579 research outputs found

    Oscillating bound states for a giant atom

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    We investigate the relaxation dynamics of a single artificial atom interacting, via multiple coupling points, with a continuum of bosonic modes (photons or phonons) in a one-dimensional waveguide. In the non-Markovian regime, where the traveling time of a photon or phonon between the coupling points is sufficiently large compared to the inverse of the bare relaxation rate of the atom, we find that a boson can be trapped and form a stable bound state. As a key discovery, we further find that a persistently oscillating bound state can appear inside the continuous spectrum of the waveguide if the number of coupling points is more than two since such a setup enables multiple bound modes to coexist. This opens up prospects for storing and manipulating quantum information in larger Hilbert spaces than available in previously known bound states

    Geoacoustic inversion by mode amplitude perturbation

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123 (2008): 667-678, doi:10.1121/1.2821975.This paper introduces a perturbative inversion algorithm for determining sea floor acoustic properties, which uses modal amplitudes as input data. Perturbative inverse methods have been used in the past to estimate bottom acoustic properties in sediments, but up to this point these methods have used only the modal eigenvalues as input data. As with previous perturbative inversion methods, the one developed in this paper solves the nonlinear inverse problem using a series of approximate, linear steps. Examples of the method applied to synthetic and experimental data are provided to demonstrate the method's feasibility. Finally, it is shown that modal eigenvalue and amplitude perturbation can be combined into a single inversion algorithm that uses all of the potentially available modal data.Funding for the research presented here was provided by the Office of Naval Research, and the WHOI Academic Programs Office

    Revealing higher-order light and matter energy exchanges using quantum trajectories in ultrastrong coupling

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    The dynamics of open quantum systems is often modeled using master equations, which describe the expected outcome of an experiment (i.e., the average over many realizations of the same dynamics). Quantum trajectories, instead, model the outcome of ideal single experiments - the "clicks"of a perfect detector due to, e.g., spontaneous emission. The correct description of quantum jumps, which are related to random events characterizing a sudden change in the wave function of an open quantum system, is pivotal to the definition of quantum trajectories. In this article, we extend the formalism of quantum trajectories to open quantum systems with ultrastrong coupling (USC) between light and matter by properly defining jump operators in this regime. In such systems, exotic higher-order quantum-state and energy transfer can take place without conserving the total number of excitations in the system. The emitted field of such USC systems bears signatures of these higher-order processes, and significantly differs from similar processes at lower coupling strengths. Notably, the emission statistics must be taken at a single quantum trajectory level, since the signatures of these processes are washed out by the "averaging"of a master equation. We analyze the impact of the chosen unraveling (i.e., how one collects the output field of the system) for the quantum trajectories and show that these effects of the higher-order USC processes can be revealed in experiments by constructing histograms of detected quantum jumps. We illustrate these ideas by analyzing the excitation of two atoms by a single photon [Garziano, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 043601 (2016)0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.117.043601]. For example, quantum trajectories reveal that keeping track of the quantum jumps from the atoms allows one to reconstruct both the oscillations between one photon and two atoms as well as emerging Rabi oscillations between the two atoms

    Low-frequency broadband sound source localization using an adaptive normal mode back-propagation approach in a shallow-water ocean

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131 (2012): 1798-1813, doi:10.1121/1.3672643.A variety of localization methods with normal mode theory have been established for localizing low frequency (below a few hundred Hz), broadband signals in a shallow water environment. Gauss-Markov inverse theory is employed in this paper to derive an adaptive normal mode back-propagation approach. Joining with the maximum a posteriori mode filter, this approach is capable of separating signals from noisy data so that the back-propagation will not have significant influence from the noise. Numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the robustness and accuracy of the approach, along with comparisons to other methods. Applications to real data collected at the edge of the continental shelf off New Jersey, USA are presented, and the effects of water column fluctuations caused by nonlinear internal waves and shelfbreak front variability are discussed.The SW06 experiment was supported by the Office of Naval Research

    Does wearing a non-medical face mask cause changes in cerebral hemodynamics?

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    We present a study investigating the effect of non-medical face masks (FFP2 and surgical) on cerebral hemodynamics measured by transcranial hybrid diffuse optics, and on systemic physiology in 13 healthy adults (age: 23-33 years)

    Steady-State Heat Transport and Work With a Single Artificial Atom Coupled to a Waveguide: Emission Without External Driving

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    We observe the continuous emission of photons into a waveguide from a superconducting qubit without the application of an external drive. To explain this counterintuitive observation, we build a two-bath model where the qubit couples simultaneously to a cold bath (the waveguide) and a hot bath (a secondary environment). Our results show that the thermal-photon occupation of the hot bath is up to 0.14 photons, 35 times larger than the cold waveguide, leading to nonequilibrium heat transport with a power of up to 132 zW, as estimated from the qubit emission spectrum. By adding more isolation between the sample output and the first cold amplifier in the output line, the heat transport is strongly suppressed. Our interpretation is that the hot bath may arise from active two-level systems being excited by noise from the output line, and that the qubit coherence can be improved significantly by suppressing this noise. We also apply a coherent drive, and use the waveguide to measure thermodynamic work and heat, suggesting waveguide spectroscopy is a useful means to study quantum heat engines and refrigerators. Finally, based on the theoretical model, we propose how a similar setup can be used as a noise spectrometer which provides a solution for calibrating the background noise of hybrid quantum systems

    Decoherence-Free Interaction between Giant Atoms in Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics

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    In quantum-optics experiments with both natural and artificial atoms, the atoms are usually small enough that they can be approximated as pointlike compared to the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation with which they interact. However, superconducting qubits coupled to a meandering transmission line, or to surface acoustic waves, can realize "giant artificial atoms" that couple to a bosonic field at several points which are wavelengths apart. Here, we study setups with multiple giant atoms coupled at multiple points to a one-dimensional (1D) waveguide. We show that the giant atoms can be protected from decohering through the waveguide, but still have exchange interactions mediated by the waveguide. Unlike in decoherence-free subspaces, here the entire multiatom Hilbert space (2N states for N atoms) is protected from decoherence. This is not possible with "small" atoms. We further show how this decoherence-free interaction can be designed in setups with multiple atoms to implement, e.g., a 1D chain of atoms with nearest-neighbor couplings or a collection of atoms with all-to-all connectivity. This may have important applications in quantum simulation and quantum computing

    A spectral line survey of Orion KL in the bands 486-492 and 541-577 GHz with the Odin satellite I. The observational data

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    Spectral line surveys are useful since they allow identification of new molecules and new lines in uniformly calibrated data sets. Nonetheless, large portions of the sub-millimetre spectral regime remain unexplored due to severe absorptions by H2O and O2 in the terrestrial atmosphere. The purpose of the measurements presented here is to cover wavelength regions at and around 0.55 mm -- regions largely unobservable from the ground. Using the Odin astronomy/aeronomy satellite, we performed the first spectral survey of the Orion KL molecular cloud core in the bands 486--492 and 541--576 GHz with rather uniform sensitivity (22--25 mK baseline noise). Odin's 1.1 m size telescope, equipped with four cryo-cooled tuneable mixers connected to broad band spectrometers, was used in a satellite position-switching mode. Two mixers simultaneously observed different 1.1 GHz bands using frequency steps of 0.5 GHz (25 hours each). An on-source integration time of 20 hours was achieved for most bands. The entire campaign consumed ~1100 orbits, each containing one hour of serviceable astro-observation. We identified 280 spectral lines from 38 known interstellar molecules (including isotopologues) having intensities in the range 80 to 0.05 K. An additional 64 weak lines remain unidentified. Apart from the ground state rotational 1(1,0)--1(0,1) transitions of ortho-H2O, H218O and H217O, the high energy 6(2,4)--7(1,7) line of para-H2O and the HDO(2,0,2--1,1,1) line have been observed, as well as the 1,0--0,1 lines from NH3 and its rare isotopologue 15NH3. We suggest assignments for some unidentified features, notably the new interstellar molecules ND and SH-. Severe blends have been detected in the line wings of the H218O, H217O and 13CO lines changing the true linewidths of the outflow emission.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, 7 tables, accepeted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics 30 August 200

    Riemann's theorem for quantum tilted rotors

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    The angular momentum, angular velocity, Kelvin circulation, and vortex velocity vectors of a quantum Riemann rotor are proven to be either (1) aligned with a principal axis or (2) lie in a principal plane of the inertia ellipsoid. In the second case, the ratios of the components of the Kelvin circulation to the corresponding components of the angular momentum, and the ratios of the components of the angular velocity to those of the vortex velocity are analytic functions of the axes lengths.Comment: 8 pages, Phys. Rev.

    Stability properties of |Psi|^2 in Bohmian dynamics

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    According to Bohmian dynamics, the particles of a quantum system move along trajectories, following a velocity field determined by the wave-function Psi(x,t). We show that for simple one-dimensional systems any initial probability distribution of a statistical ensemble approaches asymptotically |Psi(x,t)}|^2 if the system is subject to a random noise of arbitrarily small intensity.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.
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