16 research outputs found

    High energy parton-parton amplitudes from lattice QCD and the stochastic vacuum model

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    Making use of the gluon gauge-invariant two-point correlation function, recently determined by numerical simulation on the lattice in the quenched approximation and the stochastic vacuum model, we calculate the elementary (parton-parton) amplitudes in both impact-parameter and momentum transfer spaces. The results are compared with those obtained from the Kr\"{a}mer and Dosch ansatz for the correlators. Our main conclusion is that the divergences in the correlations functions suggested by the lattice calculations do not affect substantially the elementary amplitudes. Phenomenological and semiempirical information presently available on elementary amplitudes is also referred to and is critically discussed in connection with some theoretical issues.Comment: Text with 11 pages in LaTeX (twocolumn form), 10 figures in PostScript (psfig.tex used). Replaced with changes, Fig.1 modified, two references added, some points clarified, various typos corrected. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Association between acute histopathological changes of rectal walls and late radiation proctitis following radiotherapy for prostate cancer

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    The impact of acute histopathological changes (HC) of the rectum on development of late clinical proctitis (LCP) after external radiotherapy (RT) for prostate cancer is poorly explored and was the primary end point of this prospective study

    Opioid misuse: a review of the main issues, challenges, and strategies.

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    In the United States, from 1999 to 2019, opioid overdose, either regularly prescribed or illegally acquired, was the cause of death for nearly 500,000 people. In addition to this pronounced mortality burden that has increased gradually over time, opioid overdose has significant morbidity with severe risks and side effects. As a result, opioid misuse is a cause for concern and is considered an epidemic. This article examines the trends and consequences of the opioid epidemic presented in recent international literature, reflecting on the causes of this phenomenon and the possible strategies to address it. The detailed analysis of 33 international articles highlights numerous impacts in the social, public health, economic, and political spheres. The prescription opioid epidemic is an almost exclusively North American problem. This phenomenon should be carefully evaluated from a healthcare systems perspective, for consequential risks and harms of aggressive opioid prescription practices for pain management. Appropriate policies are required to manage opioid use and prevent abuse efficiently. Examples of proper policies vary, such as the use of validated questionnaires for the early identification of patients at risk of addiction, the effective use of regional and national prescription monitoring programs, and the proper dissemination and translation of knowledge to highlight the risks of prescription opioid abuse

    [Development of a conceptual model for interpretation of monitoring indicators of childhood obesity prevention from the Italian National Prevention Plan] Sviluppo di un modello concettuale di riferimento per l\u2019interpretazione degli indicatori di prevenzione dell\u2019obesit\ue0 infantile e nell'adolescenza nel Piano nazionale della prevenzione

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    INTRODUZIONE: il Piano nazionale della prevenzione (PNP) 2014-2018 ha indicato alle Regioni obiettivi e strategie per la prevenzione dell\u2019obesit\ue0 e si \ue8 dotato di un sistema di valutazione d\u2019impatto. OBIETTIVI: sviluppare un modello per l\u2019interpretazione delle variazioni negli indicatori relativi all\u2019obesit\ue0 infantile e nell\u2019adolescenza. METODI: da una revisione sistematica, DPSEEA (\uabforze trainanti\ubb, \uabpressioni\ubb, \uabstato\ubb, \uabesposizione\ubb, \uabeffetto\ubb, \uabazioni\ubb) \ue8 risultata la cornice concettuale pi\uf9 completa e applicabile. Un gruppo di esperti ha identificato determinanti e nessi causali e possano agire gli interventi proposti dal PNP come su questi. Il modello finale \ue8 stato ottenuto attraverso un processo iterativo che ha coinvolto un comitato consultivo di decisori e rappresentanti di societ\ue0 scientifiche. RISULTATI: \uabforze trainanti\ubb identificate sono legate a profitto dell\u2019industria alimentare, all\u2019alimentazione scolastica, al contesto domestico. Tra le \uabPressioni\ubb rientrano abitudini familiari, offerta delle mense scolastiche e fattori socioculturali, contesto di vita, organizzazione dell\u2019attivit\ue0 fisica (AF) scolastica ed extra-scolastica. Nello \uabstato\ubb sono inclusi: frequente consumo di cibo confezionato, alta quantit\ue0 di cibo ipercalorico disponibile, mancanza del pasto in famiglia, consumo di bevande gasate e zuccherate, interruzione precoce dell\u2019allattamento al seno, scarsa fruibilit\ue0 di spazi esterni, frequente uso del trasporto privato e scarsa offerta di AF nelle scuole. \uabEsposizione\ubb sono le opportunit\ue0 di AF e apporto calorico, che agiscono su \uabeffetto\ubb (prevalenza di obesit\ue0). CONCLUSIONI: il modello interpretativo colloca le \uabazioni\ubb e i meccanismi che dovrebbero modificare AF e apporto calorico, in una sequenza causale, rendendo esplicito il costrutto degli indicatori di monitoraggio e d\u2019impatto.BACKGROUND: the Italian National Prevention Plan (PNP) posed the standard to be achieved by Regions for the prevention of obesity in childhood and adolescence. The PNP also set up a monitoring system to assess the impact of implemented policies. OBJECTIVES: to develop a conceptual model to facilitate interpretation of variation in outcome indicators. METHODS: after a systematic review, the DPSEEA (\uabDriving forces\ubb, \uabPressures\ubb, \uabState\ubb, \uabExposure\ubb, \uabEffect\ubb, \uabActions!) was identified as the more appropriate framework to assess the results of preventive policies. Factors for each component of the framework were identified and indicators that allow measuring the changing of each of these factors were defined. RESULTS: the included \uabdriving forces\ubb were related to the profit-led food industry, to the nutrition environment at school, and to household-level factors. Among the \uabpressures\ubb, parenting behaviours, food provided by school canteens, sociocultural factors, social context, physical activity (PA), opportunities at school or after-school were included. In the State, the high consumption of processed food, the large quantities of high-calorie food easy available, the consumption of carbonated and sugar-sweetened beverages, the reduced social function of mealtimes in families, the early cessation of breastfeeding, the reduction of outdoors activity, active transportation, and PA at school for children were identified. The \uabexposure\ubb factors were the reduced opportunities of doing PA and the over-consumption of calories that influence the \uabeffect\ubb, described as the prevalence of children and adolescents affected by obesity. CONCLUSIONS: through the DPSEEA, a conceptual model was set up; it allows to place in the causal chain the \uabactions\ubb and the mechanisms through which these actions should impact on the \uabexposure\ubb (PA and over-consumption of calories), making the rationale of process and impact indicators explicit

    Toward worldwide hepcidin assay harmonization: Identification of a commutable secondary reference material.

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    Background Absolute plasma hepcidin concentrations measured by various procedures differ substantially, complicating interpretation of results and rendering reference intervals method dependent. We investigated the degree of equivalence achievable by harmonization and the identification of a commutable secondary reference material to accomplish this goal. Methods We applied technical procedures to achieve harmonization developed by the Consortium for Harmonization of Clinical Laboratory Results. Eleven plasma hepcidin measurement procedures (5 mass spectrometry based and 6 immunochemical based) quantified native individual plasma samples (n=32) and native plasma pools (n=8) to assess analytical performance and current and achievable equivalence. In addition, 8 types of candidate reference materials (3 concentrations each, n = 24) were assessed for their suitability, most notably in terms of commutability, to serve as secondary reference material. Results Absolute hepcidin values and reproducibility (intrameasurement procedure CVs 2.9%–8.7%) differed substantially between measurement procedures, but all were linear and correlated well. The current equivalence (intermeasurement procedure CV 28.6%) between the methods was mainly attributable to differences in calibration and could thus be improved by harmonization with a common calibrator. Linear regression analysis and standardized residuals showed that a candidate reference material consisting of native lyophilized plasma with cryolyoprotectant was commutable for all measurement procedures. Mathematically simulated harmonization with this calibrator resulted in a maximum achievable equivalence of 7.7%. Conclusions The secondary reference material identified in this study has the potential to substantially improve equivalence between hepcidin measurement procedures and contributes to the establishment of a traceability chain that will ultimately allow standardization of hepcidin measurement results.</p