Application of strong bases as curing materials has been widely applied in commercial gelatin industries, but the application of weak bases has not been much done. Application of strong bases as a treatment was not economical and assumed to affect human health. Studies were conducted on the properties of goat skin gelatin manufactured using weak base types of Ca(OH)2 and then compared with properties of commercial gelatin. Skins from Bligon goats of 1.5 to 2.5 years old was used as the raw materials and Ca(OH)2 100 g/l as curing materials. The 2x3 factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications was used as a design study. Two curing times (2 and 4 days) and three concentrations (3, 6, 9% v/v) were used as treatments, and commercial gelatin (pure (P) by Merck, food grade (Fg) and pharmacy standards (Ps)) were used as control. Gelatin produced from goat skins using Ca(OH)2 had properties similar to that of commercial gelatin. The heavy metals (Pb, Cu and Zn) contained in goat skin gelatin still meet the INS standards. The optimum production of gelatin has been generated through the application of 4-day curing time at a concentration of 9% (v/v)

    Optimization of piroxicam tablet formula using flowlac, avicel and compritol by Simplex Lattice Design Method

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    Piroksikam is non steroid anti inflammation drug (NSAID) with small dose (10-20 mg daily) with a long time (t1/2) elimination. Piroxicam formulation was expected able to yield a good (quality) tablet to physical characteristic standard. Tablet r component was consisted of Flowlac 100 (filler), Avicel PH-101 (binder) and Compritol 888 ATO (lubricant).The research was done with simplex lattice design (SLD) by using 3 component, i.e. Flowlac (A), Avicel (B), and Compritol (C). Seven formula were needed, I,e, F1 (100 % A), F2 (100 % B), F3 (100 % C), F4 (50 % A and 50 % B), F5 (50 % B and 50 % C), F6 (50 % A and 50 % C),dan F7 (33.33% A, 33.33 % B, 33.33 % C). The optimization parameters of piroxicam tablets were flow rate of the tablet mass, tablet hardness, disintegration time, piroxicam content and the dissolution (C45), on SLD model; equations, contour plots, and superimposed of contour plots were obtained, by which the optimum formula was determined.Based on superimposed contour plot optimum formula was obtained with proportion of Flowlac (89.6 %), Avicel (7.4 %) and Compritol (3 %). The result of flowability was 21.46 g/second; hardness (6.46 kg); disintegration time (6.98 minutes); drug content (10.13 mg) and dissolution C45 (7.35 mg) Interaction of Flowlac-Avicel-Compritol could influence the physical properties and the release profile of tablet. Flowlac was the most dominant factor in increasing flowability, hardness and dissolution of tablet. Compritol was the most dominant factor in increating time of disintegration tablet.Key words: optimization; piroxicam; simplex lattice design

    Evaluation of the implementation of the good manufacturing practice for traditional medicine industries in Central Java

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    The study of the GMP implementation for the traditional medicine industries in Central Java has been performed. The GMP for traditional medicine industry is the guidance how to produce and to manage the quality of the product so that it meets to the quality of design and the quality of conformance. The aim of the study is to evaluate how far the GMP is implemented in the traditional medicine industries in Central Java.The method used of the study was a descriptive evaluative qualitative data collected from several traditional industries namely: M, N, O, P, Q, R and S by assessing the implementation level of the GMP in those industries. The evaluation instrument used was the primary data directly collected by interviewing the directors, the managers and the heads of department, and then followed by visitation to the industries to check the primary data and the actual condition.  The result showed that the evaluation of the GMP implementation for the traditional medicine industries in Central Java reached the score of 86.10% that meant of good category, although the quality control, the selfevaluation, and the documentation aspect had to be ameliorated.Key word : GMP, traditional medicine industrie

    Optimization of chitosan, sodium carboxy methyl celulose and magnesium stearat as mucoadhesive system in captopril tablet

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    Captopril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE inhibitor) used for the treatment of hypertension and some types of congestive heart failure. It has been reported that the duration of antihypertensive action after a single oral dose of captopril is only 6–8 h. Captopril is most stable at acidic condition and as the pH increases, it becomes unstable and undergoes a degradation reaction. These indicates a promising potential of the captopril mucoadhesive system as an alternative to the conventional dosage form. The objective of the current study was to find an optimum formula of mucoadhesive tablet for captopril using factorial design. Tablets were evaluated formucoadhesive strength and drug release profile. The studies were perfomed to establish composition of chitosan, sodium CMC and Mg stearat. Such composition could produce mucoadhesive strength with a zero order releasekinetics. A 23 factorial design has been applied to systematically optimize the formula. The amounts of chitosan (XA), sodium CMC (XB), and Mg stearat (XC)were selected as independent variables. Mucoadhesive strength and dissolution efficiency (DE480) were selected as dependent variables. According the contour plot suggested that optimum formula will be reach mucoadhesive strength (26-30 g) and DE480 (≥70 %) chitosan at low to middle level (20-35 mg), sodium CMC at middle to high level (150-200 mg), and Mg stearat at low to middle level(4-6 mg).Key words : mucoadhesive, factorial design, DE480 , chitosan, CMC Na, Mg stearat, contour plo

    Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Peserta didik melalui Pengklasifikasian Kelas Berdasarkan Bakat dan Minat

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    Abstrak Quality is a quality that needs to be developed with a series of concepts and managerial in an effort to achieve the quality goals themselves. Quality management is not only related to something related to facilities, teacher professionalism but also does not escape the level of success and achievements of students. The achievements of these students can be obtained by maximizing the potential that students have. One way to maximize and increase the potential of students can be done by grouping students in the department system based on talents and interests. Where the grouping of students can be found by conducting a series of tests on the development of their potential. After that, it is continued by honing the ability of students who are divided into interest talent classes with good development so as to produce quality human resources and later invite both academic and non-academic achievements which ultimately indirectly improve the quality of the educational institution and invite the desire of parents to send their children to quality educational institutions. &nbsp
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