587 research outputs found

    Hybrid organic-inorganic nanoparticles: controlled incorporation of gold nanoparticles into virus-like particles and application in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.

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    A capsid is the protein coat surrounding a virus' genome that ensures its protection and transport. The capsid of murine polyomavirus (muPy) consists of one major (VP1) and two minor (VP2/3) proteins, from which just VP1 is sufficient to form the capsid when expressed recombinantly (1). From a material engineering point of view, viral capsids are of interest because they present a paradigm for complex self-assembly on the nanometer scale. Understanding and controlling these assembly dynamics will allow the construction of nanoscale structures using a self-assembly process. The first step in this direction was the discovery that capsids of several viruses can be reversibly disassembled into their building blocks and reassembled using the same building blocks by simply changing the buffer conditions (2, 3). Such capsids already find applications as targeted in vivo delivery vectors for genes, proteins or small molecular drugs (4, 5), as optical probes for biomedical imaging and sensing purposes with unprecedented resolution and sensitivity and can potentially be used as templates for nanoelectronics (6, 7)

    Understanding The Impact of Solver Choice in Model-Based Test Generation

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    Background: In model-based test generation, SMT solvers explore the state-space of the model in search of violations of specified properties. If the solver finds that a predicate can be violated, it produces a partial test specification demonstrating the violation.Aims: The choice of solvers is important, as each may produce differing counterexamples. We aim to understand how solver choice impacts the effectiveness of generated test suites at finding faults.Method: We have performed experiments examining the impact of solver choice across multiple dimensions, examining the ability to attain goal satisfaction and fault detection when satisfaction is achieved---varying the source of test goals, data types of model input, and test oracle.Results: The results of our experiment show that solvers vary in their ability to produce counterexamples, and---for models where all solvers achieve goal satisfaction---in the resulting fault detection of the generated test suites. The choice of solver has an impact on the resulting test suite, regardless of the oracle, model structure, or source of testing goals.Conclusions: The results of this study identify factors that impact fault-detection effectiveness, and advice that could improve future approaches to model-based test generation

    Use of Complex Lie Symmetries for Linearization of Systems of Differential Equations - II: Partial Differential Equations

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    The linearization of complex ordinary differential equations is studied by extending Lie's criteria for linearizability to complex functions of complex variables. It is shown that the linearization of complex ordinary differential equations implies the linearizability of systems of partial differential equations corresponding to those complex ordinary differential equations. The invertible complex transformations can be used to obtain invertible real transformations that map a system of nonlinear partial differential equations into a system of linear partial differential equation. Explicit invariant criteria are given that provide procedures for writing down the solutions of the linearized equations. A few non-trivial examples are mentioned.Comment: This paper along with its first part ODE-I were combined in a single research paper "Linearizability criteria for systems of two second-order differential equations by complex methods" which has been published in Nonlinear Dynamics. Due to citations of both parts I and II these are not replaced with the above published articl

    Analyzing the impact of course structure on electronic textbook use in blended introductory physics courses

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    We investigate how elements of course structure (i.e., the frequency of assessments as well as the sequencing and weight of course resources) influence the usage patterns of electronic textbooks (e-texts) in introductory physics courses. Specifically, we analyze the access logs of courses at Michigan State University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, each of which deploy e-texts as primary or secondary texts in combination with different formative assessments (e.g., embedded reading questions) and different summative assessment (exam) schedules. As such studies are frequently marred by arguments over what constitutes a “meaningful” interaction with a particular page (usually judged by how long the page remains on the screen), we consider a set of different definitions of “meaningful” interactions. We find that course structure has a strong influence on how much of the e-texts students actually read, and when they do so. In particular, courses that deviate strongly from traditional structures, most notably by more frequent exams, show consistently high usage of the materials with far less “cramming” before exams.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant DUE-1044294)Google (Firm

    Analyzing the impact of course structure on electronic textbook use in blended introductory physics courses

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    We investigate how elements of course structure (i.e., the frequency of assessments as well as the sequencing and weight of course resources) influence the usage patterns of electronic textbooks (e-texts) in introductory physics courses. Specifically, we analyze the access logs of courses at Michigan State University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, each of which deploy e-texts as primary or secondary texts in combination with different formative assessments (e.g., embedded reading questions) and different summative assessment (exam) schedules. As such studies are frequently marred by arguments over what constitutes a “meaningful” interaction with a particular page (usually judged by how long the page remains on the screen), we consider a set of different definitions of “meaningful” interactions. We find that course structure has a strong influence on how much of the e-texts students actually read, and when they do so. In particular, courses that deviate strongly from traditional structures, most notably by more frequent exams, show consistently high usage of the materials with far less “cramming” before exams.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant DUE-1044294)Google (Firm

    Physical conditioning and mental stress reduction - a randomised trial in patients undergoing cardiac surgery

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Preoperative anxiety and physical unfitness have been shown to have adverse effects on recovery from cardiac surgery. This study involving cardiac surgery patients was primarily aimed at assessing the feasibility of delivering physical conditioning and stress reduction programs within the public hospital setting. Secondary aims were to evaluate the effect of these programs on quality of life (QOL), rates of postoperative atrial fibrillation (AF) and length of stay (LOS) in hospital.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Elective patients scheduled for coronary artery bypass graft and/or valve surgery at a public hospital in Melbourne, Australia were enrolled. Patients were randomized to receive either holistic therapy (HT) or usual care (UC). HT consisted of a series of light physical exercise sessions together with a mental stress reduction program administered in an outpatient setting for the first two weeks after placement on the waiting list for surgery. A self-administered SF-36 questionnaire was used to measure QOL and hospital records to collect data on LOS and rate of postoperative AF.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The study population comprised 117 patients of whom 60 received HT and 57 received UC. Both programs were able to be delivered within the hospital setting but ongoing therapy beyond the two week duration of the program was not carried out due to long waiting periods and insufficient resources. HT, as delivered in this study, compared to UC did not result in significant changes in QOL, LOS or AF incidence.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Preoperative holistic therapy can be delivered in the hospital setting, although two weeks is insufficient to provide benefits beyond usual care on QOL, LOS or postoperative AF. Further research is now required to determine whether a similar program of longer duration, or targeted to high risk patients can provide measurable benefits.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>This trial was conducted as part of a larger study and according to the principles contained in the CONSORT statement 2001.</p

    The developmental effects of media-ideal internalization and self-objectification processes on adolescents’ negative body-feelings, dietary restraint, and binge eating

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    Despite accumulated experimental evidence of the negative effects of exposure to media-idealized images, the degree to which body image, and eating related disturbances are caused by media portrayals of gendered beauty ideals remains controversial. On the basis of the most up-to-date meta-analysis of experimental studies indicating that media-idealized images have the most harmful and substantial impact on vulnerable individuals regardless of gender (i.e., “internalizers” and “self-objectifiers”), the current longitudinal study examined the direct and mediated links posited in objectification theory among media-ideal internalization, self-objectification, shame and anxiety surrounding the body and appearance, dietary restraint, and binge eating. Data collected from 685 adolescents aged between 14 and 15 at baseline (47 % males), who were interviewed and completed standardized measures annually over a 3-year period, were analyzed using a structural equation modeling approach. Results indicated that media-ideal internalization predicted later thinking and scrutinizing of one’s body from an external observer’s standpoint (or self-objectification), which then predicted later negative emotional experiences related to one’s body and appearance. In turn, these negative emotional experiences predicted subsequent dietary restraint and binge eating, and each of these core features of eating disorders influenced each other. Differences in the strength of these associations across gender were not observed, and all indirect effects were significant. The study provides valuable information about how the cultural values embodied by gendered beauty ideals negatively influence adolescents’ feelings, thoughts and behaviors regarding their own body, and on the complex processes involved in disordered eating. Practical implications are discussed

    Implementing and sustaining higher education service-learning initiatives: Revisiting Young et al's organizational tactics

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    Although the value of service-learning opportunities has long been aligned to student engagement, global citizenship, and employability, the rhetoric can be far removed from the reality of coordinating such activities within higher education. This article stems from arts-based service-learning initiatives with Indigenous communities in Australia. It highlights challenges encountered by the projects and the tactics used to overcome them. These are considered in relation to Young, Shinnar, Ackerman, Carruthers, and Young’s four tactics for starting and sustaining service-learning initiatives. The article explores the realities of service-learning initiatives that exist at the edge of institutional funding and rely on the commitment of key individuals. The research revises Young et al.’s four tactics and adds the fifth tactic of organizational commitment, which emerged as a distinct strategy used to prompt new commitment, enact existing commitment, and extend limited commitment at the organizational level

    Increased endothelin-1 in colorectal cancer and reduction of tumour growth by ET A receptor antagonism

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    Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a vasoconstrictor peptide which stimulates proliferation in vitro in different cell types, including colorectal cancer cells. Raised ET-1 levels have been detected both on tissue specimens and in the plasma of patients with cancers. To investigate the role of ET-1 in colorectal cancer: (i) ET-1 plasma levels in patients with colorectal cancer were measured by radioimmunoassay: group 1 = controls (n = 22), group 2 = primary colorectal cancer only (n = 39), group 3 = liver metastases only (n = 26); (ii) ET-1 expression in primary colorectal cancer specimens (n =10) was determined immunohistochemically and (iii) the effect of intraportally infused antagonists to the two ET-1 receptors, ET A and ET B, on the growth of liver metastases in a rat model was assessed. ET-1 plasma levels were significantly increased in both patients with primary tumour and patients with metastases, compared to controls (P < 0.01, 3.9 ± 1.4, 4.5 ± 1.5, vs. 2.75 ± 1.37 pg/ml, respectively). Immunohistochemically, strong expression of ET-1 was found in the cytoplasm, stroma and blood vessels of cancers, unlike the normal colon where only the apical layer of the epithelium, vascular endothelial cells and surrounding stroma were positively stained. In the rat model, there was significant reduction in liver tumour weights compared to controls, following treatment with the ET A antagonist (BQ123) 30 min after the intraportal inoculation of tumour cells (P < 0.05). These results suggest ET-1 is produced by colorectal cancers and may play a role in the growth of colorectal cancer acting through ET A receptors. ET A antagonists are indicated as potential anti-cancer agents. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Young Children with Biliary Atresia and Native Liver: Results from the ChiLDReN Study

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess neurodevelopmental outcomes among participants with biliary atresia with their native liver at ages 12 months (group 1) and 24 months (group 2), and to evaluate variables predictive of neurodevelopmental impairment. STUDY DESIGN: Participants enrolled in a prospective, longitudinal, multicenter study underwent neurodevelopmental testing with either the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, 2nd edition, or Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, 3rd edition. Scores (normative mean = 100 ± 15) were categorized as ≥100, 85-99, and <85 for χ2 analysis. Risk for neurodevelopmental impairment (defined as ≥1 score of <85 on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, 2nd edition, or Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, 3rd edition, scales) was analyzed using logistic regression. RESULTS: There were 148 children who completed 217 Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, 3rd edition, examinations (group 1, n = 132; group 2, n = 85). Neurodevelopmental score distributions significantly shifted downward compared with test norms at 1 and 2 years of age. Multivariate analysis identified ascites (OR, 3.17; P = .01) and low length z-scores at time of testing (OR, 0.70; P < .04) as risk factors for physical/motor impairment; low weight z-score (OR, 0.57; P = .001) and ascites (OR, 2.89; P = .01) for mental/cognitive/language impairment at 1 year of age. An unsuccessful hepatoportoenterostomy was predictive of both physical/motor (OR, 4.88; P < .02) and mental/cognitive/language impairment (OR, 4.76; P = .02) at 2 years of age. CONCLUSION: Participants with biliary atresia surviving with native livers after hepatoportoenterostomy are at increased risk for neurodevelopmental delays at 12 and 24 months of age. Those with unsuccessful hepatoportoenterostomy are >4 times more likely to have neurodevelopmental impairment compared with those with successful hepatoportoenterostomy. Growth delays and/or complications indicating advanced liver disease should alert clinicians to the risk for neurodevelopmental delays, and expedite appropriate interventions