1,141 research outputs found

    Radiation-induced insulator discharge pulses in the CRRES internal discharge monitor satellite experiment

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    The Internal Discharge Monitor (IDM) was designed to observe electrical pulses from common electrical insulators in space service. The sixteen insulator samples included twelve planar printed circuit boards and four cables. The samples were fully enclosed, mutually isolated, and space radiation penetrated 0.02 cm of aluminum before striking the samples. Pulsing began on the seventh orbit, the maximum pulse rate occurred on the seventeenth orbit when 13 pulses occurred, and the pulses slowly diminished to about one per 3 orbits six months later. After 8 months, the radiation belts abruptly increased and the pulse rates attained a new high. These pulse rates were in agreement with laboratory experience on shorter time scales. Several of the samples never pulsed. If the pulses were not confined within IDM, the physical processes could spread to become a full spacecraft anomaly. The IDM results indicate the rate at which small insulator pulses occur. Small pulses are the seeds of larger satellite electrical anomalies. The pulse rates are compared with space radiation intensities, L shell location, and spectral distributions from the radiation spectrometers on the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite

    Spiral model, jamming percolation and glass-jamming transitions

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    The Spiral Model (SM) corresponds to a new class of kinetically constrained models introduced in joint works with D.S. Fisher [8,9]. They provide the first example of finite dimensional models with an ideal glass-jamming transition. This is due to an underlying jamming percolation transition which has unconventional features: it is discontinuous (i.e. the percolating cluster is compact at the transition) and the typical size of the clusters diverges faster than any power law, leading to a Vogel-Fulcher-like divergence of the relaxation time. Here we present a detailed physical analysis of SM, see [5] for rigorous proofs. We also show that our arguments for SM does not need any modification contrary to recent claims of Jeng and Schwarz [10].Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, proceedings for StatPhys2

    Modelling Emergent Patterns of Dynamic Desert Ecosystems

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    In many desert ecosystems vegetation is both patchy and dynamic: vegetated areas are interspersed with patches of bare ground, and both the positioning and the species composition of the vegetated areas exhibit change through time. These characteristics lead to the emergence of multi-scale patterns in vegetation that arise from complex relationships between plants, soils and transport processes. Previous attempts to probe the causes of spatial complexity and predict responses of desert ecosystems tend to be limited in their focus: models of dynamics have been developed with no consideration of the inherent patchiness in the vegetation, or else models have been developed to generate patterns with no consideration of the dynamics. Here we develop a general modelling framework for the analysis of ecosystem change in deserts that is rooted in the concept of connectivity and is derived from a detailed process-based understanding. We explicitly consider spatial interactions among multiple vegetation types and multiple resources, and our model is formulated to predict responses to a variety of endogenous and exogenous disturbances. The model is implemented in the deserts of the American Southwest both to test hypotheses of the causes of the invasion of woody shrubs, and to test its ability to reproduce 16 observed spatial differences in response to drought in the twentieth century. The model’s performance leads us to argue that vertical and lateral connectivity are key emergent properties of the ecosystem, which both control its behaviour and provide indicators of its state. If this argument is shown to be compatible with field observations, the model presented here will provide a more certain approach towards preventing further degradation of semi-arid grasslands. http://www.esajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1890/12-1253.

    Goats or wolves? Private sector managers in the public sector

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    Public administration reforms have propagated the use of private sector management skills in the public sector, and an increased openness to managers with a private sector background. This has created a debate between those who think private sector experience improves public institutions by bringing core managerial values such as results orientation, efficiency, or openness to innovation, and those who argue that private sector experience can damage core public sector values, such as impartiality and equity. Despite the abundant anecdotal evidence, broad empirical evidence on the effects of private sector experience on public managers' values remains limited. Using data from a survey among central government top managers in 18 European countries, we show that public managers with private sector experience have, as expected, more core managerial values. Yet, unlike the conventional view, core public values do not suffer.The politics and administration of institutional chang

    Multi-Informant Predictors of Social Inclusion for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Attending Mainstream School

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    This study examined differential profiles of behavioural characteristics predictive of successful inclusion in mainstream education for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and comparison students. Multiple regression analyses using behavioural ratings from parents, teachers and peers found some evidence for differential profiles predicting peer acceptance and rejection. High levels of peer-rated shyness significantly predicted social rejection in comparison students only. Parent-rated prosocial behaviour also differentially predicted social acceptance; high-levels of prosocial behaviour predicted acceptance in comparison students, but low-levels were predictive for students with ASD. These findings suggest that schools may seek to augment traditional social skills programmes with awareness raising about ASD among mainstream pupils to utilise peers’ apparent willingness to discount characteristics such as ‘shyness’

    Mode-coupling theory for multiple-time correlation functions of tagged particle densities and dynamical filters designed for glassy systems

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    The theoretical framework for higher-order correlation functions involving multiple times and multiple points in a classical, many-body system developed by Van Zon and Schofield [Phys. Rev. E 65, 011106 (2002)] is extended here to include tagged particle densities. Such densities have found an intriguing application as proposed measures of dynamical heterogeneities in structural glasses. The theoretical formalism is based upon projection operator techniques which are used to isolate the slow time evolution of dynamical variables by expanding the slowly-evolving component of arbitrary variables in an infinite basis composed of the products of slow variables of the system. The resulting formally exact mode-coupling expressions for multiple-point and multiple-time correlation functions are made tractable by applying the so-called N-ordering method. This theory is used to derive for moderate densities the leading mode coupling expressions for indicators of relaxation type and domain relaxation, which use dynamical filters that lead to multiple-time correlations of a tagged particle density. The mode coupling expressions for higher order correlation functions are also succesfully tested against simulations of a hard sphere fluid at relatively low density.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Profiling social, emotional and behavioural difficulties of children involved in direct and indirect bullying behaviours

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    Being involved in bullying places a child at risk of poor psychosocial and educational outcomes. This study aimed to examine the profile of behavioural, emotional and social functioning for two subtypes of bullying; direct and indirect (relational). Pupils aged between seven and eleven years old completed sociometric measures of social inclusion and bullying behaviour to identify 192 pupils considered to be involved in either direct, indirect, both or neither types of bullying. These pupils and their teachers completed a battery of assessments relating to behaviour, social competence and self-perception. All bully-groups experienced similar levels of significant social rejection. ‘Direct’ and ‘both’ groups showed the greatest number of behavioural, emotional and social difficulties, while the ‘indirect’ group showed weaknesses in self-perception, but no teacher-rated problems. Understanding the behavioural, emotional and social correlates of bullying is of particular importance for early identification of children at risk of becoming bullies and for developing targeted interventions
