302 research outputs found

    Structured States of Disordered Proteins from Genomic Sequences

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    Protein flexibility ranges from simple hinge movements to functional disorder. Around half of all human proteins contain apparently disordered regions with little 3D or functional information, and many of these proteins are associated with disease. Building on the evolutionary couplings approach previously successful in predicting 3D states of ordered proteins and RNA, we developed a method to predict the potential for ordered states for all apparently disordered proteins with sufficiently rich evolutionary information. The approach is highly accurate (79%) for residue interactions as tested in more than 60 known disordered regions captured in a bound or specific condition. Assessing the potential for structure of more than 1,000 apparently disordered regions of human proteins reveals a continuum of structural order with at least 50% with clear propensity for three-or two-dimensional states. Co-evolutionary constraints reveal hitherto unseen structures of functional importance in apparently disordered proteins. Keywords: Evolutionary couplings disorder; conformational flexibility; statistical physics; maximum entropy; EVfold; bioinformatics; computational biology; structure predictionNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01GM081871

    X-ray phase contrast imaging of biological specimens with tabletop synchrotron radiation

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    Since their discovery in 1896, x-rays have had a profound impact on science, medicine and technology. Here we show that the x-rays from a novel tabletop source of bright coherent synchrotron radiation can be applied to phase contrast imaging of biological specimens, yielding superior image quality and avoiding the need for scarce or expensive conventional sources

    Testiranje spojnog smicanja dubokih okluzalnih kompozitnih restauracija postavljenih preko podloge od Dycal, Dycal LC, konvencionalnog ili smolom modifikovanog glas-jonomer cementa

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    Background/Aim. The longevity of a dental restoration may be predicted to some degree by its adhesive ability, and this, in turn, can be measured by bond strength testing between restorative materials and tooth structure. The aim of this study was to test an innovative joggle lap shearing jig that integrates the tooth and the entire biomechanical unit into testing, to compare the shear bond strengths of Class I occlusal composite restorations in deep cavity preparations lined with Dycal, Dycal LC, conventional glass ionomer or resin-modified glass ionomer. The mode of failure (adhesive, cohesive, mixed) after debonding was determined by stereomicroscopy. Methods. A total of 150 standardized occlusal cavities were prepared and divided into five groups. The group I cavities (n = 30) were coated with adhesive (ExciTE®F) and filled directly with composite (TetricEvoCeram). The group II and III cavities were lined with Dycal (n = 30) or Dycal LC (n = 30) before placing composite. The groups IV and V specimens were based with Fuji IX (n = 30) or Fuji II LC (n = 30). Shear bond strengths were determined with a universal testing machine and fractured bonding sites were analyzed under stereomicroscope. The mean bond strengths were analyzed using one-way ANOVA test (p lt 0.05) and the means between the groups were analyzed with Student's t-test. Results. The shear bond strength (MPa) of composite restorations in cavities without base (23.91 ± 4.54) was higher than cavities lined with Fuji II LC (17.45 ± 2.74), Fuji IX (8.76 ± 2.57), Dycal LC (13.07 ± 1.84) or Dycal (6.12 ± 1.28). The results using the jogged lap shearing jig were consistent with the literature. Conclusion. The shear bond strength of occlusal composite restorations in deep cavities without liners was greater than cavities lined with Fuji II LC > Fuji IX > Dycal LC > Dycal.Uvod/Cilj. Trajnost zubnih nadoknada može se donekle predvideti vstom adhezivne sposobnosti materijala i može se meriti testiranjem snage adhezije restorativnih materijala i zubnih struktura. Cilj ove studije bio je da se da se testira preklapanje spoja koji povezuje zub i biomehaničku jedinicu i da se uporedi jačina veze okluzalnih kompozitnih ispuna postavljenih u duboke kavitete preko podloge od Dycal, Dycal LC, konvencionalnog ili smolom-modifikovanog glas-jonomer cementa. Metode. Ukupno 150 standardizovanih okluzalnih kaviteta bilo je podeljeno u pet grupa (n = 30): I - kaviteti premazani adhezivom (ExciTE®F) i direktno ispunjeni kompozitom (TetricEvoCeram); II i III - kaviteti sa podlogom od Dycal ili Dycal LC pre postavljanja kompozitnog materijala; IV i V - uzorci sa bazom od Fuji IX ili Fuji II LC (n = 30). Jačina vezivne snage određena je pomoću univerzalne mašine, a način neuspeha (adhezivna, kohezivna, mešovita fraktura) određen je stereomikroskopom. Srednje vrednosti su analizirane pomoću ANOVA testa (p lt 0,05), a značajnost razlika između grupa analizirana je Student-ovim t-testom. Rezultati. Jačina vezivne snage (MPa) kompozitnih ispuna u kavitetima bez podloge (23,91 ± 4,54) bila je veća u poređenju sa ispunima postavljenim preko Fuji II LC (17,45 ± 2,74), Fuji IX (8,76 ± 2,57), Dycal LC (13,07 ± 1,84) ili Dycal (6.12 ± 1.28). Zaključak. Smicanje ili pomaknuće okluzalnih kompozitnih ispuna u dubokim kavitetima bez lajnera je veće nego u kavitetima postavljenim preko Fuji II LC > Fuji IX > Dycal LC > Dycal

    Defluorination of Sodium Fluoroacetate by Bacteria from Soil and Plants in Brazil

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    The aim of this work was to isolate and identify bacteria able to degrade sodium fluoroacetate from soil and plant samples collected in areas where the fluoroacetate-containing plants Mascagnia rigida and Palicourea aenofusca are found. The samples were cultivated in mineral medium added with 20 mmol L−1 sodium fluoroacetate. Seven isolates were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing as Paenibacillus sp. (ECPB01), Burkholderia sp. (ECPB02), Cupriavidus sp. (ECPB03), Staphylococcus sp. (ECPB04), Ancylobacter sp. (ECPB05), Ralstonia sp. (ECPB06), and Stenotrophomonas sp. (ECPB07). All seven isolates degraded sodium-fluoroacetate-containing in the medium, reaching defluorination rate of fluoride ion of 20 mmol L−1. Six of them are reported for the first time as able to degrade sodium fluoroacetate (SF). In the future, some of these microorganisms can be used to establish in the rumen an engineered bacterial population able to degrade sodium fluoroacetate and protect ruminants from the poisoning by this compound

    Uganda Genome Resource Enables Insights into Population History and Genomic Discovery in Africa.

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    Genomic studies in African populations provide unique opportunities to understand disease etiology, human diversity, and population history. In the largest study of its kind, comprising genome-wide data from 6,400 individuals and whole-genome sequences from 1,978 individuals from rural Uganda, we find evidence of geographically correlated fine-scale population substructure. Historically, the ancestry of modern Ugandans was best represented by a mixture of ancient East African pastoralists. We demonstrate the value of the largest sequence panel from Africa to date as an imputation resource. Examining 34 cardiometabolic traits, we show systematic differences in trait heritability between European and African populations, probably reflecting the differential impact of genes and environment. In a multi-trait pan-African GWAS of up to 14,126 individuals, we identify novel loci associated with anthropometric, hematological, lipid, and glycemic traits. We find that several functionally important signals are driven by Africa-specific variants, highlighting the value of studying diverse populations across the region.Main funding: This work was funded by the Wellcome Trust, The Wellcome Sanger Institute (WT098051), the U.K. Medical Research Council (G0901213-92157, G0801566, and MR/K013491/1), and the Medical Research Council/Uganda Virus Research Institute Uganda Research Unit on AIDS core funding

    Owning the problem: Media portrayals of overweight dogs and the shared determinants of the health of human and companion animal populations

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    Weight-related health problems have become a common topic in Western mass media. News-coverage has also extended to overweight pets, particularly since 2003 when the U.S. National Academy of Sciences announced that obesity was also afflicting co-habiting companion animals in record numbers. To characterize and track views in popular circulation on causes, consequences and responsibilities vis-à-vis weight gain and obesity, in pets as well as in people, this study examines portrayals of overweight dogs that appeared from 2000 through 2009 in British, American and Australian mass media. The ethnographic content analysis drew inspiration from the literature in population health, animal-human relationships, communication framing and the active nature of texts in cosmopolitan societies. Three main types of media articles about overweight dogs appeared during this period: 1) reports emphasizing facts and figures; 2) stories emphasizing personal prescriptions for dog owners, and 3) societal critiques. To help ordinary people make sense of canine obesity, media articles often highlight that dogs share the lifestyle of their human companion or owner, yet the implications of shared social and physical environments is rarely considered when it comes to solutions. Instead, media coverage exhorts people who share their lives with overweight dogs to ‘own the problem’ and, with resolve, to normalize their dog’s physical condition by imposing dietary, exercise and relationship changes, thereby individualizing culpability rather than linking it to broader systemic issues. Keywords: Companion animals; Media; Narrative analysis; Obesity; Public understandin