180 research outputs found

    Surface Plasmon Resonance Enhanced Ellipsometry for Biodetection

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    Biosensors enable scientists to learn more about biomolecular interactions, and are often used as detectors to indicate the presence of specific analytes. Currently, many detection methods require what are called labels, molecules that bind to an analyte of interest and can be easily detected. Radioactive isotopes are often used for this purpose, but labels such as these have the potential to interfere with the processes and molecules being studied. This poses a problem for medical screening, as labels may lead to an incorrect diagnosis. Therefore, label-free bio sensing techniques are in demand. Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging (SPR), is one such method. A phenomenon derived from Maxwell’s Equations, SPR occurs at the interface between a dielectric and a metal thin film (Fig. 1). In the metal surface, electrons are not tied to particular atoms and are free to move throughout the material. This “sea” of free electrons can be modeled as a simple harmonic oscillator. In the presence of a drive force—in this case, the electric field in a light wave—electrons will oscillate. Unless the drive force is very close to the resonance frequency, little energy will be transferred to the oscillator. If the driving force matches the resonant frequency however, total energy transfer and SPR will occur. In other words, when a light beam has the correct wavelength to excite the plasmon, it will be absorbed by the metal. One important property of SPR is that the resonant frequencies can be found in the visible light spectrum. The particular frequency required depends largely on the dielectric constant of the metal used. Most importantly, this constant is sensitive to the refractive index of the metal’s surroundings. Consider a glass-gold interface submerged in water (Fig. 1). This system will oscillate at some frequency. If foreign particles are introduced, they raise the refractive index of the water and redshift the plasmon frequency. Thus, the plasmon surface can “detect” refractive index changes and foreign particles with high levels of sensitivity

    Resolución del problema integrado de enrutamiento y gestión de inventarios con múltiples vehículos mediante programación lineal entera mixta

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    Context: Inventory control and distribution are key processes in the loss of both efficiency and effectiveness in the field of logistics at the global level. According to the Colombian National Planning Department, for the year 2020, the items of transportation, storage, and inventory account for 73.9% of the total logistics costs. Solving the multi-vehicle Inventory Routing Problem (IRP) is an alternative to making cycle times shorter, more flexible, and less expensive. Method: This article describes and compares mathematical models in the literature for the basic problem, adapting it to its multi-vehicle variant and solving it by means of mixed-integer programming models, via the solution of instances of low and medium mathematical complexity, proposing two ways to manage the inventory and three ways to eliminate the creation of sub-tours. To obtain the results, the AMPL software is used in a computer with an Intel Core i5-5200U CPU@ 2.2 GHz processor and 4 GB RAM, considering a maximum runtime of one hour. Results: The flow model shows the best performance in terms of computational times and response quality regarding the maximum level (ML) policy, and the MTZ variant is the second-best model. Finally, the overall variation exhibits longer execution times and higher GAP values. The models perform well for small- and medium-sized instances. Conclusions: This research presents a general methodology that can be adapted to different applications of the integrated problem of inventory and routing with multiple vehicles. It was verified that the responses generated are of good quality, highlighting the elimination of sub-tours through the flow model and inventory management under the ML policy. Future work should be directed towards finding new alternatives to exact optimization, such as heuristics and metaheuristics, which allow being as close as possible to the optimum in shorter computation times. In addition, stochastic demands could be considered, as well as the handling of perishable products, among others.Contexto: El control y distribución de inventarios son procesos claves en la pérdida tanto de eficiencia como de eficacia en el campo de la logística, a nivel global. Según el Departamento Nacional de Planeación de Colombia, en el año 2020, los rubros de transporte, almacenamiento e inventarios correspondieron al 73,9 % del costo logístico total. La resolución del problema de enrutamiento inventario con múltiples vehículos (IRP) representa una alternativa para hacer que los tiempos de ciclo sean más cortos, más flexibles y menos costosos. Método: En este artículo se describen y comparan modelos matemáticos de la literatura para el problema base, adaptándolo a su variante con múltiples vehículos y resolviéndolo a través modelos de programación lineal entera mixta, mediante la solución de instancias de baja y media complejidad matemática, planteando dos maneras de gestionar el inventario y tres formas de eliminar la creación de sub-tours. Para obtener los resultados se utiliza el software AMPL en un computador con procesador Intel Core i5-5200U CPU @ 2.2 GHz y 4 GB de RAM, considerando un tiempo máximo de ejecución de una hora. Resultados:  El modelo de flujos muestra el mejor desempeño en cuanto a tiempos computacionales y calidad de la respuesta con respecto a la política de máximo nivel (ML), y la variante MTZ es el segundo mejor modelo. Por último, la variación general reporta mayores tiempos de ejecución y valores GAP más altos. Los modelos presentan buen desempeño para instancias de pequeño y mediano tamaño. Conclusiones: En esta investigación se presenta una metodología general que puede ser adaptada a diferentes aplicaciones del problema integrado de inventarios y enrutamiento con múltiples vehículos. Se comprobó que las respuestas generadas son de buena calidad, destacando la eliminación de sub-tours por medio del modelo de flujos y la gestión de inventarios bajo la política ML. Los trabajos futuros deben encaminarse en busca de nuevas alternativas a la optimización exacta, tales como las heurísticas o metaheurísticas, que permitan estar lo más cerca posible del óptimo en tiempos de computación más cortos. Además, se podrían considerar demandas estocásticas y el manejo de productos perecederos, entre otros

    Leveraging Transformers to Improve Breast Cancer Classification and Risk Assessment with Multi-modal and Longitudinal Data

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    Breast cancer screening, primarily conducted through mammography, is often supplemented with ultrasound for women with dense breast tissue. However, existing deep learning models analyze each modality independently, missing opportunities to integrate information across imaging modalities and time. In this study, we present Multi-modal Transformer (MMT), a neural network that utilizes mammography and ultrasound synergistically, to identify patients who currently have cancer and estimate the risk of future cancer for patients who are currently cancer-free. MMT aggregates multi-modal data through self-attention and tracks temporal tissue changes by comparing current exams to prior imaging. Trained on 1.3 million exams, MMT achieves an AUROC of 0.943 in detecting existing cancers, surpassing strong uni-modal baselines. For 5-year risk prediction, MMT attains an AUROC of 0.826, outperforming prior mammography-based risk models. Our research highlights the value of multi-modal and longitudinal imaging in cancer diagnosis and risk stratification.Comment: ML4H 2023 Findings Trac

    The Establishment of Charter Schools: A Guide to Legal Issues for Legislatures

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    El ritmo de vida de las personas en la actualidad se ha acelerado a tal punto que no cuentan con el tiempo necesario para realizar actividades esenciales. Destacando principalmente la función de cocinar, la cual resulta extenuante debido al engorroso proceso que implica llevarla a cabo. El proceso comprende el traslado al lugar de compra, la búsqueda de los insumos, la selección de los insumos, las largas colas para pagar, el lavado de los insumos así como el picado de los mismos, entre otras. Por ende, se propone una solución alternativa a este problema, la cual consiste en el delivery a través de la venta online de boxes con insumos frescos sin cocinar picados y en las cantidades exactas de diversos platillos criollos.The rhythm of life of the persons at present has hastened to such a point that they do not count with the necessary time to realize essential activities. Emphasizing principally the function to cook, which turns out to be exhausting due to the bothersome process that implies carrying out it. The process comprises the transfer to the place of buy, the search of the inputs, the selection of the inputs, the long tails to pay, the wash of the inputs as well as stung of the same ones, between others. Therefore, an alternative solution to this problem is proposed, which consists of the delivery through the online sale of boxes with fresh uncooked inputs chopped and the exact quantities of various Creole dishes. This paper seeks to determine the financial viability of the project in question in order to validate the possibility of implementing it in a real-world scenario.Trabajo de investigació

    Controlled mixing of lanthanide(III) ions in coacervate core micelles

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    This article presents a facile strategy to combine Eu3+ and Gd3+ ions into coacervate core micelles in a controlled way with a statistical distribution of the ions. Consequently, the formed micelles show a high tunability between luminescence and relaxivity. These highly stable micelles present great potential for new materials, e.g. as bimodal imaging probes

    Novel fibrin-fibronectin matrix accelerates mice skin wound healing

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    Plasma fibrinogen (F1) and fibronectin (pFN) polymerize to form a fibrin clot that is both a hemostatic and provisional matrix for wound healing. About 90% of plasma F1 has a homodimeric pair of γ chains (γγF1), and 10% has a heterodimeric pair of γ and more acidic γ′ chains (γγ′F1). We have synthesized a novel fibrin matrix exclusively from a 1:1 (molar ratio) complex of γγ′F1 and pFN in the presence of highly active thrombin and recombinant Factor XIII (rFXIIIa). In this matrix, the fibrin nanofibers were decorated with pFN nanoclusters (termed γγ′F1:pFN fibrin). In contrast, fibrin made from 1:1 mixture of γγF1 and pFN formed a sporadic dis- tribution of “pFN droplets” (termed γγF1+pFN fibrin). The γγ′F1:pFN fibrin enhanced the adhesion of primary human umbilical vein endothelium cells (HUVECs) relative to the γγF1+FN fibrin. Three dimensional (3D) culturing showed that the γγ′F1:pFN complex fibrin matrix enhanced the proliferation of both HUVECs and primary human fibroblasts. HUVECs in the 3D γγ′F1:pFN fibrin exhibited a starkly enhanced vascular mor- phogenesis while an apoptotic growth profile was observed in the γγF1+pFN fibrin. Relative to γγF1+pFN fibrin, mouse dermal wounds that were sealed by γγ′F1:pFN fibrin exhibited accelerated and enhanced healing. This study suggests that a 3D pFN presentation on a fibrin matrix promotes wound healing

    Совершенствование бизнес-процессов на предприятии

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа содержит 84 страницы, 12 рисунков, 26 таблиц, 20 использованных источников, 5 приложений. Целью работы является разработка практических предложений для оптимизации и совершенствования бизнес-процесса "Оказание платных услуг клиентам" в ООО "КЛДЦ". В результате исследования были предложены мероприятия по совершенствованию бизнес-процесса 슫Оказание платных услуг клиентам슻, а также проведена оценка эффективности реализации данных мероприятий.Graduate qualification work consists of 84 pages, 12 figures, 26 tables, 20 sources used, 5 attachments. The purpose is to create a practice suggestion for the business process «Paid services» LTD «CLDTS» development. As a result of research several measures on the business process «Paid services» LTD «CLDTS» development were elaborated and offered to the company, measures efficiency was evaluated

    Otoliths-composed gelatin/sodium alginate scaffolds for bone regeneration

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    Evidence that otoliths, mineral-rich limestone concrescences present in the inner ear of bone fishes, can accelerate bone formation in vivo has been previously reported. The goal of this work was the development, characterization, and evaluation of the cytocompatibility of otoliths-incorporated sodium alginate and gelatin scaffolds. Cynoscion acoupaderived otoliths were characterized by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (FRX), particle size, free lime, and weight loss by calcination. Furthermore, otoliths were incorporated into sodium alginate (ALG/OTL-s) or gelatin (GEL/OTL-s) scaffolds, previously developed by freeze-drying. Then, the scaffolds were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA/DTG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform (FTIR), swelling tests, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Cytotoxicity assays were run against J774.G8 macrophages and MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts. Data obtained from TGA/DTG, DSC, and FTIR analyses confirmed the interaction between otoliths and the polymeric scaffolds. SEM showed the homogeneous porous 3D structure rich in otolith micro-fragments in both scaffolds. Swelling of the GEL/OTL-s (63.54±3.0%) was greater than of ALG/OTL-s (13.36±9.9%) (p0.05) and significantly higher than that treated with Triton-X (p0.05). However, by 48 h, only ALG/OTL-s showed growth similar to control (p>0.05), whereas GEL/OTL showed a significantly lower growth index (p<0.05). In conclusion, the physicochemical profiles suggest proper interaction between the otoliths and the two developed polymeric 3D scaffolds. Moreover, both materials showed cytocompatibility with J774.G8 macrophages but the growth of MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts was higher when exposed to ALG/OTL-s. These data suggest that sodium alginate/otoliths scaffolds are potential biomaterials to be used in bone regeneration applications.We would like to thank the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the Foundation for Research and Technological Innovation Support of the State of Sergipe for the financial support in this study. EMBS acknowledges the sponsorship of the projects M-ERA-NET-0004/2015-PAIRED and UIDB/04469/2020 (strategic fund), received support from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, Ministry of Science and Education (FCT/MEC) through national funds, and was co-financed by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Home use of a bihormonal bionic pancreas versus insulin pump therapy in adults with type 1 diabetes: a multicentre randomised crossover trial

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    The safety and effectiveness of a continuous, day-and-night automated glycaemic control system using insulin and glucagon has not been shown in a free-living, home-use setting. We aimed to assess whether bihormonal bionic pancreas initialised only with body mass can safely reduce mean glycaemia and hypoglycaemia in adults with type 1 diabetes who were living at home and participating in their normal daily routines without restrictions on diet or physical activity

    Prevalência e tendências temporais de transtornos mentais necessitando de tratamento de internação na cidade de Porto Alegre: Um estudo de toda a cidade incluindo todas as internações por motivo de saúde mental no sistema público de 2013-2017

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    Objectives: To investigate the 5-year prevalence of patients admitted to public inpatient care units due to a mental disorder, stratifying them by age group and diagnosis, and to assess trends of admissions over this time period in Porto Alegre. Methods: All admissions to the public mental health care system regulated by the city-owned electronic system Administração Geral dos Hospitais (AGHOS) were included in the analysis. The total population size was obtained by estimations of Fundação de Economia e Estatística (FEE). General information about 5-year prevalence of inpatient admissions, time-series trends e prevalence by age groups and diagnosis were presented. Results: There were 32,608 admissions over the 5-year period analyzed. The overall prevalence of patients was 1.62% among the total population, 0.01% among children, 1.12% among adolescents, 2.28% among adults and 0.93% among the elderly. The most common diagnosis was drug-related, followed by mood, alcohol-related and psychotic disorders. There was a linear trend showing an increase in the number of admissions from 2013 to the midst of 2014, which dropped in 2015. Conclusions: Admissions due to mental disorders are relatively common, mainly among adults and related to drug use and mood disorders. Time trends varied slightly over the 5 years. Prevalence rates in real-world settings might be useful for policymakers interested in planning the public mental health system in large Brazilian cities