33 research outputs found
Senyawa metabolit sekunder dan bioaktivitas dari ekstrak tumbuhan hutan tropis Sulawesi Selatan
Hutan tropis Sulawesi Selatan kaya dengan keanekaragaman tumbuhan, yang merupakan gudang senyawa kimia yang sangat potensial sebagai bahan baku obat-obatan. Beberapa tumbuhan tropis tersebut telah dibuktikan secara ilmiah mengandung senyawa aktif, diantaranya tumbuhan tahiayam (Lantana camara Linn), tapak dara (Cataranthus roseus), buni (Antidesma bunius (L) Spreng), Jamblang (Spzgium cumini L), dan Bintaro (Cerbera manghas). Dari ekstrak tumbuhan tropis tersebut telah diperoleh beberapa senyawa metabolit sekunder, yaitu: β-sitosterol [1], brusin [2], vinblastin [3], asam 22-β-dimetilakriloiloksi-3-oksooleana-12-ena-28-oat [4], barbatumol [5], antidesmon [6], pektolinarigenin [7], dan lain-lain. Hasil uji bioaktivitas ekstrak tumbuhan Tahiayam memperlihatkan aktivitas sebagai antibakteri, antiseptik dan telah berhasil dibuat salep dan plaster yang efektif sebagai obat luka. Ekstrak tumbuhan Tapak dara memiliki bioaktivitas sebagai antifertilitas dalam bentuk antiimplantasi, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan anti hamil. Ekstrak Tumbuhan Buni dan Jamblang bersifat sebagai antioksidan dan anti inflamatori. Ekstrak Tumbuhan Bintaro memiliki bioaktifitas sebagai antifungi dan pestisida nabat
Senyawa metabolit sekunder dan bioaktivitas dari ekstrak tumbuhan hutan tropis Sulawesi Selatan
Hutan tropis Sulawesi Selatan kaya dengan keanekaragaman tumbuhan, yang merupakan gudang senyawa kimia yang sangat potensial sebagai bahan baku obat-obatan. Beberapa tumbuhan tropis tersebut telah dibuktikan secara ilmiah mengandung senyawa aktif, diantaranya tumbuhan tahiayam (Lantana camara Linn), tapak dara (Cataranthus roseus), buni (Antidesma bunius (L) Spreng), Jamblang (Spzgium cumini L), dan Bintaro (Cerbera manghas). Dari ekstrak tumbuhan tropis tersebut telah diperoleh beberapa senyawa metabolit sekunder, yaitu: β-sitosterol [1], brusin [2], vinblastin [3], asam 22-β-dimetilakriloiloksi-3-oksooleana-12-ena-28-oat [4], barbatumol [5], antidesmon [6], pektolinarigenin [7], dan lain-lain. Hasil uji bioaktivitas ekstrak tumbuhan Tahiayam memperlihatkan aktivitas sebagai antibakteri, antiseptik dan telah berhasil dibuat salep dan plaster yang efektif sebagai obat luka. Ekstrak tumbuhan Tapak dara memiliki bioaktivitas sebagai antifertilitas dalam bentuk antiimplantasi, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan anti hamil. Ekstrak Tumbuhan Buni dan Jamblang bersifat sebagai antioksidan dan anti inflamatori. Ekstrak Tumbuhan Bintaro memiliki bioaktifitas sebagai antifungi dan pestisida nabat
This development research aims to produce products in the form of augmented reality-based card media on atomic structure material that is valid, practical, and effective. This development adapts the 4D development model which includes Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate. The subjects in this study were 2 material experts, 2 media experts for the validity test, 2 chemistry teachers and 36 students of class X MIPA 2 SMAN 10 Makassar for the practicality and effectiveness test. The instruments used for validity are material expert validation sheets, media expert validation sheets. For practicality, namely the learning implementation observation sheet, teacher and student response questionnaires. While for effectiveness with learning outcomes test. The results showed: (1) The validity of the instrument includes the validation sheet of the observation sheet of the implementation of the device, the teacher response questionnaire and the response of the students used respectively have an average of 3.8 and 3.65. The validity of learning materials and media has an average of 3.6 and 3.6 and the consistency between validators is in a very high category (100%). (2) the practicality of augmented reality-based learning media based on the learning implementation observation sheet, teacher response questionnaire and student response questionnaire is 97.5%, 92.2% and 88.3% respectively which is included in the very practical category, (3) augmented reality-based learning media meets the effective criteria (≥85%) based on the learning outcomes test with a class completeness percentage of 88.9%. Based on these data, the augmented reality-based card-shaped media on atomic structure material using the 4D development model can be declared valid, practical, and effective.
Keywords: 4D, Augmented Reality, Cards
Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa media kartu berbasis augmented reality pada materi struktur atom yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Pengembangan ini mengadaptasi model pengembangan 4D yang meliputi Define (Tahap Pendefinisian), Design (Tahap Perancangan), Development (Tahap Pengembangan), dan Disseminate (Tahap Penyebarluasan). Subjek pada penelitian ini, ialah 2 orang ahli materi, 2 orang ahli media untuk uji kevalidan, 2 orang guru mata pelajaran kimia dan 36 orang peserta didik kelas X MIPA 2 SMAN 10 Makassar untuk uji kepraktisan dan keefektifan. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk kevalidan yaitu lembar validasi ahli materi, lembar validasi ahli media. Untuk kepraktisan yaitu lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, angket respon guru dan peserta didik. Sedangkan untuk keefektifan dengan tes hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Kevalidan instrumen meliputi lembar validasi lembar observasi keterlaksanaan perangkat, angket respon guru dan respon peserta didik yang digunakan berturut-turut memiliki rata-rata sebesar 3,8 dan 3,65. Kevalidan materi dan media pembelajaran memiliki rata-rata sebesar 3,6 dan 3,6 serta konsistensi antar validator berada pada kategori sangat tinggi (100%). (2) kepraktisan media pembelajaran berbasis augmented reality berdasarkan lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, angket respon guru dan angket respon peserta didik berturut-turut sebesar 97,5%, 92,2% dan 88,3% yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat praktis, (3) media pembelajaran berbasis augmented reality memenuhi kriteria efektif (≥85%) berdasarkan tes hasil belajar dengan persentase ketuntasan kelas sebesar 88,9%. Berlandaskan data tersebut maka media berbentuk kartu berbasis augmented reality pada materi struktur atom menggunakan model pengembangan 4D dapat dinyatakan valid, praktis, dan efektif.
Kata kunci: 4D, Augmented Reality, Kart
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode jigsaw pada model pembelajaran discovery learning terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar peserta didik kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 11 Makassar. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 2 kelas yaitu kelas XI MIA 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan jumlah peserta didik sebanyak 26 orang dan XI MIA 2 sebagai kelas kontrol dengan jumlah peserta didik 29 orang yang ditentukan secara simple random sampling. Data hasil penelitian diperoleh dengan memberikan angket motivasi belajar dan tes hasil belajar pada materi pokok asam basa yang dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial. Uji statistik deskriptif motivasi belajar peserta didik diperoleh, nilai rata-rata kategori tinggi. Untuk uji deskriptif hasil belajar peserta didik diperoleh, nilai rata-rata kelas signifikan. Pengujian hipotesis dari motivasi dan hasil belajar dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji statistik non parametrik (uji Mann-Whitney). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh metodejigsaw pada model pembelajaran discovery learning terhadap motivasi belajar peserta didik kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 11 Makassar pada materi pokok asam basa. Untuk pengujian hipotesis hasil belajar Zhitung = 6,48 pada taraf signifikan, α = 0.05 diperoleh Ztabel= 1,64. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh metode jigsaw pada model pembelajaran discovery learning terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 11 Makassar pada materi pokok asam bas
Persentase Mortalitas Ulat Grayak Terhadap Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Bunga Pukul Empat
Abstract. Caterpillar grayak (Spodoptera litura) is one of the pests in various types of vegetable plants are polyphagous and have a wide range of hosts. One common way of controlling farmers to overcome Spodoptera litura attack is to use insecticide. The use of insecticides that are not rational will accelerate the occurrence of pest resistance against insecticides. An alternative is needed to develop biological products which are generally narrow-spectrum chemicals to target organisms. Flowers at four (Mirabilis jalapa) contain bioactive compounds that are toxic. M. Jalapa contains some secondary metabolite compounds such as saponins, flavonoids, tannins, and polyphenols. Based on the description above it is necessary to conduct a research to determine the percentage mortality of caterpillar grayak on giving the leaf extract at four o'clock flowers. The method used is leaf dipping methods and analysis with POLO-PC software. The results showed that 1.6% concentration of extract of M. jalapa can kill the number of larvae as much as 30 tails with a percentage of 75% within 48 hours. The LC50 value of mortality of M. jalapa extract on Spodoptera litura larvae was 0,507% (0,378-0,661 with p <0,05) with slope1,516 ± 0,318.Keywords: Bioinsecticides, Mirabilis jalapa, Spodoptera litura, Mortality
Combination Intervals Effects of Mirabilis jalapa Bioinsecticide and Metarhiziumanisopliae Entomopathogen Fungi Against Spodopteraexigua Larvae
Abstract—The application of biological pest management by combining Mirabilis jalapa as bioinsecticide and
Metarhiziumanisopliae entomopathogen fungi has been shown to be toxic against Spodopteraexigua larvae in the
laboratory. However, knowing of the combination interval has not been established, when S. exiguawas exposed M. jalapa
followed by addition of M. anisopliae. There is a need to investigate where it carried out to study on the mortality of S.
exigua, with combination intervals were 0 hours; 2 hours; 4 hours; and 6 hours with 48 hours of treatment. The result of
treatments showed that the highest mortality level of S. exigua when M. jalapa was combined with the M. anisopliae
entomopathogen fungi in a combination interval of 6 hours, resulting in mortality percentage of 87%.
IndexTerms—Bioinsecticide, EntomopathogenFungi, Larvae, Mortalit
This development research aims to produce products in the form of augmented reality-based
card media on atomic structure material that is valid, practical, and effective. This development adapts
the 4D development model which includes Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate. The subjects
in this study were 2 material experts, 2 media experts for the validity test, 2 chemistry teachers, and 36
students of class X MIPA 2 for the practicality and effectiveness test. The instruments used for validity
are material expert validation sheets and media expert validation sheets. For practicality, namely the
learning implementation observation sheet, teacher and student response questionnaires. While for
effectiveness with learning outcomes test. The results showed: (1) The validity of the instrument
includes the validation sheet of the observation sheet of the implementation of the device, the teacher
response questionnaire, and the response of the students used respectively have an average of 3.8 and
3.65. The validity of learning materials and media has an average of 3.6 and 3.6 and the consistency
between validators is in a very high category (100%). (2) the practicality of augmented reality-based
learning media based on the learning implementation observation sheet, teacher response questionnaire,
and student response questionnaire is 97.5%, 92.2%, and 88.3% respectively which is included in the
very practical category, (3) augmented reality-based learning media meets the effective criteria (≥85%)
based on the learning outcomes test with a class completeness percentage of 88.9%. Based on these data,
the augmented reality-based card-shaped media on atomic structure material using the 4D development
model can be declared valid, practical, and effective
Peningkatan kemampuan Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) guru mata pelajaran rumpun MIPA di Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar
The purpose of this program is to improve the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) capabilities. Specifically, PCK includes teacher knowledge about the material taught, pedagogical knowledge, and knowledge of students related to the material. This program was carried out in Selayar Islands Regency, Benteng City. There were about 40 participants of mathematics and natural science teachers who involved in this program. This implementation consists of several activities, namely the conducting of PCK material by the speakers, workshop/training to improve PCK capabilities, and PCK ability tests. The result of this program is that the knowledge of the pedagogical content of the training participants' teachers has increased
Abstract: Lantana camaraLinn Plant is a plant that was developed as a potential source of secondary metabolites, which is, have potential as a drug based on etnhobotany approach. These plants are used especially as wound curein the South Sulawesi. It was believed to cure very quikly in various types of skin wounds. In the previous study, the results of ChloroformextractoftheL. CamaraLinnleafshowedhighactivityagainstS.aureusandE. Colibacteria which eachinhibition zone of17.2mmand31.7mm. Buttime to heal of L. camaraLinnextact slower thanpatenteddrugsareoftenused. Therefore, the extraxt need toscreeningtoeliminateinactivecompounds. Theextractwas screened through several methods such as fractionation, purification and identification. Fractionation was done by flash column chromatography, purification by recrystallization and identification using color test, TLC and spectroscopic tests. The nresult showed therearethreecrystalsthat have beensreenedinthe B fraction. These compounds react positively with Liberman-Buchard and FeCI3 reagent and showed orange color solution and a brown pirecipitate that identify as terpenoids and flapenoid group. This is supported by the data from IR spectrum of the compound