155 research outputs found

    Longevidade comparada e idade da maturidade sexual em doze anuros dos gĂŞneros Boophis, Gephyromantis e Mantidactylus (Anura: Mantellidae) da floresta tropical de Madagascar

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    Apresentamos aqui dados sobre a idade na maturidade sexual e longevidade para algumas espécies de Mantellidae dos gêneros Boophis, Gephyromantis e Mantidactylus que habitam a floresta tropical de baixa altitude de Masoala (nordeste de Madagascar). Contagens de linhas de crescimento (LAGs) foram utilizadas para calcular a longevidade dessas espécies; esses dados contribuem para avaliações do nível de ameaça desses anuros. Boophis inclui espécies de médio a grande porte (SVL = 30–65 mm) que atingem a maturidade sexual em 1–3 anos e vivem de 3–9 anos (i.e., longevidade média). Mantidactylus e Gephyromatis incluem espécies de pequeno a grande porte (SVL = 22–107 e 35–49 mm, respectivamente) que atingem maturidade sexual em 1–3 anos e vivem de 1–8 e 3–7 anos, respectivamenteData on the age at sexual maturity and longevity of some mantellid species of the genera Boophis, Gephyromantis, and Mantidactylus that inhabit the low altitude rainforest of Masoala (northeastern Madagascar) are presented. Counts of lines of arrested growth (LAGs) were used to calculate longevity in these species; these data contribute to assessment of the threat level of the studied anurans. Boophis includes species of mediumto large-sized frogs (SVL = 30–65 mm) that attain sexual maturity in 1–3 years and live 3–9 years (i.e., mid-longevity). Mantidactylus and Gephyromatis include small- to largesized species (SVL = 22–107 mm and 35–49 mm, respectively) that attain sexually maturity in 1–3 years and live 1–8 and 3–7 years, respectivel

    Los embarazos en adolescentes como problemática de salud pública en los municipios de ubaté, ginebra, pasto, trinidad y yopal

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    En Colombia el embarazo en adolescentes es cada vez más frecuente. Es por esta razón que se considera problema prioritario de salud pública. Los factores que influyen y han influido en el aumento del embarazo en esta etapa del ciclo vital: el inicio temprano de las relaciones sexuales heterosexuales, maduración sexual temprana, falta de un mejor manejo de la anticoncepción preventiva, por ignorancia o por inaccesibilidad a los mismos, o por falla del método anticonceptivo. Para llevar a cabo lo propuesto se recurrió a las encuestas, de manera que se pudiera llegar a conclusiones sobre la forma como las adolescentes direccionan su sexualidad y como ésta puede influir en la incidencia de embarazos en edades tempranas. La población objetivo para esta investigación se enmarcó en mujeres menores de 20 años, ubicadas en los municipios de Ubaté, Ginebra, Trinidad y Pasto. Entre los resultados arrojados por el estudio se encuentra el hecho de que el grupo de mujeres entrevistadas realizaron su primera relación sexual a temprana edad lo cual se relaciona con el número de hijos que cada una tiene, reflejando al mismo tiempo el no uso de los métodos temporales de planificación familiar a pesar de tener conocimientos sobre ellos.In Colombia, teenage pregnancy is increasingly common. It is for this reason it is considered a priority public health problem. The factors that influence and have influenced the increase of pregnancy at this stage of life cycle: the early onset of heterosexual intercourse, early sexual maturation, lack of a better management of preventive contraception, ignorance or inaccessibility to them, or contraceptive failure. To carry out the proposed survey was used, so as to reach conclusions about how girls routed their sexuality and how it can influence the incidence of pregnancy at early ages. The target population for this research was undertaken in women under 20 years, located in the municipalities of Ubaté, Geneva, Trinidad and Pasto. Among the results obtained by the study is the fact that the group of women interviewed had their first sexual intercourse at an early age which is related to the number of children each has, while reflecting the non-use of methods family planning time despite having knowledge about them

    “Scelte per il futuro” terzo incontro mondiale sui paesaggi terrazzati: Italia, 6-15 ottobre 2016

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    Il Terzo Incontro Mondiale è stato preparato per diversi anni dalla Sezione italiana dell’ITLA con il supporto del Comitato internazionale. Sono stati selezionati e visitati i luoghi che avrebbero ospitato i diversi incontri tematiche, individuate le persone e le organizzazioni di riferimento locale che in seguito sarebbero state documentate in brevi videoclip. I protagonisti locali (amministrazioni locali, associazioni culturali, sezioni del Club Alpino Italiano, presidi Slowfood, produttori di vino e cooperative …) hanno preparato con grande impegno le loro visite sul luogo organizzate per presentare al meglio sia la situazione attuale che i loro progetti di futuro. Il comitato organizzativo ha dato a ciascun sito uno tema specifico che sarebbe stato sviluppato durante il viaggio di studio. In ogni sito i partecipanti hanno presentato la loro esperienza sull’argomento specifico condividendola con gli attori locali. Questa tipologia organizzativa ha permesso il coinvolgimento attivo dei partecipanti e ha favorito la preparazione di un contributo concreto al dialogo e alla ricerca di opzioni future per i paesaggi terrazzati

    Levantamento sazonal da contaminação por ovos de Helmintos em areia de praça pública e de escolas municipais de educação infantil de Jaru, Rondônia, Brasil

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    Os helmintos são endoparasitos que possuem dependência metabólica de outro ser vivo e, ao entrarem em contato com o hospedeiro, ocasionam doenças infecciosas. Dentre as infecções, existem aquelas causadas pelos chamados geohelmintos, que são adquiridas pela ingestão de ovos infectantes em solo contaminado ou hospedeiros de transporte infectados. As praças e caixas de areia em escolas são ambientes favoráveis para veiculação e desenvolvimento de ovos e larvas de helmintos, pois alguns animais conseguem ter acesso a esses ambientes, e muitas vezes a origem da areia não é levado em consideração. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a presença de parasitos em caixas de areia de um parque público e de oito escolas municipais de Jaru, Rondônia, e se existe sazonalidade. Para isso, 72 amostras foram analisadas pelas técnicas de Willis-Mollay e Faust em dezembro de 2021 e junho de 2022. A taxa de infecção no verão foi de 30,55% (11/36) pelo método de Faust e 11,11% (4/36) pelo método de Willis-Mollay. Já no inverno, a taxa de infecção foi de 0% (0/36) pelo método de Faust e 2,77% (1/36) pelo método de Willis-Mollay. Os gêneros encontrados foram 66,7% para Toxocara spp., 13,3% para Ancylostoma spp. e 20% para Trichuris spp. e apenas uma amostra positiva para Trichostrongylus spp.. Essas informações são importantes para a implantação de ações de conscientização sanitária à população exposta

    Life History Traits and Longevity of the Invasive Asian Common Toad Duttaphrynus melanostictus (Schneider, 1799) in Madagascar

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    We analyzed the body length, age structure, and age at sexual maturity of the invasive Asian common toad Duttaphrynus melanostictus from different sites in Toamasina, east Madagascar. We used skeletochronology as a proxy for age estimation, while gonads were histologically analyzed to determine the age of sexual maturity. The analysis of pooled age data from three sites investigated in 2016 showed that both sexes were larger, although not older, than those of native populations. For the individuals from Madagascar, the males were significantly smaller and younger (mean ± SD, SVL: 71.4 ± 1.6 mm; age: 1.8 ± 0.7 years) than the females (SVL: 78.42 ± 1.9 mm; age: 2.7 ± 1.3 years), when the data were pooled, but when the data were analyzed separately for each of the three sites, similar results were obtained only for one site. The oldest recorded male and female were 3 and 6 years old, respectively. Gonadal histology showed that the males and females reach sexual maturity after the first and second years of age, respectively. Further studies are needed to understand if the larger size and faster growth rates observed in the invasive population of D. melanostictus in Madagascar are a consequence of more favorable environmental conditions with respect to the native range (e.g., the availability of larger trophic niches, a lack of competitors, and lower predatory pressure), and we suggest to extend the monitoring of these life history traits to understand how they might influence the invasion

    Definitive childlessness in women with multiple sclerosis: a multicenter study

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    The frequency of definitive childlessness in women with multiple sclerosis (MS) may be higher than in the general population. MS may also affect decisions on the delivery procedure and on breast-feeding issues. Aim of the study was to assess the frequency of childlessness and its possible causes, the proportion of cesarean deliveries (CD), and the frequency of breast-feeding in patients and controls who have reached the end of their reproductive period. Female MS patients (>43 years) and controls (>45 years) filled out a questionnaire. We enrolled 303 patients and 500 controls. MS was associated with a higher frequency of childlessness (22 vs 13%) and less patients were in a stable relationship (83 vs 89%). There was no difference in the reported rates of infertility and miscarriages, while elective abortions were more frequent in patients (20 vs 12%). MS did not significantly affect the frequency of CD or of breast-feeding. MS-related reasons for childlessness, reported by 16% of childless patients, included disability/fear of future disability, fear of genetically transmitting MS, fear of not starting/discontinuing treatments, and discouragement by physician. Definitive childlessness is more frequent in women with MS compared to controls. A portion of voluntary childlessness may be avoided through correct/tailored information to patients

    Characterization of mesenchymal stem cells derived from the equine synovial fluid and membrane

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in equines, has been reported for different tissues including bone marrow, adipose, umbilical cord, peripheral blood, and yolk sac. In regard to the MSCs derived from synovial fluid (SF) or membrane (SM), there is data available for humans, dogs, pigs, goats and horses. Especially in equines, these cells have being considered promising candidates for articular regeneration. Herein, we established and characterized MSCs obtained from equine SF and SM. Samples were obtained during arthroscopy and cultured using MEM (Minimum Essential Medium). MSCs were characterized by morphology and expression of specific markers for stem cells, pluripotency, inflammation, and cell cycle.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud The medium MEM was more effective (97 % ± 2) to maintain both cultures. The cultures were composed by adherent cells with fibroblast-like shape, which had a growth pattern represented by a sigmoidal curve. After the expansion, the cells were analyzed by flow cytometry for stem cells, inflammatory, and cell cycle markers, and both lineages showed significant expression of CD45, Oct3/4, Nanog, CD105, CD90, CD34, CD117, CD133, TRA-1-81, VEGF, and LY6a. In contrast, there were differences in the cell cycle phases between the lineages, which was not observed in relation to the mitochondrial electrical potential.\ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud Given the large impact that joint pathology has on the athletic performance horses, our results suggested that the SF and SM are promising sources of stem cells with satisfactory characteristics of growth and gene expression that can be used in equine regenerative medicine.This research was supported by grants from CNPq, FAPESP and NETCEM.\ud The funders had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis and\ud interpretation of data, preparation of the manuscript, and decision to\ud publish. We warmly thank the Veterinary Hospital of the School of Veterinary\ud Medicine and Animal Science at USP to provide the biological samples

    Effects of two different decellularization routes on the mechanical properties of decellularized lungs

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    Considering the limited number of available lung donors, lung bioengineering using whole lung scaffolds has been proposed as an alternative approach to obtain lungs suitable for transplantation. However, some decellularization protocols can cause alterations on the structure, composition, or mechanical properties of the lung extracellular matrix. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the acellular lung mechanical properties when using two different routes through the trachea and pulmonary artery for the decellularization process. This study was performed by using the lungs excised from 30 healthy male C57BL/6 mice, which were divided into 3 groups: tracheal decellularization (TDG), perfusion decellularization (PDG), and control groups (CG). Both decellularized groups were subjected to decellularization protocol with a solution of 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate. The behaviour of mechanical properties of the acellular lungs was measured after decellularization process. Static (Est) and dynamic (Edyn) elastances were obtained by the end-inspiratory occlusion method. TDG and PDG showed reduced Est and Edyn elastances after lung decellularization. Scanning electron microscopy showed no structural changes after lung decellularization of the TDG and PDG. In conclusion, was demonstrated that there is no significant difference in the behaviour of mechanical properties and extracellular matrix of the decellularized lungs by using two different routes through the trachea and pulmonary artery

    Generation and Characterization of a Tumor Stromal Microenvironment and Analysis of Its Interplay with Breast Cancer Cells: An In Vitro Model to Study Breast Cancer-Associated Fibroblast Inactivation

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    Breast cancer-associated fibroblasts (BCAFs), the most abundant non-cancer stromal cells of the breast tumor microenvironment (TME), dramatically sustain breast cancer (BC) progression by interacting with BC cells. BCAFs, as well as myofibroblasts, display an up regulation of activation and inflammation markers represented by α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2). BCAF aggregates have been identified in the peripheral blood of metastatic BC patients. We generated an in vitro stromal model consisting of human primary BCAFs grown as monolayers or 3D cell aggregates, namely spheroids and reverted BCAFs, obtained from BCAF spheroids reverted to 2D cell adhesion growth after 216 h of 3D culture. We firstly evaluated the state of activation and inflammation and the mesenchymal status of the BCAF monolayers, BCAF spheroids and reverted BCAFs. Then, we analyzed the MCF-7 cell viability and migration following treatment with conditioned media from the different BCAF cultures. After 216 h of 3D culture, the BCAFs acquired an inactivated phenotype, associated with a significant reduction in α-SMA and COX-2 protein expression. The deactivation of the BCAF spheroids at 216 h was further confirmed by the cytostatic effect exerted by their conditioned medium on MCF-7 cells. Interestingly, the reverted BCAFs also retained a less activated phenotype as indicated by α-SMA protein expression reduction. Furthermore, the reverted BCAFs exhibited a reduced pro-tumor phenotype as indicated by the anti-migratory effect exerted by their conditioned medium on MCF-7 cells. The deactivation of BCAFs without drug treatment is possible and leads to a reduced capability of BCAFs to sustain BC progression in vitro. Consequently, this study could be a starting point to develop new therapeutic strategies targeting BCAFs and their interactions with cancer cells
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