127 research outputs found

    Psychological Contract and Quality of Organizational Life : An Empirical Study on Workers at a Rest Home

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    This study assesses psychological contract using a feature-oriented approach which measures perceptions about employer and employee obligations along the dimensions of duration, tangibility, scope, stability/flexibility, contract level and exchange symmetry. Questionnaires were administered to 170 workers (23 males, 147 females) employed at a rest home in Northern Italy. The results confirm the hypothesized relation between the employee’s perceptions of employer obligations and the organizational role component of organizational life (in terms of low role ambiguity and high development expectations). Similarly, the hypothesized relation between the employee’s perceived obligations to the employer and the affective and motivational area is supported (in terms of affective commitment and perceived organizational justice). The results also show the importance of assessing the employee’s perceptions both of employer obligations and of her/his own obligations to the employer, considering the differentiated influence that each of them has on organizational life.La notion de contrat psychologique joue à l’heure actuelle un rôle de plus en plus important dans le domaine de la psychologie du travail et des organisations. Le contrat psychologique se rapporte aux croyances sur les obligations réciproques existant entre l’employé et l’organisation : ces croyances reposent sur la perception que des promesses ont été faites par l’employeur (salaires compétitifs, avancement de carrière, formation professionnelle) en échange d’autres promesses faites par l’employé (loyauté, honnêteté, engagement) (Rousseau, 1989 ; Rousseau et Tijoriwala, 1998).Dans cette recherche, le contrat psychologique a été analysé en utilisant la méthode de mesure axée sur les caractéristiques créée par Sels, Janssens et Van den Brande (2004). Celle-ci analyse le contrat psychologique sur la base de six éléments, à savoir la durée, la tangibilité, le but, la stabilité, le niveau du contrat et la symétrie de l’échange. Cette échelle révèle les perceptions de l’employé sur deux aspects : par rapport aux obligations que l’employeur a envers lui, et par rapport aux obligations qu’il estime avoir lui-même envers l’employeur. La perception du travailleur de son propre contrat psychologique est donc analysée à travers deux grilles de questions. Cependant, les perceptions de l’employeur n’ont pas été prises en compte.Dans la présente étude, l’hypothèse était que les caractéristiques du contrat psychologique ont des conséquences spécifiques dans le rapport de travail. En particulier, on s’attendait à ce que les obligations perçues de l’employeur soient en rapport avec les attitudes et les perceptions de l’employé en ce qui concerne son rôle professionnel (à savoir, les attentes d’avancement et l’ambiguïté de rôle). Nous avons formulé l’hypothèse que les obligations perçues de l’employé étaient liées à la composante affective et motivationnelle du rapport de travail et, notamment, aux perceptions de justice organisationnelle et à l’engagement affectif.Cette étude se base sur une recherche menée dans une maison de retraite de l’Italie du Nord. Un questionnaire a été soumis à 170 individus employés dans cette structure avec des tâches différentes (principalement des travailleurs dans le domaine de l’assistance sociale et des infirmiers) : 147 femmes et 23 hommes ; 33,3 % âgés de moins de 36 ans ; 34,5 % d’âge compris entre 36 et 45 ans ; 32,2 % âgés de plus de 45 ans. Le questionnaire a été autorempli. Le traitement statistique des données a été effectué à l’aide des programmes SPSS (pour les statistiques descriptives et les analyses de la variance) et AMOS (pour vérifier les modèles expérimentaux supposés).En ce qui concerne le rapport entre le contrat psychologique et les résultats organisationnels, les hypothèses énoncées ont été confirmées : la perception des obligations de l’employeur a un lien positif avec les attentes d’avancement et négatif avec l’ambiguïté de rôle, tandis que les obligations perçues de l’employé sont liées à la justice organisationnelle et à l’engagement de type affectif. La tangibilité constitue une exception : dans ce cas, les obligations de l’employé n’ont aucun lien ni avec la justice, ni avec l’engagement affectif, mais, au contraire, elles sont liées aux attentes d’avancement. Il paraît donc que la tangibilité est liée aux perspectives de progrès de l’employé à l’intérieur de son propre rôle professionnel, indépendamment du fait que l’on mesure la perception des obligations de l’employeur ou de l’employé.Ces résultats nous montrent que plus l’employé perçoit que l’employeur a des obligations fortes envers lui, plus il aura le sentiment de maîtriser sa tâche professionnelle (en termes de faible ambiguïté de rôle); en outre, il considérera l’organisation comme un lieu dans lequel il peut avancer et développer ses compétence et sa carrière professionnelle (en termes d’attentes d’avancement). Par contre, plus le travailleur perçoit qu’il a pris des obligations fortes envers l’organisation, plus il considérera celle-ci comme un lieu où s’engager ; par conséquent, il développera des sentiments d’attachement affectif et il considérera comme plus équitables et justes les modalités par lesquelles l’organisation prend ses décisions et les communique.Cette recherche montre encore une fois l’importance du contrat psychologique dans la formation de la qualité du rapport de travail. Elle montre également que la perception des obligations de l’employeur et de l’employé contribuent de façon significative à la création d’un rapport de travail satisfaisant et gratifiant pour les deux parties. Il devient donc fondamental pour les gestionnaires d’avoir pleine conscience de l’importance de cette notion et des conséquences positives pouvant découler d’une correcte interprétation et du respect des conditions qui la composent.Este estudio evalúa el contrato sicologico utilizando una perspectiva caracterial que permite medir las percepciones respecto a las obligaciones del empleador y de los empleados a través las dimensiones de duración, tangibilidad, ambito, estabilidad / flexibilidad, nivel de contrato y simetría de intercambio. Se administraron cuestionarios a 170 trabajadores (23 hombres y 147 mujeres) empleados de una casa de reposo en el Norte de Italia. Los resultados confirman la hipotesis sobre la relación entre las percepciones de los empleados sobre las obligaciones de los empleadores y el rol orgnizacional componente de la vida organizacional (en terminos de ambiguedad de rol limitada y espectativas de desarrollo elevadas). Asi mismo, la hipotesis de la relación entre las percepciones de las obligaciones de los empleados para con el empleador y el area afectiva y motivacional es también confirmada (en terminos de implicación afectiva y percepción de justicia organizacional). Los resultados muestran tambien la importancia de evaluar la percepción de los empleados sobre las obligaciones del empleador y sus respectivas obligaciones para con el empleador, considerando la influencia diferencial que cada una de ellas tiene sobre la vida organizacional

    High and low cycle fatigue properties of selective laser melted AISI 316L and AlSi10Mg

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    In the last years, additive manufacturing has widely adopted to enable lightweight design based on the topological optimization. In fact, this technology allows generation of lattice structures with complex geometries and small thicknesses. In this work, both the low-cycle-fatigue and high-cycle-fatigue behaviors of selective laser melted AISI 316L and AlSi10Mg were investigated. Fatigue samples were designed to characterize small parts and tested in the as-built condition since reticular structures are usually adopted without any finishing operation. Microstructural features were studied by light-optical microscopy and scanning-electron microscopy. Finally, fatigue failures were studied considering the fracture mechanics principles with the Kitagawa-Takahashi diagram. The analysis of fracture surfaces revealed that crack nucleation mainly occurs close to the surface because of both poor surface quality and presence of near-surface defects. As expected, because of the face-centered cubic lattice, the final rupture of all the investigated alloys was characterized by micro-dimples confirming the presence of a ductile behavior

    Multi-Domain Fault Models Covering the Analog Side of a Smart or Cyber-Physical System

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    Over the last decade, the industrial world has been involved in a massive revolution guided by the adoption of digital technologies. In this context, complex systems like cyber-physical systems play a fundamental role since they were designed and realized by composing heterogeneous components. The combined simulation of the behavioral models of these components allows to reproduce the nominal behavior of the real system. Similarly, a smart system is a device that integrates heterogeneous components but in a miniaturized form factor. The development of smart or cyber-physical systems, in combination with faulty behaviors modeled for the different physical domains composing the system, enables to support advanced functional safety assessment at the system level. A methodology to create and inject multi-domain fault models in the analog side of these systems has been proposed by exploiting the physical analogy between the electrical and mechanical domains to infer a new mechanical fault taxonomy. Thus, standard electrical fault models are injected into the electrical part, while the derived mechanical fault models are injected directly into the mechanical part. The entire flow has been applied to two case studies: a direct current motor connected with a gear train, and a three-axis accelerometer

    Analog Defect Injection and Fault Simulation Techniques: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Since the last century, the exponential growth of the semiconductor industry has led to the creation of tiny and complex integrated circuits, e.g., sensors, actuators, and smart power. Innovative techniques are needed to ensure the correct functionality of analog devices that are ubiquitous in every smart system. The ISO 26262 standard for functional safety in the automotive context specifies that fault injection is necessary to validate all electronic devices. For decades, standardization of defect modeling and injection mainly focused on digital circuits and, in a minor part, on analog ones. An initial attempt is being made with the IEEE P2427 draft standard that started to give a structured and formal organization to the analog testing field. Various methods have been proposed in the literature to speed up the fault simulation of the defect universe for an analog circuit. A more limited number of papers seek to reduce the overall simulation time by reducing the number of defects to be simulated. This literature survey describes the state-of-the-art of analog defect injection and fault simulation methods. The survey is based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodological flow, allowing for a systematic and complete literature survey. Each selected paper has been categorized and presented to provide an overview of all the available approaches. In addition, the limitations of the various approaches are discussed by showing possible future directions

    Les intérêts professionnels selon le modèle hexagonal de Holland

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    La théorie du choix vocationnel de Holland distingue six catégories d’intérêts professionnels (Réaliste, Investigateur, Artistique, Social, Entreprenant, Conventionnel), correspondant à des profils de personnalité différents. L’objectif de ce travail est d’analyser les problématiques fondamentales dans le débat actuel sur les intérêts professionnels selon le modèle de Holland. On a administré le Questionnaire sur les Préférences Professionnelles (Q.P.P.) à 534 élèves en classe terminale des lycées (65,2 % de filles). Le test de randomisation a permis de confirmer la structure hexagonale, mais la vérification à travers le modèle structurel met en cause l’hypothèse de la régularité géométrique de l’hexagone. Pour ce qui concerne le genre, les résultats obtenus à travers l’analyse à plusieurs échantillons et la « différence de CI » ne confirment pas l’égalité structurelle du modèle RIASEC par genre. Globalement, il apparaît que les filles ont un système de préférences professionnelles moins structuré par rapport aux règles du modèle de Holland.Holland’s theory of vocational choice distinguishes six categories of professional interest (realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional) corresponding to different personality profiles. The aim of this study is to examine a number of issues at the centre of the debate around the vocational interests model based on Holland’s theory. The Vocational Preference Inventory (Q.P.P.-Italian version) was administered to 534 students in the last year of secondary school. The randomization test confirmed the hexagonal structure, whilst verification using the structural equations model raised doubts concerning the geometrical regularity of the hexagon’s CIrcumplex hypothesis. As regards gender differences, the results of the multi- sample analysis and the CI difference highlighted a structure of vocational interests that differed according to gender. Females seem in general to have a system of vocational preferences less structured according to Holland’s model than males do

    Visualization of Endothelial Actin Cytoskeleton in the Mouse Retina

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    Angiogenesis requires coordinated changes in cell shape of endothelial cells (ECs), orchestrated by the actin cytoskeleton. The mechanisms that regulate this rearrangement in vivo are poorly understood - largely because of the difficulty to visualize filamentous actin (F-actin) structures with sufficient resolution. Here, we use transgenic mice expressing Lifeact-EGFP to visualize F-actin in ECs. We show that in the retina, Lifeact-EGFP expression is largely restricted to ECs allowing detailed visualization of F-actin in ECs in situ. Lifeact-EGFP labels actin associated with cell-cell junctions, apical and basal membranes and highlights actin-based structures such as filopodia and stress fiber-like cytoplasmic bundles. We also show that in the skin and the skeletal muscle, Lifeact-EGFP is highly expressed in vascular mural cells (vMCs), enabling vMC imaging. In summary, our results indicate that the Lifeact-EGFP transgenic mouse in combination with the postnatal retinal angiogenic model constitutes an excellent system for vascular cell biology research. Our approach is ideally suited to address structural and mechanistic details of angiogenic processes, such as endothelial tip cell migration and fusion, EC polarization or lumen formation

    Turning bad into good: How resilience resources protect organizations from demanding work environments

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    An organization\u2019s survival and its performance are often connected to employees\u2019 well-being, which in intensive work conditions can be compromised by employee exhaustion. To date, the last economic crisis has forced several companies to downsize and leave the remaining employees facing higher job demands and vulnerability toward job exhaustion. The present study investigates whether resilience together with other personal resources can function as a psychological shield through a mediation and/or moderation process that mitigate the emergence of burnout. Based on a sample of employees from three different Italian companies (N\u2009=\u2009208), our results confirmed that \u201cresilience resources\u201d (i.e., resilience, self-efficacy, self-regulation) mediated the relationship between job demands, exhaustion, and task performance (i.e., energetic process). These results suggest that organizational environments characterized by challenging demands are likely to foster the development of resilience resources to cope with the emergence of potentially harming processes

    Workers’ emotional exhaustion and mental well-being over the COVID-19 pandemic: a Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling (DSEM) approach

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has presented significant challenges to the workforce, particularly concerning emotional and mental well-being. Given the prolonged periods of work-related stress, unexpected organizational changes, and uncertainties about work faced during the pandemic, it becomes imperative to study occupational health constructs under a dynamic methodological perspective, to understand their stable and unstable characteristics better. In this study, drawing on the Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling (DSEM) framework, we used a combination of multilevel AR(1) models, Residual-DSEM (RDSEM), multilevel bivariate VAR(1) models, and multilevel location-scale models to investigate the autoregression, trend, and (residual) cross-lagged relationships between emotional exhaustion (EmEx) and mental well-being (MWB) over the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected weekly on 533 workers from Germany (91.18%) and Italy (8.82%) who completed a self-reported battery (total number of observations = 3,946). Consistent with our hypotheses, results were as follows: (a) regarding autoregression, the autoregressive component for both EmEx and MWB was positive and significant, as well as it was their associated between-level variability; (b) regarding trend, over time EmEx significantly increased, while MWB significantly declined, furthermore both changes had a significant between-level variability; (c) regarding the longitudinal bivariate (cross-lagged) relationships, EmEx and MWB negatively and significantly affected each other from week to week, furthermore both cross-lagged relationships showed to have significant between-level variance. Overall, our study pointed attention to the vicious cycle between EmEx and MWB, even after controlling for their autoregressive component and trend, and supported the utility of DSEM in occupational health psychology studies
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