286 research outputs found

    Contributo para uma reflexão sobre pós-verdade e ensino de história

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    A partir da leitura inspiradora do texto de S. Wineburg, Why historically thinking is not about History (2016), procuramos refletir sobre o papel da aprendizagem e do ensino de história em tempos de fake news e em que a capacidade de análise crítica e cruzamento de fontes não parece bastar para a construção de narrativas fidedignas e plausíveis sobre o passado. Em tempos de pós-verdade, algumas questões podem ser colocadas: como trabalhar noções de plausibilidade, consistência e qualidade da explicação histórica? qual o lugar da verdade e da objetividade? como distinguir informação de conhecimento? bastará fazer de cada estudante alguém capaz de, sistematicamente, fazer a crítica das fontes? como compaginar isso com uma visão multifacetada e plural da História? Neste primeiro esboço de reflexão e partindo da ideia de que o trabalho com fontes, de mensagem e suporte diversificado, constitui o trabalho primordial a ser realizado em contexto de sala de aula de História, procuraremos compreender forma(s) como uma aprendizagem da História assente na hermenêutica das fontes, pode/deve contribuir para o desenvolvimento da compreensão crítica da informação, como esse trabalho contribui para a aquisição de competências históricas e como essas competências se projetam na leitura do mundo atual. Procuraremos também refletir sobre potenciais dilemas emergentes de uma leitura demasiado estreita do fact cheking, que pode contribuir para a criação de uma “verdade”, impedindo uma visão plural do mundo

    Accumulation and release of Pb(II) in aqueous solution by aquatic mosses (Fontinalis antipyretica)

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    In pressThe uptake and release of Pb(II) by Fontinalis antipyretica was studied in laboratory, by exposing the plants to different lead concentrations for 144 h and 335 h contamination and decontamination periods, respectively. A first order kinetic model was fitted to the experimental data to determine the uptake and release constants, k1 and k2, and other relevant parameters. The metal accumulation capacity, at equilibrium, follows the order: Pb(II) > Zn(II) > Cd(II) > Cr(VI). A Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) and a Biological Elimination Factor (BEF) were also determined; for 0.9–2.2 mg Pb l–1, BCF decreases from about 30748 to 21296

    Removal of Cd(II), Zn(II) and Pb(II) from aqueous solutions by brown marine macro algae: kinetic modelling

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    Specific marine macro algae species abundant at the Portuguese coast (Laminaria hiperborea, Bifurcaria bifurcata, Sargassum muticum and Fucus spiralis) were shown to be effective for removing toxic metals (Cd(II), Zn(II) and Pb(II)) from aqueous solutions. The initial metal concentrations in solution were about 75-100 mg L-1. The observed biosorption capacities for cadmium, zinc and lead ions were in the ranges of 23.9-39.5 mg g-1, 18.6-32.0 mg g-1 and 32.3-50.4 mg g-1, respectively. Kinetic studies revealed that the metal uptake rate was rather fast, with 75% of the total amount occurring in the first 10 min for all algal species. Experimental data were well fitted by a pseudo-second order rate equation. The contribution of internal diffusion mechanism was significant only to the initial biosorption stage. Results indicate that all the studied macro algae species can provide an efficient and cost-effective technology for eliminating heavy metals from industrial effluents

    Accumulation and release of Pb(II) in aqueous solution by aquatic mosses (Fontinalis antipyretica)

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    The uptake and release of Pb(II) by Fontinalis antipyretica was studied in laboratory, by exposing the plants to different lead concentrations for 144 h and 335 h contamination and decontamination periods, respectively. A first order kinetic model was fitted to the experimental data to determine the uptake and release constants, k1 and k2, and other relevant parameters. The metal accumulation capacity, at equilibrium, follows the order: Pb(II) > Zn(II) > Cd(II) > Cr(VI). A Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) and a Biological Elimination Factor (BEF) were also determined; for 0.9–2.2 mg Pb l–1, BCF decreases from about 30748 to 21296

    The paradoxes of quality

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    International journal of engineering and industrial management. - ISSN 1647-578X. - N. 6 (2014). - p. 11-21This research work intends to contribute to the clarification which involves the ISO 9001:2008 certification and its applicability by presenting an analysis and subsequent reflection on the impact of certification organizations, as well as compliance with the requirements of the standard. The results achieved with this work on the paradoxes of quality allowed the confirmation of what many people already suspected. These will serve as initial knowledge, once there were no other studies on this subject. Marked the paradoxes, we highlight that there are companies that claim to exist simultaneously "involvement of all in solving problems" and on the other hand claim that "there are cohesive work groups". Likewise, state that “practicing continuous improvement” and simultaneously they have "difficulty in changing the rules of the workplace"

    Relatório de Estágio Profissionalizante Gestão do Fitness no Fitness UP do São João

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    O relatório do Estágio Profissionalizante tem como finalidade descrever as atividades, experiências, desafios e conquistas que um Estágio Profissionalizante engloba. O presente estágio desenvolveu-se no ginásio Fitness UP do São João. Para além do meu interesse pelo fitness, este clube apresentou-se como a entidade mais conveniente para aprofundar os conhecimentos nessa área, cumprindo assim um dos meus principais objetivos.Este documento, inicia-se com a definição de desporto, seguindo-se pela evolução da indústria do fitness no mundo, na europa e a nível nacional, terminando com a importância da qualidade do serviço e satisfação. Posteriormente surge a caraterização da entidade onde se encontram os objetivos e o plano de atividades.O estágio decorreu em três departamentos (administração, comercial e club manager) com o objetivo de assimilar as várias dinâmicas organizacionais na gestão desportiva no fitness. Efetuou-se um estudo de caso, através de questionários, com o intuito de perceber a perceção dos sócios sobre a qualidade do serviço e satisfação. Os resultados demonstram uma boa qualidade dos recursos humanos e dos esforços dos mesmos, coma intenção de proporcionar aos sócios as melhores experiências, através da constante melhoria dos serviços.A última parte dedica-se à reflexão crítica e conclusão sobre as competências adquiridas e perspetivas futuras.This professional internship report aims to describe the activities, experiences, challenges and achievements that a professional internship can provide. This internship took place in Fitness UP São João. Besides my interest in fitness, this Club presented itself as the most convenient organization to deepen the knowledge in this area, being the mean to achieve one of my main purposes.This report starts with the definition of sport, followed by the evolution of the fitness industry in the world, in Europa and in Portugal, finishing with the importance of quality of service and satisfaction. Subsequently, there is an approach about the characterization of the Club; the objectives and the activity plan are explained.The internship took place in three departments (Administration, Commercial and Club Manager) in order to assimilate the various organizational dynamics in sports management in fitness. A case study was conducted through questionnaires in order to perceive the members perception about the quality of service and satisfaction. The results demonstrate the quality and dedication provided by human resources, intended to confer an optimal experience for the members.The last part is dedicated to the critical reflection and conclusion about the acquired competences and future perspectives

    The Use of Algae and Fungi for Removal of Pharmaceuticals by Bioremediation and Biosorption Processes: A Review

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    The occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment is recognized as one of the emerging issues in environmental chemistry. Conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are not designed to remove pharmaceuticals (and their metabolites) from domestic wastewaters. The treatability of pharmaceutical compounds in WWTPs varies considerably depending on the type of compound since their biodegradability can differ significantly. As a consequence, they may reach the aquatic environment, directly or by leaching of the sludge produced by these facilities. Currently, the technologies under research for the removal of pharmaceuticals, namely membrane technologies and advanced oxidation processes, have high operation costs related to energy and chemical consumption. When chemical reactions are involved, other aspects to consider include the formation of harmful reaction by-products and the management of the toxic sludge produced. Research is needed in order to develop economic and sustainable treatment processes, such as bioremediation and biosorption. The use of low-cost materials, such as biological matrices (e.g., algae and fungi), has advantages such as low capital investment, easy operation, low operation costs, and the non-formation of degradation by-products. An extensive review of existing research on this subject is presented.This research was funded by the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry-LAQV which is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UID/QUI/50006/2019) and co-financed by the ERDF under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007265). This research was funded also by the EU and FCT/UEFISCDI/FORMAS, in the frame of the collaborative international consortium REWATER financed under the ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015 Call, this ERA-NET is an integral part of the 2016 Joint Activities developed by the Water Challenges for a Changing World Joint Program Initiative (Water JPI). Andreia Silva would like to thank FCT for her Ph.D. Grant SFRH/BD/138/780/2018.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mudança de uso da terra associada à expansão da agricultura anual no município de Querência – MT, período de 2000 a 2015.

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. GeografiaA expansão de culturas anuais, principalmente o cultivo de soja, no Bioma Amazônia, tem gerado tensões devido a importante diversidade natural e socioambiental presente no mesmo. As descaracterizações provocadas por desmatamentos oriundos das modificações de usos da terra são constantemente associadas à expansão agrícola comercial. Desta forma, o presente trabalho buscou analisar as mudanças de uso da terra no município de Querência, da safra 2000/2001 para a safra 2014/2015, devido a sua importância no contexto produtivo de soja no estado do Mato Grosso e pelo município se localizar neste bioma. A metodologia consistiu em interpretações visuais de imagens de satélite por meio de software de geoprocessamento que proporcionaram a confecção dos mapas de mudança uso da terra dos seguintes períodos das safras: 2000/2001 a 2006/2007, 2006/2007 a 2009/2010 e 2009/2010 a 2014/2015. Verificou-se a expansão em 1.425% de áreas destinadas a agricultura anual das safras 2000/2001 a 2014/2015. E foram identificadas cinco classes das oito classes preestabelecidas para a mudança que foram elas: agricultura anual, pastagem, RVN, abertura e outra agricultura. Pôde-se aferir que inicialmente as mudanças áreas de pastagem, RVN e abertura, mas após Moratória da Soja, as classes RNV e abertura entraram em declínio

    Cr(III) uptake by marine algal biomass: equilibrium and kinetics

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    In this work, biosorption of trivalent chromium by the marine brown algae Sargassum muticum was 37 studied in a batch system. The effect of the solution pH on Cr(III) uptake by Sargassum was 38 investigated. Kinetics and equilibrium experiments were conducted at different pH values (3.0, 4.0 and 39 5.0). Equilibrium data are well described by the Langmuir and Langmuir-Freundlich isotherms and 40 kinetics follows the pseudo-second-order model, at different pH values. The two mass transfer models 41 give comparable results, but they did not provide a perfect representation of the sorption data. The 42 homogeneous diffusivity, Dh, was found to be around 1.6´10-8 cm2 s-1 for 100 mg l-1 Cr(III) 43 concentration. 44 Sargassum muticum was compared with the brown algae Laminaria hyperborean and the red algae 45 Gelidium sesquipedale in terms of uptake capacity. The maximum uptake capacities for Sargassum, 46 Laminaria and Gelidium were, respectively, 56 ± 3, 70 ± 4 and 18 ± 1 mg Cr(III) g-1, at pH = 5

    Copper and lead removal by peanut hulls: equilibrium and kinetic studies

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    This research work aims to study the use of peanut hulls, an agricultural and food industry waste, for copper and lead removal through equilibrium and kinetic parameters evaluation. Equilibrium batch studies were performed in a batch adsorber. The influence of initial pH was evaluated (3–5) and it was selected between 4.0 and 4.5. The maximum sorption capacities obtained for the Langmuir model were 0.21 ± 0.03 and 0.18 ± 0.02 mmol/g, respectively for copper and lead. In bi-component systems, competitive sorption of copper and lead was verified, the total amount adsorbed being around 0.21 mmol of metal per gram of material in both mono and bi-component systems. In the kinetic studies equilibrium was reached after 200 min contact time using a 400 rpm stirring rate, achieving 78% and 58% removal, in mono-component system, for copper and lead respectively. Their removal follows a pseudo-second-order kinetics. These studies show that most of the metals removal occurred in the first 20 min of contact, which shows a good uptake rate in all systems