559 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Algoritma KNN dan Naive Bayes dengan Teknik Feature Selection dalam Memprediksi Rating Film Indonesia

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    Berdasarkan survey yang dilakukan oleh IDNTimes dengan 411 responden, menunjukkan penonton di Indonesia memilih film yang akan ditonton berdasarkan beberapa faktor. Orang-orang memilih film untuk ditonton di bioskop berdasarkan genre ada sebesar 16,4 persen, pemain atau aktor sebesar 14,5 persen, dan sutradara sebesar 12,7 persen. Saat ini minat peneliti-peneliti tentang rating film Indonesia sangatlah sedikit. Sebagian besar dari mereka lebih banyak membahas tentang film di luar negeri dibandingkan dengan film-film Indonesia. Sehingga dibutuhkan penelitian yang membahas tentang rating film Indonesia. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan tools data mining yaitu RapidMiner dengan metode kerangka kerja CRISP-DM. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan perbandingan antara 2 algoritma yaitu Naïve Bayes dan KNN untuk melakukan prediksi pada rating film Indonesia dengan menggunakan teknik feature selection. Penelitian ini menghasilkan hasil yaitu algoritma KNN memiliki performa yang lebih baik daripada Naïve Bayes dengan teknik feature selection maupun tanpa feature selection. Dari 3 model yang dibuat untuk KNN yaitu dengan Forward Selection, Backward Elimination, dan tanpa feature selection semuanya menghasilkan nilai akurasi yang sama yaitu 86,65% sedangkan Naïve Bayes mendapat nilai akurasi sebesar 85.13% dengan forward selection, 84.91% dengan backward elimination, dan 71.32% tanpa teknik feature selection

    Evaluating SMEs Growth Strategies: The case study of a medium-sized UK specialty chemical distributor

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    The UK chemical distribution industry, a well-established, highly fragmented, subject to strong consolidation and significant part of the chemical industry, is a major contributor to the UK economy and employment. The ever increasing regulatory compliance requirements pose a significant challenge to all companies in general but more so to SMEs which have a strong presence in this industry. Even though there has been considerable research in the area of small business growth, best practices for SMEs in the chemical distribution industry are scarce. This is one of the few research papers that address this gap in knowledge in a case study context in the specific industry, arguing that a mix of inorganic and organic growth is the best way to achieve growth. Findings suggest that the strategy depends on the vision of the owner/manager, strategies in place, access to human resources and finance, past experiences, industry characteristics and company structure. Despite the methodological limitations of this study, this can be used as the basis for future research and to inform key stakeholders and policy makers

    Penggunaan Google Data Studio sebagai Tools Visualisasi pada PT. ZUZU Teknologi Servis (ZUZU Hospitality)

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    Dalam rangka memberikan pemahaman serta pengalaman kepada mahasiswa mengenai praktek di dunia kerja, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara mewajibkan seluruh mahasiswa untuk melakukan kegiatan kerja magang. Kegiatan kerja magang dilakukan di PT ZUZU Teknologi Servis yang berlokasi di GoWork Chubb Square, Jakarta Pusat selama kurang lebih 3 bulan Untuk memudahkan pembacaan data dan pelaporan, PT. ZUZU Teknologi Servis akan menerapkan pembuatan Dashboard menggunakan Google Data Studio. Google Data Studio adalah salah satu tools visualisasi data kolaboratif yang gratis, terintegrasi dengan komponen Google lainnya seperti Google BigQuery, Google AdWords, Google Spreadsheet, dan lainnya Pembuatan Dashboard menggunakan Google Data Studio dimulai dengan proses seleksi data dari tracker yang merupakan Google Spreadsheet dan dibuat menjadi data source pada Google Data Studio sebelum bisa dibentuk menjadi Dashboard. Kegiatan magang ini menghasilkan Dashboard Hotel Detail yang termasuk ke dalam jenis dashboard operasional terdiri dari 59 halaman yang terbagi menjadi 4 section yaitu Information, Processes, Cases, dan Channels. Dashboard Hotel Detail ini akan digunakan oleh pegawai dari tim-tim lain untuk memudahkan pembacaan dan pelaporan data. Dengan dilakukannya kegiatan kerja magang ini diharapkan dapat membantu PT. ZUZU Teknologi Servis dalam mengoptimalkan visualisasi data dan memudahkan pembacaan dan pelaporan data

    Some Thoughts on the Effects ESL Teachers Can Have in a World Community

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    Since Teaching English as a Second Language is a profession involved with the humanity of all nations and cultures, as ESL teachers, we can play an integral part in the inevitable process of the world growing smaller and nations growing more and more interdependent. This paper looks at ESL teachers in this context. The first part examines the role of ESL teacher and the potential effect those in that role can have in the world. Part two consists of a series of questions that grew out of real teaching situations, and that might provide a springboard for examining our values as they relate to our profession. Finally, the third part is a case study of SIT\u27s decision to involve itself with the Iranian Navy. The purpose of this last part is to illustrate the complexity of elements involved in any choice of this nature

    Biosynthesis of Cardiolipin in Plant Mitochondria

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    Cavity Disinfection With a 445 nm Diode Laser Within the Scope of Restorative Therapy – A Pilot Study

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    Introduction: Cavity disinfection is necessary to prevent a progressive infection of the crown dentin and pulp. Increasing intolerance and resistance to antiseptics and antibiotics as well as the controversy over the effects of those on the dental hard tissue and composite have prompted the investigation of alternative treatment options. The objective of this pilot study is to evaluate the antibacterial potential of a diode laser with a wavelength of 445 nm in the cavity preparation using the bacterium Streptococcus salivarius associated with caries in conjunction with the characteristics and influences of dentin on light transmission.Methods: The bactericidal effect of the laser irradiation was determined in culture experiments by using caries-free human dentin samples on bacteria-inoculated agar. For this, dentin discs (horizontally cut coronal dentin) of 500 μm and 1000 μm thicknesses were produced and irradiated with the laser with irradiation parameters of 0.7-1 W in a cw-mode and exposure times of between 5-30 s. Based on the different sample thicknesses, the penetration depth effect of the irradiation was ascertained after the subsequent incubation of the bacteria-inoculated agar. Additional influential parameters on the irradiation transmission were investigated, including surface moisture, tooth color as well as the presence of a smear layer on the dentin surface.Results: The optical transmission values of the laser radiation for dentin were significantly dependent on the sample thickness (P = 0.006) as well as its moisture content (P = 0.013) and were independent of the presence of a smear layer. There was a 40% reduction in bacteria after the radiography of the 500-μm-thick dentin samples, which was shown as the lowest laser dose (443 J/cm2).Conclusion: These findings indicate that the diode laser with light emission at a wavelength of 445 nm is interesting for the supportive cavity disinfection within the scope of caries therapy and show potential for clinical applications

    Spin polarized photoelectrons with unpolarized light in normal emission from Pt(110)

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    Irmer N, Frentzen F, Schmiedeskamp B, Heinzmann U. Spin polarized photoelectrons with unpolarized light in normal emission from Pt(110). Surface Science. 1994;307-309(2):1114-1117.The normally emitted photoelectrons of the reconstructed (1 x 2) surface of Pt(110) caused by off-normally incoming, unpolarized light are spin polarized. Measurements have been performed with the light of a gas discharge tube and spin polarization of up to 20% has been found for the spin polarization perpendicular to the reaction plane, defined by the momenta of incoming photon and outgoing electron beam. The polarization depends significantly on a rotation of the crystal about the surface normal. The experimental data are in good agreement with theoretical calculations of Feder's group [1] based upon the theory describing the photoemission in the one-step model

    High Active Material Loading in Organic Electrodes Enabled by an in‐situ Electropolymerized π‐Conjugated Tetrakis (4‐Aminophenyl) Porphyrin

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    Porphyrin complexes have been widely studied as promising electrode material in diverse energy storage systems and chemistries. However, like other organic electrodes, porphyrins often suffer from low conductivity and, consequently, require a significant amount (typically 40 %) of electrochemically inactive conductive carbon that occupies volume and mass without storing energy. In this study, we investigate [5,10,15,20 tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)-porphyrin] (TAPP) and its metal complexes as redox-active cathode materials to address the aforementioned issues. The lithium-ion cells prepared with a high content of CuTAPP active material (70 wt %) demonstrate a stable discharge capacity of ∼120 mAh/g when cycling with a constant current density of 1000 mA/g. The material also showed superior rate capability, e. g., ∼60 mAh/g at 8 A/g. The results of DFT calculations and experimental analysis indicate that the degree of planarity of the metalloporphyrins directly correlates to their cycling stability. Moreover, the contribution from the central metal redox during the cycling is found to be the reason for the significantly higher performance of the Cu-complex compared to the metal-free complex. The findings of this study show a general approach for facing common conductivity challenges of organic electrodes and open up a pathway for practical application of organics electrode materials in energy storage application

    Identification of avian wax synthases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bird species show a high degree of variation in the composition of their preen gland waxes. For instance, <it>galliform </it>birds like chicken contain fatty acid esters of 2,3-alkanediols, while <it>Anseriformes </it>like goose or <it>Strigiformes </it>like barn owl contain wax monoesters in their preen gland secretions. The final biosynthetic step is catalyzed by wax synthases (WS) which have been identified in pro- and eukaryotic organisms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sequence similarities enabled us to identify six cDNAs encoding putative wax synthesizing proteins in chicken and two from barn owl and goose. Expression studies in yeast under <it>in vivo </it>and <it>in vitro </it>conditions showed that three proteins from chicken performed WS activity while a sequence from chicken, goose and barn owl encoded a bifunctional enzyme catalyzing both wax ester and triacylglycerol synthesis. Mono- and bifunctional WS were found to differ in their substrate specificities especially with regard to branched-chain alcohols and acyl-CoA thioesters. According to the expression patterns of their transcripts and the properties of the enzymes, avian WS proteins might not be confined to preen glands.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We provide direct evidence that avian preen glands possess both monofunctional and bifunctional WS proteins which have different expression patterns and WS activities with different substrate specificities.</p