41 research outputs found

    Spatial reorganization of putaminal dopamine D2-like receptors in cranial and hand dystonia

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    The putamen has a somatotopic organization of neurons identified by correspondence of firing rates with selected body part movements, as well as by complex, but organized, differential cortical projections onto putamen. In isolated focal dystonia, whole putaminal binding of dopamine D(2)-like receptor radioligands is quantitatively decreased, but it has not been known whether selected parts of the putamen are differentially affected depending upon the body part affected by dystonia. The radioligand [(18)F]spiperone binds predominantly to D(2)-like receptors in striatum. We hypothesized that the spatial location of [(18)F]spiperone binding within the putamen would differ in patients with dystonia limited to the hand versus the face, and we tested that hypothesis using positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. To address statistical and methodological concerns, we chose a straightforward but robust image analysis method. An automated algorithm located the peak location of [(18)F]spiperone binding within the striatum, relative to a brain atlas, in each of 14 patients with cranial dystonia and 8 patients with hand dystonia. The mean (left and right) |x|, y, and z coordinates of peak striatal binding for each patient were compared between groups by t test. The location of peak [(18)F]spiperone binding within the putamen differed significantly between groups (cranial dystonia z<hand dystonia z, p = 0.016). We conclude that in isolated focal dystonia, dopamine D(2)-like receptors are distributed differently in the putamen depending on the body part manifesting dystonia

    Efecto sobre los niveles de moléculas de adhesión endotelial (sVCAM-1, sICAM-1 y sE-selectina) después del tratamiento con filgrastim o molgramostim en pacientes con neutropenia posquimioterapia o radioterapia.

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    Objetivo: Determinar los niveles sĂ©ricos de sVCAM-1, sICAM-1 y sE-selectina como marcadores biolĂłgicos a partir de la administraciĂłn de factores estimulantes de colonias de granulocitos o macrĂłfagos, o ambos (FEC-G o FEC-GM), asĂ­ como valorar la seguridad de Ă©stos en el manejo de la neutropenia relacionada con el tratamiento antineoplĂĄsico. Pacientes y mĂ©todos: Estudio prospectivo, longitudinal y comparativo que incluyĂł a 32 pacientes menores de 70 años con neutropenia despuĂ©s de recibir quimioterapia o radioterapia. Todos los pacientes signaron el consentimiento informado antes de cualquier otro procedimiento. Se evaluĂł el efecto de tres distintos FEC-G o FEC-GM (1) sobre las molĂ©culas de adhesiĂłn endotelial (sVCAM-1, sICAM-1 y sE-selectina). Los pacientes se asignaron de manera aleatoria para recibir cualquiera de los factores estimulantes de colonias (FEC), los cuales se administraron diariamente hasta alcanzar una cifra de neutrĂłfilos absolutos ≄ 1500 cel/mm3 por tres dĂ­as consecutivos. Los niveles sĂ©ricos de las molĂ©culas de adhesiĂłn se determinaron antes y durante el tratamiento con los FEC. La condiciĂłn clĂ­nica de los sujetos se valorĂł mediante la historia clĂ­nica y exĂĄmenes de laboratorio. Los eventos adversos atribuidos al empleo de los FEC y la medicaciĂłn concomitante se registraron en el formato de reporte de caso. Resultados: En los tres grupos de estudio se observĂł un incremento en los niveles sĂ©ricos de los tres marcadores biolĂłgicos (sE-selectina, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, p ≀ 0.05) entre la visita basal y el dĂ­a 5 de tratamiento con FEC-G o FEC-GM. Al quinto dĂ­a de tratamiento con FEC, la cuenta absoluta de neutrĂłfilos alcanzĂł niveles superiores a 1 500 cel/mm3 en 90% de los pacientes incluidos. Los eventos adversos fueron similares en los tres grupos de tratamiento. El perfil de seguridad y el efecto sobre las molĂ©culas de adhesiĂłn fue semejante en todos los grupos; no se encontraron diferencias en relaciĂłn con gĂ©nero, edad ni estado basal y final. Conclusiones: En este grupo de pacientes el efecto biolĂłgico ejercido por los FEC pudo observarse por el incremento en los niveles sĂ©ricos de las molĂ©culas de adhesiĂłn sin considerar el tipo de producto

    A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of coenzyme Q10 in Huntington disease

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    Objective: To test the hypothesis that chronic treatment of early-stage Huntington disease (HD) with high-dose coenzyme Q10 (CoQ) will slow the progressive functional decline of HD. Methods: We performed a multicenter randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Patients with early-stage HD (n = 609) were enrolled at 48 sites in the United States, Canada, and Australia from 2008 to 2012. Patients were randomized to receive either CoQ 2,400 mg/d or matching placebo, then followed for 60 months. The primary outcome variable was the change from baseline to month 60 in Total Functional Capacity score (for patients who survived) combined with time to death (for patients who died) analyzed using a joint-rank analysis approach. Results: An interim analysis for futility revealed a conditional power of <5% for the primary analysis, prompting premature conclusion in July 2014. No statistically significant differences were seen between treatment groups for the primary or secondary outcome measures. CoQ was generally safe and well-tolerated throughout the study. Conclusions: These data do not justify use of CoQ as a treatment to slow functional decline in HD

    The RAB39B p.G192R mutation causes X-linked dominant Parkinson’s disease

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    Objective: To identify the causal gene in a multi-incident U.S. kindred with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Methods: We characterized a family with a classical PD phenotype in which 7 individuals (5 males and 2 females) were affected with a mean age at onset of 46.1 years (range, 29-57 years). We performed whole exome sequencing on 4 affected and 1 unaffected family members. Sanger-sequencing was then used to verify and genotype all candidate variants in the remainder of the pedigree. Cultured cells transfected with wild-type or mutant constructs were used to characterize proteins of interest. Results: We identified a missense mutation (c.574G > A; p.G192R) in the RAB39B gene that closely segregated with disease and exhibited X-linked dominant inheritance with reduced penetrance in females. The mutation occurred in a highly conserved amino acid residue and was not observed among 87,725 X chromosomes in the Exome Aggregation Consortium dataset. Sequencing of the RAB39B coding region in 587 familial PD cases yielded two additional mutations (c.428C > G [p.A143G] and c.624_626delGAG [p.R209del]) that were predicted to be deleterious in silico but occurred in families that were not sufficiently informative to assess segregation with disease. Experiments in PC12 and SK-N-BE(2)C cells demonstrated that p.G192R resulted in mislocalization of the mutant protein, possibly by altering the structure of the hypervariable C-terminal domain which mediates intracellular targeting. Conclusions: Our findings implicate RAB39B, an essential regulator of vesicular-trafficking, in clinically typical PD. Further characterization of normal and aberrant RAB39B function might elucidate important mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration in PD and related disorders. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13024-015-0045-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Effect of Deutetrabenazine on Chorea Among Patients With Huntington Disease A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Importance Deutetrabenazine is a novel molecule containing deuterium, which attenuates CYP2D6 metabolism and increases active metabolite half-lives and may therefore lead to stable systemic exposure while preserving key pharmacological activity. Objective To evaluate efficacy and safety of deutetrabenazine treatment to control chorea associated with Huntington disease. Design, Setting, and Participants Ninety ambulatory adults diagnosed with manifest Huntington disease and a baseline total maximal chorea score of 8 or higher (range, 0-28; lower score indicates less chorea) were enrolled from August 2013 to August 2014 and randomized to receive deutetrabenazine (n = 45) or placebo (n = 45) in a double-blind fashion at 34 Huntington Study Group sites. Interventions Deutetrabenazine or placebo was titrated to optimal dose level over 8 weeks and maintained for 4 weeks, followed by a 1-week washout. Main Outcomes and Measures Primary end point was the total maximal chorea score change from baseline (the average of values from the screening and day-0 visits) to maintenance therapy (the average of values from the week 9 and 12 visits) obtained by in-person visits. This study was designed to detect a 2.7-unit treatment difference in scores. The secondary end points, assessed hierarchically, were the proportion of patients who achieved treatment success on the Patient Global Impression of Change (PGIC) and on the Clinical Global Impression of Change (CGIC), the change in 36-Item Short Form– physical functioning subscale score (SF-36), and the change in the Berg Balance Test. Results Ninety patients with Huntington disease (mean age, 53.7 years; 40 women [44.4%]) were enrolled. In the deutetrabenazine group, the mean total maximal chorea scores improved from 12.1 (95% CI, 11.2-12.9) to 7.7 (95% CI, 6.5-8.9), whereas in the placebo group, scores improved from 13.2 (95% CI, 12.2-14.3) to 11.3 (95% CI, 10.0-12.5); the mean between-group difference was –2.5 units (95% CI, –3.7 to –1.3) (P < .001). Treatment success, as measured by the PGIC, occurred in 23 patients (51%) in the deutetrabenazine group vs 9 (20%) in the placebo group (P = .002). As measured by the CGIC, treatment success occurred in 19 patients (42%) in the deutetrabenazine group vs 6 (13%) in the placebo group (P = .002). In the deutetrabenazine group, the mean SF-36 physical functioning subscale scores decreased from 47.5 (95% CI, 44.3-50.8) to 47.4 (44.3-50.5), whereas in the placebo group, scores decreased from 43.2 (95% CI, 40.2-46.3) to 39.9 (95% CI, 36.2-43.6), for a treatment benefit of 4.3 (95% CI, 0.4 to 8.3) (P = .03). There was no difference between groups (mean difference of 1.0 unit; 95% CI, –0.3 to 2.3; P = .14), for improvement in the Berg Balance Test, which improved by 2.2 units (95% CI, 1.3-3.1) in the deutetrabenazine group and by 1.3 units (95% CI, 0.4-2.2) in the placebo group. Adverse event rates were similar for deutetrabenazine and placebo, including depression, anxiety, and akathisia. Conclusions and Relevance Among patients with chorea associated with Huntington disease, the use of deutetrabenazine compared with placebo resulted in improved motor signs at 12 weeks. Further research is needed to assess the clinical importance of the effect size and to determine longer-term efficacy and safety

    More than 10,000 pre-Columbian earthworks are still hidden throughout Amazonia

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    Indigenous societies are known to have occupied the Amazon basin for more than 12,000 years, but the scale of their influence on Amazonian forests remains uncertain. We report the discovery, using LIDAR (light detection and ranging) information from across the basin, of 24 previously undetected pre-Columbian earthworks beneath the forest canopy. Modeled distribution and abundance of large-scale archaeological sites across Amazonia suggest that between 10,272 and 23,648 sites remain to be discovered and that most will be found in the southwest. We also identified 53 domesticated tree species significantly associated with earthwork occurrence probability, likely suggesting past management practices. Closed-canopy forests across Amazonia are likely to contain thousands of undiscovered archaeological sites around which pre-Columbian societies actively modified forests, a discovery that opens opportunities for better understanding the magnitude of ancient human influence on Amazonia and its current state