264 research outputs found

    ¿Agua, elemento importado en las cosmogonías griegas?

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    El agua ha sido un elemento presente en muchas cosmogonías. El agua es necesaria a la vida, sin ella no existiría la vida como la conocemos. Esta percepción sobre el agua es tan antigua como la misma humanidad, haciéndose particularmente importante en pueblos donde ella no abunda, pueblos donde la orografía es desértica o pueblos donde el agua en forma de ríos se hace fundamental a la cosecha y por consiguiente a la vida, como los pueblos del cercano oriente, en particular los pueblos de la región del levante. Siendo esto así, pareciera peculiar la importancia dada por los primeros pensadores griegos, llamados filósofos presocráticos, al elemento agua en su filosofía. Argumentaré que el elemento agua es extraño al pensamiento griego, como elemento primigenio. Para ello discutiré algunos de los textos cosmogónicos griegos y del cercano orienteWater is an element found in many different cosmogonic traditions. Water is necessary for the existence of living things in the way we know it. That perception about water is as ancient as the humanity, getting a particular importance among people where there is not enough water, people where the geography is arid or people where the water take a form of rivers that are essentials for the crops and as its consequence for life itself, like in the case of the peoples from the Near-East, particularly in the Levantine zone. In this way, it seems peculiar the relevance gave by the first Greek thinkers, called pre-Socratics philosophers, to he element water in their philosophies. I will argue that the element water as primordial element is strange to the Greek thought. I will discuss some Greek cosmogonic texts and some Near-Eastern text

    2D elementary cellular automata with four neighbors

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    This paper is concerned with the study of square boolean synchronous four-neighbor peripheral cellular automata. It is rst shown that, due to conjugation and plane re ection symmetry transformations, the number of dynamically nonequivalent such automata is equal to 4 856. The cellular automata for which the homogeneous nal states play a signi cant role are then identi ed. Finally, it is shown that, contrary to what happens in the case of one-dimensional boolean three-neighbor cellular automata, for some peripheral automata there is coexistence between a homogeneous nal state and other dynamics

    Attitudes towards statistics of 8th grade students

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    Neste estudo apresenta-se um instrumento de avaliação de atitudes face à Estatística de estudantes portugueses do 8.º ano, o qual resultou de uma adaptação da escala de Estrada (2002). A escala adaptada é constituída por 23 itens usando uma escala de Likert e foi analisada em 332 alunos do 8.º ano, com idade média de 14,4 anos, no ano letivo de 2014/15. Constata-se que a escala adaptada é confiável (alfa de Cronbach=0,910) e com boa adequação dos dados ao modelo fatorial (KMO =0,918). A análise fatorial identificou quatro fatores de atitude: Disposição/Valorização, Discernimento/Conceção, Uti- lidade e Dificuldades.In this study students' attitudes about Statistics are evaluated using a scale adapted from the Estrada’s original scale (2002) and aiming at a target audience of 8th grade Portuguese students. The scale is constituted by 23 items with a Likert scale, and was applied to 332 students, attending the 8th grade, with averaged age of 14,4 years. The scale showed to be reliable (Cronbach’ alpha=0,910) and the data is suited for factor analysis ((KMO=0,918). Four latent factors on attitudes towards Statistics were identified: Disposition/ Valorization, Discernment/Conception, Usefulness and Difficulties in their study.AF foi subsidiada por fundos portugueses através do CIDMA (Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Matemática e Aplicações) da Universidade de Aveiro e FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), dentro do projeto UID/MAT/04106/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Wireless body area network for cycling posture monitoring

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    This work presents the design and implementation of a wireless body area network based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) which enables the integration of multiple sensor nodes into a smartphone-based system in order to monitor the posture of cyclists. The wireless posture monitoring system presented in this chapter obtains the orientation in space of each body segment in which the sensor nodes are placed and calculates the trunk angle, the knee angle and the angle of inclination of the road. This system collects raw sensor data from accelerometers, magnetometers and gyroscopes and sends the data via BLE to an Android smartphone, which plays the role of central station and performs the data processing concerning the posture calculation. This chapter describes the development of the hardware and software of the sensor nodes, which are based on the CC2540 BLE system-on-chip, as well as the development of the Android application. Experimental results concerning the measurement of the posture of a cyclist are provided in order to validate the implementation.This work has been supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) in the scope of the project: UID/EEA/04436/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Process simulation support in BPM tools: The case of BPMN

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    Due to the increasing acceptance of BPM, nowadays BPM tools are extensively used in organizations. Core to BPM are the process modeling languages, of which BPMN is the one that has been receiving most attention these days. Once a business process is described using BPMN, one can use a process simulation approach in order to find its optimized form. In this context, the simulation of business processes, such as those defined in BPMN, appears as an obvious way of improving processes. This paper analyzes the business process modeling and simulation areas, identifying the elements that must be present in the BPMN language in order to allow processes described in BPMN to be simulated. During this analysis a set of existing BPM tools, which support BPMN, are compared regarding their limitations in terms of simulation support

    Simulation of BPMN process models: current BPM tools capabilities

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    "The 2016 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST'16)"Nowadays, more and more organizations are using Business Process Management (BPM) to prepare themselves to deal, in an effective way, with the increasingly difficult conditions of modern markets. Essential to BPM is the collection of tools which support the operationalization of the business process concept – BPM tools. These tools deal with business process models, which have to be described with a suitable language. In the present, BPMN is considered the standard modeling language to describe business processes. Once a business process is modeled, a process simulation approach might be used in order to find its optimized version. Therefore, the simulation of business process models, such as those defined in BPMN, appears as an obvious way of improving processes. This paper advances work previously published by the authors regarding BPM tools capabilities in terms of the simulation of BPMN process models. In this context a platform to support the characterization of BPM tools regarding process simulation capabilities has been developed. This platform might be helpful to users who want to select the most adequate BPM tool regarding their simulation needs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Providing multiple external views on directory user interfaces

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    Although there are many types of Directory User Interfaces they ali tend to give to their users the same global view of the Directory. However, a typical user will only be interested in some portion of the total Directory database. Providing such specific view might be done for instance by restricting the default DUA display to a subset of object classes or attribute types meaningful to a particular application. The work described in this paper is not about interface styles or user friendliness. It is about defining mechanisms that allow for users to easily setup several configurations based on the information they intend to access. They should be adaptable to a variety of interfaces and, to demonstrate that, as well as raising some practical implementation issues, two interfaces based on these concepts are presented: A windows LDAP DUA and a WWW to X.500 gateway. Directory interfaces adopting this model are expected to help users make more advanced uses of the Directory and at the same time not need such a good knowledge of X.SOOand its operations

    Octonions and the Triple Articulation

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    Num artigo anterior descrevemos a nossa abordagem para modelar as relações que um ecossistema de negócios pode sustentar para as demandas multi-facetadas dos seus clientes. Esta abordagem distinguia dois tipos de tempo, chronos e kairos, e era triplamente articulada, descrevendo uma empresa como uma realização de possíveis composições de 'capacidades tecnológicas', 'modelos sociais de orquestração e sincronização' e as antecipações de satisfações ‘da diferenciação das organizações dos clientes individuais'. Este artigo descreve os trabalhos subsequentes que necessitaram abandonar os Números Complexos como sua base matemática em favor dos Quaterniones e finalmente adoptar os Octoniones que fornecem um modelo da trialidade, necessário para abstrair as relações entre as articulações. Identificam-se uma série de questões de pesquisa derivadas da abordagem que fornece um meio para relacionar a agilidade necessária para apoiar uma relação dinâmica entre a situação de um cliente individual e a abordagem adoptada para instituir a empresa como um todo.A previous paper described our approach to modeling the relations that a business ecosystem can sustain to the multi-sided demands of its clients. This approach distinguished two kinds of time, chronos and kairos, and was triply articulated, describing an enterprise as a realization of possible compositions of ‘technological capabilities’, ‘social models of orchestration and synchronization’ and ‘the differing organizations of individual clients' anticipations of satisfaction’. This paper describes subsequent work that necessitated abandoning the Complex Numbers as its mathematical basis in favour of the Quaternions and finally adopting the Octonions which provide a model of triality necessary for abstracting the relations between the articulations. It identifies a number of research questions derived from the approach which provides a means of relating the agility needed to support a dynamic relation to an individual client’s situation with the approach taken to instituting the enterprise as a whole

    ¿Agua, elemento importado en las cosmogonías griegas?

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    El agua ha sido un elemento presente en muchas cosmogonías. El agua es necesaria a la vida, sin ella no existiría la vida como la conocemos. Esta percepción sobre el agua es tan antigua como la misma humanidad, haciéndose particularmente importante en pueblos donde ella no abunda, pueblos donde la orografía es desértica o pueblos donde el agua en forma de ríos se hace fundamental a la cosecha y por consiguiente a la vida, como los pueblos del cercano oriente, en particular los pueblos de la región del levante. Siendo esto así, pareciera peculiar la importancia dada por los primeros pensadores griegos, llamados filósofos presocráticos, al elemento agua en su filosofía. Argumentaré que el elemento agua es extraño al pensamiento griego, como elemento primigenio. Para ello discutiré algunos de los textos cosmogónicos griegos y del cercano oriente.Water is an element found in many different cosmogonic traditions. Water is necessary for the existence of living things in the way we know it. That perception about water is as ancient as the humanity, getting a particular importance among people where there is not enough water, people where the geography is arid or people where the water take a form of rivers that are essentials for the crops and as its consequence for life itself, like in the case of the peoples from the Near-East, particularly in the Levantine zone. In this way, it seems peculiar the relevance gave by the first Greek thinkers, called pre-Socratics philosophers, to he element water in their philosophies. I will argue that the element water as primordial element is strange to the Greek thought. I will discuss some Greek cosmogonic texts and some Near-Eastern texts.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació