400 research outputs found

    Novel and transient populations of corticotropin-releasing hormone-expressing neurons in developing hippocampus suggest unique functional roles: a quantitative spatiotemporal analysis.

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    Robust physiological actions of the neuropeptide corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) on hippocampal pyramidal neurons have been demonstrated, which may contribute to synaptic efficacy and to learning and memory processes. These excitatory actions of the peptide, as well as the expression of the CRH receptor type that mediates them, are particularly prominent during early postnatal life, suggesting that endogenous CRH may contribute to processes involved in maturation of hippocampal circuitry. To further elucidate the function(s) of endogenous CRH in developing hippocampus, we used neurochemical and quantitative stereological methods to characterize in detail CRH-expressing neuronal populations during postnatal hippocampal differentiation. These experiments revealed progressively increasing numbers of CRH-expressing neurons in developing hippocampus that peaked on postnatal day 11-18 and then declined drastically to adult levels. These cells belonged to several discrete populations, distinguished by GAD67 mRNA expression, morphology, and distinct spatiotemporal distribution profiles. Importantly, a novel population of Cajal-Retzius-like CRH-expressing neurons was characterized that exists only transiently in early postnatal hippocampus and is positioned to contribute to the establishment of hippocampal connectivity. These findings suggest novel, age-specific roles for CRH in regulating early developmental events in the hippocampal formation

    Virginia Woolf

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    Virginia Woolf (1882–1941) war eine englische Schriftstellerin, Verlegerin, Essayistin, Tagebuchverfasserin, sowie Literatur- und Kulturkritikerin, die als Wegbereiterin der literarischen Moderne gilt. In zahlreichen kritischen Essays und Romanen reflektiert sie die geteilten Lebens- und BildungssphĂ€ren der Geschlechter und kritisiert die materiellen UmstĂ€nde der durch das Geschlecht determinierten sozialen Rolle. Eine genderfokussierte kritische Rezeption von Woolfs Texten, welche sich mit weiblichem Schreiben und Lesen, Frauengeschichtsschreibung und weiblicher Ästhetik befassen, findet seit Mitte der 1970er Jahre statt

    Synaptic mechanisms of pattern completion in the hippocampal CA3 network

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    The hippocampal CA3 region plays a key role in learning and memory. Recurrent CA3–CA3 synapses are thought to be the subcellular substrate of pattern completion. However, the synaptic mechanisms of this network computation remain enigmatic. To investigate these mechanisms, we combined functional connectivity analysis with network modeling. Simultaneous recording fromup to eight CA3 pyramidal neurons revealed that connectivity was sparse, spatially uniform, and highly enriched in disynaptic motifs (reciprocal, convergence,divergence, and chain motifs). Unitary connections were composed of one or two synaptic contacts, suggesting efficient use of postsynaptic space. Real-size modeling indicated that CA3 networks with sparse connectivity, disynaptic motifs, and single-contact connections robustly generated pattern completion.Thus, macro- and microconnectivity contribute to efficient memory storage and retrieval in hippocampal networks

    Hippocampal corticotropin releasing hormone: pre- and postsynaptic location and release by stress.

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    Neuropeptides modulate neuronal function in hippocampus, but the organization of hippocampal sites of peptide release and actions is not fully understood. The stress-associated neuropeptide corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) is expressed in inhibitory interneurons of rodent hippocampus, yet physiological and pharmacological data indicate that it excites pyramidal cells. Here we aimed to delineate the structural elements underlying the actions of CRH, and determine whether stress influenced hippocampal principal cells also via actions of this endogenous peptide. In hippocampal pyramidal cell layers, CRH was located exclusively in a subset of GABAergic somata, axons and boutons, whereas the principal receptor mediating the peptide's actions, CRH receptor 1 (CRF1), resided mainly on dendritic spines of pyramidal cells. Acute 'psychological' stress led to activation of principal neurons that expressed CRH receptors, as measured by rapid phosphorylation of the transcription factor cyclic AMP responsive element binding protein. This neuronal activation was abolished by selectively blocking the CRF1 receptor, suggesting that stress-evoked endogenous CRH release was involved in the activation of hippocampal principal cells

    Diversity of methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp. and methicillin-resistant Mammaliicoccus spp. isolated from ruminants and New World camelids

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    Information about livestock carrying methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci and mammaliicocci (MRCoNS/MRM) is scarce. The study was designed to gain knowledge of the prevalence, the phenotypic and genotypic antimicrobial resistance and the genetic diversity of MRCoNS/MRM originating from ruminants and New World camelids. In addition, a multi-locus sequence typing scheme for the characterization of Mammaliicoccus (formerly Staphylococcus) sciuri was developed. The study was conducted from April 2014 to January 2017 at the University Clinic for Ruminants and the Institute of Microbiology at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna. Seven hundred twenty-three nasal swabs originating from ruminants and New World camelids with and without clinical signs were examined. After isolation, MRCoNS/MRM were identified by MALDI-TOF, rpoB sequencing and typed by DNA microarray-based analysis and PCR. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was conducted by agar disk diffusion. From all 723 nasal swabs, 189 MRCoNS/MRM were obtained. Members of the Mammaliicoccus (M.) sciuri group were predominant (M. sciuri (n = 130), followed by M. lentus (n = 43), M. fleurettii (n = 11)). In total, 158 out of 189 isolates showed phenotypically a multi-resistance profile. A seven-loci multi-locus sequence typing scheme for M. sciuri was developed. The scheme includes the analysis of internal segments of the house-keeping genes ack, aroE, ftsZ, glpK, gmk, pta1 and tpiA. In total, 28 different sequence types (STs) were identified among 92 selected M. sciuri isolates. ST1 was the most prevalent ST (n = 35), followed by ST 2 (n = 15), ST3 and ST5 (each n = 5), ST4 (n = 3), ST6, ST7, ST8, ST9, ST10 and ST11 (each n = 2)

    Differential expression of synaptophysin and synaptoporin during pre- and postnatal development of the hippocampal network

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    The closely related synaptic vesicle membrane proteins synaptophysin and synaptoporin are abundant in the hippocampal formation of the adult rat. But the prenatal hippocampal formation contains only synaptophysin, which is first detected at embryonic day 17 (E17) in perikarya and axons of the pyramidal neurons. At E21 synaptophysin immunoreactivity extends into the apical dendrites of these cells and in newly formed terminals contacting these dendrites. The transient presence of synaptophysin in axons and dendrites suggests a functional involvement of synaptophysin in fibre outgrowth of developing pyramidal neurons. Synaptoporin expression parallels the formation of dentate granule cell synaptic contacts with pyramidal neurons: the amount of hippocampal synaptoporin, determined in immunoblots and by synaptoporin immunostaining of developing mossy fibre terminals, increases during the first postnatal week. Moreover, in the adult, synaptoporin is found exclusively in the mossy fibre terminals present in the hilar region of the dentate gyrus and the regio inferior of the cornu ammonis. In contrast, synaptophysin is present in all synaptic fields of the hippocampal formation, including the mossy fibre terminals, where it colocalizes with synaptoporin in the same boutons. Our data indicate that granule neuron terminals differ from all other terminals of the hippocampal formation by the presence of both synaptoporin and synaptophysin. This difference, observed in the earliest synaptic contacts in the postnatal hippocampus and persisting into adult life, suggests distinct functions of synaptoporin in these nerve terminals

    Stochastic models for the in silico simulation of synaptic processes

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    Background: Research in life sciences is benefiting from a large availability of formal description techniques and analysis methodologies. These allow both the phenomena investigated to be precisely modeled and virtual experiments to be performed in silico. Such experiments may result in easier, faster, and satisfying approximations of their in vitro/vivo counterparts. A promising approach is represented by the study of biological phenomena as a collection of interactive entities through process calculi equipped with stochastic semantics. These exploit formal grounds developed in the theory of concurrency in computer science, account for the not continuous, nor discrete, nature of many phenomena, enjoy nice compositional properties and allow for simulations that have been demonstrated to be coherent with data in literature. Results: Motivated by the need to address some aspects of the functioning of neural synapses, we have developed one such model for synaptic processes in the calyx of Held, which is a glutamatergic synapse in the auditory pathway of the mammalia. We have developed such a stochastic model starting from existing kinetic models based on ODEs of some sub-components of the synapse, integrating other data from literature and making some assumptions about non-fully understood processes. Experiments have confirmed the coherence of our model with known biological data, also validating the assumptions made. Our model overcomes some limitations of the kinetic ones and, to our knowledge, represents the first model of synaptic processes based on process calculi. The compositionality of the approach has permitted us to independently focus on tuning the models of the pre- and post- synaptic traits, and then to naturally connect them, by dealing with “interface” issues. Furthermore, we have improved the expressiveness of the model, e.g. by embedding easy control of element concentration time courses. Sensitivity analysis over several parameters of the model has provided results that may help clarify the dynamics of synaptic transmission, while experiments with the model of the complete synapse seem worth explaining short-term plasticity mechanisms. Conclusions: Specific presynaptic and postsynaptic mechanisms can be further analysed under various conditions, for instance by studying the presynaptic behaviour under repeated activations. The level of details of the description can be refined, for instance by further specifying the neurotransmitter generation and release steps. Taking advantage of the compositionality of the approach, an enhanced model could then be composed with other neural models, designed within the same framework, in order to obtain a more detailed and comprehensive model. In the long term, we are interested, in particular, in addressing models of synaptic plasticity, i.e. activity dependent mechanisms, which are the bases of memory and learning processes. More on the computer science side, we plan to follow some directions to improve the underlying computational model and the linguistic primitives it provides as suggested by the experiments carried out, e.g. by introducing a suitable notion of (spatial) locality

    STRASSE: A Silicon Tracker for Quasi-free Scattering Measurements at the RIBF

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    STRASSE (Silicon Tracker for RAdioactive nuclei Studies at SAMURAI Experiments) is a new detection system under construction for quasi-free scattering (QFS) measurements at 200-250 MeV/nucleon at the RIBF facility of the RIKEN Nishina Center. It consists of a charged-particle silicon tracker coupled with a dedicated thick liquid hydrogen target (up to 150-mm long) in a compact geometry to fit inside large scintillator or germanium arrays. Its design was optimized for two types of studies using QFS: missing-mass measurements and in-flight prompt Îł\gamma-ray spectroscopy. This article describes (i) the resolution requirements needed to go beyond the sensitivity of existing systems for these two types of measurements, (ii) the conceptual design of the system using detailed simulations of the setup and (iii) its complete technical implementation and challenges. The final tracker aims at a sub-mm reaction vertex resolution and is expected to reach a missing-mass resolution below 2 MeV in σ\sigma for (p,2p)(p,2p) reactions when combined with the CsI(Na) CATANA array.Comment: 25 pages, 29 figure

    Human embryonic stem cell-derived neurons establish region-specific, long-range projections in the adult brain

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    While the availability of pluripotent stem cells has opened new prospects for generating neural donor cells for nervous system repair, their capability to integrate with adult brain tissue in a structurally relevant way is still largely unresolved. We addressed the potential of human embryonic stem cell-derived long-term self-renewing neuroepithelial stem cells (lt-NES cells) to establish axonal projections after transplantation into the adult rodent brain. Transgenic and species-specific markers were used to trace the innervation pattern established by transplants in the hippocampus and motor cortex. In vitro, lt-NES cells formed a complex axonal network within several weeks after the initiation of differentiation and expressed a composition of surface receptors known to be instrumental in axonal growth and pathfinding. In vivo, these donor cells adopted projection patterns closely mimicking endogenous projections in two different regions of the adult rodent brain. Hippocampal grafts placed in the dentate gyrus projected to both the ipsilateral and contralateral pyramidal cell layers, while axons of donor neurons placed in the motor cortex extended via the external and internal capsule into the cervical spinal cord and via the corpus callosum into the contralateral cortex. Interestingly, acquisition of these region-specific projection profiles was not correlated with the adoption of a regional phenotype. Upon reaching their destination, human axons established ultrastructural correlates of synaptic connections with host neurons. Together, these data indicate that neurons derived from human pluripotent stem cells are endowed with a remarkable potential to establish orthotopic long-range projections in the adult mammalian brain
