726 research outputs found

    A developmental history of forensic speaker comparison in the UK

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    The article provides a review of developments in forensic speaker comparison in the UK from its beginnings in the 1960s up to the present day. The history is documented in respect of milestones and changes in four main areas: methodology, conclusion frameworks, regulation of forensic phoneticians and development of reference databases

    Does repetitive task training improve functional activity after stroke? A Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Repetitive task training resulted in modest improvement across a range of lower limb outcome measures, but not upper limb outcome measures. Training may be sufficient to have a small impact on activities of daily living. Interventions involving elements of repetition and task training are diverse and difficult to classify: the results presented are specific to trials where both elements are clearly present in the intervention, without major confounding by other potential mechanisms of action

    The individual and the system : Assessing the stability of the output of a semi-automatic forensic voice comparison system

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    Semi-automatic systems based on traditional linguistic-phonetic features are increasingly being used for forensic voice comparison (FVC) casework. In this paper, we examine the stability of the output of a semi-automatic system, based on the long-term formant distributions (LTFDs) of F1, F2, and F3, as the channel quality of the input recordings decreases. Cross-validated, calibrated GMM-UBM log likelihood-ratios (LLRs) were computed for 97 Standard Southern British English speakers under four conditions. In each condition the same speech material was used, but the technical properties of the recordings changed (high quality studio recording, landline telephone recording, high bit-rate GSM mobile telephone recording and low bit-rate GSM mobile telephone recording). Equal error rate (EER) and the log LR cost function (Cllr) were compared across conditions. System validity was found to decrease with poorer technical quality, with the largest differences in EER (21.66%) and Cllr (0.46) found between the studio and the low bit-rate GSM conditions. However, importantly, performance for individual speakers was affected differently by channel quality. Speakers that produced stronger evidence overall were found to be more variable. Mean F3 was also found to be a predictor of LLR variability, however no effects were found based on speakers’ voice quality profiles

    RISK MANAGEMENT FOR CHIROPRACTORS AND OSTEOPATHS: Neck Manipulation & Vertebrobasilar Stroke

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    Although rare, vertebrobasilar stroke is the best known of the possible side effects of cervical manipulation. Due to the serious sequelae that may result from cervical manipulation, chiropractors and osteopaths must take the appropriate steps to ensure the risk is minimised. This article outlines how the astute practitioner can minimise this risk. Practitioners must decide on the options for treatment of a patient with neck problems. Practitioners must also advise the patient of these options as part of an appropriate informed consent

    Increasing weight-bearing physical activity and calcium-rich foods to promote bone mass gains among 9–11 year old girls: outcomes of the Cal-Girls study

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    BACKGROUND: A two-year, community-based, group-randomized trial to promote bone mass gains among 9–11 year-old girls through increased intake of calcium-rich foods and weight-bearing physical activity was evaluated. METHODS: Following baseline data collection, 30 5th-grade Girl Scout troops were randomized to a two-year behavioral intervention program or to a no-treatment control group. Evaluations were conducted at baseline, one year, and two years. Measures included bone mineral content, density, and area (measured by DXA), dietary calcium intake (24-hour recall), and weight-bearing physical activity (physical activity checklist interview). Mixed-model regression was used to evaluate treatment-related changes in bone mineral content (g) for the total body, lumbar spine (L1-L4), proximal femur, one-third distal radius, and femoral neck. Changes in eating and physical activity behavioral outcomes were examined. RESULTS: Although the intervention was implemented with high fidelity, no significant intervention effects were observed for total bone mineral content or any specific bone sites. Significant intervention effects were observed for increases in dietary calcium. No significant intervention effects were observed for increases in weight-bearing physical activity. CONCLUSION: Future research needs to identify the optimal dosage of weight-bearing physical activity and calcium-rich dietary behavior change required to maximize bone mass gains in pre-adolescent and adolescent girls

    Mapping across feature spaces in forensic voice comparison: the contribution of auditory-based voice quality to (semi-)automatic system testing

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    In forensic voice comparison, there is increasing focus on the integration of automatic and phonetic methods to improve the validity and reliability of voice evidence to the courts. In line with this, we present a comparison of long-term measures of the speech signal to assess the extent to which they capture complementary speaker-specific information. Likelihood ratio-based testing was conducted using MFCCs and (linear and Mel-weighted) long-term formant distributions (LTFDs). Fusing automatic and semi-automatic systems yielded limited improvement in performance over the baseline MFCC system, indicating that these measures capture essentially the same speaker-specific information. The output from the best performing system was used to evaluate the contribution of auditory-based analysis of supralaryngeal (filter) and laryngeal (source) voice quality in system testing. Results suggest that the problematic speakers for the (semi-)automatic system are, to some extent, predictable from their supralaryngeal voice quality profiles, with the least distinctive speakers producing the weakest evidence and most misclassifications. However, the misclassified pairs were still easily differentiated via auditory analysis. Laryngeal voice quality may thus be useful in resolving problematic pairs for (semi-)automatic systems, potentially improving their overall performance

    Risk Management for Chiropractors and Osteopaths. Informed consent: A Common Law Requirement

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    Obtaining the informed consent of a patient before undertaking chiropractic or osteopathic treatment is a common law requirement in Australia. This paper outlines the essential elements of informed consent and provides some practice tips on streamlining the process

    The utility of naphthyl-keratin adducts as biomarkers for jet-fuel exposure

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    We investigated the association between biomarkers of dermal exposure, naphthyl-keratin adducts (NKA), and urine naphthalene biomarker levels in 105 workers routinely exposed to jet-fuel. A moderate correlation was observed between NKA and urine naphthalene levels (p = 0.061). The NKA, post-exposure breath naphthalene, and male gender were associated with an increase, while CYP2E1*6 DD and GSTT1-plus (++/+−) genotypes were associated with a decrease in urine naphthalene level (p < 0.0001). The NKA show great promise as biomarkers for dermal exposure to naphthalene. Further studies are warranted to characterize the relationship between NKA, other exposure biomarkers, and/or biomarkers of biological effects due to naphthalene and/or PAH exposure

    Energy demand on dairy farms in Ireland

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    peer-reviewedReducing electricity consumption in Irish milk production is a topical issue for 2 reasons. First, the introduction of a dynamic electricity pricing system, with peak and off-peak prices, will be a reality for 80% of electricity consumers by 2020. The proposed pricing schedule intends to discourage energy consumption during peak periods (i.e., when electricity demand on the national grid is high) and to incentivize energy consumption during off-peak periods. If farmers, for example, carry out their evening milking during the peak period, energy costs may increase, which would affect farm profitability. Second, electricity consumption is identified in contributing to about 25% of energy use along the life cycle of pasture-based milk. The objectives of this study, therefore, were to document electricity use per kilogram of milk sold and to identify strategies that reduce its overall use while maximizing its use in off-peak periods (currently from 0000 to 0900h). We assessed, therefore, average daily and seasonal trends in electricity consumption on 22 Irish dairy farms, through detailed auditing of electricity-consuming processes. To determine the potential of identified strategies to save energy, we also assessed total energy use of Irish milk, which is the sum of the direct (i.e., energy use on farm) and indirect energy use (i.e., energy needed to produce farm inputs). On average, a total of 31.73 MJ was required to produce 1kg of milk solids, of which 20% was direct and 80% was indirect energy use. Electricity accounted for 60% of the direct energy use, and mainly resulted from milk cooling (31%), water heating (23%), and milking (20%). Analysis of trends in electricity consumption revealed that 62% of daily electricity was used at peak periods. Electricity use on Irish dairy farms, therefore, is substantial and centered around milk harvesting. To improve the competitiveness of milk production in a dynamic electricity pricing environment, therefore, management changes and technologies are required that decouple energy use during milking processes from peak periods
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