308 research outputs found

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    “These classes have been my happy place”: Feasibility study of a self-care program in Native Hawaiian custodial grandparents

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    Native Hawaiian custodial grandparents have a distinctive set of strengths and challenges that may lead them to benefit from a structured self-care program. The purpose of this paper is to describe a feasibility study with nine Native Hawaiian custodial grandparents who participated in a 6-week self-care intervention. Based on open-ended questions during the post-questionnaire and at the 6-month follow-up focus group, grandparent participants noted that their grandchildren needed education and clothing. Most grandparents did not endorse statements that their grandchildren had any mental or physical health conditions. Grandparents reflected that the intervention provided them with skills to help cope with raising grandchildren and helped them realize the importance of their health to providing care to their grandchildren. Based on the findings from this pilot study, the self-care approach may have benefits for Native Hawaiian custodial grandparents

    Learning About Aging In Hong Kong Through A Linked Service Learning Project

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    With the goal of enhancing knowledge and skills related to cross-cultural aging, a linked service learning project was implemented through a partnership with an elderly community center in Hong Kong. The project linked Semester at Sea (SAS) study abroad students with gerontology students at Colorado State University through collaborative service learning activities. SAS students served as English tutors to older adults in Hong Kong. Gerontology students helped SAS students prepare for their service learning activity by creating instructional materials specific to aging in Hong Kong. The project evaluation demonstrated that all groups benefited from their involvement. SAS students reported positive cognitive and attitudinal outcomes, gerontology students believed their support of study abroad students enhanced their own learning of course content, and the Hong Kong elders reported positive benefits from their interactions with American students

    Recognizing Microaggressions: A Framework for Helping Grandfamilies

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    Microaggressions are manifestations of prejudice targeted toward socially marginalized groups. They may take several forms: subtle discriminatory remarks, behavior, or environmental characteristics. In contrast to overt aggressions, microagressions are not easy to detect and often invisible to both perpetrator and recipient. Existing research demonstrates that experiencing microaggressions is harmful to members of stigmatized groups and provides a framework to combat these negative effects. Although most of the literature on microaggressions is focused on groups characterized by minority race and female gender, microagressions might also be experienced by members of grandfamilies, who often have socially marginalized status. Microagressions toward grandfamilies may take three main forms: microassaults (discrimination), microinsults (insensitivity), and microinvalidations (nullification of experience). Service providers working with grandfamilies can learn to identify microaggressions and suggest ways by which grandfamilies can minimize or eliminate their influence. This article reviews the theoretical framework of microaggressions and notes ways in which it is applicable to grandfamilies. It also includes how this concept may strengthen the work of professionals who assist grandfamilies

    Concerns and supports of grandfamilies using formal services: Do they have the help they need?

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    The objective of this exploratory study was to discover the functional and psychosocial concerns of grandfamilies already receiving support services in their community, and to ask if they had the help they needed. Data were gathered from a convenience sample of 16 grandparents who were raising their grandchildren and were involved with a support group or a grandfamily workshop. Results indicated that grandparents affiliated with formal supports still experience psychosocial concerns (i.e., child’s emotional problems) and functional concerns (i.e., financial strain). Suggestions are included for further development on this measure as derived from the literature, service provider observations, and grandfamily perspectives

    A Framework for Developing Multiyear Conferences on Current Societal Issues

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    This article describes how Extension professionals and university faculty collaborated on the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a conference to address a key societal issue. Needs assessment and evaluation results are presented as well as an explanation of how results were used in planning future conferences. With limited Extension budgets and personnel, partnering among Extension specialists, university faculty, and experts in relevant topics is a valuable and efficient way to provide the most impact for a community. Developing multiyear conferences to address significant societal issues may be a new way to increase Extension\u27s impact

    Using Participatory Focus Groups Of Graduate Students To Improve Academic Departments: A Case Example

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    The authors report on a participatory focus group evaluation of an academic department. The 20 participants, and the majority of the evaluators, were graduate students in that department. The authors report on their methods, their reflections, ethical issues they encountered and what they did about them, and how they used the results

    Estratégias para a composição litúrgica luterana contemporânea

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    Resumo: Em meados do século XVI Matinho Lutero (1483-1546) propôs novos horizontes para a igreja e para a vida espiritual das pessoas. Esse movimento deu origem à Reforma Protestante. A música feita nas igrejas protestantes, como também na católica, sempre foi de rico interesse estético mesmo fora do ambiente eclesiástico. Basta lembrarmos de Palestrina, Victória, Bach, Brahms, Messiaen e tantos outros compositores. No entanto, ao longo dos séculos, a composição musical, e a vocação artística da música litúrgica foram deixadas de lado nas liturgias luteranas. Assim sendo, discutimos alguns possíveis porquês da música litúrgica ter se afastado da criação musical, para que possamos, através de três composições para a celebração do domingo de páscoa, aventar algumas possibilidades de criação musical litúrgica contemporânea

    Utilizing a Community-University Partnership to Meet Grandfamilies’ Needs: Development and Evaluation of a Grandchildren-mentoring Program

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    In response to the increasing rate of grandparent-headed homes and the needs of grandparents and grandchildren, we engaged in a community-university partnership to develop, implement, and evaluate a grandchildren-mentoring program. Prior to developing the grandchildren-mentoring program, a county needs assessment was conducted. The needs assessment revealed that grandparents wanted opportunities for mentorship of their grandchildren. As a result, we partnered with an undergraduate practicum course to create a new option of college students engaging with grandchildren. During our inaugural grandchildren-mentoring program, we conducted focus groups/interviews with grandparents (n = 5) and grandchildren (n = 7) at the end of the nine-month program. Data analysis of the focus group transcripts revealed that grandparents believed the two-hour weekly meetings (between the grandchildren and the student mentor) provided respite and grandparents would enjoy having a student again. Grandchildren commented they trusted their student mentors and did not like that they could not see them after the program ended. The grandchild-mentoring program was well received by grandparents and grandchildren and, although it was designed to support grandchildren, the program met a stated need of grandfamilies in our community. As a result, this program may be beneficial to both grandparents and grandchildren and other university-community partnerships should consider working with students to implement similar programming to support grandfamilies