339 research outputs found

    Irrationale Denkprozesse als Auslöser maladaptiver Emotionen: Empirische Analysen der Grundannahmen der Rational-Emotiven-Verhaltenstherapie im Kontext des depressogenen Attributionsstils

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    Zentrale Annahmen der Rational-Emotiven-Verhaltenstherapie REVT werden einer empirischen Überprüfung unterzogen: Rationale Gedanken (z.B. "ich möchte gerne") sollen adaptive Emotionen, irrationale Gedanken (z.B. "ich muss unbedingt..") hingegen maladaptive Emotionen bewirken. Weiterhin sollen adaptive Emotionen - anders als maladaptive Emotionen - angemessenes und funktionales Verhalten hervorrufen. Zwei experimentelle Studienreihen bestätigen diese postulierten Verbindungen anhand von Szenariostudien. Zudem beinhalten sowohl die REVT als auch die Attributionstheorie (AT)spezifische Darstellungen von Kognitionen, die der psychischen Gesundheit abträglich sind: Diese sind in der REVT durch irrationale Gedanken, in der AT durch den depressogenen Attributionsstil gekennzeichnet. Aufbauend auf diesen theoretischen Grundlagen vergleicht eine dritte Studienreihe daher die Attributionsmuster irrational und rational denkender Stimuluspersonen. Für irrational im Unterschied zu den rational Denkenden lassen sich signifikante und konsistente depressogene Attributionsmuster nachweisen. Implikationen für die therapeutische Arbeit werden abgeleitet

    Effects of daytime food intake on memory consolidation during sleep or sleep deprivation.

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    Sleep enhances memory consolidation. Bearing in mind that food intake produces many metabolic signals that can influence memory processing in humans (e.g., insulin), the present study addressed the question as to whether the enhancing effect of sleep on memory consolidation is affected by the amount of energy consumed during the preceding daytime. Compared to sleep, nocturnal wakefulness has been shown to impair memory consolidation in humans. Thus, a second question was to examine whether the impaired memory consolidation associated with sleep deprivation (SD) could be compensated by increased daytime energy consumption. To these aims, 14 healthy normal-weight men learned a finger tapping sequence (procedural memory) and a list of semantically associated word pairs (declarative memory). After the learning period, standardized meals were administered, equaling either ∼50% or ∼150% of the estimated daily energy expenditure. In the morning, after sleep or wakefulness, memory consolidation was tested. Plasma glucose was measured both before learning and retrieval. Polysomnographic sleep recordings were performed by electroencephalography (EEG). Independent of energy intake, subjects recalled significantly more word pairs after sleep than they did after SD. When subjects stayed awake and received an energy oversupply, the number of correctly recalled finger sequences was equal to those seen after sleep. Plasma glucose did not differ among conditions, and sleep time in the sleep conditions was not influenced by the energy intake interventions. These data indicate that the daytime energy intake level affects neither sleep's capacity to boost the consolidation of declarative and procedural memories, nor sleep's quality. However, high energy intake was followed by an improved procedural but not declarative memory consolidation under conditions of SD. This suggests that the formation of procedural memory is not only triggered by sleep but is also sensitive to the fluctuations in the energy state of the body

    Is 24/7 remote patient management in heart failure necessary? Results of the telemedical emergency service used in the TIM‐HF and in the TIM‐HF2 trials

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    Aims: Telemedical emergency services for heart failure (HF) patients are usually provided during business hours. However, many emergencies occur outside of business hours. This study evaluates if a 24/7 telemedical emergency service is needed for the remote management of high-risk HF patients. Methods: and results The study included 1119 patients merged from the TIM-HF and TIM-HF2 trials [age 69 +/- 11, 73% male, left ventricular ejection fraction 37% +/- 13, 557 New York Heart Association (NYHA) II/562 NYHA III]. Patients received a 24/7 physician-guided emergency service provided by the telemedical centre (TMC) in addition to remote management within business hours. During emergency calls, patient status, symptoms, electronic patient record, and instant telemonitoring data were evaluated by the TMC physician. Following diagnosis, patients were referred for hospital admission or instructed to stay at home. Apart from the TMC, patients could place a call to the public emergency service at any time. Seven hundred sixty-eight emergency calls were placed over 1383 patient years (0.56 calls/patient year). Five hundred twenty-six calls (69%) occurred outside business hours. There were 146 (19%) emergency calls for worsening HF, 297 (39%) other cardiovascular, and 325 (42%) non-cardiac causes, with a similar pattern inside and outside business hours. Of the 1119 patients, 417 (37%) placed at least one emergency call. Patients with NYHA Class III, higher N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide (>1.400 pg/mL) levels, ischaemic aetiology of HF, implanted defibrillator, and impaired renal function had a higher probability of placing emergency calls. During study follow-up, patients who made an emergency call had a higher all-cause mortality (22% vs. 11%, P = 0.007 in TIM-HF; 16% vs. 4%, P < 0.001 in TIM-HF2) and more unplanned hospitalizations (324 vs. 162, P < 0.001 in TIM-HF; 545 vs. 180, P < 0.001 in TIM-HF2). Of the total 1,211 unplanned hospital admissions, 492 (41%) were initiated by a patient emergency call. Three hundred seventy-nine calls (49%) were placed to the TMC, whereas 389 calls (51%) were made to the public emergency service. Three hundred twenty-six (84%) of the calls to the public emergency service resulted in acute hospitalizations. The TMC initiated 202 (53%) hospital admissions; 177 (47%) patients were advised to stay at home. All patients that remained at home were alive during a prespecified safety period of 7 days post-call. Diagnoses made by the TMC physician were confirmed in 83% of cases by the hospital. Conclusion: A telemedical emergency service for high-risk HF patients is safe and should operate 24/7 to reduce unplanned hospitalizations. Emergency calls could be considered as a marker for higher morbidity and mortality

    Mais-Stangenbohnen-Silage als Futtermittel für Milchkühe und Mastschweine

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    In organic farming, appropriate protein feeding is challenging based on regional or farm-grown resources. Therefore, feeding maize-bean-silage to dairy cows and fattening pigs could be a viable option to increase the protein content in the diet. However, anti-nutritional compounds might impair animal performance. When exchanging maize silage with maize-bean-silage in the diet of dairy cows, no detrimental effects could be detected. Similarly, the on-top feeding of maize-beansilage to pigs revealed no differences in regard to animal performance compared to a grass-clover diet. Thus, the inclusion of a certain amount of maize-bean-silage in the diet of dairy cows and fattening pigs had no negative effects on the animals. Further studies are going to examine the effect of higher proportions of maize-bean-silage

    Mit welchem Wort soll ich´s benennen? Eine lexikalische und korpusbasierte Analyse deutscher Verben

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    Verbs either describe factual activities relating to objects (e.g. to plant) or interpersonal activities (e.g. to praise). These interpersonal verbs can be subdivided in action verbs (e.g. to hit) and state verbs (e.g. to admire). For action verbs as well as for state verbs it can be differentiated, if they induce either causal attributions to the subject (e.g. to hit, to frighten) or to the object (e.g. to punish, to admire) of the interaction. Previous linguistic and psychological research has predominantly used identical vocabularies from a small section of the whole language repertoire. Furthermore a comprehensive systematisation of Germen verbs based on the classification described above is still missing. To assess frequency estimates of these verbtypes for the whole language, an integrating analysis of different corpora of German language is conducted for the first time. Data record included more than 10 000 verbs. Frequency analyses confirm a dominance of factual activities compared to interpersonal verbs and within interpersonal verbs a dominance of action verbs. The resulting corpus can be used for representative analyses of interpersonal verbs and attributional analyses of linguistic data.Verben beschreiben entweder sachbezogene Vorgänge (z.B. anpflanzen) oder interpersonale Ereignisse (z.B. loben). Diese interpersonalen Verben können in Handlungs- (z. B. schlagen) und Zustandsverben (z.B. bewundern) unterteilt werden. Sowohl für Handlungs- als auch für Zustandsverben kann unterschieden werden, ob sie Kausalattributionen auf das Subjekt (z.B. schlagen, ängstigen) oder auf das Objekt(bestrafen, bewundern) der Interaktion auslösen. Bisherige sprachpsychologische Untersuchungen haben überwiegend identische Vokabeln aus einem kleinen Ausschnitt des Gesamtvokabulars verwendet. Auch fehlt eine umfassende Systematisierung deutscher Verben hinsichtlich der dargestellten Klassifikation. Um erstmals Häufigkeitsangaben der Verbverteilungen der gesamten Sprache zu erhalten, wird eine Analyse unterschiedlicher deutscher Verb- und Textkorpora durchgeführt, aus der ein Datensatz mit insgesamt über 10 000 Verben resultiert. Häufigkeitsanalysen belegen eine Dominanz sachbezogener im Vergleich zu interpersonalen Verben und innerhalb interpersonaler Verben eine deutliche Überzahl von Handlungsverben. Der erstellte Korpus erlaubt sprachlich repräsentative Analysen interpersonaler Verben, Aussagen zur sprachlichen Repräsentation interpersonaler Ereignisse und attributionstheoretische Analysen sprachlicher Daten

    Untersuchungen zur Resistenz von Acker-Fuchsschwanz in Baden-Württemberg und zur Wirkung von Herbiziden in Winterweizen im Hinblick auf die Vermeidung von Resistenz

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    In Verdachtsproben aus unterschiedlichen Gebieten in Baden-Württemberg konnte in den Jahren 2008 bis 2010 bei Acker-Fuchsschwanz Resistenz gegen Herbizide aus der HRAC-Gruppe A nachgewiesen werden. 2008 traten auch Biotypen mit Resistenz gegen Flupyrsulfuron (HRAC-Gruppe B) auf. 2010 wurde bei weiteren Herbiziden aus dieser Gruppe eine deutliche Wirkungsminderung festgestellt.Dieses Ergebnis spiegelte sich auch in den Ergebnissen der Feldversuche wider. Bei den Frühjahrsbehandlungen war nur mit der Variante Atlantis OD + Artus + Primus eine sehr gute Wirkung zu erzielen. Bei den anderen Varianten blieben auf einzelnen Standorten mit hohem Acker-Fuchsschwanzbesatz zu viele Ähren/m² stehen. Auf diesen Standorten sollte die Acker-Fuchsschwanzbekämpfung bevorzugt im Herbst durchgeführt werden. Mehrere Herbizidkombinationen mit Bodenherbiziden aus den HRAC-Gruppen K1/3 und F1 erzielten auch in früh gesätem Winterweizen sowohl gute Bekämpfungserfolge, als auch Mehrerträge, und waren wirtschaftlich.Stichwörter: Erträge, Frühjahrs- und Herbstanwendungen, Herbizidkombinationen, Resistenztest, Unkrautbekämpfung, WirtschaftlichkeitInvestigations into resistance in black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides) in Baden-Württemberg and into herbicidal efficiency to reduce the risk of resistance developingSuspicious samples of black-grass seeds from fields in Baden-Württemberg were tested in the greenhouse in 2008 to 2010 for their degree of resistance. The resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides was widespread. In the year 2008, black-grass plants from a few samples survived treatments with the ALS inhibitor flupyrsulfuron. In 2010, a few other ALS-inhibiting herbicides showed a reduced performance.Resistance to ALS and ACCase inhibitors occurred in the field trails too. Spring only applications of Atlantis OD + Artus + Primus provided very good levels of control. The other herbicides did not provide an acceptable level of control on some fields. There was still a high number of seed heads remaining in the field. On these fields, preemergence herbicides (HRAC groups K1/3 und F1) have a valuable role in resistance management strategy. The treatments in autumn with pre-emergence herbicides in mixture or sequence provided good control and economic surplus. Keywords: Application in spring and autumn, combinations of herbicides, economics, resistance test, weed control, yiel

    Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw is linked to suppressed TGFβ1-signaling and increased Galectin-3 expression: A histological study on biopsies

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    Background Bisphosphonate associated osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) implies an impairment in oral hard- and soft tissue repair. An understanding of the signal transduction alterations involved can inform therapeutic strategies. Transforming growth factor β1 (TGFβ1) is a critical regulator of tissue repair; galectin-3 mediates tissue differentiation and specifically modulates periodontopathic bacterial infection. The aim of this study was to compare the expression of TGFβ1-related signaling molecules and Galectin-3 in BRONJ-affected and healthy mucosal tissues. To discriminate between BRONJ-specific impairments in TGFβ1 signaling and secondary inflammatory changes, the results were compared to the expression of TGFβ1 and Galectin-3 in mucosal tissues with osteoradionecrosis. Methods Oral mucosal tissue samples with histologically-confirmed BRONJ (n = 20), osteoradionecrosis (n = 20), and no lesions (normal, n = 20) were processed for immunohistochemistry. Automated staining with an alkaline phosphatase-anti-alkaline phosphatase kit was used to detect TGFβ1, Smad-2/3, Smad-7, and Galectin-3. We semiquantitatively assessed the ratio of stained cells/total number of cells (labeling index, Bonferroni-adjustment). Results TGFβ1 and Smad-2/3 were significantly decreased (p < 0.032 and p(0.028, respectively) in the BRONJ samples and significantly increased (p < 0.04 and p <0.043, respectively) in the osteoradionecrosis samples compared to normal tissue. Smad-7 was significantly increased (p < 0.031) in the BRONJ group and significantly decreased (p < 0.026) in the osteoradionecrosis group. Galectin-3 staining was significantly (p < 0.025) increased in both the BRONJ and the osteoradionecrosis (p < 0.038) groups compared to the normal tissue group. However, Galectin-3 expression was significantly higher in the BRONJ samples than in the osteoradionecrosis samples (p < 0.044). Conclusion Our results showed that disrupted TGFβ1 signaling was associated with delayed periodontal repair in BRONJ samples. The findings also indicated that impairments in TGFβ1-signaling were different in BRONJ compared to osteoradionecrosis. BRONJ appeared to be associated with increased terminal osseous differentiation and decreased soft tissue proliferation. The increase in Galectin-3 reflected the increase in osseous differentiation of mucoperiosteal progenitors, and this might explain the inflammatory anergy observed in BRONJ-affected soft tissues. The results substantiated the clinical success of treating BRONJ with sequestrectomy, followed by strict mucosa closure. BRONJ can be further elucidated by investigating the specific intraoral osteoimmunologic status

    TRPC6 Is Found in Distinct Compartments of the Human Kidney

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    In the context of renal proteinuric diseases, TRPC6 has been shown to play an important role in ultrafiltration associated with the slit diaphragm through the control of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in the podocytes of glomeruli. However, to date, the properties of TRPC6 have been studied mainly in cell lines or in animal models. Therefore, the aim of the study presented here was to investigate the presence and distribution of TRPC6 in human kidneys in order to possibly verify the applicability of the results previously obtained in nonhuman experiments. For this purpose, kidneys from nine cadavers were prepared for immunohistochemical staining and were supplemented with a fresh human kidney obtained by nephrectomy. TRPC6 was detected in glomeruli and in the parietal epithelial cells of Bowman’s capsule. Larger amounts were detected in the tubular system and collecting ducts. In contrast to the peritubular capillary bed, which showed no immune reaction, the cortical resistance vessels showed mild TRPC6 staining. In conclusion, our studies on the expression of TRPC6 in human kidney tissue support the translational concept of the involvement of TRPC6 in various renal diseases and reveal new aspects of the distribution of TRPC6 in the human kidney

    Comparative proteomic analysis of normal and tumor stromal cells by tissue on chip based mass spectrometry (toc-MS)

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    In carcinoma tissues, genetic and metabolic changes not only occur at the tumor cell level, but also in the surrounding stroma. This carcinoma-reactive stromal tissue is heterogeneous and consists e.g. of non-epithelial cells such as fibroblasts or fibrocytes, inflammatory cells and vasculature-related cells, which promote carcinoma growth and progression of carcinomas. Nevertheless, there is just little knowledge about the proteomic changes from normal connective tissue to tumor stroma. In the present study, we acquired and analysed specific protein patterns of small stromal sections surrounding head and neck cell complexes in comparison to normal subepithelial connective tissue. To gain defined stromal areas we used laser-based tissue microdissection. Because these stromal areas are limited in size we established the highly sensitive 'tissue on chip based mass spectrometry' (toc-MS). Therefore, the dissected areas were directly transferred to chromatographic arrays and the proteomic profiles were subsequently analysed with mass spectrometry. At least 100 cells were needed for an adequate spectrum. The locating of differentially expressed proteins enables a precise separation of normal and tumor stroma. The newly described toc-MS technology allows an initial insight into proteomic differences between small numbers of exactly defined cells from normal and tumor stroma