7 research outputs found

    Pertanggung Jawaban Pribadi Dan Jabatan Dalam Hukum Administrasi Negara

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    The modern state is the personification of the legal system so that almost all countries in the world claim to be a state of law. However, the paradigm of the rule of law idea has shifted to the concept of a welfare state. This is because to carry out a government with increasingly complex needs of society is not sufficient only by referring to the legislative delegation or implementing laws. It is in this framework that the government is then given the authority to act on its own initiative in solving problems faced by society in the form of discretion. The problem is how to be accountable when the authority essentially contains responsibility consequences, the problem that arises next is that every government administration is always carried out by two entities, namely positions (government) and officials (people) as individuals who carry out government affairs. This paper finds that if there is an element of administrative error that causes loss to citizens, the responsibility and accountability will be borne by the person of the perpetrator of the maladministration, both administratively and even turning into a criminal responsibility.Negara modern adalah personifikasi tata hukum sehingga hampir seluruh negara di dunia mengklaim diri sebagai negara hukum. Namun paradigma gagasan negara hukum telah bergeser kepada konsep negara kesejahteraan. Sebab untuk menyelenggarakan pemerintahan di ruang publik yang semakin kompleks tidak cukup hanya dengan berpedoman pada delegasi undang-undang atau melaksanakan undang-undang. Dalam kerangka inilah kemudian kepada pemerintah diberikan wewenang bertindak dengan inisiatif sendiri dalam menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan yang dihadapi masyarakat berupa diskresi. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana pertanggungjawabannya ketika wewenang pada hakikatnya mengandung konsekuensi pertanggungjawaban, problematika yang muncul berikutnya adalah setiap penyelenggaraan pemerintahan selalu dilakukan dua entitas, yaitu jabatan (pemerintah) dan pejabat (orang) sebagai pribadi yang menjalankan urusan pemerintahan. Tulisan ini menemukan jika terdapat unsur kesalahan administrasi yang menyebabkan kerugian warga negara, tanggung jawab dan tanggung gugatnya dibebankan pada pribadi pelaku tindakan maladministrasi tersebut, baik secara administratif bahkan bisa berubah menjadi tanggung jawab pidana

    Politik Hukum Pengaturan Keserentakan Pemilu

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    General elections in Indonesia have shifted a lot motivated by efforts to seek their ideal form. The last time, elections were held simultaneously by combining the five types of elections stipulated in Article 22E of the 1945 Constitution. The various complexities and challenges of the 2019 election should be evaluated. Elections basically have two main objectives, 1) to produce a government that represents every element in society; 2) create a government that is able to govern well. This paper discusses about the complexity and challenges of the 2019 simultaneous election and how the ideal election timing is designed. This research uses normative legal research methods (legal research) with two approaches: normative approach and conceptual approach. This study resulted, first, there were technical complications in the 2019 Concurrent Election, namely the workload of the organizers, especially the KPPS; a significant increase in the election budget; and voter confusion due to too many types of elections which implicated too many candidate lists. Second, the Constitutional Court has determined six electoral models as well as constitutional ones, and this can be considered as judicial law politics. Lawmakers must immediately act on the Constitutional Court's decision by amending the electoral law which adopts one of the simultaneous election models

    Konseptualisasi Omnibus Law dalam Pemindahan Ibukota Negara

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    Omnibus lLaw menjadi perdebatan di masyarakat karena dianggap sebagai alat untuk memangkas secara instan ruwetnya regulasi di Indonesia. Keruwetan ini menjadi penyebab lambatnya negara menggapai kesejahteraan. Bahkan ditahun 2020, dengan 8.451 peraturan pusat dan 15.965 peraturan daerah belum mampu mendongkrak posisi Indonesia menjadi negara maju. Sebaliknya, banyaknya regulasi membuat pemerintah sulit melakukan akselerasi pengambilan kebijakan karena rumitnya regulasi dari pusat hingga daerah. Harmonisasi dan simplifikasi regulasi yang dilakukan masih belum mampu mengatasi masalah ini. Oleh karena itu, penyederhaan regulasi melalui omnibus law dipandang sebagai cara paling tepat untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini. Penelitian ini berfokus untuk menjawab (a) legal historis penataan regulasi di Indonesia; (b) upaya meningkatkan kualitas regulasi di Indonesia; (c) konseptualisasi omnibus law pemindahan ibukota negara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui, memahami, dan menganalisa legal historis penataan regulasi di Indonesia, upaya meningkatkan kualitas regulasi di Indonesia, dan merumuskan konseptualisasi omnibus law pemindahan ibukota negara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif, dengan pendekatan undang-undang, konsep, dan sejarah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam pemindahan ibukota negara harus ada  harmonisasi puluhan undang-undang hingga peraturan daerah ke dalam undang-undang ibukota negara. Penggunaan omnibus law dalam pemindahan ibukota negara merupakan pilihan yang relevan dalam menyederhanakan regulasi untuk menunjang kebijakan pemindahan ibukota negara

    The Role of Islamic Law in Enriching the Decisions of the Indonesian Constitutional Court

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    This article discusses the role of Islamic Law in enriching legal considerations of constitutional court decisions. As one of the recognized laws in Indonesia, it turns out that Islamic Law has an essential role in the development of national law, including the Constitutional Court decision. It was proven by the existence of 20 decisions by the Constitutional Court on judicial review of laws with Islamic Law. However, of the 20 decisions, there were only six decisions in which the Constitutional Court used Islamic Law as the basis for its consideration. In this article, we will discuss several things, namely the construction of Islamic Law and the development of positive law in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the penultimate part argues that efforts to legal positivism in Indonesia have been going on for a long time. Before conclusion, the last part believes that in fact, there are nuances of Islamic theory or Islamic Law used by the Constitutional Court judges in several decisions of the Constitutional Court

    Academic Freedom of Expression in Indonesia: A Maqashid Sharia Notes

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    This article intended to examine academic freedom in Indonesia, especially in the last decade (2014-2022). As a country that upholds human rights and Islamic values, academic freedom in Indonesia is in chaos, especially on hifz al-nafs and hifz al-‘aql fulfillment. Many forms of thought expression and criticism conveyed by scholars to the government in academic forums are responded to with various terror, threats, and criminalization on the grounds of state stability. Scholars who are critical of government policies fall victim to criminalization, go to prison, and are dismissed from college due to being considered to violate college ethics. The many cases of academic freedom infringement indicate a severe problem where the thought of scientists in an academic forum is being ‘undermined’ by authoritarian government regimes. This paper examines cases relating to the curbs on academic freedom, especially in the Joko Widodo regime 2014-2022, with an overview of Islamic law (maqashid sharia). The research employed a normative legal method using conceptual, regulatory, and historical approaches. As a result, academic freedom in Indonesia can be restored through amendments to Article 207 of the Criminal Code and Articles 27-28 of the EIT Law to eliminate the restriction of academic freedom of expression and fulfill the hifz al-nafs and hifz al-‘aql for every scholar and citizens

    Perlindungan Hak Konstitusional Masyarakat Pesisir : Urgensi Harmonisasi Regulasi Pengelolaan Pesisir Terpadu

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    Ten years ago, the Constitutional Court Decision Number 3/PUU-VIII/2010 confirmed that the granting of concession rights for coastal waters (after this: HP3) by the government to private parties was contrary against the constitution, especially Article 33 paragraph (4) of the 1945 Constitution. Legislators then respond to the decision to revise Law No. 27 of 2007 as Law No. 1 of 2014 on the Amendment of Law No. 27 of 2007 on the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands. The revision has changed the HP3 regime from Law 27/2007 to the licensing regime in Law 1/2014. Unfortunately, these changes would lead to various juridical problems ranging from conflict between the laws and regulations under legislation that ultimately is potentially detrimental to the constitutional rights of coastal communities. This research focuses on juridical and sociological aspects related to the coastal communities protection of constitutional rights after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 3/PUU-VIII/2010. This research in-depth discusses the follow-up of the Constitutional Court decision a quo by legislators, central government, local governments, stakeholders, and the fulfilment of the constitutional rights of coastal communities. This research is normative legal research by examining the Constitutional Court decision Number 3/PUU-VIII/2010. The descriptive discussion used to understand coastal zone management law's politics to fulfil the constitutional rights of coastal communities. Besides, integrated coastal zone management (Integrated Coastal Zone Management) is a dynamic process, multidisciplinary, and repeated to promote sustainable coastal areas' sustainable management. It includes the whole cycle of information collection, planning, decision-making, management, and implementation monitoring