241 research outputs found

    An educational proposal to face the challenges of the european higher education area: international service learning experience in medicine and education of the University of Malaga, Spain

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    Higher Education need to be paced to world and society evolution and to technology and scientific advances. Specifically in Europe, in the last years, we had to adapt the curricula to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). We have reached a high level of scientific and technycal competences but we detect, some lacks of time and tools to developed all the transversal competences and skills of the professionals profile that are demand by the present society in which exists glaring gaps and inequities, in particular in health, that need a responsable answer/action. Actually a “redesign of professional health education is necessary and timely, in view of the opportunities for mutual learning and joint solutions offered by global interdependence due to acceleration of flows of knowledge, techologies, and financing across borders and the migration of both professionals and patients” (Frenk et al 2010, Lancet). In the educational panorama, it has been possible to expand the training of future teachers in one year, the reduction of the number of students for groups to provide a more individualized teaching and the slight increase of the time of practicum. It is required to implemented an sostainable innovation in medical education to evolve a high quality medicine in all the areas and competences needed. Likewise, it seems necessary that student-teachers known spaces that are not properly school-based and have experiences in contexts of either informal education or with marginal groups outside of the standardized schooling. International Service Learning (ISL) has provided health professional students and tearches-students the opportunity to provide healthcare and education under the direction of trained faculty, to underserved populations in developing countries (Seifer SD et al1998. Acad Med). Objective: To verify the usefulness of SL experience as an educational methodology in higher education in order to support or not the modification of the current contents of the medical and education curricula and design new subjects based on SL in Malaga University. Methods We designed a cooperation project with The NGO’s ACOES-Honduras and Fe y Alegría-Perú to develop a training experience for students of Medicine and Education. This study is based on the qualitative analysis of the final reports of 16 participants, in which they described their personal and professional experiences. To verify the academic results, the competences of the curriculum have been checked in the sections of the practicum in Education, or the specific ones for Pharmacology in Medicine. In this summary appeared some of them as an example. There are no specifications of names or places of any of the countries or names or references of adults or children. Results In Education six competences (between sixteen) have been pointed out that are enhanced by the context variables in both the organizational and the cultural aspects. In one hand, school functioning may be very similar throughout the world, but the connections between family and the education centre, relationships with students, the influence of the family and the family home, etc., are very different between the experience of the Students with an European lifestyle linked to the "welfare state", consumption, street safety, etc., and rural life and the economic and cultural situation of destinations. Related to the analysis of the medical curricula, it was focused on 27 transversal and 19 specific competences that covered areas of practice and others related to Pharmacology. In the case of transversal competences, around 70% were covered in the activities carried out. Specific competences were covered up to 75%. Volunteer narratives provided an image of the experience that shows the effectiveness of this type of program, both in increasing sensitivity and attention to diversity and in the implementation of "theoretical" training, and the original response to unforeseen situations. Conclusions SL was found to be an effective method to acquire personal and professional competences and skills in the area of pharmacology demand by our present society. Hence we will suggest this methodology in the design of a new subject: “Pharmacotherapeutics in disadvantaged environments”. Most, if not all, of the general views on experience valued those working months with people and marginal contexts very positively. Personal and professional learning is valued as meaningful and profound, affecting the way of understanding the world and its profession: As I tell all my relatives, friends and colleagues "This experience can not be tell you can only live it." (Student)Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Relación entre la sensibilidad a la ansiedad y el miedo a conducir

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    Conducir un vehículo es una tarea compleja que reviste cierto riesgo; ha dejado de ser una actividad esporádica para convertirse en cotidiana, desencadenando en muchos conductores experiencias desfavorables. El objetivo del presente estudio fueinvestigar acerca del valor explicativo y predictivo de la sensibilidad a la ansiedad y sus factores, así como de otras dimensiones de la ansiedad, como son la ansiedad general y la ansiedad fóbica en el desarrollo del miedo a conducir y de la fobia derivada de dicho miedo: la amaxofobia. Para ello se realizó un estudio correlacional, mediante la aplicación online de diversos cuestionarios a una muestra compuesta por 300 conductores. Los resultados mostraron que tanto la sensibilidad a la ansiedad como los rasgos de ansiedad general y fóbica están implicados en el desarrollo de la amaxofobia, sin embargo, ninguno de ellos alcanza un valor determinante por separado, obteniendo valores moderados, tanto explicativos como predictivos.Driving a vehicle is a complex task that carries a certain risk; it has ceased to be a sporadic activity to become daily, causing unfavorable experiences in many drivers. The aim of the present study was to investigate the explanatory and predictive value of sensitivity to anxiety and its factors, as well as other dimensions of anxiety, such as general anxiety and phobic anxiety in the development of fear of driving and the phobia derived from such fear: Amaxophobia. For this, a correlational study was carried out by means of the online application of several questionnaires to a sample composed of 300 drivers. The results showed that both anxiety sensitivity and general and phobic anxiety traits are involved in the development of amaxophobia, however, none of them reach a determinant value separately, obtaining moderate values both explanatory and predictive

    Differential iNKT and T Cells Activation in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Drug-Induced Liver Injury

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    This work was supported in part by a grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain) (PI18/01804, PI19/00883, PI21/01248), from the Consejeria de Economia, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Junta de Andalucia, Spain) (UMA18-FEDERJA-194, PI18-RT-3364), and from the Consejeria de Salud (Junta de Andalucia, Spain) (PI-0285-2016). This study has been co-funded by FEDER funds ("A way to make Europe") ("Andalucia se mueve con Europa").Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury (DILI) could share molecular mechanisms involving the immune system. We aimed to identify activation immunological biomarkers in invariant natural killer T (iNKT) and CD4/CD8+ T cells in NAFLD and DILI. Methods: We analyzed the activation profile (CD69, CD25, and HLA-DR) and natural killer group 2 member D (NKG2D) on iNKT cells, and CD4/CD8 T cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from NAFLD, with or without significant liver fibrosis, and DILI patients. Results: There was an increase in iNKT cells in NAFLD patients compared to DILI or control subjects. Regarding the cellular activation profile, NAFLD with significant liver fibrosis (F >= 2) displayed higher levels of CD69+iNKT cells compared to NAFLD with none or mild liver fibrosis (F <= 1) and control patients. CD69+iNKT positively correlated with insulin resistance, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) level, liver fibrosis-4 index (FIB4) and AST to Platelet Ratio Index (APRI). DILI patients showed an increase in CD69+ and HLA-DR+ in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, detecting the most relevant difference in the case of CD69+CD8+ T cells. Conclusions: CD69+iNKT may be a biomarker to assess liver fibrosis progression in NAFLD. CD69+CD8+ T cells were identified as a potential distinctive biomarker for distinguishing DILI from NAFLD.Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI18/01804 PI19/00883 PI21/01248Junta de Andalucia UMA18-FEDERJA-194 PI18-RT-3364 PI-0285-2016FEDER funds ("A way to make Europe") ("Andalucia se mueve con Europa"

    A Multi-Criteria Reference Point Based Approach for Assessing Regional Innovation Performance in Spain

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    [EN] The evaluation of regional innovation performance through composite innovation indices can serve as a valuable tool for policy-making. While discussion on the best methodology to construct composite innovation indices continues, we are interested in deepening the use of reference levels and the aggregation issue. So far, additive aggregation methods are, largely, the most widespread aggregation rule, thus allowing for full compensability among single indicators. In this paper, we present an integrated assessment methodology to evaluate regional innovation performance using the Multi-Reference Point based Weak and Strong Composite Indicator (MRP-WSCI) approach, which allows defining reference levels and different degrees of compensability. As an example of application to the Regional Innovation Scoreboard, the proposed technique is developed to measure the innovation performance of Spain¿s regions taking into account Spanish and European reference levels. The main features of the proposed approach are: (i) absolute or relative reference levels could be previously defined by the decision maker; (ii) by establishing the reference levels, the resulting composite innovation index is an easy-to-interpret measure; and (iii) the non-compensatory strong composite indicator provides an additional layer of information for policy-making (iv) a visualization tool called Light-Diagram is proposed to track the specific strengths and weaknesses of the regions' innovation performance.This research has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project ECO2016-76567-C4-4-R), by the Regional Government of Andalucia (research group SEJ-417), and by the ERDF funds (Project UMA18-FEDERJA-065).Garcia-Bernabeu, A.; Cabello, JM.; Ruiz, F. (2020). A Multi-Criteria Reference Point Based Approach for Assessing Regional Innovation Performance in Spain. Mathematics. 8(5):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/math8050797S12185Hauser, C., Siller, M., Schatzer, T., Walde, J., & Tappeiner, G. (2018). Measuring regional innovation: A critical inspection of the ability of single indicators to shape technological change. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 129, 43-55. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2017.10.019Makkonen, T., & van der Have, R. P. (2012). Benchmarking regional innovative performance: composite measures and direct innovation counts. Scientometrics, 94(1), 247-262. doi:10.1007/s11192-012-0753-2Asheim, B. T., Smith, H. L., & Oughton, C. (2011). Regional Innovation Systems: Theory, Empirics and Policy. Regional Studies, 45(7), 875-891. doi:10.1080/00343404.2011.596701Buesa, M., Heijs, J., & Baumert, T. (2010). The determinants of regional innovation in Europe: A combined factorial and regression knowledge production function approach. Research Policy, 39(6), 722-735. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2010.02.016Di Cagno, D., Fabrizi, A., Meliciani, V., & Wanzenböck, I. (2016). The impact of relational spillovers from joint research projects on knowledge creation across European regions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 108, 83-94. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2016.04.021Capello, R., & Lenzi, C. (2012). Territorial patterns of innovation: a taxonomy of innovative regions in Europe. The Annals of Regional Science, 51(1), 119-154. doi:10.1007/s00168-012-0539-8Navarro, M., Gibaja, J. J., Bilbao-Osorio, B., & Aguado, R. (2009). Patterns of Innovation in EU-25 Regions: A Typology and Policy Recommendations. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27(5), 815-840. doi:10.1068/c0884rPinto, H. (2009). The Diversity of Innovation in the European Union: Mapping Latent Dimensions and Regional Profiles. European Planning Studies, 17(2), 303-326. doi:10.1080/09654310802553571Ruiz, F., El Gibari, S., Cabello, J. M., & Gómez, T. (2020). MRP-WSCI: Multiple reference point based weak and strong composite indicators. Omega, 95, 102060. doi:10.1016/j.omega.2019.04.003Hollenstein, H. (1996). A composite indicator of a firm’s innovativeness. An empirical analysis based on survey data for Swiss manufacturing. Research Policy, 25(4), 633-645. doi:10.1016/0048-7333(95)00874-8Gu *, W., & Tang, J. (2004). Link between innovation and productivity in Canadian manufacturing industries. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 13(7), 671-686. doi:10.1080/1043890410001686806Tang, J., & Le, C. D. (2007). Multidimensional Innovation and Productivity. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 16(7), 501-516. doi:10.1080/10438590600914585Kumar, S., Haleem, A., & Sushil. (2019). Assessing innovativeness of manufacturing firms using an intuitionistic fuzzy based MCDM framework. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 26(6), 1823-1844. doi:10.1108/bij-12-2017-0343Grupp, H., & Mogee, M. E. (2004). Indicators for national science and technology policy: how robust are composite indicators? Research Policy, 33(9), 1373-1384. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2004.09.007Schibany, A., & Streicher, G. (2008). The European Innovation Scoreboard: drowning by numbers? Science and Public Policy, 35(10), 717-732. doi:10.3152/030234208x398512Kozłowski, J. (2015). Innovation indices: the need for positioning them where they properly belong. Scientometrics, 104(3), 609-628. doi:10.1007/s11192-015-1632-4Carayannis, E. G., Goletsis, Y., & Grigoroudis, E. (2018). Composite innovation metrics: MCDA and the Quadruple Innovation Helix framework. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 131, 4-17. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2017.03.008Greco, S., Ishizaka, A., Tasiou, M., & Torrisi, G. (2018). On the Methodological Framework of Composite Indices: A Review of the Issues of Weighting, Aggregation, and Robustness. Social Indicators Research, 141(1), 61-94. doi:10.1007/s11205-017-1832-9El Gibari, S., Gómez, T., & Ruiz, F. (2018). Building composite indicators using multicriteria methods: a review. Journal of Business Economics, 89(1), 1-24. doi:10.1007/s11573-018-0902-zRuiz, F., Cabello, J. M., & Luque, M. (2011). An application of reference point techniques to the calculation of synthetic sustainability indicators. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62(1), 189-197. doi:10.1057/jors.2009.187Cabello, J. M., Ruiz, F., Pérez-Gladish, B., & Méndez-Rodríguez, P. (2014). Synthetic indicators of mutual funds’ environmental responsibility: An application of the Reference Point Method. European Journal of Operational Research, 236(1), 313-325. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2013.11.031Ruiz, F., Cabello, J. M., & Pérez-Gladish, B. (2018). Building Ease-of-Doing-Business synthetic indicators using a double reference point approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 131, 130-140. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2017.06.005El Gibari, S., Gómez, T., & Ruiz, F. (2018). Evaluating university performance using reference point based composite indicators. Journal of Informetrics, 12(4), 1235-1250. doi:10.1016/j.joi.2018.10.003Mazziotta, M., & Pareto, A. (2017). Measuring Well-Being Over Time: The Adjusted Mazziotta–Pareto Index Versus Other Non-compensatory Indices. Social Indicators Research, 136(3), 967-976. doi:10.1007/s11205-017-1577-5Munda, G., & Nardo, M. (2009). Noncompensatory/nonlinear composite indicators for ranking countries: a defensible setting. Applied Economics, 41(12), 1513-1523. doi:10.1080/00036840601019364Cabello, J. M., Navarro, E., Prieto, F., Rodríguez, B., & Ruiz, F. (2014). Multicriteria development of synthetic indicators of the environmental profile of the Spanish regions. Ecological Indicators, 39, 10-23. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.11.01

    A Reference Point-Based Proposal to Build Regional Quality of Life Composite Indicators

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    [EN] There is a growing interest in research on the role that space plays in defining and measuring well-being or quality of life. In this paper, we propose to evaluate the regional quality of life using the Multi-Reference Point based Weak Strong Composite Indicator approach, to further enhance the quality of the sub-national analysis. The major motivation is to facilitate assessing the regional quality of life performance at different geographical scales and compensability levels. As an example of application, we compute the composite indicators for 19 Spanish regions to paint a comprehensive picture of the regional quality of life using two different geographical scales: the Spanish and the European ones. Moreover, we provide warning signals to regional, national and European policy-makers on the quality of life dimensions in which each region needs further improvements.This research was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project PID2019-104263RB-C42), from the Regional Government of Andalucía (Project P18-RT-1566), and by the EU ERDF operative program (Project UMA18-FEDERJA-065)Garcia-Bernabeu, A.; Cabello, JM.; Ruiz, F. (2021). A Reference Point-Based Proposal to Build Regional Quality of Life Composite Indicators. Social Indicators Research (Online). 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-021-02818-0S120Blancas, F., Caballero, R., González, M., Lozano-Oyola, M., & Pérez, F. (2010). Goal programming synthetic indicators: An application for sustainable tourism in andalusian coastal counties. Ecological Economics, 69(11), 2158–2172.Boggia, A., Massei, G., Pace, E., Rocchi, L., Paolotti, L., & Attard, M. (2018). Spatial multicriteria analysis for sustainability assessment: A new model for decision making. Land Use Policy, 71, 281–292.Booysen, F. (2002). An overview and evaluation of composite indices of development. Social Indicators Research, 59(2), 115–151.Cabello, J. M., Ruiz, F., Pérez-Gladish, B., & Méndez-Rodríguez, P. (2014). Synthetic indicators of mutual fund’s environmental responsibility: An application of the Reference Point Method. European Journal of Operational Research, 236(1), 313–325.Costa, D. S. (2015). Reflective, causal, and composite indicators of quality of life: A conceptual or an empirical distinction? Quality of Life Research, 24(9), 2057–2065.Durand, M. (2015). The OCDE better life initiative: How’s life? and the measurement of well-being. Review of Income and Wealth, 61(1), 4–17.El Gibari, S., Cabello, J. M., Gómez, T., & Ruiz, F. (2021). Composite indicators as decision making tools: The joint use of compensatory and non-compensatory schemes. 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On the methodological framework of composite indices: A review of the issues of weighting, aggregation, and robustness. Social Indicators Research, 141, 61–94.Greyling, T., & Tregenna, F. (2017). Construction and analysis of a composite quality of life index for a region of South Africa. Social Indicators Research, 131(3), 887–930.Hagerty, M. R., Cummins, R., Ferriss, A. L., Land, K., Michalos, A. C., Peterson, M., et al. (2001). Quality of life indexes for national policy: Review and agenda for research. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, 71(1), 58–78.INE: Indicadores de calidad de vida. (2020). url https://cutt.ly/Zj0L0qX.Ivaldi, E., Bonatti, G., Soliani, R., et al. (2014). Composite index for quality of life in italian cities: An application to urbes indicators. Review of Economics and Finance, 4(4)Karagiannis, R., & Karagiannis, G. (2020). Constructing composite indicators with shannon entropy: The case of human development index. 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    A new classifier based on the reference point method with application in bankruptcy prediction

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    The finance industry relies heavily on the risk modelling and analysis toolbox to assess the risk profiles of entities such as individual and corporate borrowers and investment vehicles. Such toolbox includes a variety of parametric and nonparametric methods for predicting risk class belonging. In this paper, we expand such toolbox by proposing an integrated framework for implementing a full classification analysis based on a reference point method, namely in-sample classification and out-of-sample classification. The empirical performance of the proposed reference point method-based classifier is tested on a UK data set of bankrupt and nonbankrupt firms. Our findings conclude that the proposed classifier can deliver a very high predictive performance, which makes it a real contender in industry applications in banking and investment. Three main features of the proposed classifier drive its outstanding performance, namely its nonparametric nature, the design of our RPM score-based cut-off point procedure for in-sample classification, and the choice of a k-nearest neighbour as an out-of-sample classifier which is trained on the in-sample classification provided by the reference point method-based classifier.PostprintPeer reviewe

    ¿Conocía Sherlock Holmes la teoría de grafos?

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    En este artículo se muestran las ventajas que ofrece la Teoría de Grafos a la hora de resolver determinados problemas clásicos de Matemáticas, que normalmente se suelen intentar probando una a una las diferentes posibilidades existentes, o bien por el conocido método de la “cuenta de la vieja”. Su principal objetivo es mostrar cómo esta Teoría facilita una gran cantidad de estrategias útiles para la resolución de estos problemas, de manera más rápida, elegante y sencilla de la habitual. Uno de estos problemas trata precisamente de cómo Sherlock Holmes pudo resolver un caso de asesinato, utilizando los grafos.In this paper, we show the advantages offered by Graph Theory to solve some classic mathematical problems, which are normally solved by using other non systematic techniques, such that to go one to one testing different possibilities or to use what in Spain is called “la cuenta de la vieja”. Its main goal is to show how Graph Theory allows to systematize and formalize a lot of useful strategies to find the solution of those problems in an easier, smarter and faster way than usual. One of these problems deals with the solution given by Sherlock Holmes to a case of murder by using graphs

    Alonso Vázquez y el retablo mayor del Hospital de San Hermenegildo: nuevos documentos, nuevo interrogantes

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    La localización del documento que recoge las condiciones concertadas entre el pintor Alonso Vázquez y el administrador del hospital sevillano de San Hermenegildo o del Cardenal, Bemardino de Escalante, para la realización del retablo mayor de la iglesia de dicho hospital, con fecha de 21 de febrero de 1603, así como la carta de obligación ante el escribano público Francisco Díaz de Vergara, firmadas también por los citados pintor (25-11-1603) y administrador (28-11-1603), supone una nueva fuente para el conocimiento de esta importante pieza de la historia de la pintura sevillana'. Los datos que aportan estos documentos vienen a confirmar, unas veces, y a desmentir, otras, algunas de las suposiciones emitidas sobre dicho retablo y su pintura principal: El Tránsito de San Hermenegildo., pero, quizás, y sobre todo, amén de resolver algunas incógnitas que hasta hoy surgían de esta obra, dichos aportes documentales lo que hacen es abrir otra serie de nuevas cuestiones que, hoy por hoy, tan sólo desde lo hipotético pueden tener respuest

    La formación médica-humanística: experiencia de aprendizaje servicio internacional (ASI)

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    Cabello MR, ledesma JM, Barquin J. LA FORMACIÓN MÉDICA-HUMANÍSTICA: EXPERIENCIA DE APRENDIZAJE SERVICIO INTERNACIONAL (ASI)FEM Vol. 20 (S2) Suplemento 2, Octubre 2017. FEM, ISSN: 2014-9832Objetivo Analizar la experiencia de estudiantes participantes en un proyecto de cooperación internacional con ONGs (ACOES-Honduras, FyA-Perú). Valorar la necesidad de modificación del plan de estudios según los resultados. MATERIAL Y METODOS Tenemos tres fuentes de información: memorias de los 10 estudiantes, entrevistas y las estancias en terreno de los coordinadores. Se realiza análisis textual de los informes finales de los alumnos/as y contrastando los coordinadores su visión y tutorización con los participantes. Resultados Valoración positiva de la experiencia. Los participantes sostienen que el ejercicio de la medicina se puede realizar de manera mas integral, existiendo otros enfoques, salidas y posibilidades profesionales. De las 27 competencias-transversales estudiadas se consiguieron 19. Conclusión Han adquirido herramientas nuevas, percibiendo a la medicina como algo más que una resolución de problemas de salud, reforzando su motivación para trabajar de forma generosa y altruista para la mejora del bienestar socio-sanitario. Solicitar la modificación del programa de estudios del Grado de Medicina introduciendo una asignatura basada en la metodología docente Aprendizaje-Servicio realizándose las prácticas en entornos desfavorecidos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech