2,173 research outputs found

    Thermal infrared spectroscopy of Europa and Callisto

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    The trailing hemispheres of Europa and Callisto were observed at 9–13 ÎŒm, and a spectrum of Europa with better spectral resolution and a better signal-to-noise ratio than was previously possible has been derived. The ratio spectrum of the two satellites has a signal-to-noise ratio of approximately 30 for a spectral resolving power of approximately 50. The disk-integrated, effective color temperature ratio for the two satellites is consistent with broadband, thermal infrared photometry from previous ground-based studies and from the Galileo photopolarimeter radiometer. The ratio spectrum was combined with the average Voyager 1 spectrum of Callisto to obtain a 9–13 ÎŒm spectrum of Europa with a signal-to-noise ratio that is a factor of 10 better than that in the average Voyager spectrum of Europa. After convolving the measured spectrum to the expected width of water ice emissivity features, ∌1 ÎŒm, no spectral features that could be attributed to water ice on the surface of Europa are apparent at the 0.6–0.7% level. The absence of spectral features attributable to water ice is consistent with the proposal that the equatorial region of Europa that was observed may be composed primarily of a heavily hydrated mineral. The absence of water ice features may also be the result of a large fractional abundance of fine particles, such as that found on the surface of the Moon

    Atmospheric Composition, Chemistry, and Clouds

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    Venus’ atmosphere has a rich chemistry involving interactions among sulfur, chlorine, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen radicals. The chemical regimes in the atmosphere range from ion-neutral reactions in the ionosphere to photochemistry in the middle atmosphere to thermal equilibrium chemistry and surface-atmosphere reactions in the lower atmosphere. This variety makes Venus an important planet to understand within the context of terrestrial-like planets, both in our own solar system and outside it. The primary chemical cycles are believed known but surprisingly few details about these cycles have been fully verified by concurrence among observations, experiments, and modeling. Good models have been developed that account for many properties of the cloud layers, but the size distribution, shape, and composition of the majority of the aerosol mass are still open issues. This chapter reviews the state of knowledge prior to the Venus Express mission for the composition, chemistry, and clouds of the neutral atmosphere on Venus. Observations by instruments on Venus Express, in combination with ground-based observations, laboratory experiments, and numerical modeling, should answer some of the major open questions regarding the composition, chemistry, and clouds of Venus’ atmosphere

    Atmospheric composition, chemistry, and clouds

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    OH column abundance over Table Mountain Facility, California: AM-PM diurnal asymmetry

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    Observations of the OH column abundance have been made by the Fourier Transform Ultraviolet Spectrometer at the JPL Table Mountain Facility (TMF) near Los Angeles since July 1997. In the January 1998–December 2003 data set we used five OH lines to derive the OH column abundance in the atmosphere. This data set was used to quantify the OH morning/afternoon asymmetry (AMPMDA). An analysis of summer and winter data showed that the daily OH maximum occurred 26–36 minutes after solar transit. This phase lag appears to be the primary reason why OH in the afternoon is larger than at corresponding solar zenith angles in the morning throughout the year. A simple heuristic model suggests that the asymmetry is a direct consequence of the finite lifetime of OH. Comparison of the TMF data with earlier results from Fritz Peak Observatory, Colorado, by Burnett et al. reveals significant differences in the behavior of the AMPMDA between the two sites

    OH column abundance over Table Mountain Facility, California: Intra-annual variations and comparisons to model predictions for 1997–2001

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    Measurements of the OH column abundance over the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Table Mountain Facility (TMF) have been made since July 1997 at 10°–80° solar zenith angle using a Fourier transform ultraviolet spectrometer. The measured OH column at any solar zenith angle is typically larger in the afternoon than in the morning. The variations observed in the OH column abundance appear to result from changes in atmospheric conditions on a daily or longer timescale. The larger observed variations are statistically significant. Sensitivity coefficients describing how the OH column abundance is expected to change in response to changes in the concentrations of H_2O, O_3, NO, CO, and CH_4 have been calculated on the basis of an analytic model. On the basis of these sensitivity coefficients and Halogen Occultation Experiment observations of O_3, the net sensitivity of the OH column abundance to variations in O_3 should be close to zero. The observed OH column abundance over TMF increased by about 25% from July 1997 to December 2001. This interannual trend in OH column abundance is not consistent with calculations that incorporate observed trends in H_2O and O_3 and is at least a factor of 2 larger than the calculated difference between solar minimum and maximum. Comparisons between measured and calculated normalized OH column abundances suggest that the sensitivity of OH to variations in H_2O may be a factor of 2 larger than predicted in present models and that there is some other major driver for the observed variability in the OH column abundance that was not included in the present analysis

    Mindfulness based interventions in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review

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    <b>Background</b> Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a stressful condition; depression, anxiety, pain and fatigue are all common problems. Mindfulness based interventions (MBIs) mitigate stress and prevent relapse in depression and are increasingly being used in healthcare. However, there are currently no systematic reviews of MBIs in people with MS. This review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of MBIs in people with MS.<p></p> <b>Methods</b> Systematic searches were carried out in seven major databases, using both subject headings and key words. Papers were screened, data extracted, quality appraised, and analysed by two reviewers independently, using predefined criteria. Study quality was assessed using the Cochrane Collaboration risk of bias tool. Perceived stress was the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes include mental health, physical health, quality of life, and health service utilisation. Statistical meta-analysis was not possible. Disagreements were adjudicated by a third party reviewer.<p></p> <b>Results</b> Three studies (n = 183 participants) were included in the final analysis. The studies were undertaken in Wales (n = 16, randomised controlled trial - (RCT)), Switzerland (n = 150, RCT), and the United States (n = 17, controlled trial). 146 (80%) participants were female; mean age (SD) was 48.6 (9.4) years. Relapsing remitting MS was the main diagnostic category (n = 123, 67%); 43 (26%) had secondary progressive disease; and the remainder were unspecified. MBIs lasted 6–8 weeks; attrition rates were variable (5-43%); all employed pre- post- measures; two had longer follow up; one at 3, and one at 6 months. Socio-economic status of participants was not made explicit; health service utilisation and costs were not reported. No study reported on perceived stress. All studies reported quality of life (QOL), mental health (anxiety and depression), physical (fatigue, standing balance, pain), and psychosocial measures. Statistically significant beneficial effects relating to QOL, mental health, and selected physical health measures were sustained at 3- and 6- month follow up.<p></p> <b>Conclusion</b> From the limited data available, MBIs may benefit some MS patients in terms of QOL, mental health, and some physical health measures. Further studies are needed to clarify how MBIs might best serve the MS population.<p></p&gt

    Midlatitude atmospheric OH response to the most recent 11-y solar cycle

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    The hydroxyl radical (OH) plays an important role in middle atmospheric photochemistry, particularly in ozone (O_3) chemistry. Because it is mainly produced through photolysis and has a short chemical lifetime, OH is expected to show rapid responses to solar forcing [e.g., the 11-y solar cycle (SC)], resulting in variabilities in related middle atmospheric O_3 chemistry. Here, we present an effort to investigate such OH variability using long-term observations (from space and the surface) and model simulations. Ground-based measurements and data from the Microwave Limb Sounder on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Aura satellite suggest an ∌7–10% decrease in OH column abundance from solar maximum to solar minimum that is highly correlated with changes in total solar irradiance, solar Mg-II index, and Lyman-α index during SC 23. However, model simulations using a commonly accepted solar UV variability parameterization give much smaller OH variability (∌3%). Although this discrepancy could result partially from the limitations in our current understanding of middle atmospheric chemistry, recently published solar spectral irradiance data from the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment suggest a solar UV variability that is much larger than previously believed. With a solar forcing derived from the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment data, modeled OH variability (∌6–7%) agrees much better with observations. Model simulations reveal the detailed chemical mechanisms, suggesting that such OH variability and the corresponding catalytic chemistry may dominate the O_3 SC signal in the upper stratosphere. Continuing measurements through SC 24 are required to understand this OH variability and its impacts on O_3 further

    Development of FTK architecture: a fast hardware track trigger for the ATLAS detector

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    The Fast Tracker (FTK) is a proposed upgrade to the ATLAS trigger system that will operate at full Level-1 output rates and provide high quality tracks reconstructed over the entire detector by the start of processing in Level-2. FTK solves the combinatorial challenge inherent to tracking by exploiting the massive parallelism of Associative Memories (AM) that can compare inner detector hits to millions of pre-calculated patterns simultaneously. The tracking problem within matched patterns is further simplified by using pre-computed linearized fitting constants and leveraging fast DSP's in modern commercial FPGA's. Overall, FTK is able to compute the helix parameters for all tracks in an event and apply quality cuts in approximately one millisecond. By employing a pipelined architecture, FTK is able to continuously operate at Level-1 rates without deadtime. The system design is defined and studied using ATLAS full simulation. Reconstruction quality is evaluated for single muon events with zero pileup, as well as WH events at the LHC design luminosity. FTK results are compared with the tracking capability of an offline algorithm.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of DPF-2009, Detroit, MI, July 2009, eConf C09072

    The Evolution of FTK, a Real-Time Tracker for Hadron Collider Experiments

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    We describe the architecture evolution of the highly-parallel dedicated processor FTK, which is driven by the simulation of LHC events at high luminosity (1034 cm-2 s-1). FTK is able to provide precise on-line track reconstruction for future hadronic collider experiments. The processor, organized in a two-tiered pipelined architecture, execute very fast algorithms based on the use of a large bank of pre-stored patterns of trajectory points (first tier) in combination with full resolution track fitting to refine pattern recognition and to determine off-line quality track parameters. We describe here how the high luminosity simulation results have produced a new organization of the hardware inside the FTK processor core.Comment: 11th ICATPP conferenc

    Search for the Higgs boson in events with missing transverse energy and b quark jets produced in proton-antiproton collisions at s**(1/2)=1.96 TeV

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    We search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with an electroweak vector boson in events with no identified charged leptons, large imbalance in transverse momentum, and two jets where at least one contains a secondary vertex consistent with the decay of b hadrons. We use ~1 fb-1 integrated luminosity of proton-antiproton collisions at s**(1/2)=1.96 TeV recorded by the CDF II experiment at the Tevatron. We find 268 (16) single (double) b-tagged candidate events, where 248 +/- 43 (14.4 +/- 2.7) are expected from standard model background processes. We place 95% confidence level upper limits on the Higgs boson production cross section for several Higgs boson masses ranging from 110 GeV/c2 to 140 GeV/c2. For a mass of 115 GeV/c2 the observed (expected) limit is 20.4 (14.2) times the standard model prediction.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let
