539 research outputs found

    Taylor House

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    “Like a sea hawk’s nest overlooking the sea” —that was the way industrial designer Jim Taylor described the vacation house he and his wife, Janice, wanted to build on Scotland Cay, one of the exotic Abacos Islands in the Bahamas

    Reminiscences of John H. Charles

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    Reminiscences of John H. Charles

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    The homeologous Zea mays gigantea genes: characterization of expression and novel mutant alleles

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    The two homeologous Zea mays gigantea (gi) genes, gi1 and gi2, arose from the last genome duplication event in the maize lineage. Homologs of these genes in other species are required for correct circadian rhythms and proper regulation of growth and development. Here we characterized the expression of these two maize gi genes. Although gi1 and gi2 shared comparable 24-hour rhythmic expression profiles, gi1 levels were consistently higher than gi2. Furthermore, short day photoperiods repressed gi2 expression. The transcriptional unit for gi1 is established based on 5’-RACE analysis. Two independent mutant alleles for gi1 are described that are caused by transposons of the Mutator (Mu) class inserted into the 5’-end of the gene. The type of Mu element and position of the transposon in gi1 was different for each gi1 allele. Mutant plants had a marked reduction in gi1 expression and carried transcripts interrupted by the Mu element. Together, these results provide a deeper understanding of the gi genes in maize. In addition, the novel gi1 mutant alleles described here will be valuable tools to study gi1 function in maize, as well as the role of circadian clock regulation in maize metabolism, growth, and development

    Diverting the Flux of the JA Pathway in Nicotiana attenuata Compromises the Plant's Defense Metabolism and Fitness in Nature and Glasshouse

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    A plant's inducible defenses against herbivores as well as certain developmental processes are known to be controlled by the jasmonic acid (JA) pathway. We have previously shown that ectopically expressing Arabidopsis thaliana JA O-methyltransferase in Nicotiana attenuata (35S-jmt) strongly reduces the herbivory-elicited jasmonate bursts by acting as metabolic sink that redirects free JA towards methylation; here we examine the consequences of this metabolic sink on N. attenuata's secondary metabolism and performance in nature. In the glasshouse, 35S-jmt plants produced fewer seed capsules due to shorter floral styles, which could be restored to wild type (WT) levels after hand-pollination, and were more susceptible to Manduca sexta larvae attack. When transplanted into the Great Basin Desert in Utah, 35S-jmt plants grew as well as WT empty vector, but were highly attacked by native herbivores of different feeding guilds: leaf chewers, miners, and single cell feeders. This greater susceptibility was strongly associated with reduced emissions of volatile organic compounds (hexenylesters, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes) and profound alterations in the production of direct defenses (trypsin proteinase inhibitors [TPI], nicotine, diterpene glycosides [DTGs] and phenylpropanoid-polyamine conjugates) as revealed by a combination of targeted and metabolomics analyses of field collected samples. Complementation experiments with JA-Ile, whose formation is outcompeted in 35S-jmt plants by the methylation reaction, restored the local TPI activation to WT levels and partially complemented nicotine and DTG levels in elicited but not systemic leaves. These findings demonstrate that MeJA, the major JA metabolite in 35S-jmt plants, is not an active signal in defense activation and highlights the value of creating JA sinks to disrupt JA signaling, without interrupting the complete octadecanoid pathway, in order to investigate the regulation of plants' defense metabolism in nature

    Power-Law Population Heterogeneity Governs Epidemic Waves

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    We generalize the Susceptible-Infected-Removed model for epidemics to take into account generic effects of heterogeneity in the degree of susceptibility to infection in the population. We introduce a single new parameter corresponding to a power-law exponent of the susceptibility distribution that characterizes the population heterogeneity. We show that our generalized model is as simple as the original model which is contained as a limiting case. Because of this simplicity, numerical solutions can be generated easily and key properties of the epidemic wave can still be obtained exactly. In particular, we present exact expressions for the herd immunity level, the final size of the epidemic, as well as for the shape of the wave and for observables that can be quantified during an epidemic. We find that in strongly heterogeneous populations the epidemic reaches only a small fraction of the population. This implies that the herd immunity level can be much lower than in commonly used models with homogeneous populations. Using our model to analyze data for the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Germany shows that the reported time course is consistent with several scenarios characterized by different levels of immunity. These scenarios differ in population heterogeneity and in the time course of the infection rate, for example due to mitigation efforts or seasonality. Our analysis reveals that quantifying the effects of mitigation requires knowledge on the degree of heterogeneity in the population. Our work shows that key effects of population heterogeneity can be captured without increasing the complexity of the model. We show that information about population heterogeneity will be key to understand how far an epidemic has progressed and what can be expected for its future course.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figure

    Sorghum bicolor INDETERMINATE1 is a conserved primary regulator of flowering

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    IntroductionA fundamental developmental switch for plants is transition from vegetative to floral growth, which integrates external and internal signals. INDETERMINATE1 (Id1) family proteins are zinc finger transcription factors that activate flowering in grasses regardless of photoperiod. Mutations in maize Id1 and rice Id1 (RID1) cause very late flowering. RID1 promotes expression of the flowering activator genes Early Heading Date1 (Ehd1) and Heading date 1 (Hd1), a rice homolog of CONSTANS (CO).Methods and resultsMapping of two recessive late flowering mutants from a pedigreed sorghum EMS mutant library identified two distinct mutations in the Sorghum bicolor Id1 (SbId1) homolog, mutant alleles named sbid1-1 and sbid1-2. The weaker sbid1-1 allele caused a 35 day delay in reaching boot stage in the field, but its effect was limited to 6 days under greenhouse conditions. The strong sbid1-2 allele delayed boot stage by more than 60 days in the field and under greenhouse conditions. When sbid1-1 and sbid1-2 were combined, the delayed flowering phenotype remained and resembled that of sbid1-2, confirming late flowering was due to loss of SbId1 function. Evaluation of major flowering time regulatory gene expression in sbid1-2 showed that SbId1 is needed for expression of floral activators, like SbCO and SbCN8, and repressors, like SbPRR37 and SbGhd7.DiscussionThese results demonstrate a conserved role for SbId1 in promotion of flowering in sorghum, where it appears to be critical to allow expression of most major flowering regulatory genes

    Functional characterization of a putative Glycine max ELF4 in transgenic arabidopsis and its role during flowering control.

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    Flowering is an important trait in major crops like soybean due to its direct relation to grain production. The circadian clock mediates the perception of seasonal changes in day length and temperature to modulate flowering time. The circadian clock gene EARLY FLOWERING 4 (ELF4) was identified in Arabidopsis thaliana and is believed to play a key role in the integration of photoperiod, circadian regulation, and flowering. The molecular circuitry that comprises the circadian clock and flowering control in soybeans is just beginning to be understood. To date, insufficient information regarding the soybean negative flowering regulators exist, and the biological function of the soybean ELF4 (GmELF4) remains unknown. Here, we investigate the ELF4 family members in soybean and functionally characterize a GmELF4 homologous gene. The constitutive overexpression of GmELF4 delayed flowering in Arabidopsis, showing the ELF4 functional conservation among plants as part of the flowering control machinery. We also show that GmELF4 alters the expression of Arabidopsis key flowering time genes (AtCO and AtFT), and this down-regulation is the likely cause of flowering delay phenotypes. Furthermore, we identified the GmELF4 network genes to infer the participation of GmELF4 in soybeans. The data generated in this study provide original insights for comprehending the role of the soybean circadian clock ELF4 gene as a negative flowering controller

    Interspecific analysis of diurnal gene regulation in panicoid grasses identifies known and novel regulatory motifs

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    Background: The circadian clock drives endogenous 24-h rhythms that allow organisms to adapt and prepare for predictable and repeated changes in their environment throughout the day-night (diurnal) cycle. Many components of the circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana have been functionally characterized, but comparatively little is known about circadian clocks in grass species including major crops like maize and sorghum. Results: Comparative research based on protein homology and diurnal gene expression patterns suggests the function of some predicted clock components in grasses is conserved with their Arabidopsis counterparts, while others have diverged in function. Our analysis of diurnal gene expression in three panicoid grasses sorghum, maize, and foxtail millet revealed conserved and divergent evolution of expression for core circadian clock genes and for the overall transcriptome. We find that several classes of core circadian clock genes in these grasses differ in copy number compared to Arabidopsis, but mostly exhibit conservation of both protein sequence and diurnal expression pattern with the notable exception of maize paralogous genes. We predict conserved cis-regulatory motifs shared between maize, sorghum, and foxtail millet through identification of diurnal co-expression clusters for a subset of 27,196 orthologous syntenic genes. In this analysis, a Cochran– Mantel–Haenszel based method to control for background variation identified significant enrichment for both expected and novel 6–8 nucleotide motifs in the promoter regions of genes with shared diurnal regulation predicted to function in common physiological activities. Conclusions: This study illustrates the divergence and conservation of circadian clocks and diurnal regulatory networks across syntenic orthologous genes in panacoid grass species. Further, conserved local regulatory sequences contribute to the architecture of these diurnal regulatory networks that produce conserved patterns of diurnal gene expression

    Overlapping and Distinct Roles of PRR7 and PRR9 in the Arabidopsis Circadian Clock

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    AbstractThe core mechanism of the circadian oscillators described to date rely on transcriptional negative feedback loops with a delay between the negative and the positive components [1–3]. In plants, the first suggested regulatory loop involves the transcription factors CIRCADIAN CLOCK-ASSOCIATED 1 (CCA1) and LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY) and the pseudo-response regulator TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION 1 (TOC1/PRR1)[4]. TOC1 is a member of the Arabidopsis circadian-regulated PRR gene family [5,6]. Analysis of single and double mutants in PRR7 and PRR9 indicates that these morning-expressed genes play a dual role in the circadian clock, being involved in the transmission of light signals to the clock and in the regulation of the central oscillator. Furthermore, CCA1 and LHY had a positive effect on PRR7 and PRR9 expression levels, indicating that they might form part of an additional regulatory feedback loop. We propose that the Arabidopsis circadian oscillator is composed of several interlocking positive and negative feedback loops, a feature of clock regulation that appears broadly conserved between plants, fungi, and animals