3,057 research outputs found

    Money / music by Wm. F. Braun; words by Walter Stephens

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    Cover: drawing of an African American male with outfolded pockets saying Wish I Had a Dime; Publisher: Frank K. Root and Co. (New York)https://egrove.olemiss.edu/sharris_b/1078/thumbnail.jp

    Dynamical transitions and sliding friction in the two-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova model

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    The nonlinear response of an adsorbed layer on a periodic substrate to an external force is studied via a two dimensional uniaxial Frenkel-Kontorova model. The nonequlibrium properties of the model are simulated by Brownian molecular dynamics. Dynamical phase transitions between pinned solid, sliding commensurate and incommensurate solids and hysteresis effects are found that are qualitatively similar to the results for a Lennard-Jones model, thus demonstrating the universal nature of these features.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Radio Continuum-Star Formation Rate Relation in WSRT SINGS Galaxies

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    This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for published in The Astronomical Journal. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-6256/147/5/103.We present a study of the spatially resolved radio continuum–star formation rate (RC–SFR) relation using stateof-the-art star formation tracers in a sample of 17 THINGS galaxies. We use SFR surface density (ΣSFR) maps created by a linear combination of GALEX far-UV (FUV) and Spitzer 24μm maps. We use RC maps at λλ22 and 18 cm from the WSRT SINGS survey and Hα emission maps to correct for thermal RC emission. We compare azimuthally averaged radial profiles of the RC and FUV/mid-IR (MIR) based ΣSFR maps and study pixel-by-pixel correlations at fixed linear scales of 1.2 and 0.7 kpc. The ratio of the integrated SFRs from the RC emission to that of the FUV/MIR-based SF tracers is Rint = 0.78 ± 0.38, consistent with the relation by Condon. We find a tight correlation between the radial profiles of the radio and FUV/MIR-based ΣSFR for the entire extent of the disk. The ratio R of the azimuthally averaged radio to FUV/MIR-based ΣSFR agrees with the integrated ratio and has only quasi-random fluctuations with galactocentric radius that are relatively small (25%). Pixel-by-pixel plots show a tight correlation in log-log diagrams of radio to FUV/MIR-based ΣSFR, with a typical standard deviation of a factor of two. Averaged over our sample we find (ΣSFR)RC ∝ (ΣSFR) 0.63±0.25 hyb , implying that data points with high ΣSFR are relatively radio dim, whereas the reverse is true for low ΣSFR. We interpret this as a result of spectral aging of cosmic-ray electrons (CREs), which are diffusing away from the star formation sites where they are injected into the interstellar medium. This is supported by our finding that the radio spectral index is a second parameter in pixel-by-pixel plots: those data points dominated by young CREs are relatively radio dim, while those dominated by old CREs are slightly more RC bright than what would be expected from a linear extrapolation. We studied the ratio R of radio to FUV/MIR-based integrated SFR as a function of global galaxy parameters and found no clear correlation. This suggests that we can use RC emission as a universal star formation tracer for galaxies with a similar degree of accuracy as other tracers, if we restrict ourselves to global or azimuthally averaged measurements. We can reconcile our finding of an almost linear RC–SFR relation and sub-linear resolved (on 1 kpc scale) RC–ΣSFR relation by proposing a non-linear magnetic field–SFR relation, B ∝ SFR0.30±0.02 hyb , which holds both globally and locally.Peer reviewe

    Human PrimPol is a highly error-prone polymerase regulated by single-stranded DNA binding proteins

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    PrimPol is a recently identified polymerase involved in eukaryotic DNA damage tolerance, employed in both re-priming and translesion synthesis mechanisms to bypass nuclear and mitochondrial DNA lesions. In this report, we investigate how the enzymatic activities of human PrimPol are regulated. We show that, unlike other TLS polymerases, PrimPol is not stimulated by PCNA and does not interact with it in vivo. We identify that PrimPol interacts with both of the major single-strand binding proteins, RPA and mtSSB in vivo. Using NMR spectroscopy, we characterize the domains responsible for the PrimPol-RPA interaction, revealing that PrimPol binds directly to the N-terminal domain of RPA70. In contrast to the established role of SSBs in stimulating replicative polymerases, we find that SSBs significantly limit the primase and polymerase activities of PrimPol. To identify the requirement for this regulation, we employed two forward mutation assays to characterize PrimPol's replication fidelity. We find that PrimPol is a mutagenic polymerase, with a unique error specificity that is highly biased towards insertion-deletion errors. Given the error-prone disposition of PrimPol, we propose a mechanism whereby SSBs greatly restrict the contribution of this enzyme to DNA replication at stalled forks, thus reducing the mutagenic potential of PrimPol during genome replication

    Energy-level statistics at the metal-insulator transition in anisotropic systems

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    We study the three-dimensional Anderson model of localization with anisotropic hopping, i.e. weakly coupled chains and weakly coupled planes. In our extensive numerical study we identify and characterize the metal-insulator transition using energy-level statistics. The values of the critical disorder WcW_c are consistent with results of previous studies, including the transfer-matrix method and multifractal analysis of the wave functions. WcW_c decreases from its isotropic value with a power law as a function of anisotropy. Using high accuracy data for large system sizes we estimate the critical exponent ν=1.45±0.2\nu=1.45\pm0.2. This is in agreement with its value in the isotropic case and in other models of the orthogonal universality class. The critical level statistics which is independent of the system size at the transition changes from its isotropic form towards the Poisson statistics with increasing anisotropy.Comment: 22 pages, including 8 figures, revtex few typos corrected, added journal referenc

    Q2Q^2 Independence of QF2/F1QF_2/F_1, Poincare Invariance and the Non-Conservation of Helicity

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    A relativistic constituent quark model is found to reproduce the recent data regarding the ratio of proton form factors, F2(Q2)/F1(Q2)F_2(Q^2)/F_1(Q^2). We show that imposing Poincare invariance leads to substantial violation of the helicity conservation rule, as well as an analytic result that the ratio F2(Q2)/F1(Q2)1/QF_2(Q^2)/F_1(Q^2)\sim 1/Q for intermediate values of Q2Q^2.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. C typos corrected, references added, 1 new figure to show very high Q^2 behavio

    Microbial ligand costimulation drives neutrophilic steroid-refractory asthma

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    Funding: The authors thank the Wellcome Trust (102705) and the Universities of Aberdeen and Cape Town for funding. This research was also supported, in part, by National Institutes of Health GM53522 and GM083016 to DLW. KF and BNL are funded by the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, BNL is the recipient of an European Research Commission consolidator grant and participates in the European Union FP7 programs EUBIOPRED and MedALL. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    ‘What Do I Get?’ Punk Objects as Meaningful and Valuable Souvenirs

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    Despite social scientists’ increasing interest on souvenirs in tourism, little has been written on the role and meanings of souvenirs within specific subcultures, such as punk subcultures. This chapter focuses on the exploration of punk objects as potential souvenirs in relation to “punk tourism” by investigating the meanings attached to subcultural artefacts as opposed to mass produced products. As part of an ethnographic fieldwork on punk tourism that the two authors have been conducting in Malaysia since 2016, in this chapter we focus on the role and meanings of punk souvenirs within the Malaysian punk scene. As the empirical material presented in this chapter shows, a DIY produced punk product has the advantage of channelling more than one value. While the value of souvenirs lies in their propensity to act as “mnemonic devices” related to a place visited, subcultural products like those produced by punks have the potential to fulfil additional values. In an age where authenticity and claims of appropriation of culture are placed under scrutiny, a punk object holds the potential of being a meaningful and valuable souvenir