257 research outputs found


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    Control of Thickness of PEDOT Electrodeposits on Glass/ITO Electrodes from Organic Solutions and its Use as Anode in Organic Solar Cells

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    AbstractPoly-ethylendioxythiophene (PEDOT) was electropolymerized from the monomer EDOT in acetonitrile (ACN) containing Bu4N+ClO4-, BF4- or PF6- ions as supporting electrolyte. The electrode used was transparent electrodes (Glass/ITO) in order to generate the anode of an organic solar cell (OSC). Potentiodynamic and potentiostatic electropolymerization techniques were used to make the conducting polymer deposits (E-PEDOT), which were obtained as a thin film onto the ITO surface. It was possible to control the thickness of the electrodeposited films in the range of 15 to 200nm measured by AFM. With the thinner films (until 100nm), it was observed that its absorbance at 700nm was linearly dependent with their thickness and it was possible to obtain an equation that was used to measure the films thickness of future experiments. The E-PEDOT films were successfully used for constructing OSC's and the efficiency values found were equivalent or slightly superior to those found with the classical PEDOT:PSS anode

    Electrochemical Characterization of Spiropyran Structures

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    AbstractSpiropyran (SP) is a type of photochromic molecules widely studied because of their interesting physical and chemical properties. Irradiation of spiropyrans with near UV-light induces heterolytic cleavage of the spiro bond, resulting in the possibility of their application in electro-optical molecular devices and electronic data storage. Although some reports conclude that the opening process also occurs upon electrochemical oxidation of the indolic nitrogen, a complete description of both oxidation and reduction processes, is yet unavailable. In this work, cyclic voltammetry was employed for characterizing nitrospiropyran structures. After oxidation of SP, a reduction signal at a potential value less negative than the original closed compound appeared when successive voltammetric cycles were performed. Based on the results obtained, possible mechanistic pathways are discussed

    ConVIDA controlar variables per al diagnòstic individual d'ASD (Acute Stress Disorder)

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    Després de la crisi de COVID-19, ens trobem davant d'un escenari mai vist abans, tota la humanitat ha estat exposada a confinament general i les seves diferències d'impacte sobre les persones es determinaran segons les condicions individuals. La resta de nosaltres tindrem dificultats per superar l'estrès generat i aquesta situació portarà a desenvolupar un trastorn d'estrès posttraumàtic (PTSD). La nostra proposta és minimitzar les persones que es posen malaltes. Presentem ConVIDA (Controlar Variables per al Diagnòstic Individual d'Asd (Acute Stress Disorder)), un xat intel·ligent que simula una conversa real per proporcionar respostes automàtiques als usuaris. L'objectiu de Chatbot és ajudar a totes les persones que han generat problemes psicosocials desencadenats per COVID-19.Tras la crisis de Covid-19, nos encontramos ante un escenario nunca visto antes, toda la humanidad ha sido expuesta a confinamiento general y sus diferencias de impacto sobre las personas se determinarán según las condiciones individuales. El resto de nosotros tendremos dificultades para superar el estrés generado y esta situación llevará a desarrollar un trastorno de estrés postraumático (PTSD). Nuestra propuesta es minimizar las personas que se enferman. Presentamos invitado (Controlar Variables para el Diagnóstico Individual de Asd (Acute Stress Disorder)), un chat inteligente que simula una conversación real para proporcionar respuestas automáticas a los usuarios. El objetivo del chatbot es ayudar a todas las personas que han generado problemas psicosociales desencadenados por Covid-19.After the COVID-19 crisis, we are faced with a scenario never seen before, all of humanity has been exposed to general confinement and its differences in impact on people will be determined by individual conditions. The rest of us we will have difficulty overcoming the stress generated and this situation will lead to the development of a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Our proposal is to minimize people who get sick. We present ConVIDA (Controlling Variables for Individual Diagnosis of Asd (Acute Stress Disorder)), a smart chat that simulates a real conversation to provide automatic answers to users. The goal of Chatbot is to help all people who have caused psychosocial problems triggered by COVID-19

    An easy-to-machine electrochemical flow microreactor: efficient synthesis of isoindolinone and flow functionalization

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    Flow electrochemistry is an efficient methodology to generate radical intermediates. An electrochemical flow microreactor has been designed and manufactured to improve the efficiency of electrochemical flow reactions. With this device only little or no supporting electrolytes are needed, making processes less costly and enabling easier purification. This is demonstrated by the facile synthesis of amidyl radicals used in intramolecular hydroaminations to produce isoindolinones. The combination with inline mass spectrometry facilitates a much easier combination of chemical steps in a single flow proces

    ElectrochemicalN-demethylation of tropane alkaloids

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    A practical, efficient, and selective electrochemicalN-demethylation method of tropane alkaloids to their nortropane derivatives is described. Nortropanes, such as noratropine and norscopolamine, are important intermediates for the semi-synthesis of the medicines ipratropium or oxitropium bromide, respectively. Synthesis was performed in a simple home-made electrochemical batch cell using a porous glassy carbon electrode. The reaction proceeds at room temperature in one step in a mixture of ethanol or methanol and water. The method avoids hazardous oxidizing agents such as H(2)O(2)orm-chloroperbenzoic acid (m-CPBA), toxic solvents such as chloroform, as well as metal-based catalysts. Various key parameters were investigated in electrochemical batch or flow cells, and the optimized conditions were used in batch and flow-cells at gram scale to synthesize noratropine in high yield and purity using a convenient liquid-liquid extraction method without any need for chromatographic purification. Mechanistic studies showed that the electrochemicalN-demethylation proceeds by the formation of an iminium intermediate which is converted by water as the nucleophile. The optimized method was further applied to scopolamine, cocaine, benzatropine, homatropine and tropacocaine, showing that this is a generic way ofN-demethylating tropane alkaloids to synthesize valuable precursors for pharmaceutical products