22 research outputs found

    Cognitive-motor interference in multiple sclerosis and healthy controls: results from single, dual, and triple task posturography

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    Aim: This article is based on our previous research, which was presented as a poster at the ECTRIMS Congress 2018 and published as a conference abstract (https://www.professionalabstracts.com/ectrims2018/iplanner/#/presentation/1698). Cognitive-motor interference (CMI) has been observed in both healthy controls (HC) and persons with multiple sclerosis (pwMS), but limited and contradictory data is making it difficult to assess the impact of motor and cognitive functioning levels on CMI. The aim of this study was to investigate CMI in pwMS and HC by means of a dual task postural paradigm, to compare them between groups and to analyse the influence of motor and cognitive functioning levels assessed with complementary instruments on observed CMI. Methods: The dual task posturography paradigm serves to quantify the impact of a cognitive (i.e., performing serial subtractions), a motor challenge (closing eyes), or both challenges combined (triple task) on body sway during standing in an upright position feet closed. The data analysed were acquired in one interventional and four observational studies and selected based on predefined criteria and by systematic quality control. A total of 113 pwMS and 42 HC were selected for analysis. Results: Comparable changes in motor and cognitive performance due to cognitive or combined cognitive-motor challenges were observed in both HC and pwMS. Combining both tasks did not result in further changes in motor performance but resulted in a decrease in cognitive performance. This reduction in cognitive performance with an additional motor challenge correlated with lower levels of cognitive and motor functioning in pwMS. Unexpectedly, an increase in body sway due to a cognitive or combined cognitive-motor challenges was primarily observed in pwMS and HC with better cognitive and motor functioning. Conclusions: The results suggest that dual-task effects are not disease-specific but rather reflect individually different adaptation strategies depending on the specific motor and cognitive functioning levels

    Measuring self-regulation in everyday life: reliability and validity of smartphone-based experiments in alcohol use disorder

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    Self-regulation, the ability to guide behavior according to one’s goals, plays an integral role in understanding loss of control over unwanted behaviors, for example in alcohol use disorder (AUD). Yet, experimental tasks that measure processes underlying self-regulation are not easy to deploy in contexts where such behaviors usually occur, namely outside the laboratory, and in clinical populations such as people with AUD. Moreover, lab-based tasks have been criticized for poor test–retest reliability and lack of construct validity. Smartphones can be used to deploy tasks in the field, but often require shorter versions of tasks, which may further decrease reliability. Here, we show that combining smartphone-based tasks with joint hierarchical modeling of longitudinal data can overcome at least some of these shortcomings. We test four short smartphone-based tasks outside the laboratory in a large sample (N = 488) of participants with AUD. Although task measures indeed have low reliability when data are analyzed traditionally by modeling each session separately, joint modeling of longitudinal data increases reliability to good and oftentimes excellent levels. We next test the measures’ construct validity and show that extracted latent factors are indeed in line with theoretical accounts of cognitive control and decision-making. Finally, we demonstrate that a resulting cognitive control factor relates to a real-life measure of drinking behavior and yields stronger correlations than single measures based on traditional analyses. Our findings demonstrate how short, smartphone-based task measures, when analyzed with joint hierarchical modeling and latent factor analysis, can overcome frequently reported shortcomings of experimental tasks

    Measuring self-regulation in everyday life: Reliability and validity of smartphone-based experiments in alcohol use disorder

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    Self-regulation, the ability to guide behavior according to one's goals, plays an integral role in understanding loss of control over unwanted behaviors, for example in alcohol use disorder (AUD). Yet, experimental tasks that measure processes underlying self-regulation are not easy to deploy in contexts where such behaviors usually occur, namely outside the laboratory, and in clinical populations such as people with AUD. Moreover, lab-based tasks have been criticized for poor test-retest reliability and lack of construct validity. Smartphones can be used to deploy tasks in the field, but often require shorter versions of tasks, which may further decrease reliability. Here, we show that combining smartphone-based tasks with joint hierarchical modeling of longitudinal data can overcome at least some of these shortcomings. We test four short smartphone-based tasks outside the laboratory in a large sample (N = 488) of participants with AUD. Although task measures indeed have low reliability when data are analyzed traditionally by modeling each session separately, joint modeling of longitudinal data increases reliability to good and oftentimes excellent levels. We next test the measures' construct validity and show that extracted latent factors are indeed in line with theoretical accounts of cognitive control and decision-making. Finally, we demonstrate that a resulting cognitive control factor relates to a real-life measure of drinking behavior and yields stronger correlations than single measures based on traditional analyses. Our findings demonstrate how short, smartphone-based task measures, when analyzed with joint hierarchical modeling and latent factor analysis, can overcome frequently reported shortcomings of experimental tasks

    Patterns of Alcohol Consumption Among Individuals With Alcohol Use Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Lockdowns in Germany

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    Importance Alcohol consumption (AC) leads to death and disability worldwide. Ongoing discussions on potential negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on AC need to be informed by real-world evidence. Objective To examine whether lockdown measures are associated with AC and consumption-related temporal and psychological within-person mechanisms. Design, Setting, and Participants This quantitative, intensive, longitudinal cohort study recruited 1743 participants from 3 sites from February 20, 2020, to February 28, 2021. Data were provided before and within the second lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: before lockdown (October 2 to November 1, 2020); light lockdown (November 2 to December 15, 2020); and hard lockdown (December 16, 2020, to February 28, 2021). Main Outcomes and Measures Daily ratings of AC (main outcome) captured during 3 lockdown phases (main variable) and temporal (weekends and holidays) and psychological (social isolation and drinking intention) correlates. Results Of the 1743 screened participants, 189 (119 [63.0%] male; median [IQR] age, 37 [27.5-52.0] years) with at least 2 alcohol use disorder (AUD) criteria according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fifth Edition) yet without the need for medically supervised alcohol withdrawal were included. These individuals provided 14 694 smartphone ratings from October 2020 through February 2021. Multilevel modeling revealed significantly higher AC (grams of alcohol per day) on weekend days vs weekdays (ÎČ = 11.39; 95% CI, 10.00-12.77; P < .001). Alcohol consumption was above the overall average on Christmas (ÎČ = 26.82; 95% CI, 21.87-31.77; P < .001) and New Year’s Eve (ÎČ = 66.88; 95% CI, 59.22-74.54; P < .001). During the hard lockdown, perceived social isolation was significantly higher (ÎČ = 0.12; 95% CI, 0.06-0.15; P < .001), but AC was significantly lower (ÎČ = −5.45; 95% CI, −8.00 to −2.90; P = .001). Independent of lockdown, intention to drink less alcohol was associated with lower AC (ÎČ = −11.10; 95% CI, −13.63 to −8.58; P < .001). Notably, differences in AC between weekend and weekdays decreased both during the hard lockdown (ÎČ = −6.14; 95% CI, −9.96 to −2.31; P = .002) and in participants with severe AUD (ÎČ = −6.26; 95% CI, −10.18 to −2.34; P = .002). Conclusions and Relevance This 5-month cohort study found no immediate negative associations of lockdown measures with overall AC. Rather, weekend-weekday and holiday AC patterns exceeded lockdown effects. Differences in AC between weekend days and weekdays evinced that weekend drinking cycles decreased as a function of AUD severity and lockdown measures, indicating a potential mechanism of losing and regaining control. This finding suggests that temporal patterns and drinking intention constitute promising targets for prevention and intervention, even in high-risk individuals

    The mammalian gene function resource: The International Knockout Mouse Consortium

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    In 2007, the International Knockout Mouse Consortium (IKMC) made the ambitious promise to generate mutations in virtually every protein-coding gene of the mouse genome in a concerted worldwide action. Now, 5 years later, the IKMC members have developed highthroughput gene trapping and, in particular, gene-targeting pipelines and generated more than 17,400 mutant murine embryonic stem (ES) cell clones and more than 1,700 mutant mouse strains, most of them conditional. A common IKMC web portal (www.knockoutmouse.org) has been established, allowing easy access to this unparalleled biological resource. The IKMC materials considerably enhance functional gene annotation of the mammalian genome and will have a major impact on future biomedical research

    Genetic Separation of FK506 Susceptibility and Drug Transport in the Yeast Pdr5 ATP-binding Cassette Multidrug Resistance Transporter

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    Overexpression of the yeast Pdr5 ATP-binding cassette transporter leads to pleiotropic drug resistance to a variety of structurally unrelated cytotoxic compounds. To identify Pdr5 residues involved in substrate recognition and/or drug transport, we used a combination of random in vitro mutagenesis and phenotypic screening to isolate novel mutant Pdr5 transporters with altered substrate specificity. A plasmid library containing randomly mutagenized PDR5 genes was transformed into appropriate drug-sensitive yeast cells followed by phenotypic selection of Pdr5 mutants. Selected mutant Pdr5 transporters were analyzed with respect to their expression levels, subcellular localization, drug resistance profiles to cycloheximide, rhodamines, antifungal azoles, steroids, and sensitivity to the inhibitor FK506. DNA sequencing of six PDR5 mutant genes identified amino acids important for substrate recognition, drug transport, and specific inhibition of the Pdr5 transporter. Mutations were found in each nucleotide-binding domain, the transmembrane domain 10, and, most surprisingly, even in predicted extracellular hydrophilic loops. At least some point mutations identified appear to influence folding of Pdr5, suggesting that the folded structure is a major substrate specificity determinant. Surprisingly, a S1360F exchange in transmembrane domain 10 not only caused limited substrate specificity, but also abolished Pdr5 susceptibility to inhibition by the immunosuppressant FK506. This is the first report of a mutation in a yeast ATP-binding cassette transporter that allows for the functional separation of substrate transport and inhibitor susceptibility

    SozialpÀdagogische Krisenintervention bei KindeswohlgefÀhrdung

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    Das VerhĂ€ltnis von staatlicher Kontrolle und familialer Autonomie spiegelt sich in den Diskursen um Kindheit und Zugriffen auf Kindheit wider. Familien stehen in diesem Spannungsfeld von Öffentlichkeit und Privatheit unter Beobachtung. Im vorliegenden Beitrag geht es nicht um ein schlichtes Nachzeichnen von (staatlichen) Eingriffen in Familien, sondern um kritische wissenschaftliche Reflexion aktueller Interventionspolitiken und um die Rekonstruktion des Erlebens von Betroffenen. Dabei wird auf die Schweizer Gesetze und Studien zu Kindesschutz Bezug genommen. Zudem wird das InteraktionsgefĂŒge zwischen Professionellen und AdressatInnen analysiert, welches reflexives Handeln seitens der Professionellen erfordert. Der Interaktionsraum, in dem Erleben und Erfahrung sowohl der Professionellen als auch der Eltern und nahen Bezugspersonen einfließen, enthĂ€lt und erhĂ€lt jeweils spezifische Strukturen und wird durch Handlungen und Interaktionen wiederum weiter strukturiert. Die Betrachtung des Interaktionsraumes als VerschrĂ€nkung von Struktur und Handlung eröffnet einen Analyseraum, in dem sich Handlungsmuster herauskristallisieren lassen und gesellschaftliche, familiale oder biographische Bedingungen dennoch nicht in Vergessenheit geraten. Diese Handlungsmuster dienen den SozialpĂ€dagogInnen als Reflexionsfolie im Interventionsprozess; Handlungen der AdressatInnen können besser nachvollzogen und verstanden werde

    In vivo delivery of engineered synthetic DNA-encoded SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies for pre-exposure prophylaxis in non-human primates

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    ABSTRACTCOVID-19 remains a major public health concern. Monoclonal antibodies have received emergency use authorization (EUA) for pre-exposure prophylaxis against COVID-19 among high-risk groups for treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19. In addition to recombinant biologics, engineered synthetic DNA-encoded antibodies (DMAb) are an important strategy for direct in vivo delivery of protective mAb. A DMAb cocktail was synthetically engineered to encode the immunoglobulin heavy and light chains of two different two different Fc-engineered anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. The DMAbs were designed to enhance in vivo expression and delivered intramuscularly to cynomolgus and rhesus macaques with a modified in vivo delivery regimen. Serum levels were detected in macaques, along with specific binding to SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor binding domain protein and neutralization of multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in pseudovirus and authentic live virus assays. Prophylactic administration was protective in rhesus macaques against signs of SARS-CoV-2 (USA-WA1/2020) associated disease in the lungs. Overall, the data support further study of DNA-encoded antibodies as an additional delivery mode for prevention of COVID-19 severe disease. These data have implications for human translation of gene-encoded mAbs for emerging infectious diseases and low dose mAb delivery against COVID-19