289 research outputs found

    Design and development of topical liposomal formulations in a regulatory perspective

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    The skin is the absorption site for drug substances intended to treat loco-regional diseases, although its barrier properties limit the permeation of drug molecules. The growing knowledge of the skin structure and its physiology have supported the design of innovative nanosystems (e.g. liposomal systems) to improve the absorption of poorly skin-permeable drugs. However, despite the dozens of clinical trials started, few topically applied liposomal systems have been authorized both in the EU and the USA. Indeed, the intrinsic complexity of the topically applied liposomal systems, the higher production costs, the lack of standardized methods and the more stringent guidelines for assessing their benefit/risk balance can be seen as causes of such inefficient translation. The present work aimed to provide an overview of the physicochemical and biopharmaceutical characterization methods that can be applied to topical liposomal systems intended to be marketed as medicinal products, and the current regulatory provisions. The discussion highlights how such methodologies can be relevant for defining the critical quality attributes of the final product, and they can be usefully applied based on the phase of the life cycle of a liposomal product: to guide the formulation studies in the early stages of development, to rationally design preclinical and clinical trials, to support the pharmaceutical quality control system and to sustain post-marketing variations. The provided information can help define harmonized quality standards able to overcome the case-by-case approach currently applied by regulatory agencies in assessing the benefit/risk of the topically applied liposomal systems. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Reciprocal regulation between Smad7 and Sirt1 in the gut

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    In inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) mucosa, there is over-expression of Smad7, an intracellular inhibitor of the suppressive cytokine transforming growth factor-β1, due to post-transcriptional mechanisms that enhance Smad7 acetylation status thus preventing ubiquitination-mediated proteosomal degradation of the protein. IBD-related inflammation is also marked by defective expression of Sirt1, a class III NAD+-dependent deacetylase, which promotes ubiquitination-mediated proteosomal degradation of various intracellular proteins and triggers anti-inflammatory signals. The aim of our study was to determine whether, in IBD, there is a reciprocal regulation between Smad7 and Sirt1. Smad7 and Sirt1 were examined in mucosal samples of IBD patients and normal controls by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry, and Sirt1 activity was assessed by a fluorimetric assay. To determine whether Smad7 is regulated by Sirt1, normal or IBD lamina propria mononuclear cells (LPMC) were cultured with either Sirt1 inhibitor (Ex527) or activator (Cay10591), respectively. To determine whether Smad7 controls Sirt1 expression, ex vivo organ cultures of IBD mucosal explants were treated with Smad7 sense or antisense oligonucleotide. Moreover, Sirt1 expression was evaluated in LPMC isolated from Smad7-transgenic mice given dextran sulfate sodium (DSS). Upregulation of Smad7 was seen in both the epithelial and lamina propria compartments of IBD patients and this associated with reduced expression and activity of Sirt1. Activation of Sirt1 in IBD LPMC with Cay10591 reduced acetylation and enhanced ubiquitination-driven proteasomal-mediated degradation of Smad7, while inhibition of Sirt1 activation in normal LPMC with Ex527 increased Smad7 expression. Knockdown of Smad7 in IBD mucosal explants enhanced Sirt1 expression, thus suggesting a negative effect of Smad7 on Sirt1 induction. Consistently, mucosal T cells of Smad7-transgenic mice contained reduced levels of Sirt1, a defect that was amplified by induction of DSS colitis. The data suggest the existence of a reciprocal regulatory mechanism between Smad7 and Sirt1, which could contribute to amplify inflammatory signals in the gut

    Innovation in Phytotherapy : is a New Regulation the Feasible Perspective in Europe?

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    Classical multicomponent preparations mostly derived from traditional usages in Western and Eastern phytotherapy have been under-evaluated for a long time as potential new pharmaceutical products. The regulatory scenario, in particular at the European level, has only recently considered these aspects proposing harmonized guidelines for the pharmaceutical registration of traditional herbal products. Nevertheless, a specific regulation for innovative products based on the combination of precious knowledge arising from traditional usages and modern scientific advancements is still missing. In this paper, we propose a critical review of the current situation with the specific aim of contributing to create a more favorable regulatory environment for the pharmaceutical registration of new and innovative herbal medicinal products

    Effects of diets high in animal or plant protein on oxidative stress in individuals with type 2 diabetes: a randomized clinical trial

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    High-protein diet is a promising strategy for diabetes treatment supporting body weight control, improving glycaemic status, cardiovascular risk factors and reducing liver fat. Here, we investigated effects of diets high in animal (AP) or plant (PP) protein on oxidative stress and antioxidant status in individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). 37 obese individuals (age 64.3 ± 1.0 years) with T2DM were randomized to an isocaloric diet (30 energy(E)% protein, 30E% fat and 40E% carbohydrates) rich in AP or PP for 6 weeks. Markers of oxidative and nitrosative stress and antioxidant status in plasma and nitrate/nitrite levels in urine were assessed. Gene expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) was analyzed by RNA-Seq and real-time PCR.Both AP and PP diets similarly reduced plasma levels of malondialdehyde (P(AP) = 0.003, P(PP) = 1.6x10(-4)) and protein carbonyls (P(AP) = 1.2x10(-4), P(PP) = 3.0x10(-5)) over 6 weeks. Nitrotyrosine (NT) increased upon both AP and PP diets (PAP = 0.005,PPP = 0.004). SAT expression of genes involved in nitric oxide (NO) and oxidative stress metabolism and urine NO metabolite (nitrate/nitrite) levels were not changed upon both diets. Plasma levels of carotenoids increased upon PP diet, whereas retinol, alpha- and gamma-tocopherol slightly decreased upon both diets. AP and PP diets similarly improve oxidative stress but increase nitrosative stress markers in individuals with T2DM. Mechanisms of the NT regulation upon high-protein diets need further investigation

    Tbet Expression in Regulatory T Cells Is Required to Initiate Th1-Mediated Colitis

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    In normal conditions gut homeostasis is maintained by the suppressive activity of regulatory T cells (Tregs), characterized by the expression of the transcription factor FoxP3. In human inflammatory bowel disease, which is believed to be the consequence of the loss of tolerance toward antigens normally contained in the gut lumen, Tregs have been found to be increased and functionally active, thus pointing against their possible role in the pathogenesis of this immune-mediated disease. Though, in inflammatory conditions, Tregs have been shown to upregulate the T helper (Th) type 1-related transcription factor Tbet and to express the pro-inflammatory cytokine IFN\u3b3, thus suggesting that at a certain point of the inflammatory process, Tregs might contribute to inflammation rather than suppress it. Starting from the observation that Tregs isolated from the lamina propria of active but not inactive IBD patients or uninflamed controls express Tbet and IFN\u3b3, we investigated the functional role of Th1-like Tregs in the dextran sulfate model of colitis. As observed in human IBD, Th1-like Tregs were upregulated in the inflamed lamina propria of treated mice and the expression of Tbet and IFN\u3b3 in Tregs preceded the accumulation of conventional Th1 cells. By using a Treg-specific Tbet conditional knockout, we demonstrated that Tbet expression in Tregs is required for the development of colitis. Indeed, Tbet knockout mice developed milder colitis and showed an impaired Th1 immune response. In these mice not only the Tbet deficient Tregs but also the Tbet proficient conventional T cells showed reduced IFN\u3b3 expression. However, Tbet deficiency did not affect the Tregs suppressive capacity in vitro and in vivo in the adoptive transfer model of colitis. In conclusion here we show that Tbet expression by Tregs sustains the early phase of the Th1-mediated inflammatory response in the gut

    Mechanosensing is critical for axon growth in the developing brain.

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    During nervous system development, neurons extend axons along well-defined pathways. The current understanding of axon pathfinding is based mainly on chemical signaling. However, growing neurons interact not only chemically but also mechanically with their environment. Here we identify mechanical signals as important regulators of axon pathfinding. In vitro, substrate stiffness determined growth patterns of Xenopus retinal ganglion cell axons. In vivo atomic force microscopy revealed a noticeable pattern of stiffness gradients in the embryonic brain. Retinal ganglion cell axons grew toward softer tissue, which was reproduced in vitro in the absence of chemical gradients. To test the importance of mechanical signals for axon growth in vivo, we altered brain stiffness, blocked mechanotransduction pharmacologically and knocked down the mechanosensitive ion channel piezo1. All treatments resulted in aberrant axonal growth and pathfinding errors, suggesting that local tissue stiffness, read out by mechanosensitive ion channels, is critically involved in instructing neuronal growth in vivo.This work was supported by the German National Academic Foundation (scholarship to D.E.K.), Wellcome Trust and Cambridge Trusts (scholarships to A.J.T.), Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States (scholarship to S.K.F.), Herchel Smith Foundation (Research Studentship to S.K.F.), CNPq 307333/2013-2 (L.d.F.C.), NAP-PRP-USP and FAPESP 11/50761-2 (L.d.F.C.), UK EPSRC BT grant (J.G.), Wellcome Trust WT085314 and the European Research Council 322817 grants (C.E.H.); an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Feodor Lynen Fellowship (K.F.), UK BBSRC grant BB/M021394/1 (K.F.), the Human Frontier Science Program Young Investigator Grant RGY0074/2013 (K.F.), the UK Medical Research Council Career Development Award G1100312/1 (K.F.) and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Of Child Health & Human Development of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R21HD080585 (K.F.).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via https://doi.org/10.1038/nn.439

    Past, present and future atmospheric nitrogen deposition

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    Reactive nitrogen emissions into the atmosphere are increasing due to human activities, affecting nitrogen deposition to the surface and impacting the productivity of terrestrial and marine ecosystems. An atmospheric chemistry-transport model (TM4-ECPL) is here used to calculate the global distribution of total nitrogen deposition, accounting for the first time for both its inorganic and organic fractions in gaseous and particulate phases, and past and projected changes due to anthropogenic activities. The anthropogenic and biomass burning ACCMIP historical and RCP6.0 and RCP8.5 emissions scenarios are used. Accounting for organic nitrogen (ON) primary emissions, the present-day global nitrogen atmospheric source is about 60% anthropogenic, while total N deposition increases by about 20% relative to simulations without ON primary emissions. About 20-25% of total deposited N is ON. About 10% of the emitted nitrogen oxides are deposited as ON instead of inorganic nitrogen (IN) as is considered in most global models. Almost a 3-fold increase over land (2-fold over the ocean) has been calculated for soluble N deposition due to human activities from 1850 to present. The investigated projections indicate significant changes in the regional distribution of N deposition and chemical composition, with reduced compounds gaining importance relative to oxidized ones, but very small changes in the global total flux. Sensitivity simulations quantify uncertainties due to the investigated model parameterizations of IN partitioning onto aerosols and of N chemically fixed on organics to be within 10% for the total soluble N deposition and between 25-35% for the dissolved ON deposition. Larger uncertainties are associated with N emissions
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