8 research outputs found

    Římské civilní stavby v nadlimitné zoně Podunajské nížiny

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    Práca pojednáva o existencii stavieb vybudovaných rímskymi stavebnými technikami a s civilnou funkciou v tej časti Podunajskej nížiny mimo Impéria, ktorá bola ako výnimočná oblasť historicky bezprostredne v kontakte s rímsko-provinciálnou civilizáciou počas prvých štyroch storočí po Kr. Po geografickom opise nadlimitnej zóny nasleduje podrobný historický prehľad, ktorý poskytuje rámec pre interpretáciu stavieb. Predložený materiál zahŕňa všetky doklady rímskej architektúry v predmetnom časovom období, a to in situ ako aj v sekundárnych nálezoch stavebného materiálu. Analýza delí materiál na dva druhy civilných stavieb - stavby villového typu, a menšie stavby. Do prvej kategórie spadajú tie stavby, ktoré vychádzajú z provinciálnej obytnej architektúry, a zahŕňa štruktúry budované pre civilné účely v rámci vojenského ťaženia (Mušov-Neurissen), areály na vzor provinciálneho ekonomického systému villa rustica (Stupava, Bratislava-Dúbravka), ako aj domnelé sídla významných osobností z domáceho etnika (Oberleisenberg, Cífer-Pác). Druhý typ menších stavieb zahŕňa tzv. "stavby II", ktoré boli súčasťami horeuvedených komplexov germánskych sídiel, stavby s kombinovanými rímsko-barbarskými stavebnými technikami (Bratislava-Devín), ako aj sakrálne stavby (Bratislava-Devín, Niederleis). Nasledujúci technický opis...The thesis deliberates the existence of civilian structures built with Roman construction techniques in that part of the Danube Lowland outside the Empire which had unique contacts with the Roman provincial milieu of the first four centuries A.D. A geographical description of this area north of the Limes Romanus is followed by a detailed historical overview to serve as a framework for the interpretation of such buildings. The presented material includes all instances of Roman architecture from the time period in question, both in situ and inferred from secondary finds of construction material. The analysis sorts this material into two types of civilian buildings - villa-like structures, and smaller buildings. The former category designates those buildings that draw from provincial house architecture, and comprises structures built for civilian use during military campaigns (Mušov-Neurissen), facilities similar in function to the provincial economic system of the villa rustica (Stupava, Bratislava-Dúbravka), as well as probable residences for important figures of the Marcomanni and Quadi (Oberleisenberg, Cífer- Pác). The second, smaller type consists of so-called "buildings II" that were part of the abovementioned Germanic residence developments, buildings with composite roman-barbarian construction...Institute for Classical ArcheologyÚstav pro klasickou archeologiiFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Gerulata: The Lamps. Roman Lamps in a Provincial Context

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    What should a catalogue of archaeological material contain? This book is a comprehensive index of 210 lamps from the Roman fort at Gerulata and its adjoining civilian settlement. The lighting devices were excavated during the last 50 years from the houses, cemeteries, barracks and fortifications of this Roman outpost on the Danube Limes and span almost three centuries from AD 80 to AD 350. For the first time, they are published in full and in color with detailed analysis of lamp types, workshop marks and discus scenes. The first chapter describes the history of Roman Pannonia and the archaeological record of Gerulata. Three successive catalogues - of the lamps, of the stamps, and of the iconography - illustrate the material thoroughly. An inquiry into the lamps' function as grave goods is presented, followed by four studies focused on the statistical analysis of types, the organization of the lamp industry, signs of personal ownership, and the cultural significance of lamplight in a provincial milieu, respectively. Together, they paint a picture of a community on the edge of the Empire and its use of artificial light in both life and death. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Roman civilian buildings north of the limes romanus in the Danube lowland

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    The thesis deliberates the existence of civilian structures built with Roman construction techniques in that part of the Danube Lowland outside the Empire which had unique contacts with the Roman provincial milieu of the first four centuries A.D. A geographical description of this area north of the Limes Romanus is followed by a detailed historical overview to serve as a framework for the interpretation of such buildings. The presented material includes all instances of Roman architecture from the time period in question, both in situ and inferred from secondary finds of construction material. The analysis sorts this material into two types of civilian buildings - villa-like structures, and smaller buildings. The former category designates those buildings that draw from provincial house architecture, and comprises structures built for civilian use during military campaigns (Mušov-Neurissen), facilities similar in function to the provincial economic system of the villa rustica (Stupava, Bratislava-Dúbravka), as well as probable residences for important figures of the Marcomanni and Quadi (Oberleisenberg, Cífer- Pác). The second, smaller type consists of so-called "buildings II" that were part of the abovementioned Germanic residence developments, buildings with composite roman-barbarian construction..

    Gerulata: Lampy. Římské lampy v provinciálním kontextu

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    Co všechno by měl katalog s archeologickým materiálem obsahovat? Katalog obsahuje rozsáhlý soupis 210 antických lamp z římského tábora Gerulata a přilehlého civilního osídlení. Tyto nástroje na osvětlení byly získány archeologickými výzkumy od roku 1961 až po dnešek v prostorech domů, pohřebišť, vojenských stavění a opevnění jedné římské tvrze na dunajském limitu, a mají časové rozpětí od 80 do 350 let po Kristu. Poprvé jsou nyní publikovány v jedném celku, barevně a s detailní analýzou typů, výrobních značek a ikonografie. Po kritickém úvodu podává první kapitola přehled dějin římské Pannonie a osvětluje naše archeologické poznatky o Gerulatě. Tři po sebe jdoucí katalogy - lamp samotnych, jejich značek a výzdoby - důkladně představují materiál. Po pojednání o úloze lamp jakožto součásti pohřební výbavy následují čtyři cílené studie zaměreny na statistickou analýzu typů lamp, způsob organizace jejich výroby, známky osobního vlastnictví a na společenský význam užívaní osvětlení z lamp v římsko-provinciálním prostředí. Společně tak výtvářejí obraz jedné komunity na samém okraji římské říše, jak je podán její užitím forem umělého osvětlení v životě i smrti. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)What should a catalogue of archaeological material contain? This book is a comprehensive index of 210 lamps from the Roman fort at Gerulata and its adjoining civilian settlement. The lighting devices were excavated during the last 50 years from the houses, cemeteries, barracks and fortifications of this Roman outpost on the Danube Limes and span almost three centuries from AD 80 to AD 350. For the first time, they are published in full and in color with detailed analysis of lamp types, workshop marks and discus scenes. The first chapter describes the history of Roman Pannonia and the archaeological record of Gerulata. Three successive catalogues - of the lamps, of the stamps, and of the iconography - illustrate the material thoroughly. An inquiry into the lamps' function as grave goods is presented, followed by four studies focused on the statistical analysis of types, the organization of the lamp industry, signs of personal ownership, and the cultural significance of lamplight in a provincial milieu, respectively. Together, they paint a picture of a community on the edge of the Empire and its use of artificial light in both life and death. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Institute for Classical ArcheologyÚstav pro klasickou archeologiiFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Lampy z římských pohřebišť I a II v Gerulatě

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    Táto práca pozostáva z katalógu rímskych lámp z pohrebísk Gerulaty (dnešných Rusoviec). Tvorí ju 16 obrazových lámp, 89 firemných, a jeden špeciálny tvar. Lampy sa vyskytovali hlavne na dvoch veľkých žiarových a kostrových pohrebiskách, od posledných dekád 1. storočia po Kr. až po začiatok 3. storočia. Zastúpené sú lampy s hranatými volutovými horákmi (Loeschcke typ I) a jeden fragment okrúhlej lampy so zaobleným horákom (Loeschcke typ VIII). Z firemných lámp sú zastúpené lampy oboch typov Loeschcke IX a X, pričom typ X a jeho variácie bol najčastejší (67 lámp). Rozbor ikonografie dokladá mytologické aj profánne námety. Z reliéfnych kolkov sa vyskytuje 20 rôznych značiek, dve bez paralel; najčastejšou je Fortis. Opisuje sa výroba, distribúcia a kopírovanie firemných lámp; výsledné snahy určovať pôvod lámp sú vyhodnotené ako nespoľahlivé bez chemickej analýzy. Je hodnotený pomer lámp k ostatnej hrobovej výbave a ich funkcia hrobovom inventári; v 2. storočí boli v Gerulate lampy dostupným luxusom vhodným pre romanizovanú spoločnosť. Väčšina lámp má ošúchané dná, niektoré aj obhoretý otvor na knôt; väčšina je prepálená z kremačnej hranice. Dokladom osobného vlastníctva lámp sú rôzne ryhy do nich vyryté, jeden inkúzny nápis, a jedinečná reliéfna dekorácia.This catalogue documents Roman lamps from the cemeteries of Gerulata (modern-day Rusovce). It consists of 16 Bildlapmen, 89 Firmalampen, and one special shape. These lamps were found mainly in two large cemeteries, in both cremation and inhumation graves, dated from the last decades of the 1 st century AD to the dawn of the 3rd century. Of the Bildlampen, several lamps with angular voluted nozzles (Loeschcke type I) and one fragment of a circular lamp with a rounded nozzle (Loeschcke type VIII) are represented. Of the Firmalampen, both Loeschcke types IX and X are found, type X and its variations being the most numerous (67 lamps). The iconography of relief decorations shows a range of mythological and profane images. Twenty different makers' stamps in relief are found, two without parallels, with Fortis as most common. The production, transport and copying of Firmalampen is described; resulting endeavors to locate their point of origin are determined to be often unreliable without chemical analysis. Both the relationship of lamps to other grave goods as well as their purpose in graves are assessed; lamps are found to have been an available luxury, as appropriate in a Romanized society. Most lamps had worn bases, and some had blackened wickholes; most are burned by their inclusion in the funeral pyre. The...Institute for Classical ArcheologyÚstav pro klasickou archeologiiFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Roman Lamps From Cemeteries in Gerulata (Rusoviec)

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    This catalogue documents Roman lamps from the cemeteries of Gerulata (modern-day Rusovce). It consists of 16 Bildlapmen, 89 Firmalampen, and one special shape. These lamps were found mainly in two large cemeteries, in both cremation and inhumation graves, dated from the last decades of the 1 st century AD to the dawn of the 3rd century. Of the Bildlampen, several lamps with angular voluted nozzles (Loeschcke type I) and one fragment of a circular lamp with a rounded nozzle (Loeschcke type VIII) are represented. Of the Firmalampen, both Loeschcke types IX and X are found, type X and its variations being the most numerous (67 lamps). The iconography of relief decorations shows a range of mythological and profane images. Twenty different makers' stamps in relief are found, two without parallels, with Fortis as most common. The production, transport and copying of Firmalampen is described; resulting endeavors to locate their point of origin are determined to be often unreliable without chemical analysis. Both the relationship of lamps to other grave goods as well as their purpose in graves are assessed; lamps are found to have been an available luxury, as appropriate in a Romanized society. Most lamps had worn bases, and some had blackened wickholes; most are burned by their inclusion in the funeral pyre. The..