116 research outputs found

    Diversity of Sulfated Polysaccharides From Cell Walls of Coenocytic Green Algae and Their Structural Relationships in View of Green Algal Evolution

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    Seaweeds biosynthesize sulfated polysaccharides as key components of their cell walls. These polysaccharides are potentially interesting as biologically active compounds. Green macroalgae of the class Ulvophyceae comprise sulfated polysaccharides with great structural differences regarding the monosaccharide constituents, linearity of their backbones, and presence of other acidic substituents in their structure, including uronic acid residues and pyruvic acid. These structures have been thoroughly studied in the Ulvales and Ulotrichales, but only more recently have they been investigated with some detail in ulvophytes with giant multinucleate (coenocytic) cells, including the siphonous Bryopsidales and Dasycladales, and the siphonocladous Cladophorales. An early classification of these structurally heterogeneous polysaccharides was based on the presence of uronic acid residues in these molecules. In agreement with this classification based on chemical structures, sulfated polysaccharides of the orders Bryopsidales and Cladophorales fall in the same group, in which this acidic component is absent, or only present in very low quantities. The cell walls of Dasycladales have been less studied, and it remains unclear if they comprise sulfated polysaccharides of both types. Although in the Bryopsidales and Cladophorales the most important sulfated polysaccharides are arabinans and galactans (or arabinogalactans), their major structures are very different. The Bryopsidales produce sulfated pyruvylated 3-linked β-d-galactans, in most cases, with ramifications on C6. For some species, linear sulfated pyranosic β-l-arabinans have been described. In the Cladophorales, also sulfated pyranosic β-l-arabinans have been found, but 4-linked and highly substituted with side chains. These differences are consistent with recent molecular phylogenetic analyses, which indicate that the Bryopsidales and Cladophorales are distantly related. In addition, some of the Bryopsidales also biosynthesize other sulfated polysaccharides, i.e., sulfated mannans and sulfated rhamnans. The presence of sulfate groups as a distinctive characteristic of these biopolymers has been related to their adaptation to the marine environment. However, it has been shown that some freshwater algae from the Cladophorales also produce sulfated polysaccharides. In this review, structures of sulfated polysaccharides from bryopsidalean, dasycladalean, and cladophoralean green algae studied until now are described and analyzed based on current phylogenetic understanding, with the aim of unveiling the important knowledge gaps that still exist.Fil: Ciancia, Marina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Centro de Investigaciones en Hidratos de Carbono. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Hidratos de Carbono; ArgentinaFil: Fernández, Paula Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Centro de Investigaciones en Hidratos de Carbono. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Hidratos de Carbono; ArgentinaFil: Leliaert, Frederik. University of Ghent; Bélgic

    Life without a cell membrane: Challenging the specificity of bacterial endophytes within Bryopsis (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The siphonous green macroalga <it>Bryopsis </it>has some remarkable characteristics. Besides hosting a rich endophytic bacterial flora, <it>Bryopsis </it>also displays extraordinary wound repair and propagation mechanisms. This latter feature includes the formation of protoplasts which can survive in the absence of a cell membrane for several minutes before regenerating into new individuals. This transient 'life without a membrane' state, however, challenges the specificity of the endophytic bacterial communities present and raises the question whether these bacteria are generalists, which are repeatedly acquired from the environment, or if there is some specificity towards the <it>Bryopsis </it>host.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To answer this question, we examined the temporal stability and the uniqueness of endobiotic bacterial communities within <it>Bryopsis </it>samples from the Mexican west coast after prolonged cultivation. DGGE analysis revealed that <it>Bryopsis </it>endophytic bacterial communities are rather stable and clearly distinct from the epiphytic and surrounding cultivation water bacterial communities. Although these endogenous communities consist of both facultative and obligate bacteria, results suggest that <it>Bryopsis </it>owns some intrinsic mechanisms to selectively maintain and/or attract specific bacteria after repeated wounding events in culture.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This suggests that <it>Bryopsis </it>algae seem to master transient stages of life without a cell membrane well as they harbor specific - and possibly ecological significant - endophytic bacteria.</p

    Gain and loss of elongation factor genes in green algae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Two key genes of the translational apparatus, elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1α) and elongation factor-like (EFL) have an almost mutually exclusive distribution in eukaryotes. In the green plant lineage, the Chlorophyta encode EFL except <it>Acetabularia </it>where EF-1α is found, and the Streptophyta possess EF-1α except <it>Mesostigma</it>, which has EFL. These results raise questions about evolutionary patterns of gain and loss of EF-1α and EFL. A previous study launched the hypothesis that EF-1α was the primitive state and that EFL was gained once in the ancestor of the green plants, followed by differential loss of EF-1α or EFL in the principal clades of the Viridiplantae. In order to gain more insight in the distribution of EF-1α and EFL in green plants and test this hypothesis we screened the presence of the genes in a large sample of green algae and analyzed their gain-loss dynamics in a maximum likelihood framework using continuous-time Markov models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Within the Chlorophyta, EF-1α is shown to be present in three ulvophycean orders (i.e., Dasycladales, Bryopsidales, Siphonocladales) and the genus <it>Ignatius</it>. Models describing gene gain-loss dynamics revealed that the presence of EF-1α, EFL or both genes along the backbone of the green plant phylogeny is highly uncertain due to sensitivity to branch lengths and lack of prior knowledge about ancestral states or rates of gene gain and loss. Model refinements based on insights gained from the EF-1α phylogeny reduce uncertainty but still imply several equally likely possibilities: a primitive EF-1α state with multiple independent EFL gains or coexistence of both genes in the ancestor of the Viridiplantae or Chlorophyta followed by differential loss of one or the other gene in the various lineages.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>EF-1α is much more common among green algae than previously thought. The mutually exclusive distribution of EF-1α and EFL is confirmed in a large sample of green plants. Hypotheses about the gain-loss dynamics of elongation factor genes are hard to test analytically due to a relatively flat likelihood surface, even if prior knowledge is incorporated. Phylogenetic analysis of EFL genes indicates misinterpretations in the recent literature due to uncertainty regarding the root position.</p

    Seaweed reproductive biology: environmental and genetic controls

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    Knowledge of life cycle progression and reproduction of seaweeds transcends pure academic interest. Successful and sustainable seaweed exploitation and domestication will indeed require excellent control of the factors controlling growth and reproduction. The relative dominance of the ploidy-phases and their respective morphologies, however, display tremendous diversity. Consequently, the ecological and endogenous factors controlling life cycles are likely to be equally varied. A vast number of research papers addressing theoretical, ecological and physiological aspects of reproduction have been published over the years. Here, we review the current knowledge on reproductive strategies, trade-offs of reproductive effort in natural populations, and the environmental and endogenous factors controlling reproduction. Given that the majority of ecophysiological studies predate the "-omics" era, we examine the extent to which this knowledge of reproduction has been, or can be, applied to further our knowledge of life cycle control in seaweeds.European Commission [FA1406]; China Scholarship Council [201504910698]; Ghent University BOF Special Research Fund [01SC2316]; FCT fellowship [SFRH/BPD/107878/2015]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Who Is in There? Exploration of Endophytic Bacteria within the Siphonous Green Seaweed Bryopsis (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta)

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    Associations between marine seaweeds and bacteria are widespread, with endobiotic bacterial-algal interactions being described for over 40 years. Also within the siphonous marine green alga Bryopsis, intracellular bacteria have been visualized by electron microscopy in the early ‘70s, but were up to now never molecularly analyzed. To study this partnership, we examined the presence and phylogenetic diversity of microbial communities within the cytoplasm of two Bryopsis species by combining fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Sequencing results revealed the presence of Arcobacter, Bacteroidetes, Flavobacteriaceae, Mycoplasma, Labrenzia, Phyllobacteriaceae and Xanthomonadaceae species. Although the total diversity of the endobiotic communities was unique to each Bryopsis culture, Bacteroidetes, Mycoplasma, Phyllobacteriaceae, and in particular Flavobacteriaceae bacteria, were detected in several Bryopsis samples collected hundreds of kilometres apart. This suggests that Bryopsis closely associates with well-defined endophytic bacterial communities of which some members possibly maintain an endosymbiotic relationship with the algal host

    Plastid phylogenomics of the Sansevieria clade (Dracaena; Asparagaceae) resolves a rapid evolutionary radiation

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    Sansevierias are a diverse group of flowering plants native to Africa, Madagascar, the Arabian Peninsula and the Indian subcontinent, popular outside their native range as low maintenance houseplants. Traditionally recognized as a distinct genus, Sansevieria was recently merged with the larger genus Dracaena based on molecular phylogenetic data. Within the Sansevieria clade, taxonomic uncertainties remain despite numerous attempts to classify the species. We aim to arrive at a robust phylogeny using a plastid phylogenomic approach, and estimate a time-frame of diversification to infer the evolutionary history of the group, including geographical and morphological evolution. Molecular data was obtained using genome skimming for 50 Sansevieria, representing all informal groups previously instated based on morphology, and two Dracaena sensu stricto species. The resulting Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic hypotheses are generally well supported, except for some very short branches along the backbone of the tree. The time-calibrated phylogeny indicates a recent rapid radiation with the main clades emerging in the Pliocene. Two well-supported clades align with previously defined informal groups, i.e., Sansevieria section Dracomima, characterised by the Dracomima-type inflorescence, and the Zeylanica group, native to the Indian subcontinent. Other morphologically defined informal groups are shown to be polyphyletic: a pattern due to convergent evolution of the identifying characters. Cylindrical leaves arose multiple times independently in the evolution of the Sansevieria clade and similarly, the Cephalantha-type inflorescence has originated multiple times from an ancestor with a Sansevieria-type inflorescence. To provide a more accessible tool for species identification and delimitation, genes and spacer regions were screened for variability and phylogenetic informativeness to investigate their potential as chloroplast DNA barcodes. Candidate chloroplast DNA barcodes include the trnH-rpl12, ndhH-rps15, psbE-petL, psbT-psbN, rps18-rpl20 intergenic spacers, the chloroplast gene rps8 and the first intron of ycf3

    Шероховатость поверхностей при финишной алмазно-абразивной обработке

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    Показано, что шероховатость полированной поверхности зависит от отношения частот собственных колебаний молекулярных фрагментов на поверхностях инструмента и обрабатываемой детали. На шероховатость обработанной поверхности наибольшее влияние оказывают число молекулярных фрагментов, из которых состоят частицы шлама, их наиболее вероятный размер, частоты собственных колебаний фрагментов обрабатываемого материала и инструмента, теплопроводность обрабатываемого материала и режимы обработки

    Chloroplast phylogenomic analyses reveal the deepest-branching lineage of the Chlorophyta, Palmophyllophyceae class. nov.

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    The green plants (Viridiplantae) are an ancient group of eukaryotes comprising two main clades: the Chlorophyta, which includes a wide diversity of green algae, and the Streptophyta, which consists of freshwater green algae and the land plants. The early-diverging lineages of the Viridiplantae comprise unicellular algae, and multicellularity has evolved independently in the two clades. Recent molecular data have revealed an unrecognized early-diverging lineage of green plants, the Palmophyllales, with a unique form of multicellularity, and typically found in deep water. The phylogenetic position of this enigmatic group, however, remained uncertain. Here we elucidate the evolutionary affinity of the Palmophyllales using chloroplast genomic, and nuclear rDNA data. Phylogenetic analyses firmly place the palmophyllalean Verdigellas peltata along with species of Prasinococcales (prasinophyte clade VI) in the deepest-branching clade of the Chlorophyta. The small, compact and intronless chloroplast genome (cpDNA) of V. peltata shows striking similarities in gene content and organization with the cpDNAs of Prasinococcales and the streptophyte Mesostigma viride, indicating that cpDNA architecture has been extremely well conserved in these deep-branching lineages of green plants. The phylogenetic distinctness of the Palmophyllales-Prasinococcales clade, characterized by unique ultrastructural features, warrants recognition of a new class of green plants, Palmophyllophyceae class. nov

    Transcriptional analysis of cell growth and morphogenesis in the unicellular green alga Micrasterias (Streptophyta), with emphasis on the role of expansin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Streptophyte green algae share several characteristics of cell growth and cell wall formation with their relatives, the embryophytic land plants. The multilobed cell wall of <it>Micrasterias denticulata </it>that rebuilds symmetrically after cell division and consists of pectin and cellulose, makes this unicellular streptophyte alga an interesting model system to study the molecular controls on cell shape and cell wall formation in green plants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genome-wide transcript expression profiling of synchronously growing cells identified 107 genes of which the expression correlated with the growth phase. Four transcripts showed high similarity to expansins that had not been examined previously in green algae. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that these genes are most closely related to the plant EXPANSIN A family, although their domain organization is very divergent. A GFP-tagged version of the expansin-resembling protein MdEXP2 localized to the cell wall and in Golgi-derived vesicles. Overexpression phenotypes ranged from lobe elongation to loss of growth polarity and planarity. These results indicate that MdEXP2 can alter the cell wall structure and, thus, might have a function related to that of land plant expansins during cell morphogenesis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study demonstrates the potential of <it>M. denticulata </it>as a unicellular model system, in which cell growth mechanisms have been discovered similar to those in land plants. Additionally, evidence is provided that the evolutionary origins of many cell wall components and regulatory genes in embryophytes precede the colonization of land.</p