1,240 research outputs found

    Inter-Regional Migration in Australia: an Applied Economic Analysis.

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    In analysing the effects of economic policy in a Federal system, such as Australia, it is important to understand the interactions between the States and Territories. In particular, given that there is free movement between labour markets, to analyse economic policy it is important to understand the factors influencing inter- regional migration. In this paper we use data from 1982 to 1996 to estimate a structural econometric model of inter-regional migration. The results are then used to re-specify and calibrate the Computable General Equilibrium model MONASH-MRF. This then provides a more detailed picture of labour market responses when we subsequently simulate the response of net interstate migration to changes in State Government spending.CGE models, Migration, MONASH-MRF.

    Nature and Culture: some thoughts on race, sexual orientation and science

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    Aquest treball contempla tres dicotomies i el paper de la ciència en la seva generació i reprodució: natura/cultura, heterosexualitat/homosexualitat, i les races blanca i negra. Amb la seva comparació s'espera proporcionar encara més exemples de com l'objectivitat de la ciència està constituïda pel context social en què es desenvolupa: com la "raça" pot ser negada per la teoria genètica, però reinstaurada per la farmacogenètica i la indústria farmacèutica , a partir de les categories folk d'Europa occidental i Amèrica del Nord, que també defineixen les variables utilitzades pels investigadors sobre el desig sexual. En ambdós casos, ens trobem davant el que Robert King Merton anomena la profecia que s'autocompleix, o el que el filòsof Ian Hacking anomena l'efecte de bucle. La premisa bàsica i potser implícita que la raça i l'orientació homosexual i heterosexaul existeixen en la naturalesa com una profecia per als resultats de la investigació que, inevitablement, acaben de ratificar la seva existència coma entitats naturals

    Immigration policies that would enhance the well-being of New Zealanders

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    Two stories wax and wane in New Zealand debates about migration. With record arrivals, falling departures and high net migration, current public concerns are around pressures on housing, infrastructure and publicly funded services like schools and health care. In 1979 people fretted about whether the last one to leave would be turning out the lights

    Vocal Classification of Vocalizations of a Pair of Asian Small-Clawed Otters to Determine Stress

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    Asian Small-Clawed Otters (Aonyx cinerea) are a small, protected but threatened species living in freshwater. They are gregarious and live in monogamous pairs for their lifetimes, communicating via scent and acoustic vocalizations. This study utilized a hidden Markov model (HMM) to classify stress versus non-stress calls from a sibling pair under professional care. Vocalizations were expertly annotated by keepers into seven contextual categories. Four of these—aggression, separation anxiety, pain, and prefeeding—were identified as stressful contexts, and three of them—feeding, training, and play—were identified as non-stressful contexts. The vocalizations were segmented, manually categorized into broad vocal type call types, and analyzed to determine signal to noise ratios. From this information, vocalizations from the most common contextual categories were used to implement HMM-based automatic classification experiments, which included individual identification, stress vs non-stress, and individual context classification. Results indicate that both individual identity and stress vs non-stress were distinguishable, with accuracies above 90%, but that individual contexts within the stress category were not easily separable

    Solid State Proton Spin Relaxation and \u3ci\u3et\u3c/i\u3e-Butyl and Methyl Group Reorientation in 1-Bromo-2,4,6-Tri-\u3ci\u3et\u3c/i\u3e-Butylbenzene

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    We have used the solid state proton spin relaxation technique to investigate the barriers for methyl and t-butyl group reorientation in polycrystalline 1-bromo-2,4,6-tri-t-butylbenzene. The barriers in the range of 15-19 kJ/mol (3-5 kcal/mol) are compared with those found in related molecules. It is shown that the neighboring ring bromine atom has an effect on the barrier for t-butyl group reorientation similar to that of a neighboring hydrogen atom despite the significantly larger van der Waals\u27 radius of a bromine atom. This most likely occurs because of the relatively long carbon-bromine bond, the distorted ring geometry, and the relatively high polarizability of bromine. In addition, the barriers for methyl group reorientation, about 16 kJ/mol, seem to be largely intra-t-butyl in origin

    Solid State Proton Spin Relaxation and \u3ci\u3et\u3c/i\u3e-Butyl and Methyl Group Reorientation in 1-Bromo-2,4,6-Tri-\u3ci\u3et\u3c/i\u3e-Butylbenzene

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    We have used the solid state proton spin relaxation technique to investigate the barriers for methyl and t-butyl group reorientation in polycrystalline 1-bromo-2,4,6-tri-t-butylbenzene. The barriers in the range of 15-19 kJ/mol (3-5 kcal/mol) are compared with those found in related molecules. It is shown that the neighboring ring bromine atom has an effect on the barrier for t-butyl group reorientation similar to that of a neighboring hydrogen atom despite the significantly larger van der Waals\u27 radius of a bromine atom. This most likely occurs because of the relatively long carbon-bromine bond, the distorted ring geometry, and the relatively high polarizability of bromine. In addition, the barriers for methyl group reorientation, about 16 kJ/mol, seem to be largely intra-t-butyl in origin

    Rosângela Digiovani (Zanza), uma pioneira nos estudos antropológicos sobre aborto

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    Homenagem a Rosângela Digiovan

    O que a Cinderela negra tem a dizer sobre a "política racial" no Brasil

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    A viewpoint on the dispute among anthropologists over racially targeted policies in Brazil

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    Au cours des dernières années, le gouvernement brésilien a commencé à introduire des politiques destinées à la « population afro-brésilienne ». En outre, plus de quatre-vingts universités publiques ont introduit des quotas qui favorisent les Afro-brésiliens ou les candidats pauvres. Dans un pays qui a évité d’incorporer la « race » dans la lettre de la loi et qui a développé sa propre image désormais largement connue de pays sans frontières raciales claires, de telles mesures ont provoqué un débat national passionné. Les anthropologues jouent un rôle de premier plan parmi les initiateurs et les critiques des quotas raciaux. Cet article cherche à présenter les arguments des deux côtés du débat et à spéculer sur la raison pour laquelle une si grave division a séparé les anthropologues sur ce sujet.Over the last few years the Brazilian government has moved towards introducing policies directed to the “Afro-Brazilian population”. In addition, more than eighty public universities have introduced quotas that favor Afro-Brazilians and/or poor candidates. In a country which has avoided incorporating ‘race’ into the letter of the law and which has developed a now widely held self-image as a country without clear racial boundaries such measures have provoked a heated national debate. Anthropologists are prominent amongst the proponents and critics of racial quotas. This article seeks to present the arguments on both sides of the debate and to speculate on why anthropologists have become so seriously divided on this issue.Ao longo dos últmos poucos anos o governo brasileiro tem se posicionado a favor de políticas publicas dirigidas para “a população afrodescendente”. Além disso, mais de oitenta universidades públicas têm introduzido cotas que favorecem negros e/ou candidatos pobres. Num país que tem evitado incorporar ‘raça’ na letra da lei, e que tem desenvolvido uma auto-imagem largamente aceitada de ser um país sem fronteiras ‘raciais’ claras, essas medidas tem provocado um debate nacional acirrado. Antropólogos são proeminentes entre os proponentes e críticos das cotas raciais. Este artigo procura apresentar os argumentos de ambos os lados do debate e especular sobre porque os antropólogos se tornaram tão seriamente divididos em relação a esta questão

    Ciência social e política "racial" no Brasil

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