2,106 research outputs found

    How should donors give foreign aid? Project aid versus budget support

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    We develop a theoretical model to compare the two major foreign aid modalities: project aid and budget support. These two modalities have a different impact on the production of 'developmental goods'. Firstly, conditionality can be associated with budget support, but only a subset of the developmental expenses - the observable ones - can be subject to conditionality. Secondly, when using project aid, the donors control the overall allocation of the aid resources. However, we consider that, because of limited harmonisation and coordination, project aid can be associated with a cost of imperfect fit. We develop a unified framework to compare these two modalities where we allow the simultaneous utilisation of both instruments. We show that all the aid should be given via budget support, no matter whether conditionality is used or not. Furthermore, we show that the optimal use of conditionality depends on the recipient's developmental preferences, the productivity of the inputs and the level of aid compared to the recipient's budget: when these parameters are relatively high, conditionality should be enforced. Otherwise, the optimal aid allocation is such that all the aid is given through unconditional budget support. We conclude that conditionality does not always improve the aid effectiveness.conditionality - foreign aid - optimal contract


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    ABSTRACT FRIEDA DIENTJE. Correlation Between Job Satisfaction With Employee’s Morale Of PT. Timur Jaya Prestasi In Cileungsi. Skripsi, Jakarta: Concentration of Office Administration Study Program of Economics Education, Department Economics Administration, Faculty of Economic, State University of Jakarta, 2012. The purpose of this research is to get a valid and reliable data or fact, to know the Correlation Between Job Satisfaction With Employee’s Morale Of PT. Timur Jaya Prestasi In Cileungsi. The research has been done for three months since April until June 2012. The method of this research is survey method with correlation approach. The population research was all employees from PT. Timur Jaya Prestasi with total 245 employees. Which focus in employees of the production with total 127 employees. Whereas 95 employees was taken as research sample which us proportional random samplingtechnique. Collecting X variable data (Job Satisfaction) and Y variable data (Morale), using questioner liker scale model, before that it has construct validity test by validation process, that is correlation coefficient valuing score with the total score and reliability test using Alpha Cronbach formula. Reliability X variable (Job Satisfaction) is 0,878 and Y variable (Morale) 0,871. The analysis test by finding regression equation, that is Y= 40,81+0,51X. After that data normally test by using Liliefors formula and the result is L = 0,044 in significant level 0,05 and L table = 0,090, so L count F table table (3,91). Showing that, it has significance regression. While regression linearity test, F count (1,63), showing that regression is linear. The result of product moment of correlation coefficient test, is r = 0,505 continued by using correlations coefficient significance test with t-test. Counting result, t xy count count (0,60) t . It means that there are significance correlations between job satisfaction with employee’s morale. Besides that, the result of determination coefficient test is 25,53%, it means that employee’s morale variable determined by 25,53% Job Satisfaction variable. The conclusion of the research have shown that there is a correlation between Job Satisfaction With Employee’s Morale Of PT. Timur Jaya Prestasi In Cileungsi

    A Study of the Background Scenes in the Life of John Milton.

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    Not available.Frieda Bedwell.Victor C. MillerHazel PfennigSarah King HarveyMaster of ArtsDepartment of EnglishCunningham Memorial Library, Terre Haute, Indiana State University.isua-thesis-1944-bedwell.pdfMastersTitle from document title page. Document formatted into pages: contains 96p : ill

    Beobachtungen zur internationalen Anschlussfähigkeit der Allgemeinen Erziehungswissenschaft in Deutschland

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    Bei der Evaluation der Erziehungswissenschaft spielt immer auch die Frage nach der internationalen Anschlussfähigkeit ihrer Fragestellungen, Inhalte, Methoden, Praxisbezüge etc. eine wichtige Rolle. Der Beitrag geht von der These aus, dass die Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft in Deutschland ihrem Bemühen um die Explikation des \u27Allgemeinen\u27 dieser Disziplin nicht nur unter Bezugnahme auf disziplininterne, sondern auch - externe Felder (Philosophie, Sozialwissenschaften) nachgeht. Diese sehr breite, Disziplinen verbindende Orientierung ist so in der anglo-amerikanischen Erziehungsphilosophie nicht anzutreffen, wobei wichtige Unterschiede zwischen der britischen und der us- amerikanischen Diskussionslandschaft bestehen. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden eine Reihe von wichtigen Differenzen, Gemeinsamkeiten und Perspektiven deutscher Allgemeiner Erziehungswissenschaft und ähnlich gelagerter anglo-amerikanischer Diskurse herausgearbeitet. (DIPF/Orig.)With regard to evaluation in educational science, the question of the international links of its issues, content, methods, relation to practice etc. always plays an important role. The author starts from the assumption that German general educational science aims at an explication of the “general” aspects of the discipline not only by referring to discipline-internal, but also to external fields (philosophy, social sciences). This rather broad interdisciplinary orientation is not to be found in Anglo-American pedagogical philosophy, regardless of the immense differences between the British and the US-American landscape of discussion. Against this background, a number of important differences, communalities, and perspectives of German general educational science and similarly oriented Anglo-American discourses are brought to the fore. (DIPF/Orig.

    Green Labels with Golden Elephants: Western European Printed Cottons for Malaysia and Indonesia

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    In the second half of the 19th century, several Belgian cotton printing firms were involved in the production of imitations of African and Southeast Asian textiles for markets in West-Africa, the Dutch East Indies, and Malaysia. Extensive records of one firm, the Societe Anonyme Texas, owned by the Voortman family in Ghent, have been preserved in the Ghent public records office and the Vrieselhof Textile Museum (Oelegem, near Antwerp). Frans de Vos and Abraham Voortman started a cotton printing establishment in Ghent in 1790. At that time cotton printing was a relatively new type of enterprise in Flanders. The first large-scale factory, the Compagnie Beerenbroeck, had been set up by Antwerp business men 1753. They hired foreign specialists (mainly Dutch and German) and set up one of the first truly capitalist ventures in Flanders. At it\u27s heyday the firm employed over 600 people. Even before the end of a 25-year monopoly, granted by the government of the Austrian Netherlands, many smaller printing workshops tried to enter the new market. The successful ones emerged mainly in Brussels and Ghent. De Vos and Voortman were among the many who started printing on imported cotton fabrics from India (1790). Unlike many other firms they remained in business for a long time. Even today the Voortman family is still involved in the Ghent textile industry. Towards the end of the 18th century, they started a spinning mill, followed by a mechanical weaving mill in the 1820s. The same development occurred in many other Ghent printing firms. In the second quarter of the 19th century, Ghent became known as the Manchester of Belgium. The textile industry occupied a considerable part of the workforce in Ghent and the surrounding countryside. But whereas in the spinning and weaving mills new technological developments were often followed immediately after they had been introduced in England, cotton printing often lagged behind. By 1850 many firms had stopped printing all together. The few remaining printing workshops had relatively little machinery and all still maintained hand block printing, by now obsolete in many English textile mills. Since most of the Ghent printed cottons catered for the lower end of the local market, competition with cheaper, imported, roller-printed cottons became almost impossible. If a firm wanted to keep its printing operations going it had to either mechanize or explore new markets. A few firms choose the latter option. One solution was to specialize into imitations of Javanese batiks and West African textiles, destined for markets in Africa and Southeast Asia

    About D. H. Lawrence

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