28 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo in radiotherapy: experience in a distributed computational environment

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    New technologies in cancer radiotherapy need a more accurate computation of the dose delivered in the radiotherapeutical treatment plan, and it is important to integrate sophisticated mathematical models and advanced computing knowledge into the treatment planning (TP) process. We present some results about using Monte Carlo (MC) codes in dose calculation for treatment planning. A distributed computing resource located in the Technologies and Health Department of the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS) along with other computer facilities (CASPUR - Inter-University Consortium for the Application of Super-Computing for Universities and Research) has been used to perform a fully complete MC simulation to compute dose distribution on phantoms irradiated with a radiotherapy accelerator. Using BEAMnrc and GEANT4 MC based codes we calculated dose distributions on a plain water phantom and air/water phantom. Experimental and calculated dose values below ±2% (for depth between 5 mm and 130 mm) were in agreement both in PDD (Percentage Depth Dose) and transversal sections of the phantom. We consider these results a first step towards a system suitable for medical physics departments to simulate a complete treatment plan using remote computing facilities for MC simulations

    The GAPS programme at TNG XXII. The GIARPS view of the extended helium atmosphere of HD189733 b accounting for stellar activity

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    Exoplanets orbiting very close to their host star are strongly irradiated. This can lead the upper atmospheric layers to expand and evaporate into space. The metastable helium (HeI) triplet at 1083.3nm has recently been shown to be a powerful diagnostic to probe extended and escaping exoplanetary atmosphere. We perform high-resolution transmission spectroscopy of the transiting hot Jupiter HD189733b with the GIARPS (GIANO-B + HARPS-N) observing mode of the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, taking advantage of the simultaneous optical+near infrared spectral coverage to detect HeI in the planet's extended atmosphere and to gauge the impact of stellar magnetic activity on the planetary absorption signal. Observations were performed during five transit events of HD189733b. By comparison of the in- and out-of-transit GIANO-B observations we compute high-resolution transmission spectra, on which we perform equivalent width measurements and light-curves analyses to gauge the excess in-transit absorption in the HeI triplet. We detect an absorption signal during all five transits. The mean in-transit absorption depth amounts to 0.75+/-0.03%. We detect night-to-night variations in the HeI absorption signal likely due to the transit events occurring in presence of stellar surface inhomogeneities. We evaluate the impact of stellar-activity pseudo-signals on the true planetary absorption using a comparative analysis of the HeI and the Hα\alpha lines. We interpret the time-series of the HeI absorption lines in the three nights not affected by stellar contamination -exhibiting a mean in-transit absorption depth of 0.77+/-0.04%- using a 3-d atmospheric code. Our simulations suggest that the helium layers only fill part of the Roche lobe. Observations can be explained with a thermosphere heated to \sim12000 K, expanding up to \sim1.2 planetary radii, and losing \sim1 g/s of metastable helium.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Neutral Iron Emission Lines From The Day-side Of KELT-9b -- The GAPS Programme With HARPS-N At TNG XX

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    We present the first detection of atomic emission lines from the atmosphere of an exoplanet. We detect neutral iron lines from the day-side of KELT-9b (Teq \sim 4, 000 K). We combined thousands of spectrally resolved lines observed during one night with the HARPS-N spectrograph (R \sim 115, 000), mounted at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. We introduce a novel statistical approach to extract the planetary parameters from the binary mask cross-correlation analysis. We also adapt the concept of contribution function to the context of high spectral resolution observations, to identify the location in the planetary atmosphere where the detected emission originates. The average planetary line profile intersected by a stellar G2 binary mask was found in emission with a contrast of 84 ±\pm 14 ppm relative to the planetary plus stellar continuum (40 ±\pm 5%\% relative to the planetary continuum only). This result unambiguously indicates the presence of an atmospheric thermal inversion. Finally, assuming a modelled temperature profile previously published (Lothringer et al. 2018), we show that an iron abundance consistent with a few times the stellar value explains the data well. In this scenario, the iron emission originates at the 10310^{-3}-10510^{-5} bar level.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJL; 19 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    An ultra-short period rocky super-Earth orbiting the G2-star HD 80653

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    Ultra-short period (USP) planets are a class of exoplanets with periods shorter than one day. The origin of this sub-population of planets is still unclear, with different formation scenarios highly dependent on the composition of the USP planets. A better understanding of this class of exoplanets will, therefore, require an increase in the sample of such planets that have accurate and precise masses and radii, which also includes estimates of the level of irradiation and information about possible companions. Here we report a detailed characterization of a USP planet around the solar-type star HD 80653 \equiv EP 251279430 using the K2 light curve and 108 precise radial velocities obtained with the HARPS-N spectrograph, installed on the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. From the K2 C16 data, we found one super-Earth planet (Rb=1.613±0.071RR_{b}=1.613\pm0.071 R_{\oplus}) transiting the star on a short-period orbit (Pb=0.719573±0.000021P_{\rm b}=0.719573\pm0.000021 d). From our radial velocity measurements, we constrained the mass of HD 80653 b to Mb=5.60±0.43MM_{b}=5.60\pm0.43 M_{\oplus}. We also detected a clear long-term trend in the radial velocity data. We derived the fundamental stellar parameters and determined a radius of R=1.22±0.01RR_{\star}=1.22\pm0.01 R_{\odot} and mass of M=1.18±0.04MM_{\star}=1.18\pm0.04 M_{\odot}, suggesting that HD 80653, has an age of 2.7±1.22.7\pm1.2 Gyr. The bulk density (ρb=7.4±1.1\rho_{b} = 7.4 \pm 1.1 g cm3^{-3}) of the planet is consistent with an Earth-like composition of rock and iron with no thick atmosphere. Our analysis of the K2 photometry also suggests hints of a shallow secondary eclipse with a depth of 8.1±\pm3.7 ppm. Flux variations along the orbital phase are consistent with zero. The most important contribution might come from the day-side thermal emission from the surface of the planet at T3480T\sim3480 K.Includes STFC

    The GAPS Programme at TNG: XXVII. Reassessment of a young planetary system with HARPS-N: Is the hot Jupiter V830 Tau b really there?

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    Detecting and characterising exoworlds around very young stars (age<<10 Myr) are key aspects of exoplanet demographic studies, especially for understanding the mechanisms and timescales of planet formation and migration. However, detection using the radial velocity method alone can be very challenging, since the amplitude of the signals due to magnetic activity of such stars can be orders of magnitude larger than those induced even by massive planets. We observed the very young (\sim2 Myr) and very active star V830 Tau with the HARPS-N spectrograph to independently confirm and characterise the previously reported hot Jupiter V830 Tau b (Kb=68±11K_{\rm b}=68\pm11 m/s; mbsinib=0.57±0.10m_{\rm b}sini_{\rm b}=0.57\pm0.10 MjupM_{jup}; Pb=4.927±0.008P_{\rm b}=4.927\pm0.008 d). Due to the observed \sim1 km/s radial velocity scatter clearly attributable to V830 Tau's magnetic activity, we analysed radial velocities extracted with different pipelines and modelled them using several state-of-the-art tools. We devised injection-recovery simulations to support our results and characterise our detection limits. The analysis of the radial velocities was aided by using simultaneous photometric and spectroscopic diagnostics. Despite the high quality of our HARPS-N data and the diversity of tests we performed, we could not detect the planet V830 Tau b in our data and confirm its existence. Our simulations show that a statistically-significant detection of the claimed planetary Doppler signal is very challenging. Much as it is important to continue Doppler searches for planets around young stars, utmost care must be taken in the attempt to overcome the technical difficulties to be faced in order to achieve their detection and characterisation. This point must be kept in mind when assessing their occurrence rate, formation mechanisms and migration pathways, especially without evidence of their existence from photometric transits

    Radial-velocity fitting challenge. II. First results of the analysis of the data set

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    Context. Radial-velocity (RV) signals arising from stellar photospheric phenomena are the main limitation for precise RV measurements. Those signals induce RV variations an order of magnitude larger than the signal created by the orbit of Earth-twins, thus preventing their detection. Aims: Different methods have been developed to mitigate the impact of stellar RV signals. The goal of this paper is to compare the efficiency of these different methods to recover extremely low-mass planets despite stellar RV signals. However, because observed RV variations at the meter-per-second precision level or below is a combination of signals induced by unresolved orbiting planets, by the star, and by the instrument, performing such a comparison using real data is extremely challenging. Methods: To circumvent this problem, we generated simulated RV measurements including realistic stellar and planetary signals. Different teams analyzed blindly those simulated RV measurements, using their own method to recover planetary signals despite stellar RV signals. By comparing the results obtained by the different teams with the planetary and stellar parameters used to generate the simulated RVs, it is therefore possible to compare the efficiency of these different methods. Results: The most efficient methods to recover planetary signals take into account the different activity indicators, use red-noise models to account for stellar RV signals and a Bayesian framework to provide model comparison in a robust statistical approach. Using the most efficient methodology, planets can be found down to K/N= Kpl/RV_{rms×√{Nobs}=5} with a threshold of K/N = 7.5 at the level of 80-90% recovery rate found for a number of methods. These recovery rates drop dramatically for K/N smaller than this threshold. In addition, for the best teams, no false positives with K/N > 7.5 were detected, while a non-negligible fraction of them appear for smaller K/N. A limit of K/N = 7.5 seems therefore a safe threshold to attest the veracity of planetary signals for RV measurements with similar properties to those of the different RV fitting challenge systems. Based on observations collected at the La Silla Parana Observatory, ESO (Chile), with the HARPS spectrograph at the 3.6-m telescope

    The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXVIII. A pair of hot-Neptunes orbiting the young star TOI-942

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    Context. Young stars and multi-planet systems are two types of primary objects that allow us to study, understand, and constrain planetary formation and evolution theories. Aims: We validate the physical nature of two Neptune-sized planets transiting TOI-942 (TYC 5909-319-1), a previously unacknowledged young star (50-20+30 Myr) observed by the TESS space mission in Sector 5. Methods: Thanks to a comprehensive stellar characterization, TESS light curve modeling and precise radial-velocity measurements, we validated the planetary nature of the TESS candidate and detected an additional transiting planet in the system on a larger orbit. Results: From photometric and spectroscopic observations we performed an exhaustive stellar characterization and derived the main stellar parameters. TOI-942 is a relatively active K2.5V star (log R'HK = -4.17 ± 0.01) with rotation period Prot = 3.39 ± 0.01 days, a projected rotation velocity v sin i⋆ = 13.8 ± 0.5 km s-1, and a radius of ~0.9 R⊙. We found that the inner planet, TOI-942 b, has an orbital period Pb = 4.3263 ± 0.0011 days, a radius Rb = 4.242-0.313+0.376 R⊕, and a mass upper limit of 16 M⊕ at 1σ confidence level. The outer planet, TOI-942 c, has an orbital period Pc = 10.1605-0.0053+0.0056 days, a radius Rc = 4.793-0.351+0.410 R⊕, and a mass upper limit of 37 M⊕ at 1σ confidence level. Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated by the Fundación Galileo Galilei (FGG) of the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain). The authors became aware of a parallel effort on the characterization of TOI-942 by Zhou et al. (2021) in the late stages of the manuscript preparations. The submissions are coordinated, and no analyses or results were shared prior to submission

    The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXI. A GIARPS case study of known young planetary candidates: confirmation of HD 285507 b and refutation of AD Leonis b

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    Context. The existence of hot Jupiters is still not well understood. Two main channels are thought to be responsible for their current location: a smooth planet migration through the protoplanetary disk or the circularization of an initial highly eccentric orbit by tidal dissipation leading to a strong decrease in the semimajor axis. Different formation scenarios result in different observable effects, such as orbital parameters (obliquity and eccentricity) or frequency of planets at different stellar ages. Aims: In the context of the GAPS Young Objects project, we are carrying out a radial velocity survey with the aim of searching and characterizing young hot-Jupiter planets. Our purpose is to put constraints on evolutionary models and establish statistical properties, such as the frequency of these planets from a homogeneous sample. Methods: Since young stars are in general magnetically very active, we performed multi-band (visible and near-infrared) spectroscopy with simultaneous GIANO-B + HARPS-N (GIARPS) observing mode at TNG. This helps in dealing with stellar activity and distinguishing the nature of radial velocity variations: stellar activity will introduce a wavelength-dependent radial velocity amplitude, whereas a Keplerian signal is achromatic. As a pilot study, we present here the cases of two known hot Jupiters orbiting young stars: HD 285507 b and AD Leo b. Results: Our analysis of simultaneous high-precision GIARPS spectroscopic data confirms the Keplerian nature of the variation in the HD 285507 radial velocities and refines the orbital parameters of the hot Jupiter, obtaining an eccentricity consistent with a circular orbit. Instead, our analysis does not confirm the signal previously attributed to a planet orbiting AD Leo. This demonstrates the power of the multi-band spectroscopic technique when observing active stars. Photometry, RV, and time series are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/638/A5 Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated by the Fundación Galileo Galilei (FGG) of the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain). Partly based on data obtained with the STELLA robotic telescopes in Tenerife, an AIP facility jointly operated by AIP and IAC