32 research outputs found

    Efficacy of a program of prevention and control for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in an intensive-care unit

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    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is endemic in most Brazilian Hospitals, and there are few studies which show the efficacy of control measures in such situations. This study evaluated intensive care unit (ICU) patients, in two years divided in control, intervention and post-intervention group. Intervention measures: hands-on educational programs for healthcare workers; early identification of MRSA infected or colonized patients, labeled with a bed-identification tag for contact isolation; nasal carriers, patients, and healthcare professionals treated with topical mupirocin for five days. The hospital infection rates in the control period were compared to the ones in the post-intervention period. Hospital infection rates were found by means of the NNISS methodology The incidence coefficients of MRSA hospital infection (monthly average of 1,000 pts/day) in the control, intervention and post-intervention groups were respectively: 10.2, 5.1 and 2.5/1,000 pts/day (p<0.001) and MRSA-originated bloodstream infections were 3.6, 0.9 and 1.8/1,000 central venous catheter/day (p=0.281). Nasal colonization in both intervention and post-intervention periods was of 30.9% and 22.1% among the hospitalized patients, respectively 54.4% and 46.1% of whom were already MRSA-positive when admitted to the unit. In the intervention period, most of those MRSA infected patients (76.2%) were nasal carrier. Mortality rates were, respectively 26.6%; 27.3% and 21.0% (p<0.001). Nasal carriers, both patients (93.7%) and healthcare professionals (88.2%), were successfully treated with topical mupirocin. Intervention measures for the prevention and control of MRSA infections in ICUs, have been efficient in the reduction of the bloodstream and MRSA-originated hospital infections incidence, and reduced the overall mortality rate significantly.Taubaté UniversityFederal University of Rio Grande do NorteFederal University of São PauloUNIFESPSciEL

    Internações e complicações apresentadas por idosos em hospital de referência em doenças infecciosas.

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    Backgound and Objectives: Mortality from infectious diseases has declined; however, it remains a challenge for the National Public Health due to continuing high levels of diseases related to poverty and social exclusion. Thus, the objective of the study is to identify the causes of hospitalization among the elderly and the observed complications in an infectious disease reference hospital in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil and evaluate the hospitalization costs. Methods: Cross-sectional study of elderly patients admitted at the Hospital Giselda Trigueiro from 2005 to 2010, through analysis of medical records. The dependent variables were: “consequence of admission” and “financial cost”. The chi-square test was applied to determine the association between variables and the analysis of the independent effect of other variables on the outcome was performed by multiple logistic regression. Results: Mean age was 72.4 years, with a predominance of the male gender. Prevalent diagnoses: nontuberculous lung infection; skin and soft tissue infections and pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis. In the multivariate analysis with the “consequence of admission” variable, the following were significant: mechanical ventilation, nasogastric and enteral tube, upper gastrointestinal bleeding and acute renal failure. For the “financial cost” variable, nontuberculous lung infection, pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis, urinary catheter and mechanical ventilation variables remained significant. Conclusions: The prevalence of respiratory infections indicates the need for preventive measures that must occur at the level of primary health care, consequently reducing the demand for specialized care. KEYWORDS: Aged; Hospitalization; Health of the Elderly; Hospital costs; Communicable diseases.Justificativa e Objetivos: A mortalidade por doenças infecciosas vem declinando, entretanto, permanece como um desafio para a Saúde Pública Nacional, devido à persistência de níveis elevados de doenças associadas à pobreza e exclusão social. Deste modo, o objetivo do estudo é identificar as causas de internação dos idosos e as complicações apresentadas em hospital de infectologia do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil e avaliar o custo financeiro das internações. Métodos: Estudo seccional realizado com idosos internados no Hospital Giselda Trigueiro do ano 2005 a 2010, por meio da análise de prontuários. As variáveis dependentes foram: “consequência da internação” e “custo financeiro”. Foram realizados teste qui-quadrado determinar a associação entre as variáveis e a análise do efeito independente das variáveis intervenientes sobre o desfecho foi realizada através da regressão logística múltipla. Resultados: A idade média foi 72,4 anos e predominaram homens. Diagnósticos prevalentes: Infecção pulmonar não tuberculosa; Infecções de pele e partes moles e Tuberculose pulmonar e extrapulmonar. Na análise múltipla com a variável “consequência da internação”, foram significativas: ventilação mecânica, sonda nasogástrica e entérica, hemorragia digestiva alta e insuficiência renal aguda. Para “custo financeiro”, as variáveis infecção pulmonar não tuberculosa, tuberculose pulmonar e extrapulmonar, sonda vesical de demora e ventilação mecânica permaneceram significativas. Conclusões: O predomínio de infecções respiratórias aponta para a necessidade de medidas preventivas que devem ocorrer no nível da atenção primária à saúde e consequentemente reduzindo a demanda pela atenção especializada. DESCRITORES: Idoso; Hospitalização; Saúde do Idoso; Custos hospitalares; Doenças transmissíveis

    Chronic cavitary pneumonia by Rhodococcus equi in a highly prevalent tuberculosis country: a diagnosis challenge

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    Rhodococcus equi is a facultative aerobic, intracellular, non-motile, non-spore-forming, Gram-positive, weakly acid-fast coccobacillus belonging to the group of nocardioform actinomycetes. R. equi infections are rare opportunistic illnesses in patients with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), associated with a high mortality rate. The most common clinical presentation of R. equi infections is a chronic cavitary pneumonia. Due to its acid-fastness, R. equi can be mistaken for others acid-fast organisms, as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In turn, R. equi is also a gram-positive pleomorphic bacteria and can be mistaken for diphtheroids or Micrococcus organisms, being accidentally disregarded as oral contaminants in sputum cultures. Therefore, in Brazil, a highly prevalent tuberculosis (TB) country, pulmonary infections caused by R. equi may mimic pulmonary TB and represent a diagnostic challenge. Here, we report on a case of chronic cavitary pneumonia by R. equi in a Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-infected patient, focusing on diagnostic aspects

    Validação de indicadores de qualidade do cuidado cirúrgico no Sistema Único de Saúde

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    OBJETIVO: Validar um conjunto de indicadores para monitoramento da qualidade dos procedimentos cirúrgicos no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). MÉTODOS: Estudo de validação desenvolvido em 5 etapas: 1) revisão de literatura; 2) priorização de indicadores; 3) validação de conteúdo dos indicadores por método de consenso RAND/UCLA; 4) estudo piloto para análise da confiabilidade; e 5) desenvolvimento de instrutivo para tabulação dos indicadores de resultado para monitoramento via sistemas de informações oficiais. RESULTADOS: A partir da revisão de literatura, foram identificados 217 indicadores de qualidade cirúrgica. Os indicadores excluídos foram: indicadores baseados em evidências científicas inferiores a 1A, similares, específicos, que correspondiam a eventos sentinelas; e aqueles que não se aplicavam ao contexto do SUS. Foram submetidos ao consenso de especialistas 26 indicadores com alto nível de evidência científica. Foram validados 22 indicadores, dos quais 14 indicadores de processo e 8 indicadores de resultado com índice de validação de conteúdo ≥80%. Dos indicadores de processo validados, 6 foram considerados confiáveis substancialmente (Coeficiente de Kappa entre 0,6 e 0,8; p &lt; 0,05) e 2 tiveram confiabilidade quase perfeita (coeficiente de Kappa &gt; 0,8, p &lt; 0,05), quando analisada a concordância interavaliador. Foi possível mensurar e estabelecer mecanismo de tabulação para TabWin para 7 indicadores de resultado. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo contribui com o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de indicadores cirúrgicos potencialmente eficazes para o monitoramento da qualidade do cuidado e segurança do paciente nos serviços hospitalares do SUS.OBJECTIVE: To validate a set of indicators for monitoring the quality of surgical procedures in the Unified Health System (SUS). METHODS: Validation study developed in 5 stages: 1) literature review; 2) prioritization of indicators; 3) content validation of indicators by RAND/UCLA consensus method; 4) pilot study for reliability analysis; and 5) development of instruction for tabulation of outcome indicators for monitoring via official information systems. RESULTS: From the literature review, 217 indicators of surgical quality were identified. The excluded indicators were: those based on scientific evidence lower than 1A, similar, specific, which corresponded to sentinel events; and those that did not apply to the SUS context. Twenty-six indicators with a high level of scientific evidence were submitted to expert consensus. Twenty-two indicators were validated, of which 14 process indicators and 8 outcome indicators with content validation index ≥80%. Of the validated process indicators, 6 were considered substantially reliable (Kappa coefficient between 0.6 and 0.8; p &lt; 0.05) and 2 had almost perfect reliability (Kappa coefficient &gt; 0.8, p &lt; 0.05), when the inter-rater agreement was analyzed. One could measure and establish tabulation mechanism for TabWin for 7 outcome indicators. CONCLUSION: The study contributes to the development of a set of potentially effective surgical indicators for monitoring the quality of care and patient safety in SUS hospital services

    Questionário AGRASS: Avaliação da Gestão de Riscos Assistenciais em Serviços de Saúde

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the development and the validity analysis of the Assessment of Risk Management in Health Care Questionnaire (AGRASS). METHODS: This is a validation study of a measurement instrument following the stages: 1) Development of conceptual model and items; 2) Formal multidisciplinary assessment; 3) Nominal group for validity analysis with national specialists; 4) Development of software and national pilot study in 62 Brazilian hospitals 5) Delphi for validity analysis with the users of the questionnaire. In stages 3 and 5, the items were judged based on face validity, content validity, and utility and viability, by a 1-7 Likert scale (cut-off point: median &lt; 6). Accuracy and reliability of the questionnaire were analyzed with the Confirmatory Factor Analysis and the Cronbach’s alpha. RESULTS: The initial version of the instrument (98 items) was adapted during stages 1 to 3 for the final version with 40 items, which were considered relevant, of adequate content, useful, and viable. The instrument has 2 dimensions and 9 subdimensions, and the items have closed-ended questions (yes or no). The software for the automatic collection and analysis generates indicators, tables, and automatic graphs for the assessed institution and aggregated data. The adjustment indices confirmed a bi-dimensional model composed of structure and process (X2/gl = 1.070, RMSEA ≤ 0.05 = 0.847, TLI = 0.972), with high reliability for the AGRASS Questionnaire (α = 0.94) and process dimension (α = 0.93), and adequate for the structural dimension (α = 0.70). CONCLUSIONS: The AGRASS Questionnaire is a potentially useful instrument for the surveillance and monitoring of the risk management and patient safety in health services.OBJETIVO: O estudo objetiva descrever a construção e análise da validade do Questionário Avaliação da Gestão de Riscos Assistenciais em Serviços de Saúde (AGRASS). MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo de validação de um instrumento de medida nas etapas: 1. construção do modelo conceitual e itens; 2. apreciação formal multidisciplinar; 3. grupo nominal para análise da validade com especialistas da esfera nacional; 4. desenvolvimento de softwares e estudo-piloto nacional em 62 hospitais do Brasil; 5. Delphi para análise da validade com utilizadores do questionário. Nas etapas 3 e 5, os itens foram julgados quanto à validade de face e conteúdo, utilidade e viabilidade, em uma escala Likert de 1 a 7 (ponto de corte: mediana &lt; 6). A validade de construto e a confiabilidade foram analisadas com análise fatorial confirmatória e coeficientes α de Cronbach. RESULTADOS: A versão inicial do instrumento (98 itens) foi adaptada durante as etapas 1 a 3 para a versão com 40 itens considerados relevantes, de conteúdo adequado, úteis e viáveis. O instrumento tem duas dimensões e nove subdimensões, e os itens têm opção de resposta fechada (sim ou não). Os softwares para coleta e análise automática geram indicadores, tabelas e gráficos automáticos para a instituição avaliada e conjuntos agregados. Os índices de ajuste confirmaram o modelo bidimensional de estrutura e processo (X2/gl = 1,070, RMSEA ≤ 0,05 = 0,847; TLI = 0,972), havendo confiabilidade alta para o Questionário AGRASS (α = 0,94) e a dimensão processo (α = 0,93) e aceitável para a dimensão estrutura (α = 0,70). CONCLUSÃO: O Questionário AGRASS é um instrumento potencialmente útil para a vigilância e monitoramento da gestão de riscos e segurança do paciente em serviços de saúde


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    Urinary tract infection is a common problem worldwide. Its clinical characteristics and susceptibility rates of bacteria are important in determining the treatment of choice and its duration. This study assessed the frequency and susceptibility to antimicrobials of uropathogens isolated from community-acquired urinary tract infections in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte State capital, northeastern Brazil, from 2007 to 2010. A total of 1,082 positive samples were evaluated; E. coli was the most prevalent pathogen (60.4%). With respect to the uropathogens susceptibility rates, the resistance of enterobacteria to ciprofloxacin and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim was 24.4% and 50.6%, respectively. Susceptibility was over 90% for nitrofurantoin, aminoglycosides and third-generation cephalosporins. High resistance rates of uropathogens to quinolones and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim draws attention to the choice of these drugs on empirical treatments, especially in patients with pyelonephritis. Given the increased resistance of community bacteria to antimicrobials, local knowledge of susceptibility rates of uropathogens is essential for therapeutic decision making regarding patients with urinary tract infections

    Analysis the cost-effectiviness of an intervention to prevent infection caused by ORSA at intensive care unit

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    O Staphylococcus aureus resistente a oxacilina (ORSA) e um dos principais agentes das infeccoes hospitalares em nosso meio. No Hospital São Paulo o ORSA e endemico, representando cerca de 65 por cento das cepas de S. aureus isoladas, ocasionando morbidade, mortalidade e custos consideraveis. O controle da disseminacao dessa bacteria nos hospitais exige a adocao de medidas especificas. Este estudo teve como objetivo medir o custo-efetividade de uma intervencao para prevenir a ocorrencia de infeccoes por ORSA na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) da disciplina de anestesiologia do Hospital São Paulo. A intervencao consistiu de um pacote de medidas educativas para os profissionais da UTI, culturas de vigilancia atraves de swab da narina anterior dos pacientes e profissionais, erradicacao do ORSA nasal com mupirocina e precaucao de contato para os pacientes colonizados e infectados. Desenho do estudo: estudo longitudinal com avaliacao pre e pos. Indicadores de infeccao por ORSA e custos foram avaliados no periodo de 01 de junho a 31 outubro de 1996 (periodo controle) e de 01 de novembro de 96 a 31 de outubro de 1997 (periodo intervencao). Apenas os custos diretos da intervencao (culturas de vigilancia de pacientes e profissionais da UTI, tratamento dos pacientes e profissionais colonizados, aulas expositivas) e os custos diretos da internacao dos pacientes (diaria hospitalar, antimicrobianos, nutricao parenteral, procedimentos invasivos, cirurgias, exames bioquimicas, hematologicos, microbiologicos e radiologicos) foram considerados. Foram definidos como parametros de efetividade a incidencia das infeccoes e bacteremias por ORSA, a permanencia n UTI e a letalidade relacionada ao ORSA. Foram incluidos 138 pacientes n periodo controle e 245 pacientes no periodo intervencao. A densidade d incidencia das infeccoes por ORSA caiu de 10,24/1000 para 5,411000 pacientes dia durante a intervencao (p = O,04; Cl95 por cento 1,00-3,55). A densidade de incidencia das bacteremias primarias reduziu de 3,63/1000 para O,9111000 cateter-dia (p O,06; Ci95 por cento O,9-16,0). A permanencia na UTI da populacao estuda foi maior n periodo intervencao em razao do maior numero de pacientes com indicadores d gravidade nesse periodo. A media de permanencia dos pacientes que nao infectaram foi de 6,0 dias, enquanto a permanencia dos pacientes que desenvolveram bacteremia e infeccao por ORSA foram 18,5 e 34,0 dia respectivamente (p < O,001)...(au)The oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (ORSA) is one of the main organisms involved in nosocomial infection. ORSA is endemic at Hospital São Paulo. It represents approximately 65% of the isolated S. aureus and accounts for considerable morbidity, mortality and costs. To control the dissemination of S aureus at hospital setting, specific measures should be undertaken. The objective of this study was to assess the costeffectiveness of an intervention to prevent infection caused by ORSA at intensive care unit (ICU) of the anesthesiology sector of the Hospital São Paulo. The intervention consisted of an educational package offered to ICU medical and paramedical staff, together with surveillance cultures of the secretion of the anterior nares of patients and health care workers (HCW) aiming at identifying ORSA-positive individuals. Eradication of those found colonized were attempted through nasal mupirocin and contact precaution observed to colonized or infected patients. Design of the study: before-and-after study. ORSA indicators and costs were evaluated in the period of June 1st to October 31st 1996 (control period) and compared with the period of November 1st to October 31st 1997 (intervention period). Only direct costs incurred by control measures and costs derived from hospital stays (antibiotics, invasive procedures, surgeries, blood tests, cultures, radiologic tests and hospital fees) were considered. The incidence of infections and bacteremias due to ORSA, length of stay and mortality were used as outcome measures of effectiveness. A total of 138 patients were enrolled in the control period and 245 patients in the intervention period. The incidence of ORSA infections decreased from 10.24/1000 to 5.4/1000 patient-days ( = 0.04; CI95% 1.00-3.55). Primary bloodstream ORSA infections also decreased from 3.63/1000 to 0.91/1000 central line-days ( = 0.06; CI95% 0.9-16). There were significantly more severe cases during the intervention period, which translated in a longer length of stay at the ICU. The mean number of days at the ICU for the patients with no infection was 6.5 days, whereas the mean length of stay of patients who developed ORSA bacteremia and ORSA infection were 18.5 days and 34.0 days, respectively (p < 0.001). Mortality attributed to ORSA in the first 14 days of onset of infection was the same in both periods. Nasal colonization by ORSA was seen in 31% of the patients and 53% of these patients presented with colonization at ICU admission. The length of stay was longer for colonized patients (28.7 days) than for patients who were not colonized (7.6 days) (p < 0.001). In regard to nasal colonization by ORSA of the ICU HCW, 12.2% of them were shown to be colonized during the study of which 94.4% were nurses. Intranasal mupirocin bid for 5 days was used in colonized patients and HCW. Eradication rates in 81.25% of the patients and in 88.2% of the HCW ensued after mupirocin. Despite favorable eradication rates following nasal mupirocin, the estimated transmission rate per day of ORSA at the ICU did not change with the intervention due to the high proportion of patients already colonized at the ICU admission. The estimated extra length of stays at the ICU were 16 days and 12.6 days, respectively due ORSA infection and bacteremia. The mean total cost of a patient with ORSA infection was R20,799.19considerablyhigherthanthecostofapatientwithoutORSAinfection.TheestimatedextracostattributabletoanORSAinfectionwasR 20,799.19 considerably higher than the cost of a patient without ORSA infection. The estimated extra cost attributable to an ORSA infection was R 11,843.52. The additional cost to prevent an ORSA infection in 1,000 patient-days was R$ 917.13. This amount represents the cost-effectiveness ratio of the proposed intervention. The adoption of specific strategies to prevent and control ORSA infection at the ICU setting seems warranted based on the result of this cost-effectiveness analysis.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe

    Carteiras de renda fixa: imunização, risco de imunização e risco idiossincrático

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    O termo imunização significa construir uma carteira de títulos de forma a torná-la imune a variações nas taxas de juros. O presente trabalho tem o intuito de avaliar a eficácia das diferentes estratégias de imunização de um portfólio e avaliar seus impactos sobre a rentabilidade dos mesmos. O trabalho aborda medidas de Duração, Convexidade e Dispersão, além de medidas do VaR (value-at-risk) e o CVaR (conditional value-at-risk). O objetivo é analisar de que forma essas medidas de risco podem ser usadas como parâmetros indicadores da carteira ótima e como elas se relacionam entre si. Além disto, este trabalho inova ao introduzir uma análise sobre o risco idiossincrático a que uma carteira pode ficar exposta ao tentar mitigar o risco de imunização. Para avaliar o desempenho das diferentes estratégias de imunização e a existência de um trade off entre risco idiossincrático e risco de imunização foram realizados estudos empíricos de otimização de carteiras com títulos prefixados da dívida interna brasileira no período de 2006 a 2010