737 research outputs found

    Impacts of the combined exposure to seawater acidification and arsenic on the proteome of Crassostrea angulata and Crassostrea gigas

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    Proteomic analysis was performed to compare the effects of Arsenic (As), seawater acidification (Low pH) and the combination of both stressors (Low pH + As) on Crassostrea angulata and Crassostrea gigas juveniles in the context of global environmental change. This study aimed to elucidate if two closely related Crassostrea species respond similarly to these environmental stressors, considering both single and combined exposures, to infer if the simultaneous exposure to both stressors induced a differentiated response. Identification of the most important differentially expressed proteins between conditions revealed marked differences in the response of each species towards single and combined exposures, evidencing species-related differences towards each experimental condition. Moreover, protein alterations observed in the combined exposure (Low pH + As) were substantially different from those observed in single exposures. Identified proteins and their putative biological functions revealed an array of modes of action in each condition. Among the most important, those involved in cellular structure (Actin, Atlastin, Severin, Gelsolin, Coronin) and extracellular matrix modulation (Ependymin, Tight junction ZO-1, Neprilysin) were strongly regulated, although in different exposure conditions and species. Data also revealed differences regarding metabolic modulation capacity (ATP β, Enolase, Aconitate hydratase) and oxidative stress response (Aldehyde dehydrogenase, Lactoylglutathione, Retinal dehydrogenase) of each species, which also depended on single or combined exposures, illustrating a different response capacity of both oyster species to the presence of multiple stressors. Interestingly, alterations of piRNA abundance in C. angulata suggested genome reconfiguration in response to multiple stressors, likely an important mode of action related to adaptive evolution mechanisms previously unknown to oyster species, which requires further investigation. The present findings provide a deeper insight into the complexity of C. angulata and C. gigas responses to environmental stress at the proteome level, evidencing different capacities to endure abiotic changes, with relevance regarding the ecophysiological fitness of each species and competitive advantages in a changing environment.Centro-01-0145-FEDER-000018info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assimetria na transmissão de preços nos postos de combustíveis brasileiros

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Maurício Vaz Lobo BittencourtMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Ciências EconômicasInclui referênciasResumo : O mercado brasileiro de combustíveis é caracterizado por possuir três combustíveis principais sob a forma de gasolina, etanol e diesel, com mercado consumidor distinto e relevante. O objetivo desse estudo consiste em investigar de que maneira os postos lidam com os choques no preço que pagam aos distribuidores – se repassam esses choques do mesmo modo na presença de choques positivos ou negativos. Isso foi feito utilizando uma abordagem de cointegração, utilizando um modelo de correção de erros (MCE) adaptado para permitir comportamento assimétrico. O modelo foi aplicado à nível de postos de combustível, utilizando dados para o intervalo de 11/05/2004 até 31/12/2019. Os resultados encontrados reforçam a consideração de estudos anteriores – tanto no sentido de que a assimetria deve ser estudada no nível de firmas, quanto no sentido de que há diferenças nas estratégias de precificação dos postos de combustível para cada um dos combustíveis que comercializam. Por fim, esse estudo tenta relacionar os resultados com algumas das causas apontadas para o comportamento assimétrico, tentando abrir novos caminhos de investigação

    Natural History Notes on Interactions and Abnormal Coloration in Carnivores in the Araucaria Forest, Southern Brazil

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    Carnivores typically exhibit cryptic behavior, which makes it difficult to study the ecology of species in this group. Camera trap bycatch can be a valuable source of important opportunistic records. In this short communication, we present rare records of carnivores in southern Brazil. The first record was of a tayra (Mustelidae) with anomalous coloration known as leucism. Other records were of a possible attempted predation event by two free-ranging dogs on lowland tapir (Perissodactyla, Tapiridae), a threatened species. Our remaining notable records consisted of intra and interspecific interactions of endangered felids (puma, ocelot and southern tiger cat)

    Both cetaceans in the Brazilian Amazon show sustained, profound population declines over two decades

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    <div><p>Obligate river dolphins occur only in the rivers of Asia and South America, where they are increasingly subject to damaging pressures such as habitat degradation, food competition and entanglement in fishing gear as human populations expand. The Amazon basin hosts two, very different, dolphins—the boto or Amazon river dolphin (<i>Inia geoffrensis</i>) and the smaller tucuxi (<i>Sotalia fluviatilis</i>). Both species have wide geographical ranges and were once considered to be relatively abundant. Their IUCN Red List conservation status of Data Deficient (DD), due to limited information on threats, ecology, population numbers and trends, did not initially cause alarm. However, the development of dolphin hunting to provide fish bait at around the beginning of this millennium broadly coincided with the onset of a widespread perception that numbers of both species were in decline. Consequently, the need for population trend data to inform conservation advice and measures became urgent. This paper presents a 22-year time series of standardised surveys for both dolphins within the Mamirauá Reserve, Amazonas State, Brazil. Analysis of these data show that both species are in steep decline, with their populations halving every 10 years (botos) and 9 years (tucuxis) at current rates. These results are consistent with published, independent information on survival rates of botos in this area, which demonstrated a substantial drop in annual survival, commencing at around the year 2000. Mamirauá is a protected area, and is subject to fewer environmental pressures than elsewhere in the region, so there is no reason to suspect that the decline in dolphins within the Reserve is more pronounced than outside it. If South America's freshwater cetaceans are to avoid following their Asian counterparts on the path to a perilous conservation status, effective conservation measures are required immediately. Enforcement of existing fishery laws would greatly assist in achieving this.</p></div

    Comparative sensitivity of Crassostrea angulata and Crassostrea gigas embryo-larval development to As under varying salinity and temperature

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    Oysters are a diverse group of marine bivalves that inhabit coastal systems of the world's oceans, providing a varietyofecosystemservices,andrepresentamajorsocioeconomic resource.However,oysterreefshavebecome inevitably impacted from habitat destruction, overfishing, pollution and disease outbreaks that have pushed these structures to the break of extinction. In addition, the increased frequency of climate change related events promise to further challenge oyster species survival worldwide. Oysters' early embryonic development is likely the most vulnerable stage to climate change related stressors (e.g. salinity and temperature shifts) as well as to pollutants (e.g. arsenic), and therefore can represent the most important bottleneck that define populations' survival in a changing environment. In light of this, the present study aimed to assess two important oyster species, Crassostrea angulata and Crassostrea gigas embryo-larval development, under combinations of salinity (20, 26 and 33), temperature (20, 24 and 28°C) and arsenic (As) exposure(0,30,60,120,240,480,960and1920μg.AsL−1),toinferondifferentoysterspeciescapacitytocope with these environmental stressors under the eminent threat of climate change and increase of pollution worldwide. Results showed differences in each species range of salinity and temperature for successful embryonic development. For C angulata, embryo-larval development was successful at a narrower range of both salinity and temperature, compared to C. gigas. Overall, As induced higher toxicity to C. angulata embryos, with calculated EC50 values at least an order of magnitude lower than those calculated for C. gigas. The toxicity of As (measured as median effective concentration, EC50) showed to be influenced by both salinity and temperature in both species. Nonetheless, salinity had a greater influence on embryos' sensitivity to As. This pattern was mostly noticed for C. gigas, with lower salinity inducing higher sensitivity to As. Results were discussed considering the existing literature and suggest that C. angulata populations are likely to become more vulnerable under near future predictions for temperature rise, salinity shifts and pollution.publishe

    Acute physiological responses to high-intensity resistance circuit training vs. traditional strength training in soccer players

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses induced by high-intensity resistance circuit-based (HRC) and traditional strength (TS) training protocols. Ten amateur soccer players reported to the laboratory on four occasions: (1) protocol familiarization and load determination; (2) maximal oxygen consumption test; (3) and (4) resistance training protocols (HRC and TS), completed in a cross-over randomized order. In both protocols, the same structure was used (two blocks of 3 sets × 3 exercises, separated by a 5-min rest), with only the time between consecutive exercises differing: TS (3 min) and HRC (~35 s, allowing 3 min of local recovery). To test for between-protocol differences, paired t-tests were applied. Results showed that oxygen consumption and heart rate during HRC were 75% and 39% higher than TS, respectively (p \u3c 0.001). After the training sessions, blood lactate concentration at 1.5, 5 and 7 min and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption were higher in HRC. The respiratory exchange ratio was 6.7% greater during HRC, with no between-group differences found post-exercise. The energy cost of HRC was ~66% higher than TS. In conclusion, HRC training induces greater cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses in soccer players and thus may be a time-effective training strategy

    Mechanical joining methods for additive manufactured assembly tools

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    The use of additive manufacturing (AM) processes is growing in the manufacturing industry. One application with great potential for using these processes is the manufacture of assembly tools for a high-ly competitive markets, such as the automotive industry. A critical aspect of the assembly tool design is its capability to incorporate modifications even at a late stage of its development in very short time. In many cases, these modifications are achieved using metal inserts in the polymeric tool, which allow to add new geometric features. This capability increases the usefulness and versatility of components produced by AM and compensate for potential shortcomings of using additive mate-rials. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the potential use of accessories in additive manufactured com-ponents. In addition, the effect of different percentages of infill tool material on the joining quality of accesso-ries is evaluated. This is done by performing a screw pull-out test on a ABS ESD-7 part, produced by fused deposition modelling. The following different joining solutions were compared and studied in this work: em-bedded inserts, glue, heating processes, pressure (Tap-in) and creation of threads, such as, printing the thread directly and machining the thread onto the material.Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização - COMPETE 2020, Projeto nº 002814, Ref. POCI-01-0247-FEDER-002814 entre a Univ. do Minho e a Bosc