18 research outputs found


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    Coupled DEM-CFD simulations have been performed to study the hydrodynamics of a Wurster granulator on the scale of individual particles. Based on extensive material tests, the collision behaviour of dry Gamma -Al2O3 particles is identified and incorporated into the model. The effect of process parameters like air flow rate and geometry details like the Wurster position is studied. Based on a physical description of the material properties, an effective tool for design and scale-up of a Wurster granulator is obtained

    DEM-CFD Modeling of a Bubbling Fluidized Bed and a Wurster Coater

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    Coupled DEM-CFD simulations were performed to study the fluid and particle dynamics of a fluidized bed granulator on the micro-scale. In a first study, wetting of the particles is estimated based on the residence time distribution inside a conical spray zone. The effect of the geometry of the apparatus on the homogeneity of wetting is analyzed in order to understand the performance and specificity of different granulator configurations. For a small simulation system, heat and mass transfer laws were resolved to calculate the moisture content of the individual particles An effective modelling tool for design of a fluidized bed spray granulator is obtained

    A frameshift mutation in ARMC3 is associated with a tail stump sperm defect in Swedish Red (Bos taurus) cattle

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    Background: Artificial insemination is widely used in many cattle breeding programs. Semen samples of breeding bulls are collected and closely examined immediately after collection at artificial insemination centers. Only ejaculates without anomalous findings are retained for artificial insemination. Although morphological aberrations of the spermatozoa are a frequent reason for discarding ejaculates, the genetic determinants underlying poor semen quality are scarcely understood. Results: A tail stump sperm defect was observed in three bulls of the Swedish Red cattle breed. The spermatozoa of affected bulls were immotile because of severely disorganized tails indicating disturbed spermatogenesis. We genotyped three affected bulls and 18 unaffected male half-sibs at 46,035 SNPs and performed homozygosity mapping to map the fertility disorder to an 8.42 Mb interval on bovine chromosome 13. The analysis of whole-genome re-sequencing data of an affected bull and 300 unaffected animals from eleven cattle breeds other than Swedish Red revealed a 1 bp deletion (Chr13: 24,301,425 bp, ss1815612719) in the eleventh exon of the armadillo repeat containing 3-encoding gene (ARMC3) that was compatible with the supposed recessive mode of inheritance. The deletion is expected to alter the reading frame and to induce premature translation termination (p.A451fs26). The mutated protein is shortened by 401 amino acids (46 %) and lacks domains that are likely essential for normal protein function. Conclusions: We report the phenotypic and genetic characterization of a sterilizing tail stump sperm defect in the Swedish Red cattle breed. Exploiting high-density genotypes and massive re-sequencing data enabled us to identify the most likely causal mutation for the fertility disorder in bovine ARMC3. Our results provide the basis for monitoring the mutated variant in the Swedish Red cattle population and for the early identification of infertile animals.Peer reviewe

    Tuning the packed bed configuration for selective extraction of espresso non-volatiles based on polarity

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    The taste of espresso is impacted by the absolute and relative concentrations of numerous marker compounds extracted during the brewing process. Due to the complex diffusion-convection process, the resulting concentration of the compounds in the espresso cup is largely influenced by the extraction conditions. In our previous work (Vaca Guerra et al., 2023) we have demonstrated that the hydrodynamics of extraction is significantly impacted by the size distribution of the coffee particles. In the present work, using a similar approach, we evaluated its impact on the kinetics of the extraction of specific coffee marker compounds. The results obtained show that, even having similar extraction conditions, changes in the bed configuration, namely reducing the specific wetting surface area, decreased the extraction rate of the components asymptotically. Moreover, being polar components the most affected and non-polar the least, the impact of particle size was correlated with the polarity of the components, showing good agreement. This work provides insight into the possible ways to perform selective extraction from components with different polarities driven only by variations of the initial bed parameters and evaluating the necessary conditions to scale up the results to larger bed lengths

    Additional file 3: of A frameshift mutation in ARMC3 is associated with a tail stump sperm defect in Swedish Red (Bos taurus) cattle

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    Structural sequence variants that were compatible with recessive inheritance. Grey background indicates an intergenic sequence variant that was not polymorphic among 1147 animals of the 1000 bull genomes project. (XLSX 36 kb

    Additional file 4: of A frameshift mutation in ARMC3 is associated with a tail stump sperm defect in Swedish Red (Bos taurus) cattle

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    Genotype distribution of 73 candidate causal mutations for the tail stump sperm defect in 1147 animals from the 1000 bull genomes project. Alternate allele frequency and genotype distribution of 73 variants in 29 breeds (homozygous animals for the reference allele | heterozygous animals | homozygous animals for the alternate allele). Grey color indicates variants that were considered as candidate causal mutations. Red color indicates the deletion mutation in the coding sequence of ARMC3. (XLSX 49 kb

    Additional file 2: of A frameshift mutation in ARMC3 is associated with a tail stump sperm defect in Swedish Red (Bos taurus) cattle

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    Sequence variants identified using the SAMtools software package that were compatible with recessive inheritance. Grey background indicates 15 sequence variants that were not polymorphic among 1147 animals of the 1000 bull genomes project. Red color indicates a coding variant compatible with recessive inheritance. The functional consequence of the alternative allele was predicted using the Variant Effect Predictor from Ensembl (see Methods). (XLSX 61 kb

    3500 kyrkor : Problem eller möjlighet. 8 Restuareringsexempel

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    I kyrkorna finner man de högsta kvaliteterna av arkitektur och konst som har stĂ„tt i mĂ€nsklig makt att uppbringa. Kulturarvets vĂ€rde Ă€r högt. Arkitektur Ă€r en konstart som förstĂ€rker funktionen/verksamheten – pĂ„ samma sĂ€tt som t.ex. musik, poesi, skulptur eller mĂ„leri. Konstarterna gĂ„r utöver funktionerna/verksamheterna, dĂ€rför finns det alltid nya möjligheter att bearbeta. Restaureringskonstens uppgift Ă€r att tillvara arkitekturkvaliteterna, utveckla dem och förhöja dem. Det finns ungefĂ€r 3 500 kyrkor inom Svenska kyrkan, en tredjedel medeltida och entredjedel frĂ„n 1950–60-talen. Sammantaget Ă€r det en komplex samling byggnader. Majoriteten av 6,4 miljoner medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan Ă€r intresserade av att kyrkobyggnaderna tas om hand. FĂ€rre sĂ€ger sig vara intresserade av att aktivt delta i kyrkans kĂ€rnverksamhet. Men kyrkobyggnaden och verksamheten hĂ€nger samman; de enda byggnader som haft enoch samma anvĂ€ndning i 1000 Ă„r Ă€r kyrkor. Att vĂ„rda och utveckla kyrkobyggnadsmiljöernaingĂ„r inte i kyrkans kĂ€rnverksamheter. Varför inte? Sedan relationsförĂ€ndringen Ă„r 2000 dĂ„ kyrkan skildes frĂ„n staten har inga lĂ„ngsiktiga visioner eller strategier om förvaltningen av Sveriges mest tillgĂ€ngliga kulturskatt framkommit. Inget drastiskt hĂ€nde Ă„r 2000; antalet gudstjĂ€nstbesökare började minska lĂ„ngt tidigare. Varför ska vi vara sĂ„ oroliga nu nĂ€r vi inte var det förut? VĂ„ra kyrkor Ă€r i bĂ€ttre skick Ă€n i nĂ„got annat land i Europa, vi har aldrig haft det sĂ„ bra som nu, Ă€ndĂ„ Ă€r det först nu som vi inte anser oss ha rĂ„d att sköta denna del av kulturarvet. Andra lĂ€nder har en mĂ€ngd olika sĂ€tt att finansiera och arbeta med kyrkobyggnader. Sverige har bara ett sĂ€tt, statsbidrag. En mĂ€ngd oprövade möjligheter finns – ett gyllene Ă€gg att förvalta! 20 studenter i Restaureringskonst har arbetat med kunskapsuppbyggnad i teori och praktik under Ă„ret. VĂ„ra studier har innefattat tre innerstadskyrkor och fem andra kyrkor i Stockholms stift, praktiskt nĂ„bara för vĂ„ra studier. Vi Ă€r vĂ€l medvetna om de helt olikartade förutsĂ€ttningar som finns i vĂ„rt avlĂ„nga land med Europas snabbaste urbaniseringstakt, Ă€ven om vi haft ett begrĂ€nsat antal fallstudier nĂ€r vi trĂ€nat arbetsprocess och metodik. Året har förutom projektarbete omfattat förelĂ€sningar, seminarier, workshops och studieresor inom restaureringshistoria, dokumentation med 3D-laserscanning, kulturhistoriskvĂ€rdering och analys, material och metoder för restaurering, gestaltning och bevarande,presentation och kommunikation. Av Ă„rets studenter Ă€r tio arkitekter, en ingenjör, sex antikvarier, tvĂ„ konservatorer och en förvaltare. Tack vare kursens blandade professioner Ă€r inledningdiskussionerna och det interna kunskapsutbytet en viktig del av utbildningen, liksom det nĂ€tverk som erbjuds genom inbjudna förelĂ€sare och specialister inom praktisk restaurering och i forskningsfronten. Genom studiebesök och studieresor fĂ„r studenterna kontakter ochintryck av hur restaurering tillĂ€mpas och diskuteras i olika sammanhang. I Ă„r har vi gjort studieresor till Tyskland och England samt inom Sverige. Kyrkan har i alla tider stĂ„tt för högsta kvalitet i arkitektur och konst – Ă„rets kurs vill visa vĂ€rdet av denna resurs och hur vi kan arbeta med uppgiften att upprĂ€tthĂ„lla och gĂ€rna öka kulturarvets kvaliteter genomrestaureringskonst.Vi tackar alla som bidragit till genomförandet av vĂ„r kurs i Ă„r; sĂ€rskilt Stockholms stift och de församlingar som har gett oss tillgĂ„ng till sina kyrkor.Restaureringskonst vid Mejan Arc, Kungl. Konsthögskolan i Stockholm har under lĂ€sĂ„ret 2013–14 arbetat med kyrkor, landets mest omfattande kulturarv och största restaureringsuppgift. De flesta Ă€gs av Svenska kyrkan och Ă€r samtidigt ett kulturarv som Ă€gs av oss alla. Vi har i Ă„rets kurs utforskat kyrkobyggnader, odlat existerande kvaliteter och utvecklat nya.Uttryck som kyrkors övertalighet, lĂ€gga kyrkor i malpĂ„se, kallstĂ€llning och överkostnaderindikerar problem. Vi vill vĂ€nda trenden frĂ„n problemsökande till att finna möjligheter. DĂ€rför söker vi en konstruktiv utveckling med förĂ€dling och kreativ förbĂ€ttring dĂ€rvĂ€rdena vidmakthĂ„lls. Studenterna har kommit fram till att kyrkorna i de flesta fall kanbrukas vidare, ibland Ă€r bevarandekravet absolut, ibland Ă€r förĂ€ndring en nödvĂ€ndighet.</p