18,051 research outputs found

    Study of lunar earthshine by photoelectric photometry Final report, 1 Nov. 1965 - 30 Sep. 1967

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    Design feasibility and performance of semiportable field instrument for monitoring changes in earth albedo via earthshine measurement

    Conceptual model of salt marsh management on Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, Florida: final report

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    Diking and holding water on salt marshes ("impounding" the marsh) is a management technique used on Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge (MINWR) and elsewhere in the Southeast to: a) prevent the reproduction of saltmarsh mosquitos, and b) attract wintertering waterfowl and other marsh, shore, and wading birds. Because of concern that diking and holding water may interfere with the production of estuarine fish and shellfish, impoundment managers are being asked to consider altering management protocol to reduce or eliminate any such negative influence. How to change protocol and preserve effective mosquito control and wildlife management is a decision of great complexity because: a) the relationships between estuarine organisms and the fringing salt marshes at the land-water interface are complex, and b) impounded marshes are currently good habitat for a variety of species of fish and wildlife. Most data collection by scientists and managers in the area has not been focused on this particular problem. Furthermore, collection of needed data may not be possible before changes in protocol are demanded. Therefore, the purpose of this document is two-fold: 1) to suggest management alternatives, given existing information, and 2) to help identify research needs that have a high probability of leading to improved simultaneous management of mosquitos, waterfowl, other wildlife, freshwater fish, and estuarine fish and shellfish on the marshland of the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. (92 page document

    Categorized bibliography for a conceptual model of salt marsh management on Merritt Island, Florida

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    Enclosed is a bibliography of 556 published articles, technical reports, theses, dissertations, and books that form the basis for a conceptual model of salt marsh management on Merritt Island, Florida (Section 1). A copy of each item is available on file at the Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Gainesville. Some relevant proprietary items and unpublished drafts have not been included pending permission of the authors. We will continue to add pertinent references to our bibliography and files. Currently, some topics are represented by very few items. As our synthesis develops, we will be able to indicate a subset of papers most pertinent to an understanding of the ecology and management of Merritt Island salt marshes. (98 page document

    FOCIS: A forest classification and inventory system using LANDSAT and digital terrain data

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    Accurate, cost-effective stratification of forest vegetation and timber inventory is the primary goal of a Forest Classification and Inventory System (FOCIS). Conventional timber stratification using photointerpretation can be time-consuming, costly, and inconsistent from analyst to analyst. FOCIS was designed to overcome these problems by using machine processing techniques to extract and process tonal, textural, and terrain information from registered LANDSAT multispectral and digital terrain data. Comparison of samples from timber strata identified by conventional procedures showed that both have about the same potential to reduce the variance of timber volume estimates over simple random sampling

    Self-stimulated Emission of Undulator Radiation

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    We attract attention that interaction of particle in downstream undulator with its own wavelet emitted in upstream undulator could be as strong as with the frictional field in undulator itself. This phenomenon could be used for enhancement of signal from pickup undulators in optical stochastic cooling methods as well as for increase of damping.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Two-region model for positive and negative plasma sheaths and its application to Hall thruster metallic anodes.

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    An asymptotic presheath/sheath model for positive and negative sheaths in front of a conducting electrode, with a continuous parametric transition at the no-sheath case, is presented. Key aspects of the model are as follows: full hydrodynamics of both species in the presheath; a kinetic formulation with a truncated distribution function for the repelled species within the sheath; and the fulfillment of the marginal Bohm condition at the sheath edge, in order to match the two formulations of the repelled species. The sheath regime depends on the ratios of particle fluxes and sound speeds between the two species. The presheath model includes the effect of a magnetic field parallel to the wall on electrons. An asymptotic, parametric study of the anode presheath is carried out in terms of the local ion-to-electron flux ratio and Hall parameter. The drift-diffusive model of magnetized electrons fails in a parametric region that includes parts of the negative sheath regime. In the case of the Hall parameter vanishing near the electrode and a weakly collisional plasma, a quasisonic, quasineutral plateau forms next to the sheath edge

    Labor Songs: The Provocative Product of Psalmists, Prophets, and Poets

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    Classical Fault Analysis of MOS VLSI Circuits

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    Due to the large cost involved in generating effective input vectors to test MOS circuits, finding ways to reduce this test vector generation cost is of considerable interest. In this paper, empirical results show the fault coverage obtained form MOS transistor-level fault simulation using randomly generated test inputs can be approximated by the fault coverage obtained using the test vectors generated from classical stuck-at-zero and stuck-at-one fault simulation on logic-gate-level circuits. Applying this results, an approach is presented to reduce the cost of test vector generation for MOS circuits

    The medicalisation of disabled children and young people in child sexual abuse: impacts on prevention, identification, response and recovery in the United Kingdom

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    Understandings of disability are situated within social, political and economic circumstances. Internationally, medical conceptualisations of disability prevail, influencing policy and practice, creating a discourse which encourages categorisation, diagnosis and prescribed ways of understanding behaviour. This body of knowledge has a profound influence, providing powerful explanatory models of disability. Such discourse excludes other ways of knowing, with little attention paid to competences and the construction of worlds especially from the perspectives of disabled children themselves. This article draws upon a small number of UK qualitative studies which have examined disabled child abuse and included the experiences of disabled children. These studies have highlighted how medicalised notions of disability have led to both medicalised and psychiatrised responses to abuse, which have ill-served disabled children. It could be argued that medicalisation has led to disabled children being labelled as either ‘too disabled’ to be abused or ‘not disabled enough’ to receive an appropriate response which meets their needs; they are also sometimes regarded as showing signs of mental ill health when such signs are more likely to be an understandable manifestation of the trauma of abuse. Evidence collected indicate that much can be learnt from understanding the construction of disabled childhoods and how our current limited exploration of this affects how society prevents, identifies and responds to disabled child abuse and associated trauma. Drawing upon disabled children’s recommendations to ‘see me, hear me and understand me’, this article will argue that in order to protect disabled children and support them to recover from abuse, we need to move away from a tick-box culture of medicalising, categorising, psychiatrising and ‘othering’ to a greater understanding of disabled children’s worlds, and to a rights-based model of disabled child protection whereby we challenge the increased barriers to support faced by disabled children who have experienced abuse
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