25 research outputs found
The Government's Role in Facing SDGs 2030 Citarum River Clean-up Program, Indonesia: An Analysis
With a watershed area of 690,571, 57 hectares, Citarum is a source of agricultural irrigation water, hydroelectric power, and a source of raw water for drinking water as well as fishing and cultivation land that is utilized by residents in 10 districts and two cities in the province West Java. But Citarum today is faced with acute pollution which results in huge losses to health, economic, social, ecosystem, and environmental resources. This study will discuss how the government deals with SDGs 2030 by cleaning the Citarum River. In the future, it is normal that with government projects to clean up the waterway, the Citarum river is expected to be the cleanest river and can be used as much as possible. This study uses a literature review study with the focus of the study on how the government's role in solving the problem of water pollution in the Citarum river, then also focuses on how the government implements Citarum river cleaning programs. Government programs to clean up the Citarum river are considered good, but not yet optimal. Because until now there is still a recalcitrant industry that often dumps waste into the River Basin. Water pollution that occurs in the Citarum River ought to be of sure worry to the Indonesia government, particularly in West Java. By the several programs, neutral policies that protect the environment, and strict supervision it will be useful and works. Not only about the programs and policies that benefit the one-party but also other parties such as the environment and society
Digital Collection Transformation At The Library of National Cheng Kung University Taiwan: An Evaluation
Background: This paper evaluates digital collections and investigates digital collection transformation at National Cheng Kung University's Central Library in Taiwan. The NCKU case study highlights some issues that must be addressed, such as analyzing user information, improving library capacity and skills, developing digital resources, funding IT infrastructure development, and long-term database development for E-learning. Purpose: The goal of this study is to assess the readiness of the library collection center's planning for digital transformation, from the user perspective, students in particularly. Method: qualitative descriptive research method and supported by survey data conducted by NCKU. Result: The findings indicate that users are ready for the library collection center's digital transformation. However, the digital library collection center necessitates more careful planning, particularly in terms of socialization. Conclusion: Digital library's rich digital information and digital learning materials enable users to study and research at any time and from any location, in the format of lifelong learning and personalized learning. Libraries are considered the heart of any higher education institution and play a significant role.
Keywords: Digital, Library, Acceptance of Technology, Transformation
Latar Belakang: Artikel ini mengevaluasi koleksi digital dan menyelidiki transformasi koleksi digital di Perpustakaan Pusat Universitas Nasional Cheng Kung di Taiwan. Studi kasus NCKU menyoroti beberapa masalah yang harus ditangani, seperti menganalisis informasi pengguna, meningkatkan kapasitas dan keterampilan perpustakaan, mengembangkan sumber daya digital, mendanai pengembangan infrastruktur TI, dan pengembangan basis data jangka panjang untuk E-learning. Tujuan: Untuk menilai kesiapan perencanaan koleksi perpustakaan untuk transformasi digital, baik dari perspektif pengguna terutama mahasiswa. Metode: Dengan menyebarkan survei ke berbagai sumber dan responden, penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan didukung oleh data survei yang dilakukan oleh NCKU. Hasil: Temuan menunjukkan bahwa pengguna siap untuk transformasi digital pusat koleksi perpustakaan. Pusat koleksi perpustakaan digital memerlukan perencanaan yang lebih matang, terutama dalam hal sosialisasi. Kesimpulan: Informasi digital perpustakaan digital yang kaya dan materi pembelajaran digital memungkinkan pengguna untuk belajar dan meneliti kapan saja dan dari lokasi mana pun, dalam format pembelajaran seumur hidup dan pembelajaran yang dipersonalisasi. Perpustakaan dianggap sebagai jantung dari setiap institusi pendidikan tinggi dan memainkan peran penting.
Kata kunci: Koleksi Digital; Perpustakaan; Penerimaan Teknologi; Transformas
The World once more experienced an economic catastrophe in 2020, just 12 years after the global financial crisis. The global pandemic known as Covid-19 is the cause of the current crisis, which has an entirely different impact on the economy than the previous global financial crisis. The effect of the recession this time on Indonesia will be through three things, such as exports, investment, and purchasing power. Meanwhile, the thing that will be most felt by individuals is losing their jobs, although it is predicted that it will not be too significant either. Seeing this reality, the government especially Indonesia should immediately improve in facing the threat of global economic recession. A bleak period marked by negative economic growth for two consecutive quarters cannot be underestimated. In urgent times, the government must at the same time maintain people's purchasing power, control inflation, increase exports, and encourage investment growth. The government must not be slow to act because the signs of recession are in sight. This research is qualitative research that is a literature study (library research) that uses books and other literature as the main object. The result of this study is in maintaining domestic economic stability, Indonesia still refers to the Keynesian theory which suggests that the government must intervene in economic activities in a countr
This study aims to analyze the new normal policy implementation during Covid-19 to deliverance the economy of Indonesia. New normal is one of the options to become a milestone in Indonesia's economic revival. The government has decided to run a new normal policy to encourage economic recovery. Although, the Covid-19 pandemic has not shown any signs of ending. Previously the handling of Covid-19 in Indonesia by seeking social distancing to large-scale social restrictions. However, this policy seems to make the economy in Indonesia stuck, so the government's step is to implement new normal. The method used in this study is qualitative-descriptive, with secondary data obtained from various sources such as government websites, journals, books, and online media. As a result, this new normal policy is aimed at all business sectors. To support this policy, the government has made working guidelines in new normal situations. If economic activity returns, the most noticeable impact will be reduced unemployment and the availability of various jobs. Therefore, people's purchasing power is expected to recover as before the Covid-19 pandemic emerged. New normal activity amid the Covid-19 pandemic is like two sides of a coin. On the one hand, there is the potential to boost the economy; however, there is a risk of increasing the coronavirus's positive cases. This study found that health protocols can be easily formulated, but implementation may not be comfortable in the field. For this reason, various multidisciplinary studies need to be considered by the government in implementing the new normal policy.Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan normal baru selama Covid-19 terutama terkait dengan perekonomian Indonesia. Normal baru merupakan salah satu opsi untuk menjadi tonggak kebangkitan ekonomi Indonesia. Pemerintah telah memutuskan untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan normal baru untuk mendorong pemulihan ekonomi. Meski begitu, pandemi Covid-19 belum menunjukkan tanda-tanda akan berakhir. Sebelumnya penanganan Covid-19 di Indonesia adalah dengan mengupayakan pembatasan sosial hingga skala besar. Namun, kebijakan tersebut tampaknya membuat perekonomian di Indonesia mandek, sehingga langkah pemerintah adalah menerapkan new normal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan data sekunder diperoleh dari berbagai sumber seperti website pemerintah, jurnal, buku, dan media online. Hasilnya, kebijakan normal baru ini ditujukan pada semua sektor usaha. Untuk mendukung kebijakan tersebut, pemerintah telah membuat pedoman kerja dalam situasi normal baru. Jika kegiatan ekonomi kembali, dampak yang paling terlihat adalah berkurangnya pengangguran dan ketersediaan berbagai lapangan kerja. Dengan demikian, daya beli masyarakat diperkirakan akan pulih seperti sebelum pandemi Covid-19 muncul. Aktivitas normal baru di tengah pandemi Covid-19 seperti dua sisi mata uang. Di satu sisi, ada potensi untuk mendongkrak perekonomian. Namun, ada risiko meningkatnya kasus positif virus Covid-19. Studi ini menemukan bahwa protokol kesehatan dapat dengan mudah dirumuskan, tetapi penerapannya mungkin tidak mudah di lapangan. Untuk itu, berbagai kajian multidisiplin perlu menjadi pertimbangan pemerintah dalam menerapkan kebijakan normal baru
e-Government Acceptance Model During Covid-19 Crisis in Tainan City, Taiwan
This research examines the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in implementing e-Government during the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan. Furthermore, it builds government network infrastructure and develop Internet applications. Internet penetration as the first stage of this development began in 1998 and the second stage intends to promote the different services. The third phase simplifies information services to make them more proactive and accessible to the general population. In the fourth phase, e-government uses more Web 2.0 social networks to offer innovative services that actively address public needs. Finally, the fifth phase is projected to transform Taiwan into a smart nation with people-friendly services, an open, transparent, intelligent government, and evidence-based successful policies. The data were collected through a questionnaire survey on Tainan City’s users of E-Government services. Furthermore, structural model analysis was performed using smartPLS 3.0., while TAM measured the use of e-government. The results showed that the influential factors are perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and information quality. The system’s quality has no significant effect on the use of e-government in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in Tainan City.
Keywords: E-Government, Technology Acceptance Model, COVID-19
Penelitian ini mengkaji Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) pada implementasi E-Government pada masa krisis covid-19 di Taiwan. Tahapan pengembangan e-government di Taiwan dimulai pada tahun 1998, yang menunjukkan tahap pertama yaitu penetrasi internet. E-government dimaksudkan untuk membangun infrastruktur jaringan pemerintah dan mengembangkan aplikasi internet: tahap kedua adalah tujuan e-government untuk mempromosikan layanan internet pemerintah. Kemudian fase ketiga, e-government, dimaksudkan untuk menyederhanakan layanan informasi menjadi proaktif dan mudah diakses oleh publik. Fase keempat, e-government menggunakan lebih banyak jejaring sosial Web 2.0 untuk menawarkan layanan inovatif yang lebih aktif memenuhi kebutuhan publik. Terakhir, e-government fase kelima diharapkan menjadi Taiwan yang cerdas, memberikan layanan yang nyaman bagi masyarakat, menerapkan pemerintahan yang terbuka, transparan, dan cerdas, serta mengoptimalkan kebijakan efektif berbasis bukti. Data untuk penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui survei kuesioner pada masyarakat Kota Tainan yang telah menggunakan layanan E-Government. Analisis model struktural dilakukan dengan menggunakan smartPLS 3.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan e-government di Kota Tainan dapat diukur dengan menggunakan Theory Acceptance Model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan e-government di Kota Tainan adalah persepsi kemudahan penggunaan, persepsi manfaat, dan kualitas informasi. Sementara itu, kualitas sistem tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penggunaan e-government di era pandemi COVID-19 di Kota Tainan.
Kata Kunci: E-Government, Model Penerimaan Teknologi, COVID-1
Do Smart Citizens Make a Smart City? A Case Study on the Factors Influencing Citizen Behavior Using Lapor Sleman Online-Based
Indonesia is among the countries developing the concept of smart city. The national government envisions Indonesia 2030 which shall implement the smart city towards sustainable development. Many regions in Indonesia have already implemented the concept of smart city, but still on the level of smart government and smart technology, lacking on the smart citizen component of a smart city. This paper aims to analyze the citizens behavior of using technology on Sleman smart citizen 2021 through the lapor sleman mobile application. This research uses mixed method of quantitative and qualitative approaches in examining the data. The authors distributed 100 questionares and conducted interviews to the government which is department of communication and information, Sleman and the several community that ever use the lapor sleman application. The result of the study reveals the following: firstly, performance expectancy, social influence, and facilitating condition are three independent variables which affect the behavioral intention and users’ behavior. Secondly, the behavioral intention has significant effect on users’ behavior. Thirdly, the citizen behavior of using technology has affect the making a smart citizen. Therefore, using technology in term of lapor sleman mobile application can make the citizens as active participants in public life, in terms of social cooperation, freedom of expression and flexibility. However, there are still many problems in the use of lapor sleman mobile application such as the limited access to only android smartphones, lack of technical know-how, and people’s reluctance to use the lapor sleman mobile application.Keywords: Citizen, behavior, smart citizen, technology, lapor sleman mobile application
Analysis Of The Open Selection Process For Structural Officials (Echelon II) In Sleman Regency
The administration of government is certainly very influenced by bureaucracy which is an instrument or an organization that helps in realizing or implementing a policy that has been previously set. The open selection is the process of filling in a position by opening a selection to all those who have the competency or ability determined to fill a certain position. This study is aims to analyze the open selection for echelon II Officials both in Yogyakarta Province which is Sleman Regency. The method that used in this study is a qualitative approach which did the depth interview with several stakeholders that involved. The result of this study are the selection mechanism conducted in Sleman Regency in 2017 lasts 2 times and all of them have referred to the applicable regulations and most importantly have implemented a merit system. In the selection implementation the position was carried out by a selection committee formed based on recommendations from KASN (Commission Of The State Civil Apparatus). The involvement of political officials in this case the regent in the open selection process only exists after the selection committee has issued 3 names that have passed. However, the involvement of political officials is positive because it considers the results of the selection. This is also because the Regent will cooperate with one of the 3 names to realize the vision and mission that has been set.Keyword: Open selection, Echelon II, Promotion
An Assessment of Covid-19 Pandemic Impact on Indonesian Tourism Sector
This paper aims to analyze the impact of Covid-19 outbreak in term of tourism sector. The Covid-19 pandemic had a tremendous impact on all countries, one of it was Indonesia, that had been affected. Many sectors are affected, including tourism. A seriously affected in tourism is the micro, medium small enterprise or called MSME sector, this has a major influence on the rate of economic growth of the country, specifically in tourism sector. The existence of this pandemic, the tourism small and medium-sized enterprises experiencing huge losses, one of it is the lack of foreign tourists coming. The method used in the research is content analysis which analyze new in media that shown the topic related to Covid-19 and tourism. In contrast to previous studies, the decline in the number of tourists was due to the reach of tourist attractions, facilities, access, and costs, this study tries to look in more detail about how the Covid-19 pandemic has a serious impact on the tourism sector. As the result, the number of foreign tourist visits or foreign tourists to Indonesia has decreased in 2020 by 28.85% compared to the number of visits in 2019. Some areas such as Bali and Yogyakarta have lost both local and foreign tourists. This has an impact on MSME providers of travel, hotels, souvenir providers, regional handicrafts, and food and drink providers in tourist areas
The Emergent Role of Local Government On Covid-19 Outbreak In Indonesia: A New State-Society Perspective
This article is conducted to describe and analyze the local government in handling the Covid-19 outbreak. The spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19) has caused various problems in Indonesia. In addition to health issues, Covid-19 has caused economic, social, cultural, security problems, even in the government field. The problem that arises in the field of government that is related to government administration, especially regarding the relations between the central government and regional governments in dealing with the situation of the spread of Covid-19 is associated with decentralized health affairs. The situation of the central government's lack of responsiveness in responding to Covid-19 that has entered Indonesia, which is marked by the emergence of a lot of confusing news, both from the central government and regional governments, has led to various negative actions, chaos even distrust of the community. With these conditions, local governments have an important role in dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak. The raising question will be how are the policies of the regional government in handling this epidemic, but still in line with the instructions of the central government. Local governments and communities have a very vital role in minimizing and handling the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak compared to the central government. There are some shreds of evidence from regions with the red zones areas.Keywords: covid-19 outbreak; local government role; society; policies
In academic research, the Internet and the public domain's topic now has a permanent place; it is entering the mainstream of political communication studies. The coming out of the same ideas and opinions with social media can build a discourse for further discussion. One of the viral and trending discourses on Indonesian twitter was the rejection of OMNIBUSLAW; many people issued opinions using the hashtags #MosiTidakPercaya and #Tolakomnibuslaw, which emerged as a result of the passing of the omnibus law, which contains many irregularities in its ratification. This research was conducted by taking data on Twitter in October 2020 and processed using the Nvivo 12 Plus software. The results of this study indicate that the social media using twitter as information is 25%, where the public uses Twitter as a means of seeking information on the Job Creation Bill in its development process and its rejection in it, political communication is 48%, communication that is built has an interest in running political goals and as a movement. 25% of politics in pressuring the government and forming public opinion on the Work Creation Bill and a place for public space to communicate can be seen in the public space that people are interested in voicing their anxieties if there is a disagreement of opinion between stakeholders and the wider community