649 research outputs found

    Efficient measurements, purification, and bounds on the mutual information

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    When a measurement is made on a quantum system in which classical information is encoded, the measurement reduces the observers average Shannon entropy for the encoding ensemble. This reduction, being the {\em mutual information}, is always non-negative. For efficient measurements the state is also purified; that is, on average, the observers von Neumann entropy for the state of the system is also reduced by a non-negative amount. Here we point out that by re-writing a bound derived by Hall [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 55}, 100 (1997)], which is dual to the Holevo bound, one finds that for efficient measurements, the mutual information is bounded by the reduction in the von Neumann entropy. We also show that this result, which provides a physical interpretation for Hall's bound, may be derived directly from the Schumacher-Westmoreland-Wootters theorem [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 76}, 3452 (1996)]. We discuss these bounds, and their relationship to another bound, valid for efficient measurements on pure state ensembles, which involves the subentropy.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex4. v3: rewritten and reinterpreted somewha

    Universality of optimal measurements

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    We present optimal and minimal measurements on identical copies of an unknown state of a qubit when the quality of measuring strategies is quantified with the gain of information (Kullback of probability distributions). We also show that the maximal gain of information occurs, among isotropic priors, when the state is known to be pure. Universality of optimal measurements follows from our results: using the fidelity or the gain of information, two different figures of merits, leads to exactly the same conclusions. We finally investigate the optimal capacity of NN copies of an unknown state as a quantum channel of information.Comment: Revtex, 5 pages, no figure

    Experimental Proposal for Achieving Superadditive Communication Capacities with a Binary Quantum Alphabet

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    We demonstrate superadditivity in the communication capacity of a binary alphabet consisting of two nonorthogonal quantum states. For this scheme, collective decoding is performed two transmissions at a time. This improves upon the previous schemes of Sasaki et al. [Phys. Rev. A 58, 146 (1998)] where superadditivity was not achieved until a decoding of three or more transmissions at a time. This places superadditivity within the regime of a near-term laboratory demonstration. We propose an experimental test based upon an alphabet of low photon-number coherent states where the signal decoding is done with atomic state measurements on a single atom in a high-finesse optical cavity.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Phase covariant quantum cloning

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    We consider an N -> M quantum cloning transformation acting on pure two-level states lying on the equator of the Bloch sphere. An upper bound for its fidelity is presented, by establishing a connection between optimal phase covariant cloning and phase estimation. We give the explicit form of a cloning transformation that achieves the bound for the case N=1, M=2, and find a link between this case and optimal eavesdropping in the quantum cryptographic scheme BB84.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Criteria for flatness and injectivity

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    Let RR be a commutative Noetherian ring. We give criteria for flatness of RR-modules in terms of associated primes and torsion-freeness of certain tensor products. This allows us to develop a criterion for regularity if RR has characteristic pp, or more generally if it has a locally contracting endomorphism. Dualizing, we give criteria for injectivity of RR-modules in terms of coassociated primes and (h-)divisibility of certain \Hom-modules. Along the way, we develop tools to achieve such a dual result. These include a careful analysis of the notions of divisibility and h-divisibility (including a localization result), a theorem on coassociated primes across a \Hom-module base change, and a local criterion for injectivity.Comment: 19 page

    Universal geometric approach to uncertainty, entropy and information

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    It is shown that for any ensemble, whether classical or quantum, continuous or discrete, there is only one measure of the "volume" of the ensemble that is compatible with several basic geometric postulates. This volume measure is thus a preferred and universal choice for characterising the inherent spread, dispersion, localisation, etc, of the ensemble. Remarkably, this unique "ensemble volume" is a simple function of the ensemble entropy, and hence provides a new geometric characterisation of the latter quantity. Applications include unified, volume-based derivations of the Holevo and Shannon bounds in quantum and classical information theory; a precise geometric interpretation of thermodynamic entropy for equilibrium ensembles; a geometric derivation of semi-classical uncertainty relations; a new means for defining classical and quantum localization for arbitrary evolution processes; a geometric interpretation of relative entropy; and a new proposed definition for the spot-size of an optical beam. Advantages of the ensemble volume over other measures of localization (root-mean-square deviation, Renyi entropies, and inverse participation ratio) are discussed.Comment: Latex, 38 pages + 2 figures; p(\alpha)->1/|T| in Eq. (72) [Eq. (A10) of published version

    Retrodiction of Generalised Measurement Outcomes

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    If a generalised measurement is performed on a quantum system and we do not know the outcome, are we able to retrodict it with a second measurement? We obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for perfect retrodiction of the outcome of a known generalised measurement, given the final state, for an arbitrary initial state. From this, we deduce that, when the input and output Hilbert spaces have equal (finite) dimension, it is impossible to perfectly retrodict the outcome of any fine-grained measurement (where each POVM element corresponds to a single Kraus operator) for all initial states unless the measurement is unitarily equivalent to a projective measurement. It also enables us to show that every POVM can be realised in such a way that perfect outcome retrodiction is possible for an arbitrary initial state when the number of outcomes does not exceed the output Hilbert space dimension. We then consider the situation where the initial state is not arbitrary, though it may be entangled, and describe the conditions under which unambiguous outcome retrodiction is possible for a fine-grained generalised measurement. We find that this is possible for some state if the Kraus operators are linearly independent. This condition is also necessary when the Kraus operators are non-singular. From this, we deduce that every trace-preserving quantum operation is associated with a generalised measurement whose outcome is unambiguously retrodictable for some initial state, and also that a set of unitary operators can be unambiguously discriminated iff they are linearly independent. We then examine the issue of unambiguous outcome retrodiction without entanglement. This has important connections with the theory of locally linearly dependent and locally linearly independent operators.Comment: To appear in Physical Review

    Quantum Open-Closed Homotopy Algebra and String Field Theory

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    We reformulate the algebraic structure of Zwiebach's quantum open-closed string field theory in terms of homotopy algebras. We call it the quantum open-closed homotopy algebra (QOCHA) which is the generalization of the open-closed homotopy algebra (OCHA) of Kajiura and Stasheff. The homotopy formulation reveals new insights about deformations of open string field theory by closed string backgrounds. In particular, deformations by Maurer Cartan elements of the quantum closed homotopy algebra define consistent quantum open string field theories.Comment: 36 pages, fixed typos and small clarifications adde

    Equation of State for Hot and Dense Matter: σ\sigma-ω\omega-ρ\rho Model with Scaled Hadron Masses and Couplings

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    The proposed earlier relativistic mean-field model with hadron masses and coupling constants depending on the σ\sigma-meson field is generalized to finite temperatures. Within this approach we simulate the in-medium behavior of the hadron masses motivated by the Brown-Rho scaling. The high-lying baryon resonances and boson excitations as well as excitations of the σ\sigma, ω\omega and ρ\rho fields interacting via mean fields are incorporated into this scheme. Thermodynamic properties of hot and dense hadronic matter are elaborated with the constructed equation of state. Even at zero baryon density, effective masses of σ\sigma-ω\omega-ρ\rho-NN excitations abruptly drop down for T\gsim 170 MeV and reach zero at a critical temperature T=Tcσ210T=T_{c\sigma}\sim 210 MeV. Below TcσT_{c\sigma} (at T190T\sim 190 MeV) the specific heat gets a peak like at crossover. We demonstrate that our EoS can be matched with that computed on the lattice for high temperatures provided the baryon resonance couplings with nucleon are partially suppressed. In this case the quark liquid would masquerade as the hadron one. The model is applied to description of heavy ion collisions in a broad collision energy range. It might be especially helpful for studying phase diagram in the region near possible phase transitions.Comment: 53 pages, 16 figures; minor changes made, references adde

    Magnetic Oscillations in Dense Cold Quark Matter with Four-Fermion Interactions

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    The phase structures of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio models with one or two flavours have been investigated at non-zero values of μ\mu and HH, where HH is an external magnetic field and μ\mu is the chemical potential. In the phase portraits of both models there arise infinitely many massless chirally symmetric phases, as well as massive ones with spontaneously broken chiral invariance, reflecting the existence of infinitely many Landau levels. Phase transitions of first and second orders and a lot of tricritical points have been shown to exist in phase diagrams. In the massless case, such a phase structure leads unavoidably to the standard van Alphen-de Haas magnetic oscillations of some thermodynamical quantities, including magnetization, pressure and particle density. In the massive case we have found an oscillating behaviour not only for thermodynamical quantities, but also for a dynamical quantity as the quark mass. Besides, in this case we have non-standard, i.e. non-periodic, magnetic oscillations, since the frequency of oscillations is an HH-dependent quantity.Comment: latex, 29 pages, 8 figure