14 research outputs found

    Prevalência De Imagens Sugestivas De Calcificações Da Artéria Carótida Em Radiografias Panorâmicas E Sua Relação Com Fatores Predisponentes

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    Panoramic radiographs (PR) can display radiopaque images suggestive of calcified atheroma in the carotid artery in asymptomatic patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of these images on PR and their linkage with hypertension, obesity, age, gender and smoking habits. PR of 505 patients were evaluated. They were older than 30 years old and their PR had been taken for different clinical reasons. Their body mass index was calculated; their waist circumference was also taken into consideration. Information about smoking habits and hypertension was obtained. The observers analyzed the presence of radiopaque mass in the region of the cervical vertebrae C3-C4 through the PR, confirmed by an antero-posterior (AP) radiograph. The results showed a 7.92% prevalence of suggestive images of calcifications on PR and on AP radiograph. The adjusted Odds Ratio showed association with age and smoking habits. The calcification process is almost nine times higher for the elderly when compared to the young. As far as smokers are concerned, this process is twice worse when compared to no smokers. In conclusion, 7.92% of the group studied presented suggestive images of carotid atherosclerosis on PR, which is directly associated with the age and smoking habits. © 2016, Associacao Brasileira de Pos – Graduacao em Saude Coletiva. All rights reserved.2172201220

    Composição florística de plantas daninhas na dultura do feijão-caupi no sistema de capoeira triturada

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    O plantio direto na capoeira é um sistema de substituição ao corte e queima que vem sendo implementado na Amazônia nas áreas de agricultura familiar. Como o manejo de plantas daninhas é essencial no processo produtivo, este trabalho visou realizar o levantamento florístico nas áreas de plantio direto na capoeira triturada e cultivada com feijão-caupi. A pesquisa foi conduzida em área de produtor rural no município de Zé Doca, Maranhão. O preparo da área foi realizado com um trator de rodas, juntamente com o implemento Ahwi FM600. A área foi cultivada inicialmente com milho, seguido do feijão-caupi BRS Guariba durante dois anos, sendo a avaliação das plantas daninhas realizada aos 30 e 60 dias após a semeadura, com um retângulo (0,5 x 0,3 m) lançado 30 vezes. A cada lançamento era realizada avaliação, com as partes aéreas das plantas daninhas colhidas, para a contagem, identificação e secagem, visando à obtenção dos índices fitossociológicos (frequência, densidade, dominância relativa e índice de valor de importância). Foram identificados 51 táxons distribuídos em 22 famílias, 43 gêneros e 46 espécies. As famílias de plantas daninhas com maior número de espécies foram Cyperaceae (7), Fabaceae (7), Poaceae (6), Malvaceae (5) e Rubiaceae (4). No ano agrícola de 2006/2007, as espécies com maior IVI foram Cyperus diffusus, Fimbristylis dichotoma, Spermacoce verticillata e Cyperus sp. No ano agrícola de 2007/2008, as principais espécies foram Digitaria horizontalis, seguida de C. diffusus e Pavonia cancellata. As plantas de capoeira originárias de rebrotas apresentaram os maiores IVIs no ano agrícola de 2006/2007 e sofreram redução drástica em 2007/2008. Conclui-se que o cultivo progressivo reduz as plantas de capoeira e aumenta o extrato herbáceo

    The Association Between Periodontal Disease And Seizure Severity In Refractory Epilepsy Patients

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    Purpose Periodontal diseases are common in most populations and affect people at all socioeconomic levels. Evidence suggests that patients with epilepsy actually have higher risks of dental disease and increased oral health needs, but the frequency and consequences of poor controlled seizures on dental and periodontal health have not been reported before. We aimed to assess the impact of seizure frequency on periodontal status and oral hygiene in a sample of epilepsy patients. Methods One hundred and nine consecutive patients treated for epilepsy at the outpatient clinic of our University Hospital were invited to take part in an oral examination to determine their periodontal disease status, together with a control group. In addition, seizure frequency and use of medication were documented. Results In logistic regression model, patients were significantly more susceptible to bad oral hygiene, gingivitis and periodontitis that controls (p < 0.001); seizure frequency was significantly related to bad oral hygiene (p = 0.010), gingivitis (p < 0.001) and periodontitis (p < 0.001). Tooth brushing habits and presence of caries were associated with oral health in patients group. Conclusion Our study found a significant positive correlation between periodontal disease and seizure severity. Epilepsy patients need to focus more on their oral health and quality of oral hygiene. © 2013 British Epilepsy Association.233227230Kinane, D.F., Causation and pathogenesis of periodontal disease (2001) Periodontology, 25, pp. 8-20Einarson, S., Gerdin, E.W., Hugoson, A., Oral health impact on quality of life in an adult Swedish population (2009) Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 67, pp. 85-93Karolyhazy, K., Kivovics, P., Fejerdy, P., Aranyi, Z., Prosthodontic status and recommended care of patients with epilepsy (2005) Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 93, pp. 177-182Károlyházy, K., Kivovics, P., Hermann, P., Fejérdy, P., Arányi, Z., Five-year follow-up of oral health and seizure condition of patients with epilepsy: A prospective observational study (2010) Community Dental Health, 27, pp. 233-237Károlyházy, K., Kovács, E., Kivovics, P., Fejérdy, P., Arányi, Z., Dental status and oral health of patients with epilepsy: An epidemiologic study (2003) Epilepsia, 44, pp. 1103-1108Silness, J., Löe, H., Periodontal disease in pregnanc. II: Correlation between oral hygiene and periodontal condition (1964) Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 22, pp. 121-135Löe, H., The gingival index, the plaque index and the retention index systems (1967) Journal of Periodontoly, 38, pp. 610-616Einarsdóttir, E.R., Gunnsteinsdóttir, H., Hallsdóttir, M.H., Sveinsson, S., Jónsdóttir, S.R., Olafsson, V.G., Dental health of patients with Parkinson's disease in Iceland (2009) Special Care in Dentistry, 29, pp. 123-127Slavkin, H.C., Baum, B.J., Relationship of dental and oral pathology to systemic illness (2000) Journal of the American Medical Association, 284, pp. 1215-1217Costa, A.L., Yasuda, C.L., Franca, Jr.M.C., Morita, M.E., Cendes, F., Epilepsy is highly associated with severe dentoalveolar and maxillofacial injuries (2011) Epileptic Disorders, 13, pp. 61-64Tellez-Zenteno, J.F., Nguyen, R., Hernadez-Ronquillo, L., Injuries, accidents and mortality in epilepsy: A review of its prevalence risk factors and prevention (2010) Revista de Investigación Clínica, 62, pp. 466-479Coventry, J., Griffiths, G., Scully, C., Tonetti, M., ABC of oral health: Periodontal disease (2000) British Medical Journal, 321, pp. 36-39Pihlstrom, B.L., Michalowicz, B.S., Johnson, N.W., Periodontal diseases (2005) Lancet, 366, pp. 1809-1820Aragon, C.E., Burneo, J.G., Understanding the patient with epilepsy and seizures in the dental practice (2007) Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 73, pp. 71-76Tonetti, M.S., Claffey, N., Advances in the progression of periodontitis and proposal of definitions of a periodontitis case and disease progression for use in risk factor research. Group c consensus report of the 5th European workshop in periodontology (2005) Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 32 (SUPPL. 6), pp. 210-213Reali, L., Zuliani, E., Gabutti, L., Schönholzer, C., Marone, C., Poor oral hygiene enhances gingival overgrowth caused by calcineurin inhibitors (2009) Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 34, pp. 255-260Cornacchio, A.L., Burneo, J.G., Aragon, C.E., The effects of antiepileptic drugs on oral health (2011) Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 77, p. 14

    Analysis of the sex pheromone extract of individual male Lutzomyia longipalpis sandflies from six regions in Brazil

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    Although the phlebotomine sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) (Diptera: Psychodidae) is generally accepted to be a species complex, it is unclear how many members there are, how they are related and which are the main vectors of leishmaniasis. The vectorial capacity of each sibling species is likely to differ, thus a means of identifying the most important vector species is of critical importance to the epidemiology and control of this debilitating disease in South and Central America. In Brazil four chemotypes have been distinguished by sex pheromone analysis. In this study the sex pheromone extracts of L. longipalpis from six regions of Brazil were analysed in detail. Samples included the sympatric 1-spot, 2-spot and intermediate spot morphotypes from Sobral, Ceará State. The results strongly suggest that members of the complex that produce different sex pheromones are reproductively isolated, thus strengthening the argument that the different chemotypes represent true sibling species. The study also found significant differences in morphology and the amounts of sex pheromone produced by members of each chemotype from different parts of Brazil, which suggests population substructuring that has not previously been recognized. Evidence of a fifth chemotype in Brazil is also presented