929 research outputs found

    Plant community structure mediates potential methane production and potential iron reduction in wetland mesocosms.

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    Abstract Wetlands are the largest natural source of methane to the atmosphere, but factors controlling methane emissions from wetlands are a major source of uncertainty in greenhouse gas budgets and projections of future climate change. We conducted a controlled outdoor mesocosm experiment to assess the effects of plant community structure (functional group richness and composition) on potential methane production and potential iron reduction in freshwater emergent marshes. Four plant functional groups (facultative annuals, obligate annuals, reeds, and tussocks) were arranged in a full-factorial design and additional mesocosms were assigned as no-plant controls. Soil samples from the top 10 cm were collected three times during the growing season to determine potential methane production and potential iron reduction (in unamended soils and in soils amended with 200 mM formate). These data were compared to soil organic matter, soil pH, and previously published data on above and belowground plant biomass. We found that functional group richness was less important than the presence of specific functional groups (reeds or tussocks) in mediating potential iron reduction. In our mesocosms, where oxidized iron was abundant and electron donors were limiting, iron reducing bacteria outcompeted methanogens, keeping methane production barely detectable in unamended lab incubations. When the possibility of re-oxidizing iron was eliminated via anaerobic incubations and the electron donor limitation was removed by adding formate, potential methane production increased and followed the same patterns as potential iron reduction. Our findings suggest that in the absence of abundant oxidized iron and/or the presence of abundant electron donors, wetlands dominated by either reeds or tussocks may have increased methane production compared to wetlands dominated by annuals. Depending on functional traits such as plant transport and rhizospheric oxygenation capacities, this could potentially lead to increased methane emissions in some wetlands. Additional research examining the role these plant functional groups play in other aspects of methane dynamics will be useful given the importance of methane as a greenhouse gas

    RNA-mediated interaction of Cajal bodies and U2 snRNA genes

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    Cajal bodies (CBs) are nuclear structures involved in RNA metabolism that accumulate high concentrations of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). Notably, CBs preferentially associate with specific genomic loci in interphase human cells, including several snRNA and histone gene clusters. To uncover functional elements involved in the interaction of genes and CBs, we analyzed the expression and subcellular localization of stably transfected artificial arrays of U2 snRNA genes. Although promoter substitution arrays colocalized with CBs, constructs containing intragenic deletions did not. Additional experiments identified factors within CBs that are important for association with the native U2 genes. Inhibition of nuclear export or targeted degradation of U2 snRNPs caused a marked decrease in the levels of U2 snRNA in CBs and strongly disrupted the interaction with U2 genes. Together, the results illustrate a specific requirement for both the snRNA transcripts as well as the presence of snRNPs (or snRNP proteins) within CBs. Our data thus provide significant insight into the mechanism of CB interaction with snRNA loci, strengthening the putative role for this nuclear suborganelle in snRNP biogenesis

    Association of snRNA genes with coiled bodies is mediated by nascent snRNA transcripts

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    AbstractBackground: Coiled bodies are nuclear organelles that are highly enriched in small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) and certain basal transcription factors. Surprisingly, coiled bodies not only contain mature U snRNPs but also associate with specific chromosomal loci, including gene clusters that encode U snRNAs and histone messenger RNAs. The mechanism(s) by which coiled bodies associate with these genes is completely unknown.Results: Using stable cell lines, we show that artificial tandem arrays of human U1 and U2 snRNA genes colocalize with coiled bodies and that the frequency of the colocalization depends directly on the transcriptional activity of the array. Association of the genes with coiled bodies was abolished when the artificial U2 arrays contained promoter mutations that prevent transcription or when RNA polymerase II transcription was globally inhibited by α-amanitin. Remarkably, the association was also abolished when the U2 snRNA coding regions were replaced by heterologous sequences.Conclusions: The requirement for the U2 snRNA coding region indicates that association of snRNA genes with coiled bodies is mediated by the nascent U2 RNA itself, not by DNA or DNA-bound proteins. Our data provide the first evidence that association of genes with a nuclear organelle can be directed by an RNA and suggest an autogenous feedback regulation model

    Compassion, Dominance/Submission, and Curled Lips: A Thematic Analysis of Dacryphilic Experience

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    Paraphilias are often discussed in the psychological literature as pathological problems, yet relatively little research exists that looks into non-pathological paraphilias (i.e., non-normative sexual interests). Empirical evidence suggests that many individuals incorporate a range of non-normative sexual interests into their sexual lifestyles. Dacryphilia is a non-normative sexual interest that involves enjoyment or arousal from tears and crying, and to date has never been researched empirically. The present study set out to discover the different interests within dacryphilia and explore the range of dacryphilic experience. A set of online interviews was carried out with individuals with dacryphilic preferences and interests (six females and two males) from four countries. The data were analysed for semantic and latent themes using thematic analysis. The respondents' statements focused attention on three distinct areas that may be relevant to the experience of dacryphilia: (i) compassion; (ii) dominance/submission; and (iii) curled-lips. The data provided detailed descriptions of features within all three interests, which are discussed in relation to previous quantitative and qualitative research within emotional crying and tears, and the general area of non-normative sexual interests. The study suggests new directions for potential research both within dacryphilia and with regard to other non-normative sexual interests

    Carbon dioxide activation by a uranium(III) complex derived from a chelating bis(aryloxide) ligand

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    The new dianionic ligand, C6H4{p-C(CH3)2C6H2Me2O−}2 (= p-Me2bp), featuring two aryloxide donors and a central arene ring, has been synthesized, and used to prepare the mixed-ligand U(III) compound, [U(Cp*)(p-Me2bp)] which exhibits an η6-interaction with the uranium center. Reductive activation of CO2 was investigated using [U(Cp*)(p-Me2bp)] in supercritical CO2, which gave a dinuclear uranium carbonate complex,{U(Cp*)(p-Me2bp)}2(μ-η1:η2-CO3), cleanly and selectively. Reactivity studies in conventional solvents using lower pressures of CO2 showed the formation of a rare U(IV) oxalate complex, {U(Cp*)(p-Me2bp)}2(μ-η2:η2-C2O2), alongside {U(Cp*)(p-Me2bp)}2(μ-η1:η2-CO3). The relative ratio of the latter two products is temperature dependent: at low temperatures (-78 ˚C) oxalate formation is favored, whilst at room temperature the carbonate is the dominant product. The U(IV) iodide, [U(Cp*)(p-Me2bp)I], was also synthesized and used as part of an electrochemical study, the results of which showed that [U(Cp*)(p-Me2bp)] has a UIV/UIII redox couple of −2.18 V vs FeCp2+/0 as well as an possible electrochemically accessible UIII/UII reduction process at −2.56 V vs FeCp2+/0

    State based model of long-term potentiation and synaptic tagging and capture

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    Recent data indicate that plasticity protocols have not only synapse-specific but also more widespread effects. In particular, in synaptic tagging and capture (STC), tagged synapses can capture plasticity-related proteins, synthesized in response to strong stimulation of other synapses. This leads to long-lasting modification of only weakly stimulated synapses. Here we present a biophysical model of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus that incorporates several key results from experiments on STC. The model specifies a set of physical states in which a synapse can exist, together with transition rates that are affected by high- and low-frequency stimulation protocols. In contrast to most standard plasticity models, the model exhibits both early- and late-phase LTP/D, de-potentiation, and STC. As such, it provides a useful starting point for further theoretical work on the role of STC in learning and memory

    Interstitial Fractionalization and Spherical Crystallography

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    Finding the ground states of identical particles packed on spheres has relevance for stabilizing emulsions and a venerable history in the literature of theoretical physics and mathematics. Theory and experiment have confirmed that defects such as disclinations and dislocations are an intrinsic part of the ground state. Here we discuss the remarkable behavior of vacancies and interstitials in spherical crystals. The strain fields of isolated disclinations forced in by the spherical topology literally rip interstitials and vacancies apart, typically into dislocation fragments that combine with the disclinations to create small grain boundary scars. The fractionation is often into three charge-neutral dislocations, although dislocation pairs can be created as well. We use a powerful, freely available computer program to explore interstitial fractionalization in some detail, for a variety of power law pair potentials. We investigate the dependence on initial conditions and the final state energies, and compare the position dependence of interstitial energies with the predictions of continuum elastic theory on the sphere. The theory predicts that, before fragmentation, interstitials are repelled from 5-fold disclinations and vacancies are attracted. We also use vacancies and interstitials to study low energy states in the vicinity of "magic numbers" that accommodate regular icosadeltahedral tessellations.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    Analysis of Electrodeposited Nickel-Iron Alloy Film Composition Using Particle-Induced X-Ray Emission

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    The elemental composition of electrodeposited NiFe thin films was analyzed with particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE). The thin films were electrodeposited on polycrystalline Au substrates from a 100mM NiSO4, 10 mM FeSO4, 0.5M H3BO3, and 1M Na2SO4 solution. PIXE spectra of these films were analyzed to obtain relative amounts of Ni and Fe as a function of deposition potential and deposition time. The results show that PIXE can measure the total deposited metal in a sample over at least four orders of magnitude with similar fractional uncertainties. The technique is also sensitive enough to observe the variations in alloy composition due to sample nonuniformity or variations in deposition parameters

    Talking Through the Problems: A Study of Discourse in Peer-Led Small Groups

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    Increasingly, studies are investigating the factors that influence student discourse in science courses, and specifically the mechanisms and discourse processes within small groups, to better understand the learning that takes place as students work together. This paper contributes to a growing body of research by analyzing how students engage in conversation and work together to solve problems in a peer-led small-group setting. This qualitative study evaluates video of Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) sessions in general chemistry, with attention to both the activity structures and the function of discourse as students undertook different types of problems across one semester. Our findings suggest that students talk their way through the problems; practicing a combination of regulative and instructional language to manage the group dynamics of their community of peer learners while developing and using specific disciplinary vocabulary. Additionally, student discourse patterns revealed a focus on the process of complex problem-solving, where students engage in joint decision-making by taking turns, questioning and explaining, and building on one another’s ideas. While students in our study engaged in less of the deeper, meaning-making discourse than expected, these observations about the function of language in small-group learning deepens an understanding of how PLTL and other types of small-group learning based on the tenets of social constructivism may lead to improvements in science education, with implications for the structure of small-group learning environments, problem design, and training of peer group leaders to encourage students to engage in more of the most effective discourse in these learning contexts

    Statistical Mechanics of Semiflexible Bundles of Wormlike Polymer Chains

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    We demonstrate that a semiflexible bundle of wormlike chains exhibits a state-dependent bending stiffness that alters fundamentally its scaling behavior with respect to the standard wormlike chain. We explore the equilibrium conformational and mechanical behavior of wormlike bundles in isolation, in crosslinked networks, and in solution.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, final version as publishe
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