1,072 research outputs found

    Modular anomaly equation, heat kernel and S-duality in N=2 theories

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    We investigate epsilon-deformed N=2 superconformal gauge theories in four dimensions, focusing on the N=2* and Nf=4 SU(2) cases. We show how the modular anomaly equation obeyed by the deformed prepotential can be efficiently used to derive its non-perturbative expression starting from the perturbative one. We also show that the modular anomaly equation implies that S-duality is implemented by means of an exact Fourier transform even for arbitrary values of the deformation parameters, and then we argue that it is possible, perturbatively in the deformation, to choose appropriate variables such that it reduces to a Legendre transform.Comment: 30 pages, LeTeX2e. V2: references added, appendix B expanded, a few typos correcte

    Comparison of electromagnetic wave sensors with optical and low-frequency spectroscopy methods for real-time monitoring of lead concentrations in mine water

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    The feasibility of using novel electromagnetic wave sensors for real-time monitoring of metal pollution in water was assessed. Five solutions with different concentrations of lead (0, 1, 10, 50, 100 mg/L) were measured using several sensing methods: UV-Vis spectroscopy, low frequency capacitance and resistance measurements, and two sensing systems based on microwave technology. With this last approach, two sensing devices were used: a resonant cavity and a planar sensor with gold interdigitated electrode design printed on a PTFE substrate with a protective PCB lacquer coating. Results confirmed the ability of these systems to quantify the lead concentration as changes in spectrum signal at specific frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. Spectra were unique, with clearly observed shifts in the resonant frequencies of the sensors when placed in direct contact with different lead solutions, demonstrating the possibility of continuous monitoring with great sensitivity, selectivity, and high spatial and temporal resolution. Consequently, determination of trace and toxic metals using microwave spectroscopy is a promising alternative to traditional grab-sampling and laboratory based analyses. On-line and continuous monitoring of real-time metal concentrations offers the potential for a more effective emergency response and the platform for better scientific understanding and remediation of contaminated mine drainage

    Microscopic string analysis of the D0-D8 brane system and dual R-R states

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    Using the boundary state formalism, we perform a microscopic string analysis of the interaction between two D-branes and provide a local interpretation for the R-R force in the D0-D8 brane system. To do so, we construct BRST invariant vertex operators for the massless R-R states in the asymmetric picture that are proportional to potentials rather than field strengths. The Hilbert space of such R-R states contains combinations of two vectors that decouple from all physical amplitudes, even in the presence of boundaries. Identifying these vectors, we remove the null states and recover duality relations among R-R potentials. If we specify to the D0-D8 brane system, this mechanism implies that the R-R 1-form state has a non-zero overlap with both the D0-brane and the D8-brane, thus explaining from a local point of view the non-vanishing R-R contribution in the interaction for the D0-D8 brane system and those related to it by duality.Comment: 31 pages, final version to be published in Nucl. Phys.

    Can Narrative Skills Improve in Autism Spectrum Disorder? A Preliminary Study with Verbally Fluent Adolescents Receiving the Cognitive Pragmatic Treatment

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition affecting social and communicative skills, including narrative ability, namely the description of real-life or fictive accounts of temporally and causally related events. With this study, we aimed to determine whether a communicative-pragmatic training, i.e., the version for adolescents of the Cognitive-Pragmatic Treatment, is effective in improving the narrative skills of 16 verbally fluent adolescents with ASD. We used a multilevel approach to assess pre- and post-training narrative production skills. Discourse analysis focused on micro- (i.e., mean length of utterance, complete sentences, omissions of morphosyntactic information) and macrolinguistic measures (i.e., cohesion, coherence errors, lexical informativeness). Results revealed a significant improvement in mean length of utterance and complete sentences and a decrease in cohesion errors. No significant change was found in the other narrative measures investigated. Our findings suggest that a pragmatically oriented training may be useful in improving grammatical efficiency in narrative production

    Classical gauge instantons from open strings

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    We study the D3/D(-1) brane system and show how to compute instanton corrections to correlation functions of gauge theories in four dimensions using open string techniques. In particular we show that the disks with mixed boundary conditions that are typical of the D3/D(-1) system are the sources for the classical instanton solution. This can then be recovered from simple calculations of open string scattering amplitudes in the presence of D-instantons. Exploiting this fact we also relate this stringy description to the standard instanton calculus of field theory

    Fractional D-branes and their gauge duals

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    We study the classical geometry associated to fractional D3-branes of type IIB string theory on R^4/Z_2 which provide the gravitational dual for N=2 super Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. As one can expect from the lack of conformal invariance on the gauge theory side, the gravitational background displays a repulson-like singularity. It turns out however, that such singularity can be excised by an enhancon mechanism. The complete knowledge of the classical supergravity solution allows us to identify the coupling constant of the dual gauge theory in terms of the string parameters and to find a logarithmic running that is governed precisely by the beta-function of the N=2 super Yang-Mills theory.Comment: Latex file, 15 pages; final version published in JHE

    Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring with Chemical Sensors

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    Water quality is one of the most critical indicators of environmental pollution and it affects all of us. Water contamination can be accidental or intentional and the consequences are drastic unless the appropriate measures are adopted on the spot. This review provides a critical assessment of the applicability of various technologies for real-time water quality monitoring, focusing on those that have been reportedly tested in real-life scenarios. Specifically, the performance of sensors based on molecularly imprinted polymers is evaluated in detail, also giving insights into their principle of operation, stability in real on-site applications and mass production options. Such characteristics as sensing range and limit of detection are given for the most promising systems, that were verified outside of laboratory conditions. Then, novel trends of using microwave spectroscopy and chemical materials integration for achieving a higher sensitivity to and selectivity of pollutants in water are described