342 research outputs found
Asilo de Alienados São Vicente de Paula, no Ceará do Século XIX: entre Fontes e Teoria
This work is part of the research carried out at the Doctorate in History
by the Federal University of Pernambuco. It aims to analyze the theme of madness in Ceará in the 19th Century from the construction of the first asylum for the alienated, the São Asilo
Vicente de Paula. Our goal is to problematize the social representations around madness and analyze the scenario that made possible the construction of the asylum, investigating the
interests and power relations in which this institution was inserted. In this sense, methodologically, we maintain a dialogue with historiographical productions
and Brazilian experts on the theme of madness and investigated the collection documentary in Ceará, especially those referring to newspapers of the time.Este trabalho é parte da pesquisa realizada no Doutorado em História pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Ele visa analisar a temática da loucura no Ceará no Século XIX a partir da construção do primeiro asilo para alienados, o Asilo São Vicente de Paula. Nosso objetivo é problematizar as representações sociais em torno da loucura e analisar o cenário que possibilitou a construção do asilo, investigando os interesses e as relações de poder em que esta instituição estava inserida. Nesse sentido, metodologicamente, mantemos um diálogo com as produções historiográficas mundiais e brasileiras sobre a temática da loucura e investigamos o acervo documental existente no Ceará, sobretudo os referentes aos jornais da época
A proposal for an Atmospheric Discharge Protection System (ADPS) for a Public School in the City of Manaus-AM
The present study sought to highlight the importance of protection against electric discharges to a school in the public school of the city of Manaus-AM, based on the basic recommendations and guidelines for making decisions presented in the elaboration of a ADPS proposal. The methodology of the work was based on the collection of information on the subject from the theoretical-bibliographic research, as well as the accomplishment of the field research in the school through the technical visits for data collection. The results of the research were presented in the technical verification report of the ADPS need at school, so the study carried out a detailed study on the protection risk management, the analysis of the risk components to the atmospheric discharges, general risk assessment, evaluation the design of the protection system. Based on the report, the research presented the appropriate recommendations to assist school management in decision making, considering the importance of protecting the public heritage from the damages caused by the atmospheric discharges
Renal Dysplasia in a Maltese dog
Background: Renal dysplasia (RD) is a common cause of renal failure in young dogs. It is defined as a disorganization in renal parenchymal development, with abnormal differentiation. In all domestic animal species, RD may be hereditary or acquired. The affected animals show clinical signs of early chronic kidney disease, usually between 3 months to 3 years of age. The alterations include persistent metanephric ducts surrounded by primitive mesenchyme, glomeruli and fetal tubules, and abnormal interstitial fibrous tissue. We aimed to report the case of a 1-year-old canine with renal dysplasia.Case: A 1-year-old male Maltese dog experiencing polyuria, polydipsia, recurrent episodic vomiting, bloody diarrhea, weight loss, apathy, and anorexia was referred to a private clinic in the municipality of Itabuna-Bahia. Physical examination revealed hypochromic mucosa, dehydration estimated at 8%, rectal temperature of 37.5º C, halitosis, and a body score of 3 out of 9. Laboratory abnormalities included hematocrit of 18%, with hypochromic normocytic aregenerative anemia, azotemia (urea - 530 mg/dL, creatinine - 10.5 mg/dL), hyperglobulinemia (4.7 g/dL), low urinary density (1005), proteinuria (300 mg/dL), and urinary pH - 7.0. Ultrasonography revealed bilateral small kidneys with loss of cortico-medullary definition, cystic formations of different sizes on the renal surface, and hyperechoic areas in the parenchyma; these alterations were suggestive of bilateral chronic nephropathy. Considering the clinical, hematological, biochemical, and ultrasonographic presentation associated with the age of the patient, renal dysplasia was suspected. The patient's clinical condition progressed to loss of consciousness and convulsions, followed by death. Necropsy revealed pale, hypotrophic kidneys with firm consistency, irregular capsular surface containing multiple cortical cysts of different sizes, and altered cortico-medullar proportion. . Kidney fragments were sent to the Laboratory of Histopathology of the State University of Santa Cruz. Histopathological analysis revealed a marked alteration of renal architecture with glomeruli and immature tubules (adenomatous aspect), persistent primitive mesenchyme, and remnants of the metanephric ducts, as well as tubular dilatation associated with marked interstitial fibrosis, discrete lymphohistiocytic interstitial nephritis, and multifocal areas of mineralization.Discussion: The clinical changes observed in the present case occurred as a consequence of chronic kidney failure caused by RD and included anorexia, apathy, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, polyuria, polydipsia, and dehydration. These alterations were also found in other reported cases. The macroscopic findings were similar to those described in the literature and are characteristic of chronic kidney disease: small, firm, pale-colored kidneys. Microscopic changes of renal dysplasia include persistent metanephric ducts surrounded by primitive mesenchyme, glomeruli and fetal tubules, and abnormal interstitial fibrous tissue. In the histopathological renal evaluation in the present report, morphological alterations compatible with the described alterations in the literature were observed, thus allowing the diagnosis of renal dysplasia. Renal dysplasia can affect young dogs of different breeds, causing clinical manifestations of chronic kidney disease. In view of this, this disease should be included as a differential diagnosis in patients under 3 years old who present signs of chronic nephropathy.
CAD / CAM Application for the Development of Submerged Pump Maintenance Tools
The design and implementation of maintenance tools is used in CAD / CAM tools, in order to make the necessary improvements in the whole process of disassembly of the equipment in question, and mainly to reduce the process time and eliminate the risk. breaking the most fragile parts of the equipment. The objective of the work is to elaborate the toolkit, to reduce the disassembly time and to eliminate damage to the equipment and its respective trajectories, with which the machine performs the machining of the designed drawing, were applied to the resources through a CNC language. (Computer Numeric Command) on a CNC lathe and a machining center. The elaboration of this project based on a CAD system, in this case Solid Works. The average time for disassembly of the equipment was around 2h, now with the proper use of tools, the same process had a time drop to 40 minutes, seen as a great time saving in the disassembly process
Social representations of university students on travesti people
Este estudo teve como objetivo apreender as representações sociais de graduandos em saúde acerca da pessoa travesti. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa fundamentada no referencial teórico das representações sociais, privilegiando a teoria do núcleo central. Participaram da pesquisa 243 estudantes, sendo 167 mulheres e 76 homens, com idade entre 18 e 63 anos. Realizou-se um teste de associação livre de palavras com a expressão indutora “pessoa travesti”, cujos dados foram processados pelos softwares EVOC e IRAMUTEQ. A interpretação dos resultados dispostos no quadro de quatro casas permitiu-nos identificar o forte valor simbólico e afetivo dos campos semânticos “mulher”, “diferente”, “opção”, “transformação” e “alegria”, apresentados pelos estudantes, visto que explicitam particularidades do objeto representado. O preconceito foi caracterizado como o principal elemento enfrentado diariamente por quem se expressa enquanto tal. Os elementos que estruturam o núcleo central não revelam diferenciação entre orientação sexual e identidade de gênero, por parte dos graduandos.This study sought to understand social representations of undergraduate students in health education in relation to transvestite people. This is a qualitative study based on the theoretical framework of social representations, favoring the core theory. 243 students participated of the study, from which 167 were women and 76 men, aged from 18 to 63 years. The free-association test was performed using the key expression “transvestite people”, the data was processed using the programs EVOC and IRAMUTEQ. The results were interpreted in a four-column table and allowed the identification of the strong symbolic and emotional value of the semantic fields “woman”, “different”, “option”, “transformation” and “joy”, presented by the students, since these express the peculiarities of the represented object. Prejudice was characterized as the main element faced daily by those who express themselves as travestis. The elements structuring the central core did not reveal any distinction between sexual orientation and gender identity by the undergraduates
Educational approach for fault detection in Internal Combustion Engines with Matlab Toolbox Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy logic is the logic defined from the theory of fuzzy sets. It differs from the crisp logic (traditional) in their characteristics and their details. In textbooks on fuzzy inference systems, exemplified superficially implementation creating doubts among computer science students. Traditionally, teachers teach IC with the use of conceptual models. This model was to serve specified parameters computing courses, allowing students to study and development of computational models using Matlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox (MFLT) for fault detection in engines. This paper proposes an academic learning model based on fuzzy inference and modeling to detect incipient faults in components of internal combustion engines
Study of anatomical variations in premolars by cone beam computerized tomography in a radiologic clinic in Piauí
Introduction: Root canal cleaning is the main objective of endodontic treatment and requires knowledge of the internal anatomy. The premolars are evidenced in the literature with great anatomical variations. In view of this, studies indicate that the use of Cone Beam Computed Tomography helps in the visualization of highly complex anatomy. Objective: to describe the anatomical variations in maxillary and mandibular premolars using cone beam computed tomography in a radiologic clinic in Piaui. Methods: 54 cone beam computed tomography scans with 160 premolars were used, produced using the Orthopantomograph OP300 equipment and analyzed by multiplanar reconstructions: axial, coronal and sagittal. Data regarding sex, number of roots and canals were recorded to compare and classify according to Vertucci. Results: the maxillary first pre-molars had 63.5% two roots,83.7% with one root and the mandibular pre-molars mostly with one root. Regarding the number of channels, 92.3% of the first premolars had two channels, most of them maxillary second premolars and mandibular premolars only one channel. Vertucci variations of types I, II, III and IV were verified in single-rooted elements, observing a great variation in superior elements. As for the prevalence of sex, only the first superiors showed greater variation in males. Conclusions: the upper first premolars prevailed with a great anatomical variation in relation to the other premolars with prevalence of Vertucci Type I and in males.Introducción: La limpieza del conducto radicular es el principal objetivo del tratamiento endodóntico y requiere del conocimiento de la anatomía interna. Los premolares se evidencian en la literatura con grandes variaciones anatómicas. Por lo tanto, los estudios indican que el uso de la tomografía computarizada de haz cónico ayuda en la visualización de anatomías altamente complejas. Metodología: Se utilizaron 4 equipos computarizados 60 premolares con 1 equipo, equipo sin equipo Orthopanto y ahora por reconstrucciones, coronal y sargital. Se registraron datos referentes al sexo, número de raíces y conductos para su comparación y clasificación según Vers. Resultados: Los primeros molares maxilares tenían el 63,5% de dos raíces, el 83,7% de los segundos premolares superiores tenían una raíz y la mayoría de los premolares mandibulares tenían una raíz. En cuanto al número de canales, el 92,3% de los primeros premolares tenían dos canales, siendo la mayoría segundos premolares maxilares y premolares inferiores de un canal. Se verificaron variaciones de Vertucci de los tipos I, II, III y IV en los elementos monoraíces, observándose la gran observación en los elementos superiores. En cuanto a la mayoría de machos, los primeros presentan el mayor número de machos. Conclusión: Los primeros premolares superiores prevalecerán con los demás premolares en relación a la prevalencia de Vertucci y en el sexo masculino.Introduction : Le nettoyage canalaire est l'objectif principal du traitement endodontique et nécessite une connaissance de l'anatomie interne. Les prémolaires sont mises en évidence dans la littérature avec de grandes variations anatomiques. Par conséquent, des études indiquent que l'utilisation de la tomodensitométrie à faisceau conique aide à la visualisation d'anatomies très complexes. Méthodologie : 4 équipements informatisés ont été utilisés 60 prémolaires avec 1 équipement, équipement sans équipement Orthopanto et maintenant par reconstructions, coronales et sarcitales. Les données relatives au sexe, au nombre de racines et de canaux ont été enregistrées pour comparaison et classification selon Vers. Résultats : Les premières molaires maxillaires avaient 63,5 % de deux racines, 83,7 % des deuxièmes prémolaires maxillaires avaient une racine et la plupart des prémolaires mandibulaires avaient une racine. En ce qui concerne le nombre de canaux, 92,3% des premières prémolaires avaient deux canaux, la majorité n'étant que des deuxièmes prémolaires maxillaires et des prémolaires inférieures à un seul canal. Les variations de Vertucci des types I, II, III et IV ont été vérifiées dans les éléments à racine unique, en observant la grande observation dans les éléments supérieurs. Quant à la majorité des mâles, les premiers à présenter le plus grand nombre de mâles. Conclusion : Les premières prémolaires supérieures prédominent avec les autres prémolaires en relation avec la prévalence de Vertucci et chez les hommes.Introdução: a limpeza do canal radicular é o principal objetivo do tratamento endodôntico e requer conhecimento da anatomia interna. Os pré-molares são evidenciados na literatura com grandes variações anatômicas. Diante disso, estudos indicam que o uso da Tomografia Computadorizada Cone Beam auxilia na visualização de anatomias de alta complexidade. Metodologia: foram utilizadas 54 tomografias computadorizadas de feixe cônico com 160 pré-molares, produzidas no equipamento Orthopantomograph OP300 e analisadas por reconstruções multiplanares: axial, coronal e sagital. Os dados referentes ao sexo, número de raízes e canais foram registrados para comparação e classificação segundo Vertucci. Resultados: os primeiros pré-molares superiores apresentavam 63,5% de duas raízes, 83,7% dos segundos pré-molares superiores tinham uma raiz e a maioria dos pré-molares inferiores tinha uma raiz. Em relação ao número de canais, 92,3% dos primeiros pré-molares possuíam dois canais, sendo a maioria segundos pré-molares superiores e pré-molares inferiores apenas um canal. Vertucci variações dos tipos I, II, III e IV foram verificadas nos elementos uniradiculares, observando-se a grande variação nos elementos superiores. Quanto à prevalência do sexo, apenas os primeiros superiores apresentaram maior variação no sexo masculino. Conclusão: os primeiros pré-molares superiores prevaleceram com grande variação anatômica em relação aos demais pré-molares com prevalência de Vertucci Tipo I e no sexo masculino
Floral Resource Partitioning between Centris (Heterocentris) analis (Fabricius, 1804) and Centris (Heterocentris) terminata Smith, 1874 (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Centridini), in an Urban Fragment of the Atlantic Forest
The knowledge on plant species used for the collection of floral resources is crucial to understanding interactions between plants and bees. The aim of the present study was to identify floral resources used by Centris analis and Centris terminata to provision brood cells and determine the niche breadth and overlap of these two species in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil. This study was conducted at the Universidade Federal da Bahia and Parque Zoobotânico Getúlio Vargas, both of which are located in urban areas of the city of Salvador in the state of Bahia. Twelve and eight pollen types were identified in C. analis and C. terminata nests, respectively. The most frequent pollen types were from species of Malpighiaceae and Fabaceae. A larger trophic niche breadth was found in the Parque Zoobotânico Getúlio Vargas for C. analis and in the Universidade Federal da Bahia for C. terminata. Pianka’s index demonstrated trophic niche overlap between C. analis and C. terminata, which was greater in the Parque Zoobotânico Getúlio Vargas. This study is the first to provide data on plants used as food sources by species of the genus Centris in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest situated within urban areas.
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